Source code for univention.appcenter.actions.register

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Univention App Center
#  univention-app base module for registering an app
# Copyright 2015-2022 Univention GmbH
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
# (GNU AGPL V3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# Binary versions of this program provided by Univention to you as
# well as other copyrighted, protected or trademarked materials like
# Logos, graphics, fonts, specific documentations and configurations,
# cryptographic keys etc. are subject to a license agreement between
# you and Univention and not subject to the GNU AGPL V3.
# In the case you use this program under the terms of the GNU AGPL V3,
# the program is provided in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
# License with the Debian GNU/Linux or Univention distribution in file
# /usr/share/common-licenses/AGPL-3; if not, see
# <>.

import os.path
import shutil
import time
import re
from optparse import Values

from ldap.dn import str2dn, dn2str
from ldap.filter import filter_format

from univention.lib.ldap_extension import UniventionLDAPSchema, get_handler_message

from import LooseVersion
from univention.appcenter.app_cache import Apps
from univention.appcenter.packages import reload_package_manager
from univention.appcenter.udm import create_object_if_not_exists, get_app_ldap_object, remove_object_if_exists, create_recursive_container
from univention.appcenter.database import DatabaseConnector, DatabaseError
from univention.appcenter.extended_attributes import get_schema, get_extended_attributes, create_extended_attribute, remove_extended_attribute, create_extended_option, remove_extended_option
from univention.appcenter.actions import StoreAppAction, get_action
from univention.appcenter.exceptions import DatabaseConnectorError, RegisterSchemaFailed, RegisterSchemaFileFailed
from univention.appcenter.actions.credentials import CredentialsAction
from univention.appcenter.utils import mkdir, app_ports, app_ports_with_protocol, currently_free_port_in_range, generate_password, container_mode
from univention.appcenter.log import catch_stdout, LogCatcher
from univention.appcenter.ucr import ucr_save, ucr_get, ucr_keys, ucr_instance

[docs]class Register(CredentialsAction): '''Registers one or more applications. Done automatically via install, only useful if something went wrong / finer grained control is needed.''' help = 'Registers an app'
[docs] def setup_parser(self, parser): super(Register, self).setup_parser(parser) parser.add_argument('--component', dest='register_task', action='append_const', const='component', help='Adding the component to the list of available repositories') parser.add_argument('--files', dest='register_task', action='append_const', const='files', help='Creating shared directories; copying files from App Center server') parser.add_argument('--host', dest='register_task', action='append_const', const='host', help='Creating a computer object for the app (docker apps only)') parser.add_argument('--app', dest='register_task', action='append_const', const='app', help='Registering the app itself (internal UCR variables, ucs-overview variables, adding a special LDAP object for the app)') parser.add_argument('--database', dest='register_task', action='append_const', const='database', help='Installing, starting a database management system and creating a database for the app (if necessary)') parser.add_argument('--attributes', dest='register_task', action='append_const', const='attributes', help='Adding schema extions to LDAP; adding extended attributes') parser.add_argument('--listener', dest='register_task', action='append_const', const='listener', help='Adding listener for App') parser.add_argument('--do-it', dest='do_it', action='store_true', default=None, help='Always do it, disregarding installation status') parser.add_argument('--undo-it', dest='do_it', action='store_false', default=None, help='Undo any registrations, disregarding installation status') parser.add_argument('apps', nargs='*', action=StoreAppAction, help='The ID of the App that shall be registered')
