UCS@school 4.4 v9 Changelog


1. UCS@school-Update
1.1. Generelle Hinweise zum Update
1.2. Updateprozess
1.3. Einführung von Veyon als Computerraum Backend
1.4. Neues Diagnosemodul UCS@school Consistency Check
1.5. Changelog
1.5.1. Released on 2023-02-24:
1.5.2. Released on 2021-03-24:
1.5.3. Released on 2021-03-26:
1.5.4. Released on 2021-04-21:
1.5.5. Released on 2021-04-22:
1.5.6. Released on 2021-05-06:
1.5.7. Released on 2021-05-10:
1.5.8. Released on 2021-05-26:
1.5.9. Released on 2021-07-01:
1.5.10. Released on 2021-07-20:
1.5.11. Released on 2021-09-30:
1.5.12. Released on 2021-10-20:
1.5.13. Released on 2021-10-25:
1.5.14. Released on 2021-11-29:
1.5.15. Released on 2022-07-20:
1.5.16. Released on 2022-08-17:

§Kapitel 1. UCS@school-Update

Dieses Dokument enthält die Changelogs mit den detaillierten Änderungsinformationen zum Update von UCS@school von Version 4.4 v8 nach 4.4 v9. Sofern notwendig, werden wichtige Hinweise zum Update in einem separaten Abschnitt behandelt. Die Changelogs werden nur in Englisch gepflegt. Die Änderungsinformationen für vorherige Versionssprünge finden sich unter https://docs.software-univention.de/.

§1.1. Generelle Hinweise zum Update

Während der Aktualisierung kann es zu Ausfällen von Diensten innerhalb der Domäne kommen. Aus diesem Grund sollte das Update innerhalb eines Wartungsfensters erfolgen. Grundsätzlich wird empfohlen das Update zunächst in einer Testumgebung einzuspielen und zu testen. Die Testumgebung sollte dabei identisch zur Produktivumgebung sein.

§1.2. Updateprozess

Größere Updates für UCS@school werden im Univention Appcenter als eigenständiges App-Update herausgegeben. Kleinere Updates und Fehlerbereinigungen (Errata für UCS@school), die keine Interaktion mit dem Administrator erforderlich machen, werden im Repository der bereits veröffentlichten App-Version von UCS@school herausgegeben. Die Changelog-Dokumente, die Univention mit jeder UCS@school-App-Version herausgibt, werden dann entsprechend um einen neuen Abschnitt erweitert, aus dem ersichtlich wird, zu welchem Zeitpunkt welche Pakete veröffentlicht und welche Fehler dabei behoben wurden.

§1.3. Einführung von Veyon als Computerraum Backend

Mit dieser Version wird Veyon als Alternative zu iTalc eingeführt. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wird beim Update einer Singleserver Installation benötigt. Alle wichtigen Informationen und manuellen Schritte können unter https://help.univention.com/t/migration-of-the-computer-room-backend-italc-to-veyon/16937 gefunden werden.

§1.4. Neues Diagnosemodul UCS@school Consistency Check

Mit dieser Version wird das neue Diagnosemodul UCS@school Consistency Check eingeführt. Dieses Modul überprüft die UCS@school Nutzer der Domäne auf Fehler und Inkonsistenzen, wie etwa fehlende oder falsche Gruppenzugehörigkeiten und UCS@school Rollen. In der Zukunft wird dieses Modul auf weitere UCS@school Objekte erweitert und die Tests verfeinert werden.

Sollte dieses Diagnosemodul Fehler anzeigen, bedeutet dies nicht zwangsläufig, dass die UCS@school Systeme nicht funktionieren. Es warnt vielmehr vor Objekten, die nicht so aussehen, wie es von UCS@school erwartet wird und zukünftig Probleme bei der Nutzung hervorrufen können. Daher ist es angeraten die Objekte zeitnah zu reparieren. Ein erster Anhaltspunkt dazu ist der folgende Artikel: https://help.univention.com/t/how-a-ucs-school-user-should-look-like/15630

§1.5. Changelog

§1.5.1. Released on 2023-02-24:

Source package ucs-school-umc-exam in version 9.0.1-57A~

  • Prevent exam-exam- users from being created. (Bug 55745).

