UCS@school 4.2 v2 Changelog


1. UCS@school-Update
1.1. Generelle Hinweise zum Update
1.2. Changelog
1.2.1. Source package ucs-school-umc-exam
1.2.2. Source package ucs-school-umc-wizards
1.2.3. Source package ucs-school-umc-csv-import
1.2.4. Source package ucs-school-l10n-fr
1.2.5. Source package ucs-school-umc-printermoderation
1.2.6. Source package ucs-school-ox-support
1.2.7. Source package ucs-school-umc-groups
1.2.8. Source package ucs-school-import
1.2.9. Source package ucs-school-lib
1.2.10. Source package ucs-school-umc-computerroom

§Kapitel 1. UCS@school-Update

Dieses Dokument enthält die Changelogs mit den detaillierten Änderungsinformationen zum Update von UCS@school von Version 4.2 v1 nach 4.2 v2. Sofern notwendig, werden wichtige Hinweise zum Update in einem separaten Abschnitt behandelt. Die Changelogs werden nur in Englisch gepflegt. Die Änderungsinformationen für vorherige Versionssprünge finden sich unter https://docs.software-univention.de/.

§1.1. Generelle Hinweise zum Update

Während der Aktualisierung kann es zu Ausfällen von Diensten innerhalb der Domäne kommen. Aus diesem Grund sollte das Update innerhalb eines Wartungsfensters erfolgen. Grundsätzlich wird empfohlen das Update zunächst in einer Testumgebung einzuspielen und zu testen. Die Testumgebung sollte dabei identisch zur Produktivumgebung sein.

§1.2. Changelog

§1.2.1. Source package ucs-school-umc-exam

  • It is now possible to run hooks on the DC master before the creation of exam users (Bug 44225).
  • The time needed to create exam users has been reduced (Bug 43019).
  • Some description texts within the UMC module have been altered (Bug 44543).

§1.2.2. Source package ucs-school-umc-wizards

  • An error message was shown after removing users from a school via the UCS@school user wizard. The triggering error has been fixed (Bug 44537).
  • A special UCR variable has been added that may enable the use of LDAP admin connections in the UMC user/class/computer/school wizards. This UCR variable should only be used, if familiar with the related security implications! (Bug 44642).
  • It is now possible to sort users by class in the module Users (Schools) (Bug 42756).
  • The grids for the school administration modules are now sorted by default (Bug 44663).

§1.2.3. Source package ucs-school-umc-csv-import

  • A regression in the UMC module CSV import has been fixed that prevented imports of users reusing previous passwords (Bug 34923).
  • Some description texts within the UMC module have been altered (Bug 44544).
  • A special UCR variable has been added that may enable the use of LDAP admin connections during the UMC CSV import. This UCR variable should only be used, if familiar with the related security implications! (Bug 44642).

§1.2.4. Source package ucs-school-l10n-fr

  • Missing French translations have been updated (Bug 44698)
  • Missing French translations have been updated (Bug 43019)

§1.2.5. Source package ucs-school-umc-printermoderation

  • It is now possible to sort the printing queue by date (Bug 44335).

§1.2.6. Source package ucs-school-ox-support

  • This new package helps running Open-Xchange in a UCS@school environment. It provides a hook, to prevent the creation of temporary exam users with Open-Xchange accounts (Bug 44225).

§1.2.7. Source package ucs-school-umc-groups

  • An error in the workgroups wizard was fixed, that made it impossible to remove users from a workgroup (Bug 44351).

§1.2.8. Source package ucs-school-import

  • Code for running hooks was moved from the import package to the UCS@school python library (Bug 44225).

§1.2.9. Source package ucs-school-lib

  • An error during removing users from school has been fixed (Bug 44546).
  • Code for creating hooks was moved from the import package to the UCS@school python library (Bug 44225)

§1.2.10. Source package ucs-school-umc-computerroom

  • The reset of a computer room's UCR variables to their defaults at the end of an exam is now more reliable (Bug 44109).
  • A syntax error during resetting of UCR variables has been fixed (Bug 37840).