Source code for univention.mail.dovecot_shared_folder

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Univention Mail Dovecot - shared code for listeners
# Copyright 2015-2022 Univention GmbH
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
# (GNU AGPL V3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# Binary versions of this program provided by Univention to you as
# well as other copyrighted, protected or trademarked materials like
# Logos, graphics, fonts, specific documentations and configurations,
# cryptographic keys etc. are subject to a license agreement between
# you and Univention and not subject to the GNU AGPL V3.
# In the case you use this program under the terms of the GNU AGPL V3,
# the program is provided in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
# License with the Debian GNU/Linux or Univention distribution in file
# /usr/share/common-licenses/AGPL-3; if not, see
# <>.

import os
import grp
import stat
import subprocess
import re
import traceback
import imaplib
import shutil
import tempfile
	from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple  # noqa: F401
except ImportError:

import univention.admin.modules
from univention.admin.uldap import getMachineConnection
from univention.config_registry import handler_set
from univention.lib.misc import custom_username
from univention.mail.dovecot import DovecotListener

# UDM name → (IMAP, doveadm)
dovecot_acls = {
	"read": ("lrws", ["lookup", "read", "write", "write-seen"]),
	"post": ("lrwsp", ["lookup", "read", "write", "write-seen", "post"]),
	"append": ("lrwspi", ["lookup", "read", "write", "write-seen", "post", "insert"]),
	"write": ("lrwspite", ["lookup", "read", "write", "write-seen", "post", "insert", "write-deleted", "expunge"]),
	"all": ("lrwspitekxa", ["lookup", "read", "write", "write-seen", "post", "insert", "write-deleted", "expunge", "create", "delete", "admin"]),
global_acl_path = '/etc/dovecot/global-acls'
glocal_acl_pattern1 = re.compile(r'(?P<folder>[^ ]+) "(?P<id>.+)" (?P<acl>\w+)')
glocal_acl_pattern2 = re.compile(r'(?P<folder>[^ ]+) (?P<id>.+) (?P<acl>\w+)')

[docs]class DovecotFolderAclEntry(object): def __init__(self, folder_name, identifier, acl): # type: (str, str, str) -> None self.folder_name = folder_name self.identifier = identifier self.acl = acl def __eq__(self, other): # type: ignore return all(( self.folder_name == other.folder_name, self.identifier == other.identifier, self.acl == other.acl )) def __repr__(self): # type: () -> str return '{} "{}" {}'.format(self.folder_name, self.identifier, self.acl)
[docs] @classmethod def from_str(cls, line): # type (str) -> DovecotFolderAclEntry # try with quotation marks first m = glocal_acl_pattern1.match(line.strip()) if m: val = m.groupdict() return cls(val['folder'], val['id'], val['acl']) # try without quotation marks (created with univention-mail-dovecot 3.0.1-4) m = glocal_acl_pattern2.match(line.strip()) if m: val = m.groupdict() return cls(val['folder'], val['id'], val['acl']) else: raise ValueError("Line {!r} doesn't match ACL pattern.".format(line))
[docs]class DovecotGlobalAclFile(object): dovemail_gid = grp.getgrnam('dovemail').gr_gid def __init__(self, listener): # type: (Any) -> None self.listener = listener self._acls = list() # type: List[DovecotFolderAclEntry] self._fix_permissions()
[docs] def add_acls(self, acl_list): # type: (List[DovecotFolderAclEntry]) -> None self._read() for acl in acl_list: if acl not in self._acls: self._acls.append(acl) self._write()
[docs] def remove_acls(self, folder_name): # type: (str) -> None self._read() self._acls = [acl for acl in self._acls if acl.folder_name != folder_name] self._write()
def _fix_permissions(self, path=global_acl_path, fileno=None): # type: (str, Optional[int]) -> None def set_perms(fileno): # type: (int) -> None os.fchown(fileno, 0, self.dovemail_gid) os.fchmod(fileno, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRGRP) try: self.listener.setuid(0) if fileno: set_perms(fileno) else: mode = 'rb' if os.path.exists(path) else 'wb' with open(path, mode) as fp: set_perms(fp.fileno()) finally: self.listener.unsetuid() def _read(self): # type: () -> None self._acls = list() try: self.listener.setuid(0) for line in open(global_acl_path, 'r'): self._acls.append(DovecotFolderAclEntry.from_str(line)) finally: self.listener.unsetuid() def _write(self): # type: () -> None fileno, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='.global-acls') for acl in self._acls: os.write(fileno, '{}\n'.format(acl).encode('UTF-8')) self._fix_permissions(fileno=fileno) os.close(fileno) try: self.listener.setuid(0) shutil.move(filename, global_acl_path) finally: self.listener.unsetuid()