§1.5.2. Released on 2021-03-24:

Source package ucs-school-import in version 17.0.52A~

  • The directory containing the symlinks to the last log files (/var/log/univention/ucs-school-import) is now created if it is missing (Bug 52887).

Source package ucs-school-lib in version 12.2.17A~

  • Allow to disable the logging of validation errors upon validation of UCS@school objects: use the UCR variable ucsschool/validation/logging/enabled to control this (Bug 52884).

  • Code for checking the consistency of UCS@school objects has been added (Bug 52147).

  • Internal improvement: An error was fixed, which was raised when the UCS@school validation was executed by other users than root (Bug 52883).

  • Internal improvement: The code used for the UCS@school validation now honours custom group prefixes, which are set by the UCR variables ucsschool/ldap/default/groupprefix/* (Bug 52880).

Source package ucs-school-metapackage in version 12.0.4-13A~

  • A pre-joinscripts hook now installs The UCS@school Veyon Proxy app on school servers (educational DC slave) and single servers (DC master) (Bug 52463, Bug Bug 52525, Bug Bug 52551, Bug Bug 52660).

  • The veyon client lib will now be installed on all school servers (educational DC slave and singlemaster) (Bug 52523).

  • When updating, a missing ucsschoolRole value is added to the user object demo_admin (Bug 52970).

Source package ucs-school-umc-computerroom in version 11.0.0-28A~

Source package ucs-school-umc-diagnostic in version 1.0.0-19A~

  • When having the OX App Suite installed on a UCS@School System, the package ucs-school-ox-support is required to be installed. This fix implements a new diagnostic module which checks, if the package is correctly installed. (Bug 52195).

  • A diagnostic module now checks if the UCS@school Veyon Proxy app has been installed on single server and school server systems (Bug 52463).

  • A CLI script (/usr/share/ucs-school-umc-diagnostic/scripts/ucs-school-object-consistency) and the diagnostic module "UCS@school Consistency Check" to check the consistency of all LDAP objects on a UCS@School system was added. This can help identifying many problems related to users, groups, shares or containers (Bug 52147).

  • The diagnostic module "UCS@school Check if Samba4 is installed" ran on systems which are not required to have Samba4 installed. This fix ensures, that it only is executed in single-server-environments or on school servers in multi-server-environments (Bug 51886).

Source package ucs-school-umc-exam in version 9.0.1-49A~

  • Disabled users will not be added to an exam anymore. This prevents the creation of unnecessary exam-user-accounts and resolves a minor issue with the UCRV ucsschool/exam/user/disable (Bug 52786).

Source package ucs-school-umc-installer in version 7.0.0-7A~

  • During the installation of an UCS@school Singlemaster the Veyon Proxy App is installed as well (Bug 52465).

Source package ucs-school-umc-rooms in version 16.1.0-5A~

  • It is now possible to configure computer rooms to use the upcoming Veyon integration instead of iTalc (Bug 52422).

Source package ucs-school-veyon-client in version 1.0.1-5A~

  • Internal improvement: Make client thread safe (Bug 52521).

  • Implement the demo mode for computerrooms configured with Veyon (Bug 52563).

Source package ucs-school-veyon-windows in version

  • This package provides the Veyon Windows setup binary and SSL keys (Bug 52522).

§1.5.3. Released on 2021-03-26:

Source package ucs-school-metapackage in version 12.0.4-14A~

  • Handle non-existent OU "DEMOSCHOOL" and missing user "demo_admin" in join script for singlemaster (Bug 52986).

§1.5.4. Released on 2021-04-21:

Source package ucs-school-umc-exam in version 9.0.1-51A~

  • In some situations exam-users could not access their home directories after starting the same exam twice in a short time interval in a multi-server environment. This patch fixes this issue (Bug 52680).

  • Internal improvement: The code of the hooks which runs after the creation of OUs, was migrated to the package ucs-school-lib (Bug 52853).

Source package ucs-school-umc-groups in version 9.0.0-11A~

  • It is now possible to select multiple workgroups in the UMC and delete them with one click (Bug 47393).

