⚠️ This document is work in progress. Feedback is welcome. ⚠️

1. Introduction#

Welcome to the Nubus for Kubernetes - Operation Manual, a document that describes how to operate Univention Nubus in a Kubernetes deployment.

Univention Nubus, or Nubus for short, is an open source software for integrating various applications, such as web applications, into a uniform overall solution for end users. Nubus offers uniform user and authorization management, including single sign-on, a portal for effortless access and an overview of the applications, as well as extensive interfaces for integration with applications and with existing IT systems, such as existing identity and access management solutions. Designed for operation on Kubernetes, Nubus comes as a repository of container images and deployment artifacts, such as Helm Charts.

1.1. Audience#

This document addresses individuals in organizations that operate Univention Nubus in a Kubernetes deployment, such as DevOps engineers or cloud teams. These individuals are responsible for ensuring the stable operation of Nubus, following the Nubus product lifecycle, and keeping it in a supported state.

If this describes your role and you want to deploy Univention Nubus, then this document is for you.

1.2. Scope#

This document provides information about the operational requirements for Nubus, the installation steps, and a reference for the configuration parameters.

The document doesn’t cover the installation and maintenance of a Kubernetes cluster and other software components mentioned as requirements. For installation and operation in Kubernetes deployments, refer to the documentation of the respective software components.

1.3. Knowledge needed for understanding#

To follow along in this document, readers need to understand the following topics:

1.4. Feedback#

Your feedback on this documentation is welcome and highly appreciated. If you have any comments, suggestions, or criticisms, please submit your feedback to improve the document.

1.5. Versioning and changelog#

This document follows the Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 specification.

Each document minor version receives its own public location, for example https://docs.software-univention.de/nubus-kubernetes-operation/0.1/en/. All changes resulting in a PATCH in the context of Semantic Versioning locate at the minor version public location.

You find a summary of the changes in the document’s changelog section.