5. Support#

5.1. UCS@school APIs#

The Provisioning API and Self-disclosure API are plugins for the UCS@school APIs app.

  1. Restarting the app and thus the Provisioning API or Self-disclosure API:

    univention-app restart ucsschool-apis
  2. The logs for the UCS@school APIs app can be found in /var/log/univention/ucsschool-apis/. http.log contains the log entries of the app itself and opa.log contains the logs of the integrated OPA service.

  3. As they use the Kelvin API, you should also check the Kelvin logs under /var/log/univention/ucsschool-kelvin-rest-api/.

  4. The configuration directory for the UCS@school APIs App is /etc/ucsschool/apis, where settings.json is the main configuration file. There you can find a list of activated plugins and configuration for the authentication of users.

  5. Plugins tend to create a subdirectory for their own specific configurations. The two configuration files for the Provisioning API and Self-disclosure API can both be found in /etc/ucsschool/apis/id-broker/. They are automatically created by the joinscript of the respective plugins debian package as described in ID Broker Installation.

  6. For login related problems you can also check the Keycloak logs. Call docker logs keycloak on the sso-broker systems to inspect them.

5.2. Univention ID Broker Self-disclosure DB Builder#

The SDDB app uses app settings for configuration. To show the list of possible configurations, run the following command:

$ univention-app configure id-broker-sddb-builder --list

5.2.1. SDDB Command line interface#

The SDDB app provides a command line interface (CLI) to run a few common tasks from the command line. It’s available inside the apps Docker container. The log file for the CLI locates at /var/log/univention/id-broker-sddb-builder/cli.log.

The CLI has five top level commands of which three have sub commands. Use --help to explore how to use the commands:

sddb-builder --help

univention-app shell id-broker-sddb-builder

sddb-builder --help

 Usage: sddb-builder [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

 Manage the Self-disclosure database builders queues.

╭─ Options ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --json                  --no-json             Enable JSON output. [default: no-json]   │
│ --verbose               --no-verbose          Enable DEBUG level output, incl.         │
│                                               possibly private data.                   │
│                                               [default: no-verbose]                    │
│ --trace                 --no-trace            Enable TRACE level output, incl.         │
│                                               possibly private data.                   │
│                                               [default: no-trace]                      │
│ --log-file                              TEXT  Custom log file location.                │
│                                               [default:                                │
│                                               /var/log/univention/id-broker-sddb-buil… │
│ --install-completion                          Install completion for the current       │
│                                               shell.                                   │
│ --show-completion                             Show completion for the current shell,   │
│                                               to copy it or customize the              │
│                                               installation.                            │
│ --help                                        Show this message and exit.              │
╭─ Commands ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ connection-tests  Read configuration and verify connectivity to all databases.         │
│ data              Data related sub commands. See 'sddb-builder data --help' for        │
│                   details.                                                             │
│ queues            Queuing related sub commands. See 'sddb-builder queues --help' for   │
│                   details.                                                             │
│ stats             Statistics related sub commands. See 'sddb-builder stats --help' for │
│                   details.                                                             │
│ version           Print version of SDDB.                                               │

sddb-builder queues --help

sddb-builder queues --help

 Queuing related sub commands. See 'sddb-builder queues --help' for details.

╭─ Options ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --help          Show this message and exit.                                            │
╭─ Commands ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ append              Append an item to a queue.                                         │
│ bulk-append         Append multiple items to a queue.                                  │
│ flush               Remove all items in the queue.                                     │
│ length              Print number of items in queue.                                    │
│ rebuild-all-group   Enqueue the rebuild of all group objects currently in the SDDB.    │
│ rebuild-all-users   Enqueue the rebuild of all user objects currently in the SDDB.     │

sddb-builder stats --help

sddb-builder stats --help

 Statistics related sub commands. See 'sddb-builder stats --help' for details.