[docs]class DovecotSharedFolderListener(DovecotListener): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(DovecotSharedFolderListener, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.modules = ["mail/folder"] self.acl_key = "univentionMailACL" self.global_acls = DovecotGlobalAclFile(self.listener)
[docs] def add_shared_folder(self, new): # type: (Dict[str, List[bytes]]) -> None if "mailPrimaryAddress" in new: # use a shared folder new_mailbox = new["mailPrimaryAddress"][0].decode('ASCII') # the maildir will be autocreated by dovecot acls = new.get(self.acl_key, [])[:] acls = [acl.decode('UTF-8') for acl in acls] # Even if there are no ACL entries, we must still _change_ at # least one entry through IMAP, so the shared mailbox list # dictionary is updated. Lets remove the (afterwards) unnecessary # master-user entry. acls.append("dovecotadmin none") try: # give master-user admin rights on mailbox self.doveadm_set_mailbox_acls("shared/%s" % new_mailbox, ["dovecotadmin all"]) # use IMAP to set actual ACLs, so the shared mailbox list dictionary is updated self.imap_set_mailbox_acls(new_mailbox, "INBOX", acls) self.add_global_acls(new) except Exception as exc: self.log_e("Failed setting ACLs on new shared mailbox '%s': %s" % (new_mailbox, exc)) return self.log_p("Created shared mailbox '%s'." % new_mailbox) else: # use a public folder new_mailbox = new["cn"][0].decode('UTF-8') try: self.update_public_mailbox_configuration() self.create_public_folder(new_mailbox) acls = new.get(self.acl_key) if acls: acls = [acl.decode('UTF-8') for acl in acls] self.doveadm_set_mailbox_acls("%s/INBOX" % new_mailbox, acls) self.log_p("Set ACLs on '%s'." % new_mailbox) except Exception: self.log_e("Failed creating public mailbox '%s'." % new_mailbox) return self.log_p("Created public mailbox '%s'." % new_mailbox)
[docs] def del_shared_folder(self, old): # type: (Dict[str, List[bytes]]) -> None if "mailPrimaryAddress" in old: # shared folder old_mailbox = old["mailPrimaryAddress"][0].decode('ASCII') old_loc, old_domain = old_mailbox.split("@") global_mail_home = self.get_maillocation() path = str(global_mail_home).replace("%Ld", old_domain).replace("%Ln", old_loc) # cannot unsubscribe to non-existing shared folder (a.k.a. private mailbox) self.remove_global_acls(old) else: # public folder old_mailbox = old["cn"][0].decode('UTF-8') old_loc, old_domain = old_mailbox.split("@") path = self.get_public_location(old_mailbox) if self.acl_key in old: # Only users with ACL entries can potentially have subscribed, unsubscribe them. # For performance reasons this intentionally ignores groups. folder = "%s/INBOX" % old_mailbox self.unsubscribe_from_mailbox([acl.decode('ASCII').split()[0] for acl in old[self.acl_key] if b"@" in acl.split()[0]], folder) # update namespaces self.update_public_mailbox_configuration(delete_only=old_mailbox) # remove mailbox from disk if self.listener.configRegistry.is_true("mail/dovecot/mailbox/delete", False): try: self.listener.setuid(0) shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True) except Exception: self.log_e("Error deleting mailbox '%s'." % old_mailbox) return finally: self.listener.unsetuid() self.log_p("Deleted mailbox '%s'." % old_mailbox) else: self.log_p("Deleting of mailboxes disabled (mailbox '%s')." % old_mailbox)
[docs] def mod_shared_folder(self, old, new): # type: (Dict[str, List[bytes]], Dict[str, List[bytes]]) -> None if "mailPrimaryAddress" in new: # use a shared folder new_mailbox = new["mailPrimaryAddress"][0].decode('ASCII') if "mailPrimaryAddress" in old: # it remains a shared folder old_mailbox = old["mailPrimaryAddress"][0].decode('ASCII') if new_mailbox != old_mailbox: # rename/move mailbox inside private namespace # # cannot unsubscribe to non-existing shared folder (a.k.a. private mailbox) self.move_user_home(new_mailbox, old_mailbox, True) self.remove_global_acls(old) # self.add_global_acls(new) is further down self.log_p("Moved mailbox '%s' -> '%s'." % (old_mailbox, new_mailbox)) else: # no address change pass else: # move mailbox from