UCS@school 4.4 v2 Changelog


1. UCS@school-Update
1.1. Generelle Hinweise zum Update
1.2. Updateprozess
1.3. Changelog
1.3.1. Released on 2019-03-31:
1.3.2. Released on 2019-04-11:
1.3.3. Released on 2019-05-08:
1.3.4. Released on 2019-05-20:
1.3.5. Released on 2019-05-29:
1.3.6. Released on 2019-06-07:
1.3.7. Released on 2019-06-26:

§Kapitel 1. UCS@school-Update

Dieses Dokument enthält die Changelogs mit den detaillierten Änderungsinformationen zum Update von UCS@school von Version 4.4 v1 nach 4.4 v2. Sofern notwendig, werden wichtige Hinweise zum Update in einem separaten Abschnitt behandelt. Die Changelogs werden nur in Englisch gepflegt. Die Änderungsinformationen für vorherige Versionssprünge finden sich unter https://docs.software-univention.de/.

§1.1. Generelle Hinweise zum Update

Während der Aktualisierung kann es zu Ausfällen von Diensten innerhalb der Domäne kommen. Aus diesem Grund sollte das Update innerhalb eines Wartungsfensters erfolgen. Grundsätzlich wird empfohlen das Update zunächst in einer Testumgebung einzuspielen und zu testen. Die Testumgebung sollte dabei identisch zur Produktivumgebung sein.

§1.2. Updateprozess

Größere Updates für UCS@school werden im Univention Appcenter als eigenständiges App-Update herausgegeben. Kleinere Updates und Fehlerbereinigungen (Errata für UCS@school), die keine Interaktion mit dem Administrator erforderlich machen, werden im Repository der bereits veröffentlichten App-Version von UCS@school herausgegeben. Die Changelog-Dokumente, die Univention mit jeder UCS@school-App-Version herausgibt, werden dann entsprechend um einen neuen Abschnitt erweitert, aus dem ersichtlich wird, zu welchem Zeitpunkt welche Pakete veröffentlicht und welche Fehler dabei behoben wurden.

§1.3. Changelog

§1.3.1. Released on 2019-03-31:

Source package python-pampy in version 1.8.4-1A~

  • The python-pampy package now handles Unicode strings (Bug 49051).

Source package ucs-school-import in version 17.0.5-9A~

  • The script /usr/share/ucs-school-import/scripts/reset_schema_counter was added. It can be used to reset unique username and email counters (Bug 42131).

  • A configuration key csv:allowed_missing_columns was added. It can be assigned a list of column names that are allowed to be missing in the input data (Bug 49050).

  • Internal improvement: the PyHook loading code was consolidated (Bug 48958).

  • Before reading the input data, pre-read hooks are now executed (Bug 49049).

  • An example pre-read hook was added, that can rename the columns of a CSV file before it is read. To activate it, copy /usr/share/ucs-school-import/pyhooks-available/pre_read_modify_csv_header.py to /usr/share/ucs-school-import/pyhooks (Bug 49048).

  • Internal improvement: better logging configuration (Bug 49037).

Source package ucs-school-lib in version 12.1.0-18A~

  • Internal improvement: better type hints and Python 3 compatibility (Bug 48958).

  • Internal improvement: better logging configuration (Bug 49037).

Source package ucs-school-umc-computerroom in version 11.0.0-2A~

  • Preparations for better browser cache-control have been implemented. (Bug 48995)

Source package ucs-school-umc-exam in version 9.0.0-4A~

  • Internal improvement: use the consolidated PyHook loading code (Bug 48958).

  • Preparations for better browser cache-control have been implemented. (Bug 48995)

Source package ucs-school-umc-users in version 15.0.0-2A~

  • The password in the "Passwords (teachers)" and "Passwords (students)" modules is now hidden by default and can be shown in clear text via a toggle button (Bug 47646).

§1.3.2. Released on 2019-04-11:

Source package ucs-school-import in version 17.0.6-4A~

  • It is now possible to enforce the override behavior for dhcpd/ldap/base during school creation (Bug 48469).

  • Additional special characters in usernames can now be configured by the new configuration key username:allowed_special_chars. The default value is backwards compatible with previous UCS@school versions and contains only the dot. Besides the dot, only dash and underscore can also be used (resulting in the configuration value ".-_") (Bug 49260).

  • A hook was added that allows to modify the configuration after reading the configuration files and applying the command line arguments. The base class is ucsschool.importer.utils.config_pyhook.ConfigPyHook (Bug 49265).

  • A hook was implemented that manipulates the configuration depending on the imported user role (Bug 49267).

Source package ucs-school-lib in version 12.1.1-2A~

  • It is now possible to enforce the override behavior for dhcpd/ldap/base during school creation (Bug 48469).

Source package ucs-school-metapackage in version 12.0.1-1A~

  • During the creation of the demoschool dhcpd/ldap/base is not modified and thus the school created afterwards will take over the DHCP service (Bug 48469).

§1.3.3. Released on 2019-05-08:

Source package ucs-school-import in version 17.0.6-14A~

  • Improved lookup performance of the shipped syntax classes that slowed down the opening of user objects considerably when a lot of schools exist (Bug 49329).

  • Duplicate hook execution code was removed (Bug 48141).