╭─ Options ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --help          Show this message and exit.                                            │
╭─ Commands ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ consumed-items         Print number of items consumed by hosts for each queue.         │
│ conversion-errors      Print number of errors encountered while converting data from   │
│                        source to target database (per consuming host).                 │
│ inconsistencies-found  Print number of inconsistencies found in either the source or   │
│                        the target database.                                            │
│ redis-info             Print Redis statistics (JSON serializable).                     │

sddb-builder queues append --help

You can also use the --help for sub commands:

sddb-builder queues append --help

Usage: sddb-builder queues append [OPTIONS] [QUEUE]:[regular|high|consistency]
                                ITEM_TYPE:{user|group|sp_mapping} ITEM

  Append an item to a queue.

 ╭─ Arguments ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
 │      queue          [QUEUE]:[regular|high|consistenc  The queue to append to.          │
 │                     y]                                [default: regular]               │
 │ *    item_type      ITEM_TYPE:{user|group|sp_mapping  What kind of object to enqueue.  │
 │                     }                                 [default: None]                  │
 │                                                       [required]                       │
 │ *    item           TEXT                              The pseudonym, group oder user   │
 │                                                       name to enqueue. Pseudonyms must │
 │                                                       be a pipe(|) concatenated string │
 │                                                       of service provider and          │
 │                                                       pseudonym, e.g.                  │
 │                                                       'itslearning|abcdef'. Use an     │
 │                                                       empty string for service         │
 │                                                       provider mapping ('sp_mapping'). │
 │                                                       [default: None]                  │
 │                                                       [required]                       │
 ╭─ Options ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
 │ --help          Show this message and exit.                                            │

sddb-builder queues bulk-append

Usage: sddb-builder queues bulk-append [OPTIONS]
                                     [QUEUE]:[regular|high|consistency] ITEM
                                     p_filter} ITEMS...

  Append multiple items to a queue.

 ╭─ Arguments ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
 │      queue          [QUEUE]:[regular|high|consistenc  The queue to append to.          │
 │                     y]                                [default: regular]               │
 │ *    item_type      ITEM_TYPE:{user|group|sp_mapping  What kind of objects to enqueue. │
 │                     |school|ldap_filter}              [default: None]                  │
 │                                                       [required]                       │
 │ *    items          ITEMS...                          The pseudonyms, group, user,     │
 │                                                       school names or LDAP filter to   │
 │                                                       enqueue. Pseudonyms must be a    │
 │                                                       pipe (|) concatenated string of  │
 │                                                       service provider and pseudonym,  │
 │                                                       e.g. 'itslearning|abcdef'. Use   │
 │                                                       an empty string for service      │
 │                                                       provider mapping ('sp_mapping'). │
 │                                                       LDAP filters must be surrounded  │
 │                                                       by parenthesis. A school name    │
 │                                                       means, that all users and groups │
 │                                                       of that school will be appended. │
 │                                                       Users school membership is       │
 │                                                       determined using the 'schools'   │
 │                                                       attribute.                       │
 │                                                       [default: None]                  │
 │                                                       [required]                       │
 ╭─ Options ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
 │ --help          Show this message and exit.                                            │

5.2.2. Examples for sddb-builder commands#

The following are a few examples how to use the CLI:

sddb-builder version

sddb-builder queues length regular

sddb-builder queues append regular group DEMOSCHOOL-Democlass
sddb-builder queues append regular user 'bettermarks|4dab8d9b-818a-47e5-8470-fa2bc15dc0db'
sddb-builder queues append regular sp_mapping ""
sddb-builder queues length regular

sddb-builder queues bulk-append regular school DEMOSCHOOL
sddb-builder queues length regular

sddb-builder stats redis-info
   "uptime_in_days": 13,
   "uptime_in_seconds": 1186463,
   "used_memory_rss": 3682304,
   "used_memory_rss_human": "3.51M",


The Self-Disclosure API uses The REST API to schedule the high priority update of users and groups in the Self-Disclosure Database in case a user asks for an object which isn’t yet present in the Database. To add elements to the high priority queue in the form of their pseudonym or entry_uuid, the Self-Disclosure API offers the endpoints append and extend.

To get current information about the Self-Disclosure Database Builder in the prometheus format, use the metrics endpoint.

The log file for the REST API locate at /var/log/univention/id-broker-sddb-builder/http.log.