public to private namespace self.log_p("Moving mailbox from public to private namespace...") old_mailbox = old["cn"][0].decode('UTF-8') try: pub_loc = self.get_public_location(old_mailbox) new_user_home = self.get_user_home(new_mailbox) if self.acl_key in old: old_acl_users = [acl.split()[0].decode('UTF-8') for acl in old[self.acl_key] if b"@" in acl.split()[0]] self.unsubscribe_from_mailbox(old_acl_users, "%s/INBOX" % old_mailbox) # update dovecot config self.update_public_mailbox_configuration() # move mail home self.move_mail_home(pub_loc, new_user_home, new_mailbox, True) old_maildir = os.path.join(new_user_home, ".INBOX") new_maildir = os.path.join(new_user_home, "Maildir") try: # rename mailbox self.listener.setuid(0) shutil.move(old_maildir, new_maildir) except Exception: self.log_e("Failed to move mail home (of '%s') from '%s' to '%s'.\n%s" % ( new_mailbox, old_maildir, new_maildir, traceback.format_exc())) raise finally: self.listener.unsetuid() except Exception: self.log_e("Could not rename/move mailbox ('%s' -> '%s').\n%s" % (old_mailbox, new_mailbox, traceback.format_exc())) return self.log_p("Moved mailbox '%s' -> '%s'." % (old_mailbox, new_mailbox)) # set ACLs acls = self._diff_acls(old, new) # Even if there are no ACL entries, we must still _change_ at # least one entry through IMAP, so the shared mailbox list # dictionary is updated. Lets remove the (afterwards) unnecessary # master-user entry. acls.append("dovecotadmin none") try: # give master-user admin rights on mailbox, so it can change its ACL self.doveadm_set_mailbox_acls("shared/%s" % new_mailbox, ["dovecotadmin all"]) # use IMAP to set actual ACLs, so the shared mailbox list dictionary is updated self.imap_set_mailbox_acls(new_mailbox, "INBOX", acls) self.remove_global_acls(old) self.add_global_acls(new) except Exception as exc: self.log_e("Failed setting ACLs on moved shared mailbox ('%s' -> '%s'): %s" % (old_mailbox, new_mailbox, exc)) return self.log_p("Set ACLs on '%s'." % new_mailbox) else: # use a public folder new_mailbox = new["cn"][0].decode('UTF-8') if "mailPrimaryAddress" in old: # move mailbox from private to public namespace self.log_p("Moving mailbox from private to public namespace...") old_mailbox = old["mailPrimaryAddress"][0].decode('ASCII') old_loc, old_domain = old_mailbox.rsplit("@", 1) # cannot unsubscribe to non-existing shared folder (a.k.a. private mailbox) try: global_mail_home = self.get_maillocation() old_path = str(global_mail_home).replace("%Ld", old_domain).replace("%Ln", old_loc).lower() # update dovecot config self.update_public_mailbox_configuration() pub_loc = self.get_public_location(new_mailbox) # move mail home self.move_mail_home(old_path, pub_loc, new_mailbox, True) old_maildir = os.path.join(pub_loc, "Maildir") new_maildir = os.path.join(pub_loc, ".INBOX") try: # rename mailbox self.listener.setuid(0) shutil.move(old_maildir, new_maildir) except Exception: self.log_e("Failed to move mail home (of '%s') from '%s' to '%s'.\n%s" % ( new_mailbox, old_maildir, new_maildir, traceback.format_exc())) raise finally: self.listener.unsetuid() self.remove_global_acls(old) except Exception: self.log_e("Could not rename/move mailbox ('%s' -> '%s').\n%s" % (old_mailbox, new_mailbox, traceback.format_exc())) return self.log_p("Moved mailbox '%s' -> '%s'." % (old_mailbox, new_mailbox)) else: # it remained a public folder # renaming of public folders is disabled in UDM # quota may have changed, update dovecot config self.update_public_mailbox_configuration() # set ACLs try: curacl = self._diff_acls(old, new) self.doveadm_set_mailbox_acls("%s/INBOX" % new_mailbox, curacl) except Exception: self.log_e("Error changing ACLs for mailbox '%s'." % new_mailbox) self.log_p("Set ACLs on '%s'." % new_mailbox)
[docs] def get_public_location(self, ns): # type: (str) -> str try: pub_loc = self.read_from_ext_proc_as_root(["/usr/bin/doveconf", "-h", "namespace/" + ns + "/location"], r"maildir:(\S+):INDEXPVT.*") except Exception: self.log_e("Failed to get location of public folder '%s' from Dovecot configuration.\n%s" % (ns, traceback.format_exc())) raise return pub_loc
[docs] def create_public_folder(self, folder_name): # type: (str) -> str try: user, group = self.get_dovecot_user() pub_loc = self.get_public_location(folder_name) path = os.path.join(pub_loc, ".INBOX") self.mkdir_p(pub_loc) self.read_from_ext_proc_as_root(["/usr/bin/maildirmake.dovecot", path, "%s:%s" % (user, group)]) self.listener.setuid(0) except Exception: self.log_e("Failed to create maildir '%s'." % folder_name) raise finally: self.listener.unsetuid() return path
