UCS@school 4.4 v7 Changelog


1. UCS@school-Update
1.1. Generelle Hinweise zum Update
1.2. Updateprozess
1.3. Changelog
1.3.1. Released on 2020-10-12:
1.3.2. Released on 2020-10-14:

§Kapitel 1. UCS@school-Update

Dieses Dokument enthält die Changelogs mit den detaillierten Änderungsinformationen zum Update von UCS@school von Version 4.4 v6 nach 4.4 v7. Sofern notwendig, werden wichtige Hinweise zum Update in einem separaten Abschnitt behandelt. Die Changelogs werden nur in Englisch gepflegt. Die Änderungsinformationen für vorherige Versionssprünge finden sich unter https://docs.software-univention.de/.

§1.1. Generelle Hinweise zum Update

Während der Aktualisierung kann es zu Ausfällen von Diensten innerhalb der Domäne kommen. Aus diesem Grund sollte das Update innerhalb eines Wartungsfensters erfolgen. Grundsätzlich wird empfohlen das Update zunächst in einer Testumgebung einzuspielen und zu testen. Die Testumgebung sollte dabei identisch zur Produktivumgebung sein.

§1.2. Updateprozess

Größere Updates für UCS@school werden im Univention Appcenter als eigenständiges App-Update herausgegeben. Kleinere Updates und Fehlerbereinigungen (Errata für UCS@school), die keine Interaktion mit dem Administrator erforderlich machen, werden im Repository der bereits veröffentlichten App-Version von UCS@school herausgegeben. Die Changelog-Dokumente, die Univention mit jeder UCS@school-App-Version herausgibt, werden dann entsprechend um einen neuen Abschnitt erweitert, aus dem ersichtlich wird, zu welchem Zeitpunkt welche Pakete veröffentlicht und welche Fehler dabei behoben wurden.

§1.3. Changelog

§1.3.1. Released on 2020-10-12:

Source package ucs-school-import in version 17.0.46A~

  • The example result hook result_hook_example.py in /usr/share/doc/ucs-school-import can now be configured to be executed or not be executed after a dry-run (Bug 51938).

  • The new user import hook log_user_object.py was added to /usr/share/ucs-school-import/pyhooks-available. When activated (copied to /usr/share/ucs-school-import/pyhooks), it will log each users current attributes before and/or after create/modify/move/delete operations. Two variables exist to configure what and when to log: PROPS: which user attributes, and LogUserObject.priority: before/after which operations to log (Bug 51941).

Source package ucs-school-lib in version 12.1.21A~

  • Class shares, Workgroup shares, and Marketplace shares are created in such a way that students can no longer change folder permissions or take ownership. Teachers assigned to the class and OU-admins can still do both. The permissions are added to the Windows NT ACLs, which are set on the shares root folder (Bug 42182).

  • The Workgroup class now maps email related group properties (Bug 52035).

Source package ucs-school-metapackage in version 12.0.3-7A~

  • When updating on a DC master (Primary node) in a single server environments or on school servers (DC slaves / Replicatiopn node), the script set_nt_acl_on_shares is executed during the joinscript. Permissions are set so that students can no longer change folder permissions or take over class, workgroup, and marketplace shares. A current univention-samba4 package version is required, so UCS must first be updated to version 4.4-5 errata746 or higher (Bug 42182).

  • The synchronization of msgpipsec and msgpsi AD objects has been disabled to avoid rejects that occured after the release of ucs-school-metapackage in version 12.0.3-3 with Bug 50626. A current univention-s4-connector package version is required to remove the conenctor rejects, so UCS must first be updated to version 4.4-6 errata762 or higher (Bug 52049).

Source package ucs-school-umc-computerroom in version 11.0.0-21A~

  • An error happened when exiting an exam with a user whose display name contained parentheses. After this fix, display names with parentheses do not cause an error anymore (Bug 52039).

Source package ucs-school-umc-diagnostic in version 1.0.0-13A~

  • A new diagnosis module was added. It checks if UCS@school admin accounts are correctly configured. It checks if each registered ucsschoolAdministrator is a member of their corresponding admins-school group(s) (Bug 45332).

Source package ucs-school-umc-exam in version 9.0.1-41A~

  • If the creation of an exam failed, user accounts could be left in a state, where they cannot log into Windows workstation. (Technically: the value of sambaUserWorkstations of the original user remained with a prepended dollar sign.) The script exam-and-room-cleanup, now also restores the users original values, allowing them to log into Windows machines. (Bug 50636).

Source package ucs-school-umc-groups in version 9.0.0-6A~

  • It is now possible for teachers and school administrators to manage email addresses on UCS@school workgroups, if allowed by an Administrator (the UCR variable ucsschool/workgroups/mailaddress must be set). See https://docs.software-univention.de/ucsschool-handbuch-4.4.html#school:setup:generic:configureworkgroupemails (Bug 52050).

Source package ucs-school-umc-users in version 15.0.0-6A~

  • The UCR variable descriptions of ucsschool/passwordreset/password-change-on-next-login and ucsschool/passwordreset/force-password-change-on-next-login were changed to make it clearer that they refer to the UCS@school password reset module (Bug 50834).

Source package ucs-school-veyon-client in version 1.0.0-1A~

  • Internal improvement: A Python library to interface with the Veyon Web API was added to UCS@school (Bug 52183).

§1.3.2. Released on 2020-10-14:

Source package ucs-school-metapackage in version 12.0.4-2A~

  • UCS@school version 4.4 v7 requires UCS to be updated to at least 4.4-6 errata762. On the DVD installation media that is not the case, and thus the installation of new systems fails when the pre-join hook tries to install UCS@school 4.4 v7. The pre-join hook has been modified to detect that situation and install UCS@school version 4.4 v6 instead. The user can update to 4.4 v7 after the installation finishes (Bug 52214).

Source package ucs-school-veyon-client in version 1.0.1-1A~

  • A predictive logic for automatically renewing the connection to the Veyon Server was added to the client lib (Bug 52204)