§1.5.5. Released on 2021-04-22:

Source package ucs-school-import in version 17.0.54A~

  • In order to improve readability, the textual summary of an import job does not list users anymore, if there are more than 8 per role (Bug 47841).

  • Internal improvement: The code of the shell hooks which ran after the creation of OUs was migrated to listener modules (Bug 52853).

Source package ucs-school-lib in version 12.2.22A~

  • Internal improvement: The code of the hooks, which was used to create and modify groups, policies and UCR variables after the creation of new schools (OUs), was migrated from Shell code to Python code (Bug 52853).

Source package ucs-school-selfservice-support in version 3.0.0-4A~

  • Internal improvement: The code of the hooks which ran after the creation of OUs was migrated to listener modules (Bug 52853).

§1.5.6. Released on 2021-05-06:

Source package ucs-school-import in version 17.0.56A~

  • When performing a user import with an email in the scheme, a maildomain is required in the JSON config or in the UCRV mail/hosteddomains. This fix ensures, that the import only is performed when these requirements are met. Otherwise, an error will be raised (Bug 48243).

  • Having syntax errors in the configuration lead to unhelpful and unclear tracebacks. This fix shortens the error message to the important information (Bug 49578).

Source package ucs-school-lib in version 12.2.24A~

  • The value of the ucschoolRole property was incorrect set on primary and replication nodes (DC master and DC slave) in certain situations. This has been fixed (Bug 53162).

  • The UCS@school object validation and the diagnostic module UCS@school consistency now validate groups, schools and roles case-insensitive (Bug 53044).

Source package ucs-school-metapackage in version 12.0.4-15A~

  • The join script can now handle a moved demo_admin user (Bug 53014).

Source package ucs-school-umc-printermoderation in version 16.0.0-4A~

  • Fixed a typo in a warning message (Bug 44699).

Source package ucs-school-umc-wizards in version 11.0.0-15A~

  • Fixed typos in an info message (Bug 44699).

  • The creation of school administrators without the staff or teacher roles was introduced in version 11.0.0-11. The correct default value, which is deactivated, is now set by modifying ucsschool/wizards/schoolwizards/users/roles/disabled (Bug 53002).

Source package ucs-school-veyon-client in version 1.0.1-7A~

  • Extend the ping timeout to 5 seconds and make ping behavior more stable (Bug 53055).

§1.5.7. Released on 2021-05-10:

Source package ucs-school-umc-computerroom in version 11.0.0-30A~

  • Vastly improve the performance when using the Veyon backend for the computerroom (Bug 53055).

§1.5.8. Released on 2021-05-26:

Source package ucs-school-import in version 17.0.60A~

  • Importing model classes from the Python package ucsschool.lib.models has been deprecated for UCS@school 5.0. The packages __init__.py file does not import all classes from its submodules anymore. From UCS@school 5.0 on, the classes must be imported directly. For example from ucsschool.lib.models import Student must now be written as from ucsschool.lib.models.user import Student. This patch updates the code in 4.4, so it will run unchanged in 5.0 (Bug 52945).

  • This fix introduces an automatism to check the type sanity of a user_import configuration with jsonschema. The file /usr/share/ucs-school-import/schema/user_import_configuration_schema.json declares the expected data types for all valid json configuration fields. An error message will be shown on mismatches with this schema (Bug 49102).

  • Internal changes: adapted to changes in the hook handling code of the ucsschool.lib.model base class (Bug 49557).

Source package ucs-school-lib in version 12.2.27A~

  • Importing model classes from the Python package ucsschool.lib.models has been deprecated for UCS@school 5.0. The packages __init__.py file does not import all classes from its submodules anymore. From UCS@school 5.0 on, the classes must be imported directly. For example from ucsschool.lib.models import Student must now be written as from ucsschool.lib.models.user import Student. This patch updates the code in 4.4, so it will run unchanged in 5.0 (Bug 52945).

  • The UCS@school model classes from the Python package ucsschool.lib.models now support executing custom Python code before and after create, modify, move and delete operations. See documentation at https://docs.software-univention.de/ucsschool-handbuch-4.4.html#import:pyhooks (Bug 49557).