[docs] def main(self, args): reload_package_manager() apps = args.apps if not apps: self.debug('No apps given. Using all') apps = Apps().get_all_apps() self._register_component_for_apps(apps, args) self._register_files_for_apps(apps, args) self._register_host_for_apps(apps, args) self._register_app_for_apps(apps, args) self._register_database_for_apps(apps, args) self._register_attributes_for_apps(apps, args) self._register_listener_for_apps(apps, args) self._register_installed_apps_in_ucr()
def _do_register(self, app, args): if args.do_it is None: return app.is_installed() return args.do_it def _shall_register(self, args, task): return args.register_task is None or task in args.register_task def _register_component_for_apps(self, apps, args): if not self._shall_register(args, 'component'): return updates = {} for app in apps: if self._do_register(app, args): updates.update(self._register_component(app, delay=True)) else: updates.update(self._unregister_component_dict(app)) with catch_stdout(self.logger): ucr_save(updates) def _register_component(self, app, delay=False): if app.docker and not container_mode(): self.log('Component needs to be registered in the container') return {} if app.without_repository: self.log('No repository to register') return {} updates = {} self.log('Registering component for %s' % app) for _app in Apps().get_all_apps_with_id( if _app == app: updates.update(self._register_component_dict(_app)) else: updates.update(self._unregister_component_dict(_app)) if not delay: with catch_stdout(self.logger): if not ucr_save(updates): updates = {} return updates def _register_component_dict(self, app): ret = {} ucr_base_key = app.ucr_component_key self.debug('Adding %s' % ucr_base_key) ret[ucr_base_key] = 'enabled' ucr_base_key = '%s/%%s' % ucr_base_key ret[ucr_base_key % 'server'] = app.get_server() ret[ucr_base_key % 'description'] = ret[ucr_base_key % 'localmirror'] = 'false' ret[ucr_base_key % 'version'] = ucr_get(ucr_base_key % 'version', 'current') return ret def _unregister_component(self, app): if app.without_repository: self.log('No repository to unregister') return {} updates = self._unregister_component_dict(app) if not ucr_save(updates): updates = {} return updates def _unregister_component_dict(self, app): ret = {} ucr_base_key = app.ucr_component_key for key in ucr_keys(): if key == ucr_base_key or key.startswith('%s/' % ucr_base_key): self.debug('Removing %s' % key) ret[key] = None return ret def _register_files_for_apps(self, apps, args): if not self._shall_register(args, 'files'): return for app in apps: if self._do_register(app, args): self._register_files(app) else: self._unregister_files(app) def _register_files(self, app): self.log('Creating data directories for %s...' % mkdir(app.get_data_dir()) mkdir(app.get_conf_dir()) mkdir(app.get_share_dir()) for ext in ['univention-config-registry-variables', 'schema']: fname = app.get_cache_file(ext) if os.path.exists(fname): self.log('Copying %s' % fname) shutil.copy2(fname, app.get_share_file(ext)) else: if ext == 'schema': schema = get_schema(app) if schema: with open(app.get_share_file(ext), 'w') as fd: fd.write(schema) def _unregister_files(self, app): # not removing anything here. these may be important backup files pass def _register_attributes_for_apps(self, apps, args): if not self._shall_register(args, 'attributes'): return lo, pos = self._get_ldap_connection(args) for app in apps: ldap_object = get_app_ldap_object(app, lo, pos) if self._do_register(app, args): domain = get_action('domain') i = domain.to_dict([app])[0]['installations'] if all(LooseVersion(ucr_get('version/version')) >= LooseVersion(x['ucs_version']) for x in i.values() if x['ucs_version']): self._register_attributes(app, args) else: self.debug('Not registering attributes. App is not the latest version in domain.') elif ldap_object.get_siblings(): self.debug('Not removing attributes, App is still installed somewhere') else: self._unregister_attributes(app, args) def _register_attributes(self, app, args): # FIXME: there is no better lib function than this snippet schema_file = app.get_share_file('schema') if os.path.exists(schema_file): self.log('Registering schema %s' % schema_file) lo, pos = self._get_ldap_connection(args) with self._get_password_file(args) as password_file: create_recursive_container('cn=ldapschema,cn=univention,%s' % ucr_get('ldap/base'), lo, pos) if app.automatic_schema_creation: schema_obj = UniventionLDAPSchema(ucr_instance()) userdn = self._get_userdn(args) udm_passthrough_options = ['--binddn', userdn, '--bindpwdfile', password_file] opts = Values() opts.packagename = 'appcenter-app-%s' % opts.packageversion = app.version opts.ucsversionstart = None opts.ucsversionend = None opts.objectname = None os.environ['UNIVENTION_APP_IDENTIFIER'] = try: schema_obj.register(schema_file, opts, udm_passthrough_options) except SystemExit as exc: if exc.code == 4: self.warn('A newer version of %s has already been registered. Skipping...' % schema_file) else: msg = get_handler_message('ldap_extension', userdn, self._get_password(args, ask=False)) raise RegisterSchemaFailed('activation failed: {} {}'.format(msg, exc.code)) else: if not schema_obj.wait_for_activation(): msg = get_handler_message('ldap_extension', userdn, self._get_password(args, ask=False)) raise RegisterSchemaFileFailed('activation failed: {} {}'.format(msg, schema_file)) finally: if 'UNIVENTION_APP_IDENTIFIER' in os.environ: del os.environ['UNIVENTION_APP_IDENTIFIER'] # and this is what should be there after one line of lib.register_schema(schema_file) app = app.get_app_cache_obj().copy(locale='en').find_by_component_id(app.component_id) attributes, __, options = get_extended_attributes(app) for option in options: self.log('Registering option %s' % create_extended_option(option, app, lo, pos) if attributes: for i, attribute in enumerate(attributes): self.log('Registering attribute %s' % create_extended_attribute(attribute, app, i + 1, lo, pos) def _unregister_attributes(self, app, args): attributes, __, options = get_extended_attributes(app) if attributes or options: lo, pos = self._get_ldap_connection(args) for attribute in attributes: remove_extended_attribute(attribute, lo, pos) for option in options: remove_extended_option(option, lo, pos) def _register_listener_for_apps(self, apps, args): if not self._shall_register(args, 'listener'): return restart = False meta_files = [] for app in apps: if self._do_register(app, args): restart = self._register_listener(app, delay=True) or restart else: meta_file = self._unregister_listener(app, delay=True) if meta_file: restart = True meta_files.append(meta_file) if restart: self._restart_listener(meta_files) def _register_listener(self, app, delay=False): if app.listener_udm_modules: listener_file = '/usr/lib/univention-directory-listener/system/' % if os.path.exists(listener_file): return ldap_filter = '(|%s)' % ''.join(filter_format('(univentionObjectType=%s)', [udm_module]) for udm_module in app.listener_udm_modules) dump_dir = os.path.join('/var/lib/univention-appcenter/listener/', # this is appcenter.listener.LISTENER_DUMP_DIR, but save the import for just that output_dir = os.path.join(app.get_data_dir(), 'listener') with open(listener_file, 'w') as fd: fd.write('''#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import from univention.appcenter.listener import AppListener name = %(name)r class AppListener(AppListener): class Configuration(AppListener.Configuration): name = %(name)r # the following attributes do nothing and are here solely for # documentation / transparency purposes # logic is in the AppListener class itself ldap_filter = %(ldap_filter)r dump_dir = %(dump_dir)r output_dir = %(output_dir)r ''' % {'name':, 'ldap_filter': ldap_filter, 'dump_dir': dump_dir, 'output_dir': output_dir}) self._update_converter_service(app) self.log('Added Listener for %s' % app) if not delay: self._restart_listener([]) return True else: pass # do not remove any listener. could be installed properly by packages def _update_converter_service(self, app): listener_file = '/usr/lib/univention-directory-listener/system/' % if