  • Usernames are now allowed to be longer than 20 characters. Important: Users with usernames longer than 20 characters are excluded from the support regarding Samba, Samba4 connector app and Active Directory connector app. Users with usernames shorter than 21 are still supported. If Windows clients older than Windows 8.1 are in use, the maximum username lenght must not exceed 20 characters, or logging into them will not be possible! Set ucsschool/username/max_length to allow UMC wizards and user import to create users with usernames longer than 20 characters (Bug 47222).

  • The execution time of ou_create_post scripts has been reduced by joining six scripts into two (Bug 49423).

Source package ucs-school-lib in version 12.1.1-6A~

  • Fixed a bug which prevented domain lists in internetrules to be changed. (Bug 49312).

  • Getting all UDM objects opened every object twice unnecessarily. (Bug 49329).

  • Hook execution ist now logged (Bug 48141).

  • Usernames are now allowed to be longer than 20 characters. See ucs-school-import for more information (Bug 47222).

Source package ucs-school-umc-distribution in version 17.0.0-5A~

  • Collected files can now be stored read-only (Bug 49227).

  • Adding files to projects prior to distribution is now optional (Bug 47160).

Source package ucs-school-umc-exam in version 9.0.0-8A~

  • The students result files of a running exam can now be automatically collected. The default is to collect them every 5 minutes. The interval can be configured using the UCR variable ucsschool/exam/cron/backup. The feature can be switched on by setting ucsschool/exam/cron/backup/activated to true. (Bug 49227).

  • The execution time of the ou_create_post hook is now logged (Bug 49423).

Source package ucs-school-umc-wizards in version 11.0.0-5A~

  • Usernames are now allowed to be longer than 20 characters. See ucs-school-import for more information (Bug 47222).

§1.3.4. Released on 2019-05-20:

Source package ucs-school-ldap-acls-master in version 17.0.1-1A~

  • Teachers and Staff cannot modify or create arbitrary shares anymore due to security concerns (Bug 49434).

  • Due to a ACL problem, multi-OU staff users were not replicated to all administrative school slaves. This problem has been fixed (Bug 48924).

Source package ucs-school-metapackage in version 12.0.2-2A~

  • The installation of school slaves and backups failed, if the join is performed directly within the UCS installer. This problem has now been fixed by activating the online repository during installation if this is not the case (Bug 49475).

§1.3.5. Released on 2019-05-29:

Source package ucs-school-import in version 17.0.6-20A~

  • Internal improvement: a Python module was moved into another Debian package (Bug 49217).

Source package ucs-school-old-homedirs in version 14.0.1-0A~

  • The listener now handles exam users correctly as configured in ucsschool/exam/user/homedir/autoremove (Bug 49443).

Source package ucs-school-umc-distribution in version 17.0.1-4A~

  • The collection of results can now be compressed in a zip archive (used by backup mechanism). (Bug 49333).

  • Internal improvements required for the exam mode (Bug 49519).

Source package ucs-school-umc-exam in version 9.0.1-6A~

  • The number of exam backup files is now limited and is compressed into a zip archive by default (Bug 49333).

  • The home directories of exam accounts are now kept by default and are not deleted anymore. Also the UCR variable ucsschool/exam/user/homedir/autoremove is unset once upon updating to restore the default behavior. To restore the previous behavior, you have to set the UCR variable back to yes again (Bug 49443).

  • Internal improvement: a list of exams can now be retrieved via a UMC call (Bug 49519).

  • Internal improvement: a list of students in a school class or work group can now be retrieved via a UMC call (Bug 49525).

Source package ucs-school-umc-import in version 2.0.0-1A~

  • Internal improvement: fixed Debian package dependency (Bug 49217).

Source package ucs-school-umc-users in version 15.0.0-3A~

  • A typo in the javascript code caused a malfunction while displaying students in certain situations. This problem has been fixed (Bug 49492).

§1.3.6. Released on 2019-06-07:

Source package ucs-school-import in version 17.0.6-21A~

  • Due to not updated byte compiled python files after an update from UCS 4.3 to UCS 4.4, UCS@school 4.3 code was used in an UCS 4.4 environment which resulted in various tracebacks. This has been fixed (Bug 49609).

Source package ucs-school-umc-import in version 2.0.0-2A~

  • Due to not updated byte compiled python files after an update from UCS 4.3 to UCS 4.4, UCS@school 4.3 code was used in an UCS 4.4 environment which resulted in various tracebacks. This has been fixed (Bug 49609).

§1.3.7. Released on 2019-06-26:

Source package ucs-school-import in version 17.0.6-22A~

  • Fixed hook execution when using the ImportUser class without an import job (Bug 49556).

Source package ucs-school-umc-computerroom in version 11.0.0-3A~

  • The computer room module now verifies room DNs more rigorous (Bug 43039).

Source package ucs-school-umc-import in version 2.0.0-3A~

  • If external SSL certificates (from e.g. let's encrypt) are used on the domaincontroller master and master's FQDN differs from the FQDNs within the SSL certificate, the UMC module "Benutzerimport" threw a traceback. The new UCR variables ucsschool/import/http_api/client/server and ucsschool/import/http_api/client/ssl_verify now allow to specify the correct FQDN used in the SSL certificates resp. to disable SSL checks at all (the latter one is NOT recommended!) (Bug 49400).

Source package ucs-school-umc-lists in version 2.0.0-3A~

  • Improved compatibility for the exported CSV file. The recommended export is now using UTF-16 with tabs as separators which seems to be the most compatible format. In case UTF-16 is not supported an UTF-8 export is still available (Bug 48504).