Source package ucs-school-metapackage in version 12.0.4-16A~

  • Importing model classes from the Python package ucsschool.lib.models has been deprecated for UCS@school 5.0. The packages __init__.py file does not import all classes from its submodules anymore. From UCS@school 5.0 on, the classes must be imported directly. For example from ucsschool.lib.models import Student must now be written as from ucsschool.lib.models.user import Student. This patch updates the code in 4.4, so it will run unchanged in 5.0 (Bug 52945).

Source package ucs-school-ox-support in version 3.0.1A~

  • Internal changes: adapted to changes in the hook handling code of the ucsschool.lib.model base class (Bug 49557).

Source package ucs-school-umc-computerroom in version 11.0.0-31A~

  • Importing model classes from the Python package ucsschool.lib.models has been deprecated for UCS@school 5.0. The packages __init__.py file does not import all classes from its submodules anymore. From UCS@school 5.0 on, the classes must be imported directly. For example from ucsschool.lib.models import Student must now be written as from ucsschool.lib.models.user import Student. This patch updates the code in 4.4, so it will run unchanged in 5.0 (Bug 52945).

Source package ucs-school-umc-diagnostic in version 1.0.0-20A~

  • Importing model classes from the Python package ucsschool.lib.models has been deprecated for UCS@school 5.0. The packages __init__.py file does not import all classes from its submodules anymore. From UCS@school 5.0 on, the classes must be imported directly. For example from ucsschool.lib.models import Student must now be written as from ucsschool.lib.models.user import Student. This patch updates the code in 4.4, so it will run unchanged in 5.0 (Bug 52945).

Source package ucs-school-umc-exam in version 9.0.1-53A~

  • Importing model classes from the Python package ucsschool.lib.models has been deprecated for UCS@school 5.0. The packages __init__.py file does not import all classes from its submodules anymore. From UCS@school 5.0 on, the classes must be imported directly. For example from ucsschool.lib.models import Student must now be written as from ucsschool.lib.models.user import Student. This patch updates the code in 4.4, so it will run unchanged in 5.0 (Bug 52945).

  • Internal changes: adapted to changes in the hook handling code of the ucsschool.lib.model base class (Bug 49557).

Source package ucs-school-umc-groups in version 9.0.0-12A~

  • Importing model classes from the Python package ucsschool.lib.models has been deprecated for UCS@school 5.0. The packages __init__.py file does not import all classes from its submodules anymore. From UCS@school 5.0 on, the classes must be imported directly. For example from ucsschool.lib.models import Student must now be written as from ucsschool.lib.models.user import Student. This patch updates the code in 4.4, so it will run unchanged in 5.0 (Bug 52945).

Source package ucs-school-umc-helpdesk in version 15.0.0-3A~

  • Importing model classes from the Python package ucsschool.lib.models has been deprecated for UCS@school 5.0. The packages __init__.py file does not import all classes from its submodules anymore. From UCS@school 5.0 on, the classes must be imported directly. For example from ucsschool.lib.models import Student must now be written as from ucsschool.lib.models.user import Student. This patch updates the code in 4.4, so it will run unchanged in 5.0 (Bug 52945).

Source package ucs-school-umc-installer in version 7.0.1A~

  • Importing model classes from the Python package ucsschool.lib.models has been deprecated for UCS@school 5.0. The packages __init__.py file does not import all classes from its submodules anymore. From UCS@school 5.0 on, the classes must be imported directly. For example from ucsschool.lib.models import Student must now be written as from ucsschool.lib.models.user import Student. This patch updates the code in 4.4, so it will run unchanged in 5.0 (Bug 52945).

Source package ucs-school-umc-internetrules in version 15.0.1A~

  • Importing model classes from the Python package ucsschool.lib.models has been deprecated for UCS@school 5.0. The packages __init__.py file does not import all classes from its submodules anymore. From UCS@school 5.0 on, the classes must be imported directly. For example from ucsschool.lib.models import Student must now be written as from ucsschool.lib.models.user import Student. This patch updates the code in 4.4, so it will run unchanged in 5.0 (Bug 52945).