os.path.exists(listener_file): logger = LogCatcher() self._subprocess(['systemctl', 'is-enabled', 'univention-appcenter-listener-converter@%s.service' %], logger) if list(logger.stdout()) == ['enabled']: self._subprocess(['systemctl', 'restart', 'univention-appcenter-listener-converter@%s.service' %]) else: self._subprocess(['systemctl', 'enable', 'univention-appcenter-listener-converter@%s.service' %]) self._subprocess(['systemctl', 'start', 'univention-appcenter-listener-converter@%s.service' %]) else: self._subprocess(['systemctl', 'stop', 'univention-appcenter-listener-converter@%s.service' %]) self._subprocess(['systemctl', 'disable', 'univention-appcenter-listener-converter@%s.service' %]) def _unregister_listener(self, app, delay=False): if app.listener_udm_modules: listener_file = '/usr/lib/univention-directory-listener/system/' % listener_meta_file = '/var/lib/univention-directory-listener/handlers/%s' % if os.path.exists(listener_file): os.unlink(listener_file) self._update_converter_service(app) self.log('Removed Listener for %s' % app) if not delay: self._restart_listener([listener_meta_file]) return listener_meta_file def _restart_listener(self, meta_files): self.log('Restarting Listener...') self._subprocess(['systemctl', 'try-restart', 'univention-directory-listener']) for meta_file in meta_files: if os.path.exists(meta_file): self.debug('Removed leftover file %s. Useful for re-installations' % meta_file) os.unlink(meta_file) def _register_host_for_apps(self, apps, args): if not self._shall_register(args, 'host'): return for app in apps: if self._do_register(app, args): self._register_host(app, args) else: self._unregister_host(app, args) def _register_host(self, app, args): if not app.docker: self.debug('App is not docker. Skip registering host') return None, None hostdn = ucr_get(app.ucr_hostdn_key) lo, pos = self._get_ldap_connection(args) if hostdn: if lo.get(hostdn): self.log('Already found %s as a host for %s. Trying to retrieve machine secret.' % (hostdn, password = None if os.path.isfile(app.secret_on_host): with open(app.secret_on_host) as pwfile: password = return hostdn, password else: self.warn('%s should be the host for %s. But it was not found in LDAP. Creating a new one' % (hostdn, # quasi unique hostname; make sure it does not exceed 14 chars # 5 chars of appid + '-' + 8 digits of Epoch hostname = '%s-%s' % ([:5], str(int((time.time() * 1000000)))[-10:-2]) password = generate_password() self.log('Registering the container host %s for %s' % (hostname, if app.docker_server_role == 'memberserver': base = 'cn=memberserver,cn=computers,%s' % ucr_get('ldap/base') else: base = 'cn=dc,cn=computers,%s' % ucr_get('ldap/base') while base and not lo.get(base): base = dn2str(str2dn(base)[1:]) pos.setDn(base) domain = ucr_get('domainname') description = '%s (%s)' % (, app.version) policies = ['cn=app-release-update,cn=policies,%s' % ucr_get('ldap/base'), 'cn=app-update-schedule,cn=policies,%s' % ucr_get('ldap/base')] obj = create_object_if_not_exists('computers/%s' % app.docker_server_role, lo, pos, name=hostname, description=description, domain=domain, password=password, objectFlag='docker', policies=policies) ucr_save({app.ucr_hostdn_key: obj.dn}) # save password on docker host if password: with open(app.secret_on_host, 'w') as f: os.chmod(app.secret_on_host, 0o600) f.write(password) return obj.dn, password def _unregister_host(self, app, args): hostdn = ucr_get(app.ucr_hostdn_key) if not hostdn: self.log('No hostdn for %s found. Nothing to remove' % return lo, pos = self._get_ldap_connection(args) remove_object_if_exists('computers/%s' % app.docker_server_role, lo, pos, hostdn) ucr_save({app.ucr_hostdn_key: None}) def _register_app_for_apps(self, apps, args): if not self._shall_register(args, 'app'): return updates = {} if apps: lo, pos = self._get_ldap_connection(args, allow_machine_connection=True) for app in apps: if self._do_register(app, args): updates.update(self._register_app(app, args, lo, pos, delay=True)) else: updates.update(self._unregister_app(app, args, lo, pos, delay=True)) ucr_save(updates) def _register_app(self, app, args, lo=None, pos=None, delay=False): if lo is None: lo, pos = self._get_ldap_connection(args, allow_machine_connection=True) updates = {} self.log('Registering UCR for %s' % self.log('Marking %s as installed' % app) if app.is_installed(): status = ucr_get(app.ucr_status_key, 'installed') else: status = 'installed' ucr_save({app.ucr_status_key: status, app.ucr_version_key: app.version, app.ucr_ucs_version_key: app.get_ucs_version()}) self._register_ports(app) updates.update(self._register_docker_variables(app)) updates.update(self._register_app_report_variables(app)) # Register app in LDAP (cn=...,cn=apps,cn=univention) ldap_object = get_app_ldap_object(app, lo, pos, or_create=True) self.log('Adding localhost to LDAP object') ldap_object.add_localhost() updates.update(self._register_overview_variables(app)) if not delay: ucr_save(updates) self._reload_apache() return updates def _register_database_for_apps(self, apps, args): if not self._shall_register(args, 'database'): return for app in apps: if self._do_register(app, args): self._register_database(app) def _register_database(self, app): database_connector = DatabaseConnector.get_connector(app) if database_connector: try: database_connector.create_database() except DatabaseError as exc: raise DatabaseConnectorError(exc.exception_value()) def _register_docker_variables(self, app): updates = {} if app.docker and not app.plugin_of: try: from univention.appcenter.actions.service import Service, ORIGINAL_INIT_SCRIPT except ImportError: # univention-appcenter-docker is not installed pass else: if not app.uses_docker_compose(): try: init_script = Service.get_init(app) self.log('Creating %s' % init_script) with open(ORIGINAL_INIT_SCRIPT, 'r') as source: lines = source.readlines() with open(init_script, 'w') as target: for line in lines: target.write(re.sub(r'@%@APPID@%@',, line)) os.chmod(init_script, 0o755) self._call_script('/usr/sbin/update-rc.d', os.path.basename(init_script), 'defaults', '41', '14') self._call_script('/bin/systemctl', 'daemon-reload') except OSError as exc: msg = str(exc) if exc.errno == 17: self.log(msg) else: self.warn(msg) updates[app.ucr_image_key] = app.get_docker_image_name() return updates def _register_ports(self, app): updates = {} current_port_config = {} for app_id, container_port, host_port in app_ports(): if app_id == current_port_config[app.ucr_ports_key % container_port] = str(host_port) updates[app.ucr_ports_key % container_port] = None updates[app.ucr_ports_key % container_port + '/protocol'] = None if app.docker and app.plugin_of: # handling for plugins of Docker Apps: copy ports of base App for app_id, container_port, host_port, proto in app_ports_with_protocol(): if app_id == app.plugin_of: updates[app.ucr_ports_key % container_port] = str(host_port) updates[app.ucr_ports_key % container_port + '/protocol'] = proto ucr_save(updates) return for port in app.ports_exclusive: updates[app.ucr_ports_key % port] = str(port) redirection_ports = [] for port in app.ports_redirection: redirection_ports.append((port, 'tcp')) for port in app.ports_redirection_udp: redirection_ports.append((port, 'udp')) for port, protocol in redirection_ports: host_port, container_port = port.split(':') protocol_key = app.ucr_ports_key % container_port + '/protocol' protocol_value = updates.get(protocol_key) if protocol_value: protocol_value = '%s, %s' % (protocol_value, protocol) else: protocol_value = protocol updates[protocol_key] = protocol_value updates[app.ucr_ports_key % container_port] = str(host_port) if app.auto_mod_proxy and app.has_local_web_interface(): self.log('Setting ports for apache proxy') try: min_port = int(ucr_get('appcenter/ports/min')) except (TypeError, ValueError): min_port = 40000 try: max_port = int(ucr_get('appcenter/ports/max')) except (TypeError, ValueError): max_port = 41000 ports_taken = set() for app_id, container_port, host_port in app_ports(): if host_port < max_port: ports_taken.add(host_port) if app.web_interface_port_http: key = app.ucr_ports_key % app.web_interface_port_http