UCS@school 4.3 v4 Changelog


1. UCS@school-Update
1.1. Generelle Hinweise zum Update
1.2. Veränderungen im Updateprozess
1.3. Changelog
1.3.1. Source package ucs-school-umc-import
1.3.2. Source package ucs-school-umc-rooms
1.3.3. Source package ucs-school-webproxy
1.3.4. Source package ucs-school-umc-exam
1.3.5. Source package ucs-school-umc-lists
1.3.6. Source package ucs-school-netlogon-user-logonscripts
1.3.7. Source package ucs-school-umc-groups
1.3.8. Source package ucs-school-metapackage
1.3.9. Source package ucs-school-import
1.3.10. Source package ucs-school-lib
1.3.11. Source package ucs-school-umc-computerroom
1.3.12. Source package ucs-school-umc-users

§Kapitel 1. UCS@school-Update

Dieses Dokument enthält die Changelogs mit den detaillierten Änderungsinformationen zum Update von UCS@school von Version 4.3 v3 nach 4.3 v4. Sofern notwendig, werden wichtige Hinweise zum Update in einem separaten Abschnitt behandelt. Die Changelogs werden nur in Englisch gepflegt. Die Änderungsinformationen für vorherige Versionssprünge finden sich unter https://docs.software-univention.de/.

§1.1. Generelle Hinweise zum Update

Während der Aktualisierung kann es zu Ausfällen von Diensten innerhalb der Domäne kommen. Aus diesem Grund sollte das Update innerhalb eines Wartungsfensters erfolgen. Grundsätzlich wird empfohlen das Update zunächst in einer Testumgebung einzuspielen und zu testen. Die Testumgebung sollte dabei identisch zur Produktivumgebung sein.

§1.2. Veränderungen im Updateprozess

In der Vergangenheit wurden Updates für UCS@school immer als ein neues App-Update im Univention App Center bereitgestellt. Beginnend mit UCS@school 4.2 v10 bzw. UCS@school 4.3 v4 wird dieser Prozess verschlankt. Kleinere Updates und Fehlerbereinigungen (Errata für UCS@school), die keine Interaktion mit dem Administrator erforderlich machen, werden in Zukunft im Repository der bereits veröffentlichten App-Version von UCS@school herausgegeben. Die Changelog-Dokumente, die wir mit jeder UCS@school-App-Version herausgeben, werden dann entsprechend um einen neuen Abschnitt erweitert, aus dem ersichtlich wird, zu welchem Zeitpunkt welche Pakete veröffentlicht und welche Fehler dabei behoben wurden.

§1.3. Changelog

§1.3.1. Source package ucs-school-umc-import

  • Buttons to return to the modules overview page have been added to the dry run result page and the error page (Bug 46795).

  • The user roles drop-down item displayed a static list of user roles that also contained unavailable roles. The drop-down item now dynamically obtains a list of available user roles from the server (Bug 45749).

§1.3.2. Source package ucs-school-umc-rooms

  • The module now offers to create a new room if none exists for the selected school (Bug 43080).

§1.3.3. Source package ucs-school-webproxy

  • The WLAN authentication for the Internet rule Unbeschränkt is now enabled by default, please note that this change affects all installations of UCS@school, unless the rule Unlimited has been modified since the installation of UCS@school (Bug 44243).

§1.3.4. Source package ucs-school-umc-exam

  • When starting an exam, users often overlooked selecting the correct room so that the exam was started for the wrong computer/room. The selection field for the room in the exam wizard is now empty and the user must explicitly select a room, to prevent the described issue (Bug 45730).

  • The description text for the file share restriction options in exam wizard has been renamed to improve usability (Bug 43037).

§1.3.5. Source package ucs-school-umc-lists

  • A new UMC module has been added to the education tab for exporting class and workgroup lists. The lists are exported in the CSV format and contains the coloums username, first name, last name and class. The new module is activated for administrators and teachers by default (Bug 47017).

§1.3.6. Source package ucs-school-netlogon-user-logonscripts

  • From now on, newly generated netlogon script also create a desktop link that refers to the Univention Portal of the local maschine. The link to the Univention Portal may be altered via UCR variable ucsschool/userlogon/portallink/link (unset by default). Please note that a user's netlogon script is only automatically updated when their group memberships change. To update the netlogon scripts of all users, the command univention-directory-listener-ctrl resync ucs-school-user-logonscript must be executed (Bug 46922).

§1.3.7. Source package ucs-school-umc-groups

  • The UCR variable descriptions regarding autosearch have been revised (Bug 45601).

  • A SyntaxError has been fixed that occurred on systems that have Python 2.6 installed (Bug 44846).

§1.3.8. Source package ucs-school-metapackage

  • The new module Classlists has been added to the list of recommended packages and is automatically installed with UCS@school (Bug 47017).

§1.3.9. Source package ucs-school-import

  • When modifying an existing user, the attribute of the old user object in ImportUser.old_user were incorrectly updated. This has been fixed (Bug 47027).

  • New user role assignment can now be handled by the regular CSV reader class. This allows the use of the special mapping value __role. Allowed values in the CSV column are student, staff, teacher and teacher_and_staff (Bug 42416).

  • Leading and trailing whitespace in CSV cells is now removed. Access to the unmodified data (including the whitespace is still possible through the input_data attribute of ImportUser objects (Bug 46970).

  • When using the HTTP-API based CSV import, the roles of the connected user can now be retrieved through a HTTP-API resource (Bug 45749).

  • A ou_post_create hook has been added, that creates the corresponding Django School object (Bug 45749).

  • The WSGI server Gunicorn now runs on port 9898 by default. This can be changed using the UCR variable ucsschool/import/http_api/wsgi_server_port (Bug 47135).

  • The loglevel of the WSGI server Gunicorn is now configurable through the UCR variable ucsschool/import/http_api/wsgi_server_loglevel (Bug 46830).

  • The HTTP-API import now always prepends the school name to class names read from a CSV file (Bug 47156).

  • The HTTP-API now uses a default and a custom configuration file user_import_http-api.json located in the same directories as the other configuration files (Bug 47156).

  • Custom django-admin commands were added to make the join script more reliable (Bug 45163).

  • The WSGI server Gunicorn now runs as an unprivileged user (Bug 45164).

  • The WSGI server Gunicorn is now restarted when the machine account is changed (Bug 47236).

  • Support for adding a role attribute to UCS@school objects was added (Bug 45379).

§1.3.10. Source package ucs-school-lib

  • Internal enhancement: Support for the deepcopy operation was added to all ucsschool.lib objects (Bug 46970).

  • Internal enhancement: Support for setting the owner of a logfile was added (Bug 45164).

  • Internal enhancement: Support for creating a role attribute was added (Bug 45379).

§1.3.11. Source package ucs-school-umc-computerroom

  • Instead of showing an empty list of computer rooms there is now a dialog asking if the user wants to create one. The dialog is only shown if the user is authorized to create a room and the module manages only a single school (Bug 43080).

  • The free printing option within the computer room settings has been removed. Samba does no longer support the required feature to provide this option in UCS@school (Bug 35076).

  • The description text for the file share restriction options in the settings dialog has been renamed to improve usability (Bug 43037).

§1.3.12. Source package ucs-school-umc-users

  • Add UCR variable ucsschool/passwordreset/autosearch_on_change to control reload of user lists when switching schools or classes (Bug 45601).

  • The representation of the password expiration column within the password reset modules has been enhanced to improve user experience (Bug 42212).