[docs] def read_from_ext_proc_as_root(self, cmd, regexp=None, stdin=None, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=None, stdin_input=None): """ Wrapper around Popen(), runs external command as root and return its output, optionally the first hit of a regexp. May raise an exception. :param cmd: list: with executable path as first item :param regexp: string: regexp for re.findall() :return: string """ try: self.listener.setuid(0) cmd_proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) cmd_out, cmd_err = cmd_proc.communicate(input=stdin_input and stdin_input.encode('UTF-8')) cmd_exit = cmd_proc.wait() if cmd_out and not cmd_err and cmd_exit == 0: if regexp: res = re.findall(regexp, cmd_out.decode('UTF-8')) return res[0] else: return cmd_out.decode('UTF-8').rstrip() finally: self.listener.unsetuid()
[docs] def doveadm_set_mailbox_acls(self, mailbox, acls): # type: (str, List[str]) -> None for acl in acls: identifier, right = self._split_udm_imap_acl_doveadm(acl) if right == "none": cmd = ["/usr/bin/doveadm", "acl", "delete", "-u", custom_username("Administrator"), mailbox, identifier] else: cmd = ["/usr/bin/doveadm", "acl", "set", "-u", custom_username("Administrator"), mailbox, identifier] cmd.extend(dovecot_acls[right][1]) try: self.read_from_ext_proc_as_root(cmd) except Exception: self.log_e("Failed to set ACL using doveadm using command '%s'." % cmd) raise
[docs] def imap_set_mailbox_acls(self, mb_owner, mailbox, acls): # type: (str, str, List[str]) -> None master_name, master_pw = self.get_masteruser_credentials() imap = None try: imap = imaplib.IMAP4("localhost") imap.login("%s*%s" % (mb_owner, master_name), master_pw) for acl in acls: identifier, right = self._split_udm_imap_acl_imap(acl) if right == "none": imap.deleteacl(mailbox, identifier) else: # Bug #53111: escape double quotes within identifier, then put the string between # double quotes to prevent problems with e.g. whitespace (e.g. group 'Domain Users'). imap.setacl(mailbox, '"{}"'.format(identifier.replace('"', r'\"')), dovecot_acls[right][0]) except Exception: self.log_e("Failed to set ACLs '%s' on mailbox '%s' for '%s'.\n%s" % (acls, mailbox, mb_owner, traceback.format_exc())) raise finally: if imap: imap.logout()
[docs] def update_public_mailbox_configuration(self, delete_only=None): # type: (Optional[str]) -> None """ Cache public folders and their quota into a UCRV. :param delete_only: if True removes only entry 'delete_only', else recreates from scratch. :return: None """ # TODO: create distinct configurations for each server (honor univentionMailHomeServer) # When deleting, remove only one entry, so in the case of multi-remove # subsequent code can still access the remaining namespace configuration. # In any other case (add/modify) recreate from scratch to ensure # consistency with the LDAP. if delete_only: try: self.listener.setuid(0) old_info = self.listener.configRegistry.get("mail/dovecot/internal/sharedfolders", "").split() emails_quota = [info for info in old_info if not info.startswith(delete_only + ":")] except Exception: self.log_e("update_public_mailbox_configuration(): Failed to update public mailbox configuration:\n%s" % traceback.format_exc()) raise finally: self.listener.unsetuid() else: public_folders = list() # type: List[Any] for module in self.modules: try: public_folders.extend(self.get_udm_infos(module, "(!(mailPrimaryAddress=*))")) except Exception: self.log_e("update_public_mailbox_configuration(): Failed to update public mailbox configuration:\n%s" % traceback.format_exc()) raise finally: self.listener.unsetuid() emails_quota = [ "%s@%s:%s" % ( pf["name"] or pf.dn.split("@")[0].split("=")[1], pf["mailDomain"], pf.get("mailQuota", 0) ) for pf in public_folders ] try: self.listener.setuid(0) handler_set(["mail/dovecot/internal/sharedfolders=%s" % " ".join(emails_quota)]) self.read_from_ext_proc_as_root(["/usr/bin/doveadm", "reload"]) except Exception: self.log_e("update_public_mailbox_configuration(): Failed to update public mailbox configuration:\n%s" % traceback.format_exc()) raise finally: self.listener.unsetuid() self.log_p("Updated shared mailbox configuration.")
