1. Integration of Linux/Unix systems into a UCS domain#

These are general instructions for the integration of Unix/Linux-based non-UCS systems - referred to in the following simply as Unix systems - in the trust context of the UCS domain.

For the integration of Ubuntu clients, Univention offers a dedicated tool. For more information, see Ubuntu domain joins.

The integration of macOS clients is documented with example step-by-step instructions in the UCS manual. macOS systems use a deviating domain integration based on Samba 4.

Not all integration steps need to be performed. In this way, for example, a Unix system can merely be integrated in the IP management and access the NTP server without integrating the system in the UCS user management (e.g., if it is a database server on which no user login is performed anyway).

1.1. Managing the systems in the Univention Management Console#

A Computer: Linux object can be created in the UMC computer management. This allows the integration of the Unix system in the DNS/DHCP and network administration of the Univention Management Console

If the Nagios support is enabled under [Options], remote Nagios checks can also be applied against the system.

1.2. Configuration of the name resolution#

The Unix system should use a name server from the UCS domain: All UCS Directory Nodes (i.e., Primary Directory Node, Backup Directory Node and Replica Directory Node) operate a DNS server. One or more of these UCS system should be entered in the /etc/resolv.conf, e.g.:

domain example.com

1.3. Configuration of the time server#

All UCS Directory Nodes (i.e., Primary Directory Node, Backup Directory Node and Replica Directory Node) operate a NTP server.

The configuration differs depending on the NTP software used, but is set under /etc/ntp.conf on most Linux systems, e.g.:

server primary.example.com
server backup.example.com

1.4. Access to user and group information of the UCS domain#

The Name Service Switch (NSS) is an interface for configuring the data sources for users, groups and computers. NSS is present on all Linux versions and most Unix systems.

If the Unix system used provides support for an NSS module for LDAP access - as is the case in most Linux distributions - user and group information can be read out of the UCS LDAP directory.

The configuration files of the NSS LDAP module differ depending on the Linux/Unix version.

As a general rule, the following settings must be set there:

  • The DN of the LDAP base of the UCS domain (saved in the Univention Configuration Registry Variable ldap/base on UCS servers) needs to be configured on the system.

  • The LDAP server, ports and authentication credentials to be used. The fully qualified domain names of one or more UCS Directory Nodes should be entered here. By default UCS LDAP servers only allow authenticated LDAP access.

  • In the standard setting, only TLS-secured access is possible on UCS-LDAP servers. The accessing Unix system must therefore use the root certificate of the UCS-CA. The certificate can be found on the Primary Directory Node in the file /etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA/CAcert.pem and can be copied into any directory, e.g., /etc/ucs-ssl/. The UCS root certificate must then be configured in the LDAP configuration files. If the Unix system uses OpenLDAP as the LDAP implementation, it is usually the file /etc/openldap/ldap.conf or /etc/ldap/ldap.conf. The line for OpenLDAP is as follows:

    TLS_CACERT /etc/ucs-ssl/CAcert.pem

If the NSS LDAP service has been set up correctly, the following two commands should output all users and groups:

getent passwd
getent group

1.5. Integrating into Kerberos#

UCS employs the Kerberos implementation Heimdal. For this reason, Heimdal should also be used to access the Kerberos realm on the Unix system. Only the Heimdal client libraries need to be installed on the Unix system.

Kerberos requires correct time synchronization, see Configuration of the name resolution.

The configuration is performed in the /etc/krb5.conf file on most systems. Here is an example configuration:

  • KERBEROSREALM must be replaced by the name of the UCS Kerberos realm (saved in the Univention Configuration Registry Variable kerberos/realm).

  • PRIMARYIP must be replaced by the IP address of the Primary Directory Node.

  • PRIMARYFQDN must be replaced by the fully qualified domain name of the Primary Directory Node.

    default_realm = KERBEROSREALM
    default_tkt_enctypes = arcfour-hmac-md5 des-cbc-md5 des3-hmac-sha1 \
       des-cbc-crc des-cbc-md4 des3-cbc-sha1 aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96   \
    permitted_enctypes = des3-hmac-sha1 des-cbc-crc des-cbc-md4 \
       des-cbc-md5 des3-cbc-sha1 arcfour-hmac-md5               \
       aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96 aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96
    kdc_timesync = 1
    ccache_type = 4
    forwardable = true
    proxiable = true

   kpasswd_server = PRIMARYIP PRIMARYFQDN

The Heimdal PAM module then needs to be installed. In general, the installation of the module should adapt the PAM configuration automatically.

Then Kerberos authentication during login should work via PAM and password changes should be possible via kpasswd.

To allow SSH logins via Kerberos, the options GSSAPIAuthentication and GSSAPIKeyExchange should be set to yes in the configuration file of the SSH daemon (typically /etc/ssh/sshd_config).

1.6. Accessing a UCS print server#

UCS uses the Common Unix Printing System (CUPS) to implement print services. The Unix system can use the UCS print servers by installing the CUPS client programs. In addition the CUPS server needs to be configured for the clients, typically in the configuration file /etc/cups/client.conf, e.g.:

ServerName printserver.example.com