5. Troubleshooting#

When you encounter problems with the operation of the ICS app, this chapter providers information where you can look closer into and to get an impression about what is going wrong.

5.1. Log files#

The ICS app produces different logging information in different places.


Contains log information around activities in the App Center.

The App Center writes ICS relevant information to this file, when you run app lifecycle tasks like install, update and uninstall or when you change the app settings.


Contains log information from join processes. When the App Center installs ICS, the app also joins the domain.

ICS Docker container

The app uses a custom builder node image. The App Center runs the container. You can view log information from the ICS Docker container with the following command:

$ univention-app logs ics

Reverse proxy logs may contain relevant information for queried URLs by ICS, for example the status of middleware queries to other components. Please note that for externalized setups, like for example the BMI-UX setup, the queries will be proxied through the external HA-Proxy and therefore logs will be located in /var/log/haproxy.log on the haproxy-server.

5.2. Common Problems#

Failing to provide the protocol (http or https) for middleware relevant URLs like intercom-service/nextcloud/url, intercom/portal/portal-url, intercom/matrix/nordeck-url will lead to an error during the request in the form of:

TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'split')
  at required (/app/node_modules/requires-port/index.js:13:23)