if key in current_port_config: value = current_port_config[key] else: next_port = currently_free_port_in_range(min_port, max_port, ports_taken) ports_taken.add(next_port) value = str(next_port) updates[key] = value if app.web_interface_port_https: key = app.ucr_ports_key % app.web_interface_port_https if key in current_port_config: value = current_port_config[key] else: next_port = currently_free_port_in_range(min_port, max_port, ports_taken) ports_taken.add(next_port) value = str(next_port) updates[key] = value for container_port, host_port in current_port_config.items(): if container_port in updates: if updates[container_port] == host_port: updates.pop(container_port) if updates: # save immediately, no delay: next call needs to know # about the (to be) registered ports ucr_save(updates) def _register_app_report_variables(self, app): updates = {} for key in ucr_keys(): if re.match('appreport/%s/' %, key): updates[key] = None registry_key = 'appreport/%s/%%s' % anything_set = False for key in ['object_type', 'object_filter', 'object_attribute', 'attribute_type', 'attribute_filter']: value = getattr(app, 'app_report_%s' % key) if value: anything_set = True updates[registry_key % key] = value if anything_set: updates[registry_key % 'report'] = 'yes' return updates def _register_overview_variables(self, app): updates = {} if app.ucs_overview_category is not False: for key in ucr_keys(): if re.match('ucs/web/overview/entries/[^/]+/%s/' %, key): updates[key] = None if app.ucs_overview_category and app.web_interface: self.log('Setting overview variables') registry_key = 'ucs/web/overview/entries/%s/%s/%%s' % (app.ucs_overview_category, port_http = app.web_interface_port_http port_https = app.web_interface_port_https if app.auto_mod_proxy: # the port in the ini is not the "public" port! # the web interface lives behind our apache with its # default ports. but we need to respect disabled ports port_http = 80 port_https = 443 if app.web_interface_port_http == 0: port_http = None if app.web_interface_port_https == 0: port_https = None label = app.get_localised('web_interface_name') or app.get_localised('name') label_de = app.get_localised('web_interface_name', 'de') or app.get_localised('name', 'de') variables = { 'icon': os.path.join('/univention/js/dijit/themes/umc/icons/scalable', app.logo_name), 'port_http': str(port_http or ''), 'port_https': str(port_https or ''), 'label': label, 'label/de': label_de, 'description': app.get_localised('description'), 'description/de': app.get_localised('description', 'de'), 'link': app.web_interface, 'background-color': app.background_color, } if app.web_interface_link_target != 'useportaldefault': variables['link-target'] = app.web_interface_link_target for key, value in variables.items(): updates[registry_key % key] = value return updates def _unregister_app(self, app, args, lo=None, pos=None, delay=False): if lo is None: lo, pos = self._get_ldap_connection(args, allow_machine_connection=True) updates = {} for key in ucr_keys(): if key.startswith('appcenter/apps/%s/' % updates[key] = None if re.match('ucs/web/overview/entries/[^/]+/%s/' %, key): updates[key] = None if re.match('appreport/%s/' %, key): updates[key] = None if app.docker and not app.plugin_of: try: from univention.appcenter.actions.service import Service except ImportError: # univention-appcenter-docker is not installed pass else: try: init_script = Service.get_init(app) os.unlink(init_script) self._call_script('/usr/sbin/update-rc.d', os.path.basename(init_script), 'remove') except OSError: pass ldap_object = get_app_ldap_object(app, lo, pos) if ldap_object: self.log('Removing localhost from LDAP object') ldap_object.remove_localhost() if not delay: ucr_save(updates) self._reload_apache() return updates def _register_installed_apps_in_ucr(self): installed_codes = [] for app in Apps().get_all_apps(): if app.is_installed(): installed_codes.append(app.code) with catch_stdout(self.logger): ucr_save({ 'appcenter/installed': '-'.join(installed_codes), 'repository/app_center/installed': '-'.join(installed_codes), # to be deprecated })