1. Installation#

You can install the ICS app like any other app with Univention App Center.

UCS offers two different ways for app installation:

  • With the web browser in the UCS management system

  • With the command-line

For general information about Univention App Center and how to use it for software installation, see Univention App Center in UCS 5.0 Manual [1].

1.1. Installing this app has various prerequisites#

  1. ICS only supports OIDC, this means both Nextcloud (>=23.0) and OX (>=7.10.6) have to be authenticated via OIDC as well

  2. For working CSRF protection all other Apps need to be up to date

  3. ICS requires the “Nordeck”-Bot to be up an running for Matrix

  4. ICS requires its four secrets to be provided before installation, see Secrets for details

  5. ICS requires correctly configured Keycloak (>=12.0), including a valid Intercom OIDC client before installation

    Create a new OIDC Client, the Client ID can be configured during ICS app installation, but by default you should use intercom, leave the Root URL empty and save.

    Select Access Type as confidential.

    Set Service Accounts Enabled and Authorization Enabled to On.

    Set Service Accounts Enabled and Authorization Enabled to On.

    Set Backchannel Logout URL to your intended ICS-domain with protocol and append the ICS backchannel logout path (requires Keycloak >=12.0.0), for example:


    Set the valid redirect URL to your intended ICS-domain with protocol and append the ICS callback path /callback, for example:


    Go to the Tab Credentials, copy the secret and save it to /etc/intercom-client.secret.

1.2. Installation with the web browser#

To install ICS from the UCS management system, use the following steps:

  1. Use a web browser and sign in to the UCS management system.

  2. Open the App Center.

  3. Select or search for ICS and open the app with a click.

  4. To install ICS, click Install.

  5. Leave the App settings in their defaults or adjust them to your preferences. For a reference, see Settings.

  6. To start the installation, click Start Installation.


To install apps, the user account you choose for login to the UCS management system must have domain administration rights, for example the username Administrator. User accounts with domain administration rights belong to the user group Domain Admins.

For more information, see Delegated administration for UMC modules in UCS 5.0 Manual [1].

1.3. Installation with command-line#

To install the ICS app from the command-line, use the following steps:

  1. Sign in to a terminal or remote shell with a username with administration rights, for example root.

  2. Choose between default and custom settings and run the appropriate installation command.

    For installation with default settings, run:

    $ univention-app install ics

    To pass customized settings to the app during installation, run the following command:

    $ univention-app install --set $SETTING_KEY=$SETTING_VALUE ics


    Some settings don’t allow changes after installation. To overwrite their default values, set them before the installation. For a reference, see Settings.

    Example: To define a different administration user in ICS, run:

    $ univention-app install --set OPTION=VALUE