Source package ucs-school-umc-printermoderation in version 16.0.1A~

  • Importing model classes from the Python package ucsschool.lib.models has been deprecated for UCS@school 5.0. The packages __init__.py file does not import all classes from its submodules anymore. From UCS@school 5.0 on, the classes must be imported directly. For example from ucsschool.lib.models import Student must now be written as from ucsschool.lib.models.user import Student. This patch updates the code in 4.4, so it will run unchanged in 5.0 (Bug 52945).

Source package ucs-school-umc-rooms in version 16.1.1A~

  • Importing model classes from the Python package ucsschool.lib.models has been deprecated for UCS@school 5.0. The packages __init__.py file does not import all classes from its submodules anymore. From UCS@school 5.0 on, the classes must be imported directly. For example from ucsschool.lib.models import Student must now be written as from ucsschool.lib.models.user import Student. This patch updates the code in 4.4, so it will run unchanged in 5.0 (Bug 52945).

Source package ucs-school-umc-users in version 15.0.1A~

  • Importing model classes from the Python package ucsschool.lib.models has been deprecated for UCS@school 5.0. The packages __init__.py file does not import all classes from its submodules anymore. From UCS@school 5.0 on, the classes must be imported directly. For example from ucsschool.lib.models import Student must now be written as from ucsschool.lib.models.user import Student. This patch updates the code in 4.4, so it will run unchanged in 5.0 (Bug 52945).

Source package ucs-school-umc-wizards in version 11.0.1A~

  • Importing model classes from the Python package ucsschool.lib.models has been deprecated for UCS@school 5.0. The packages __init__.py file does not import all classes from its submodules anymore. From UCS@school 5.0 on, the classes must be imported directly. For example from ucsschool.lib.models import Student must now be written as from ucsschool.lib.models.user import Student. This patch updates the code in 4.4, so it will run unchanged in 5.0 (Bug 52945).

Source package ucs-school-webproxy in version 15.0.1A~

  • Importing model classes from the Python package ucsschool.lib.models has been deprecated for UCS@school 5.0. The packages __init__.py file does not import all classes from its submodules anymore. From UCS@school 5.0 on, the classes must be imported directly. For example from ucsschool.lib.models import Student must now be written as from ucsschool.lib.models.user import Student. This patch updates the code in 4.4, so it will run unchanged in 5.0 (Bug 52945).

§1.5.9. Released on 2021-07-01:

Source package ucs-school-import in version 17.0.70A~

  • UDM extensions for ucs-school-import are now Python 3 compatible (Bug 52658).

  • The UCR templates for ucs-school-import are now Python 3 compatible (Bug 52604).

  • The package ucs-school-import has been migrated to dh_python (Bug 52580).

  • The package ucs-school-lib has been migrated to dh_python (Bug 52582).

  • The quiet parameter for the ucs-school-purge-expired-users script did not function properly, causing a mail being sent to root each time the respective cron job has run. This fix resolves that issue (Bug 50331).

  • The postinst of the package ucs-school-import overwrote certain UCRV to defaults, which is not desired behavior. This fix resolves that issue (Bug 53326).

  • The Importer removes non-UCS@school roles or the admin role if the imported user already exists. This fix resolves that issue (Bug 53203).

Source package ucs-school-info in version 9.0.0-1A~

  • The python-support debhelper has been removed from the package ucs-school-info (Bug 52646).

Source package ucs-school-italc in version 13.0.0-1A~

  • The package ucs-school-italc has been migrated to dh_python (Bug 52581).

Source package ucs-school-ldap-acls-master in version 17.0.4-10A~

  • The LDAP-ACL UCR templates are now Python 3 compatible (Bug 52604).

Source package ucs-school-lib in version 12.2.32A~

  • The package ucs-school-lib has been migrated to dh_python (Bug 52582).

  • UCS@school consistency-checks now handles exceptions caused by inaccessible users (Bug 53211).

Source package ucs-school-metapackage in version 12.0.4-17A~

  • The join hook has been migrated to Python 3 (Bug 52604).

Source package ucs-school-netlogon in version 9.0.0-1A~

  • The python-support debhelper has been removed from the package ucs-school-netlogon (Bug 52648).

