8. Changelog#

This changelog documents all notable changes to the Keycloak app. Keep a Changelog is the format and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

8.1. 19.0.2-ucs2#

Released: 23. March 2023

  • This release of Keycloak app includes extensions for

    1. Univention LDAP mapper

    2. Univention Password reset

    3. Univention Self service

  • Keycloak now checks the password expiry during the login and presents a password change dialog if the password is expired.

  • The app now offers a setting to deny the login for unverified, self registered user accounts. For more information, see use cases.

8.2. 19.0.1-ucs3#

Released: 14. October 2022

8.3. 19.0.1-ucs2#

Released: 9. September 2022

  • This release of Keycloak includes an SPI extension for so called ad-hoc federation. See the documentation for details.

  • Administrators can install the app Keycloak on UCS 5.0-x UCS Primary Directory Nodes. For more information, see Installation on UCS.

8.4. 19.0.1-ucs1#

Released: 7. September 2022

  • The app now offers univention-keycloak, a command line program to configure SAML SP and OIDC Provider clients in Keycloak directly.

    univention-keycloak simplifies the integration of client apps with Keycloak and the downloads of signing certificates for example as PEM file (see option groups saml/idp/cert or oidc/op/cert).

  • univention-keycloak supports the setup of a 2FA authentication flow for the members of a specific LDAP group. The second factor is a time-based one-time password (TOTP) in this case.

  • The app updates to Keycloak version 19.0.1 of the upstream Docker image from https://quay.io/repository/keycloak/keycloak.

  • Administrators can install the app Keycloak on UCS 5.0-x UCS Primary Directory Nodes. For more information, see Installation on UCS.

8.5. 18.0.0-ucs1#

Released: 28. June 2022