[docs] def unsubscribe_from_mailbox(self, users, mailbox): # type: (List[str], str) -> None for user in users: try: self.read_from_ext_proc_as_root(["/usr/bin/doveadm", "mailbox", "unsubscribe", "-u", user, mailbox]) except Exception: self.log_e("Failed to unsubscribe user '%s' from mailbox '%s'." % (user, mailbox))
[docs] def get_udm_infos(self, udm_module, udm_filter): # type: (Any, str) -> List[Any] try: self.listener.setuid(0) univention.admin.modules.update() lo, po = getMachineConnection() mod = univention.admin.modules.get(udm_module) return mod.lookup(None, lo, udm_filter) except Exception: self.log_e("get_udm_infos(%s, %s): Failed to retrieve UDM info:\n%s" % (udm_module, udm_filter, traceback.format_exc())) raise finally: self.listener.unsetuid()
def _diff_acls(self, old, new): # type: (Dict[str, List[bytes]], Dict[str, List[bytes]]) -> List[str] acl_diff = dict() # find new ACLs for acl in new.get(self.acl_key, []): acl = acl.decode('UTF-8') right = acl.split()[-1] identifier = " ".join(acl.split()[:-1]) acl_diff[identifier] = right # remove old ACLs for acl in old.get(self.acl_key, []): acl = acl.decode('UTF-8') identifier = " ".join(acl.split()[:-1]) if identifier not in acl_diff: acl_diff[identifier] = "none" return [" ".join(x) for x in acl_diff.items()] @staticmethod def _split_udm_imap_acl_doveadm(udm_imap_acl): # type: (str) -> Tuple[str, str] right = udm_imap_acl.split()[-1] identifier = " ".join(udm_imap_acl.split()[:-1]) if "@" in identifier or identifier == "dovecotadmin": identifier = "user=" + identifier elif identifier in ["anyone", "authenticated"]: pass else: identifier = "group=" + identifier return identifier, right @staticmethod def _split_udm_imap_acl_imap(udm_imap_acl): # type: (str) -> Tuple[str, str] identifier, right = udm_imap_acl.rsplit(None, 1) if "@" in identifier or identifier in ["anyone", "authenticated", "dovecotadmin"]: pass else: # group identifier = '${}'.format(identifier) return identifier, right
[docs] def add_global_acls(self, new): # type: (Dict[str, List[bytes]]) -> None new_mailbox = 'shared/{}'.format(new["mailPrimaryAddress"][0].decode('ASCII')) acls = new.get(self.acl_key, []) folder_acls = list() for acl in acls: acl = acl.decode('UTF-8') identifier, right = self._split_udm_imap_acl_doveadm(acl) folder_acls.append(DovecotFolderAclEntry(new_mailbox, identifier, dovecot_acls[right][0])) self.global_acls.add_acls(folder_acls)
[docs] def remove_global_acls(self, old): # type: (Dict[str, List[bytes]]) -> None old_mailbox = 'shared/{}'.format(old["mailPrimaryAddress"][0].decode('ASCII')) self.global_acls.remove_acls(old_mailbox)