UCS@school 4.4 v3 Changelog


1. UCS@school-Update
1.1. Generelle Hinweise zum Update
1.2. Updateprozess
1.3. Changelog
1.3.1. Released on 2019-07-25:
1.3.2. Released on 2019-08-05:
1.3.3. Released on 2019-08-14:
1.3.4. Released on 2019-08-29:
1.3.5. Released on 2019-09-11:
1.3.6. Released on 2019-09-26:
1.3.7. Released on 2019-10-09:
1.3.8. Released on 2019-11-06:

§Kapitel 1. UCS@school-Update

Dieses Dokument enthält die Changelogs mit den detaillierten Änderungsinformationen zum Update von UCS@school von Version 4.4 v2 nach 4.4 v3. Sofern notwendig, werden wichtige Hinweise zum Update in einem separaten Abschnitt behandelt. Die Changelogs werden nur in Englisch gepflegt. Die Änderungsinformationen für vorherige Versionssprünge finden sich unter https://docs.software-univention.de/.

§1.1. Generelle Hinweise zum Update

Während der Aktualisierung kann es zu Ausfällen von Diensten innerhalb der Domäne kommen. Aus diesem Grund sollte das Update innerhalb eines Wartungsfensters erfolgen. Grundsätzlich wird empfohlen das Update zunächst in einer Testumgebung einzuspielen und zu testen. Die Testumgebung sollte dabei identisch zur Produktivumgebung sein.

§1.2. Updateprozess

Größere Updates für UCS@school werden im Univention Appcenter als eigenständiges App-Update herausgegeben. Kleinere Updates und Fehlerbereinigungen (Errata für UCS@school), die keine Interaktion mit dem Administrator erforderlich machen, werden im Repository der bereits veröffentlichten App-Version von UCS@school herausgegeben. Die Changelog-Dokumente, die Univention mit jeder UCS@school-App-Version herausgibt, werden dann entsprechend um einen neuen Abschnitt erweitert, aus dem ersichtlich wird, zu welchem Zeitpunkt welche Pakete veröffentlicht und welche Fehler dabei behoben wurden.

§1.3. Changelog

§1.3.1. Released on 2019-07-25:

Source package ucs-school-ldap-acls-master in version 17.0.2-1A~

  • The LDAP permissions (ACLs) have been adapted to allow school admins to write the ucsschoolRole attribute on computer objects (Bug 48080).

  • Security fix: school admins are no longer able to reset passwords of other school admins or domain admins within a school OU (Bug 35447).

Source package ucs-school-lib in version 12.1.2-1A~

  • The automatically created hostname for school DCs in multi server environments is now correct (Bug 49462).

  • Internal improvement: The data type of the ip_address and mac_address values of computer objects has been fixed (Bug 49608).

  • Internal improvement: the role teacher_computer has been added for computers that are used by teachers, so they can be excluded from network access restrictions (Bug 48080).

Source package ucs-school-metapackage in version 12.0.2-4A~

  • The passwords of demo users is now stored in /etc/ucsschool/demoschool.secret (Bug 49515).

  • The ucsschoolAdministrator option is now enabled for the demo_admin user. An existing demo_admin user is updated. In new installations separated staff, teacher and admin users are created (Bug 49531).

Source package ucs-school-umc-distribution in version 17.0.1-5A~

  • Various improvements have been made to the exam mode, see referenced bugs for details (Bug 49637).

  • The exam mode backend now supports unstarted exams (Bug 49701).

Source package ucs-school-umc-exam in version 9.0.1-13A~

  • Teacher computers are now exempt from the internet and share access restrictions during an exam (Bug 48080).

  • Various improvements have been made to the exam mode, see referenced bugs for details (Bug 49637).

  • The group members of exams are now shown in the exam wizard while choosing participating groups (Bug 49554).

  • The exam mode backend now supports unstarted exams (Bug 49701).

  • The exam mode frontend now supports unstarted exams (Bug 49744).

  • The exam mode frontend has been adapted to allow the preparation of exams in advance (Bug 49763).