Source package ucs-school-netlogon-user-logonscripts in version 15.0.0-3A~

  • The UCR templates are now Python 3 compatible (Bug 52604).

  • The package ucs-school-netlogon-user-logonscripts has been migrated to dh_python (Bug 52647).

Source package ucs-school-old-sharedirs in version 14.0.0-1A~

  • The package ucs-school-old-sharedirs has been migrated to dh_python (Bug 52649).

Source package ucs-school-ox-support in version 3.0.2A~

  • The python-support debhelper has been removed from the package ucs-school-ox-support (Bug 52650).

Source package ucs-school-radius-802.1x in version 7.0.1-8A~

  • The package ucs-school-radius-802.1x has been migrated to dh_python (Bug 52651).

Source package ucs-school-roleshares in version 7.0.0-5A~

  • The package ucs-school-roleshares has been migrated to dh_python (Bug 52583).

Source package ucs-school-s4-branch-site in version 7.0.0-3A~

  • The python-support debhelper has been removed from the package ucs-school-s4-branch-site (Bug 52584).

Source package ucs-school-umc-computerroom in version 11.0.0-32A~

  • The package ucs-school-umc-computerroom has been migrated to dh_python (Bug 52585).

Source package ucs-school-umc-diagnostic in version 1.0.0-23A~

  • The python-support debhelper has been removed from the package ucs-school-umc-diagnostic (Bug 53386).

  • The UCS@school object consistency script parametrization did not behave intuitively in certain cases. This fix resolves those issues (Bug 53211).

  • The diagnostic check UCS@school Check admin accounts gave misleading output when an admin was missing in a school's admin group. This fix improves the output messages and additionally adds a check, which ensures that an admin is not in a wrong admin group (Bug 53139).

Source package ucs-school-umc-distribution in version 17.0.1-9A~

  • The package ucs-school-umc-distribution has been migrated to dh_python (Bug 52586).

Source package ucs-school-umc-exam in version 9.0.1-55A~

  • The UCR templates are now Python 3 compatible (Bug 52604).

  • The package ucs-school-umc-exam has been migrated to dh_python (Bug 52587).

Source package ucs-school-umc-groups in version 9.0.0-13A~

  • The package ucs-school-umc-groups has been migrated to dh_python (Bug 52588).

Source package ucs-school-umc-helpdesk in version 15.0.0-5A~

  • The UDM module "settings/console_helpdesk" has been migrated to be Python 3 compatible (Bug 52658).

  • The package ucs-school-umc-helpdesk has been migrated to dh_python (Bug 52589).

Source package ucs-school-umc-import in version 2.0.0-6A~

  • The package ucs-school-umc-import has been migrated to dh_python (Bug 52590).

Source package ucs-school-umc-installer in version 7.0.2A~

  • The package ucs-school-umc-installer has been migrated to dh_python (Bug 52591).

Source package ucs-school-umc-internetrules in version 15.0.2A~

  • The package ucs-school-umc-internetrules has been migrated to dh_python (Bug 52592).

Source package ucs-school-umc-lessontimes in version 7.0.0-3A~

  • The package ucs-school-umc-lessontimes has been migrated to dh_python (Bug 52593).

Source package ucs-school-umc-lists in version 2.0.0-7A~

  • The package ucs-school-umc-lists has been migrated to dh_python (Bug 52594).

Source package ucs-school-umc-printermoderation in version 16.0.2A~

  • The package ucs-school-umc-printermoderation has been migrated to dh_python (Bug 52595).

Source package ucs-school-umc-rooms in version 16.1.2A~

  • The package ucs-school-umc-rooms has been migrated to dh_python (Bug 52596).

Source package ucs-school-umc-users in version 15.0.2A~

  • The package ucs-school-umc-users has been migrated to dh_python (Bug 52597).

Source package ucs-school-umc-wizards in version 11.0.2A~

  • The package ucs-school-umc-wizards has been migrated to dh_python (Bug 52598).

Source package ucs-school-veyon-client in version 1.0.1-8A~

  • The package ucs-school-veyon-client has been migrated to dh_python (Bug 52599).

Source package ucs-school-webproxy in version 15.0.3A~

  • The UCR templates are now Python 3 compatible (Bug 52604).

