Understanding JWT

Understanding JWT#

This is a little script to help understand JSON Web Token (JWT). Also see:

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2023 Univention GmbH
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only

# This little description lifted of https://auth0.com/blog/how-to-handle-jwt-in-python/

import base64
from pprint import pprint

# pip install pyjwt[crypto]
import jwt
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization

from jwt_secrets import PRIVATE, PUBLIC, shared
from recursive_jwt import recursive_jwt
from icecream import ic

# A jwt is centered around a payload, an object of arbitrary keys and values.
# Some of the keys have a predefined meaning, https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7519#section-4.1, or
# in a shorter table here: https://www.iana.org/assignments/jwt/jwt.xhtml

payload1 = dict(sub='the subject',

# This payload gets encoded and signed using a key, which can be shared or an asymmetric secret key.

token1 = jwt.encode(payload=payload1,

# Lets have a look at the token...
ic(token1)  # eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ0aGUgc3ViamVjdCIsImZvbyI6ImJhciJ9.Dw6fFM
# -Jk7oP1g7Iu9FKl9cO5PEF7ITXEzRqWaD3sIo

# It consists of three separate base64 encoded parts, joined by a dot: header, payload, signature.

header, payload, signature = token1.split('.')

ic(base64.b64decode(header))  # header b'{"typ":"JWT","alg":"HS256"}'
ic(base64.b64decode(payload))  # payload b'{"sub":"the subject","foo":"bar"}'
    signature + '=='))  # signature b'\x0f\x0e\x9f\x14\xc2d\xee\x83\xf5\x83\xb2.\xf4R\xa5\xf5\xc3\xb9<A{
# !5\xc4\xcd\x1a\x96h=\xec"'
#                                              ^^ this is needed for b64 to do its work. Why is not known yet.

# We can get the unverified header from the token using the library. This means no key is required,
# but also that the header can't be trusted this way.

univerified_header = jwt.get_unverified_header(token1)
ic(univerified_header)  # {'typ': 'JWT', 'alg': 'HS256'}

# Decoding the token (a.k.a getting the payload) won't work with the library
# because what use is the payload if we haven't checked it's signature?
    jwt.decode(token1, algorithms=[univerified_header['alg']])  # don't do this: verify that algo is a valid one
except jwt.exceptions.InvalidSignatureError:
    ic('no secret, no verifification, no decoding')

# So we set the key.
payload_decoded = jwt.decode(token1,

# so now we have a verified payload
ic(payload_decoded)  # {'sub': 'the subject', 'foo': 'bar'}

# I lied above. If we really need the unverified payload, we can, be setting
# the option and leaving out the key.
payload_unverified = jwt.decode(token1,
                                # no key
                                algorithms=[univerified_header['alg']], # We can also get the algo from here,
                                                                        # but unverified!
                                options={"verify_signature": False})

# In this case, nobody tampered with the payload.
assert payload_unverified == payload_decoded

# and now with public keys

# We have created a public key pair using ssh, and stored the contents of the
# keys in a separate file. We need to load the keys before using them. And the
# empty password has to be passed, we can't just leave it out.
public = serialization.load_ssh_public_key(PUBLIC.encode())
private = serialization.load_ssh_private_key(PRIVATE.encode(), password=b'')

# Encoding looks like above, just with a private key this time
token2 = jwt.encode(payload=payload1,

# And decoding also looks the same
payload2_decoded = jwt.decode(token2,
print('=' * 40)

# Now we want to verify the access token using the public key from keycloak.
# We get it from, but the
# key is not directly usable.
access_token = \
    "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAiSldUIiwia2lkIiA6ICJMWVFSbjgxcXFCS196anVIcmZWcXU0QjZKejQweUlob1VtaGlmOWJPZDVzIn0" \
keycloak_public_key = "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAjxldobTiWegAsYhbVT+MdjNNCffFKkih1xt1nKaR" \
                      "+FGCOXV9zYpGnsBD+KCCG6atNTYgL8RDPsuYY/XdcmqpoYL4cXFJQVtyXUPEi38/AQ24uUgTifQURC1N1d5eGGPoJE4r9M" \
                      "/dGLmCsHTyVagXDQw1WG4Lbx/UNkDM72uk+rw9Phc+VZHvMXHcDpsIIc3fhf6g2Je4PLYu4" \
                      "/GPm86NCPyQlBNzYnmebxxzmAyLg9EI1YFhD2eP1paLag+difvF098a7ed+8sHnJUsLrn94E8RY28Oe5lpDh5g0wl" \

# Instead we need to pre- and append header and footer. So the internet tells us.
keycloak_with_headers = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n" + keycloak_public_key + "\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"
verified_token = jwt.decode(access_token,
                            audience='account', # No idea yet what that means, again, the internet tells us...

# and now we have a verified token.

# And now for a little helper method to look at the complete token, might be useful. The helper
# function tries to recursively decode whatever it finds. But you can also use jwt.io or similar.
print('=' * 40)
print('Access token')
# access_token