  • The input data verification has been moved to the end of the exam configuration wizard (Bug 49765).

  • Exams are now allowed to be prepared without starting them (Bug 49782).

  • The exam overview table has been adjusted to show more useful information (Bug 49801).

  • Internal improvement: a UMC call was added to delete unstarted exams (Bug 49859).

  • A delete action was added to the exam overview (Bug 49884).

Source package ucs-school-umc-rooms in version 16.1.0-1A~

  • Teacher computers can now be defined in the room management module. This is useful if they should be exempt from network access restrictions (Bug 48080).

Source package ucs-school-umc-wizards in version 11.0.0-6A~

  • Internal improvement: The data type of the ip_address and mac_address values of computer objects has been fixed (Bug 49608).

§1.3.2. Released on 2019-08-05:

Source package ucs-school-import in version 17.0.8A~

  • The univention-directory-notifier is not stopped anymore, when a dry-run is performed. This improves the speed of dry-runs (Bug 47381).

  • A bug creating s4-connector-rejects on DC slave systems has been fixed (Bug 49917).

Source package ucs-school-lib in version 12.1.4A~

  • When logging, passwords are removed more reliably (Bug 49938).

Source package ucs-school-import in version 17.0.10A~

  • Fix an error in a UDM hook, crashing on systems without the ucs-school-lib package (Bug 49963).

§1.3.3. Released on 2019-08-14:

Source package ucs-school-import in version 17.0.11A~

  • An error was fixed that happened when a user was moved to another school and the setting school_classes_keep_if_empty was enabled (Bug 49995).

§1.3.4. Released on 2019-08-29:

Source package ucs-school-lib in version 12.1.5A~

  • UCS@school code can now handle the change of the UDM property departmentNumber from being a single value property to a multi value property (Bug 50066).

§1.3.5. Released on 2019-09-11:

Source package ucs-school-import in version 17.0.13A~

  • A script (/usr/share/ucs-school-import/scripts/fix_ucsschool_slaves) has been added that automatically fixes broken domaincontroller slave object. This script is started automatically by the join script of the package ucs-school-import. To prevent the automatic correction, set the UCR variable ucsschool/update/skip-slave-object-correction=true before updating. All checks and changes are recorded in the log file /var/log/univention/ucsschool-fix-slave-objects.log(Bug 50116).

Source package ucs-school-lib in version 12.1.7A~

  • Internal improvement: added common function to execute external programs (Bug 50087).

  • Internal improvement: fix lookup in SchoolComputer model (Bug 49311).

Source package ucs-school-umc-computerroom in version 11.0.0-4A~

  • The execution of arbitrary code from "at" jobs inside the UMC computerroom module is now prevented (Bug 40367).

§1.3.6. Released on 2019-09-26:

Source package ucs-school-umc-computerroom in version 11.0.0-6A~

  • Add a safety dialog when attempting to close the computerroom module without ending the exam beforehand (Bug 49907).

  • An error within the UMC module computerrooms has been fixed that was triggered when a room name contained umlauts and prevented the use of this room (Bug 50009).

Source package ucs-school-umc-groups in version 9.0.0-1A~

  • Fixed class assignment for school admins, which were not able to add teachers to classes in some multi school scenarios. (Bug 50008).

Source package ucs-school-webproxy in version 15.0.0-1A~

  • Added missing header with UCR warning to configuration files which are manged through UCR (Bug 50197).

§1.3.7. Released on 2019-10-09:

Source package ucs-school-import in version 17.0.16A~

  • The script migrate_ucsschool_import_user has been added and can help to migrate user from the old legacy import to the actual import mechanisms (Bug 50321).

Source package ucs-school-umc-computerroom in version 11.0.0-8A~

  • Improve text on closing dialog during running exam (Bug 50296).

§1.3.8. Released on 2019-11-06:

Source package ucs-school-ldap-acls-master in version 17.0.3-1A~

  • Fixed a regression of LDAP ACLs on slave domaincontrollers that could occur with the latest errata state when using the UCR variable ucsschool/ldap/replicate_staff_to_edu (Bug 50274).