§1.5.10. Released on 2021-07-20:

Source package ucs-school-import in version 17.0.71A~

  • During the dh-python migration some python packages were installed in the wrong location. This has been repaired (Bug 53576).

§1.5.11. Released on 2021-09-30:

Source package ucs-school-import in version 17.0.72A~

  • The udm_properties property is now loaded from ldap for users which should be removed, instead of being left empty. Additional, the validation for users which should be removed has been deactivated (Bug 53649).

§1.5.12. Released on 2021-10-20:

Source package ucs-school-import in version 17.0.73A~

  • The generation of the import summary CSV file was fixed to also reflect the potential changes to existing users in dry-runs (Bug 53841).

Source package ucs-school-umc-diagnostic in version 1.0.0-27A~

  • Samba shares for school groups with consecutive whitespaces can not be accessed by default. A new diagnostic module has been added to find such groups. Please visit https://help.univention.com/t/18597 for more information (Bug 53464).

§1.5.13. Released on 2021-10-25:

Source package ucs-school-veyon-windows in version

  • The Veyon certificate file name now contains the school servers host name. This will prevent overwriting of certificates on the SYSVOL share (Bug 53963).

§1.5.14. Released on 2021-11-29:

Source package ucs-school-import in version 17.0.74A~

  • Internal improvement: The UCS@school Import has been modified to handle the new UCS@school attribute expiration_date (Bug 54115).

Source package ucs-school-lib in version 12.2.37A~

  • Internal improvement: The field expiration_date has been added to the UCS@school Python library (Bug 54115).

Source package ucs-school-umc-groups in version 9.0.0-14A~

  • A traceback was triggered when searching for two consecutive stars in the UMC. This has been fixed (Bug 32177).

Source package ucs-school-umc-internetrules in version 15.0.3A~

  • A traceback was triggered when searching for two consecutive stars in the UMC. This has been fixed (Bug 32177).

Source package ucs-school-umc-printermoderation in version 16.0.3A~

  • A traceback was triggered when searching for two consecutive stars in the UMC. This has been fixed (Bug 32177).

Source package ucs-school-umc-rooms in version 16.1.3A~

  • A traceback was triggered when searching for two consecutive stars in the UMC. This has been fixed (Bug 32177).

Source package ucs-school-umc-users in version 15.0.3A~

  • A traceback was triggered when searching for two consecutive stars in the UMC. This has been fixed (Bug 32177).

Source package ucs-school-umc-wizards in version 11.0.7A~

  • A traceback was triggered when searching for two consecutive stars in the UMC. This has been fixed (Bug 32177).

  • The optional field expiration_date can now be edited in the UMC. The optional fields can modified by setting the UCR-Variable ucsschool/wizards/schoolwizards/users/optional_visible_fields (Bug 54115).

  • The "Users (schools)" module now includes the account status of the users in the grid (Bug 54142).

§1.5.15. Released on 2022-07-20:

Source package ucs-school-lib in version 12.2.38A~

  • Internal: The syntax class of the user's attribute expiration_date was changed (Bug 54973).

Source package ucs-school-veyon-client in version 1.0.1-9A~

  • Internal: An new connection test method has been added (Bug 54886).

Source package ucs-school-umc-computerroom in version 11.0.0-34A~

  • An error message regarding the Veyon WebAPI Server has been improved (Bug 54886).

  • After a Veyon session becomes invalid, a new session is established (Bug 54884).

Source package univention-management-console-module-selective-udm in version 8.0.0-3A~

  • The package univention-management-console-module-selective-udm has been migrated to dh_python (Bug 52601).

§1.5.16. Released on 2022-08-17:

Source package ucs-school-umc-distribution in version 17.0.1-10A~

  • Improved error message during project directory name validation (Bug 54908).

Source package ucs-school-umc-exam in version 9.0.1-56A~

  • The directory name validation now detects all incorrect names and displays a user friendly error message. Additionally, the exam directory name description has been improved. (Bug 54908).

Source package ucs-school-veyon-windows in version

  • The veyon windows installer has been updated from 4.5.2 to 4.7.4 (Bug 55076).