3. Schemas#

This section covers the provided data classes that are present on a system with UCS@school installed. The responses to the requests covered in section contain various possible combinations of the data classes.

The documentation format of the data classes is identical to the “Schemas”-section within the Swagger User Interface (Swagger UI) available at https://FQDN/ucsschool/apis/docs#/. Replace FQDN with the fully qualified domain name of your UCS@school system. You can consult this section, if you can’t use the Swagger UI and you need information about data classes.

3.1. GroupMembers#

GroupMembers {
  students [
  title: Students
    student {
      user_id*    string
                  title: User Id
      username*   string
                  title: Username
      firstname*  string
                  title: Firstname
      lastname*   string
                  title: Lastname
  teachers [
  title: Teachers
    teacher {
      user_id*    string
                  title: User Id
      username*   string
                  title: Username

3.2. CountedGroup#

CountedGroup {
  group_id*         string
                    title: Group Id
  type*             string
                    title: Type
  name*             string
                    title: Name
  school_id*        string
                    title: School Id
  school_authority* string
                    title: School Authority
  student_count*    integer
                    title: Student Count

3.3. HTTPValidationError#

HTTPValidationError {
  detail [
  title: Detail
    ValidationError {
      loc*        Location [
                  title: Location
      msg*        string
                  title: Message
      typ*        string
                  title: Error Type


3.4. Student#

Student {
  user_id*    string
              title: User Id
  username*   string
              title: Username
  firstname*  string
              title: Firstname
  lastname*   string
              title: Lastname

3.5. Teacher#

teacher {
  user_id*    string
              title: User Id
  username*   string
              title: Username

3.6. Token#

Token {
  access_token*    string
                   title: Access Token
  token_type*      string
                   title: Token Type

3.7. User#

User {
  user_id*          string
                    title: User Id
  username*         string
                    title: Username
  firstname*        stringLastname
                    title: Firstname
  lastname*         string
                    title: Lastname
  type*             string
                    title: Type
  school_id*        string
                    title: School Id
  school_authority* string
                    title: School Authority

3.8. UsersGroups#

UsersGroups {
  groups [
  title: Groups
    CountedGroup {
    group_id*         string
                      title: Group Id
    type*             string
                      title: Type
    name*             string
                      title: Name
    school_id*        string
                      title: School Id
    school_authority* string
                      title: School Authority
    student_count*    integer
                      title: Student Count

3.9. ValidationError#

ValidationError {
  loc*        Location [
              title: Location
  msg*        string
              title: Message
  typ*        string
              title: Error Type