8.2. Backup tool: Velero#

This documentation uses Velero, because it takes care of the volume snapshots and conserves the resources of your Nubus for Kubernetes deployment. Snapshots ensure a consistent state within a persistent volume.


⚠️ Univention Support doesn’t cover Velero and using it. ⚠️

This documentation uses Velero as an example to demonstrate the backup and restore procedure.

To install Velero follow the steps described in the Velero documentation. You need to:

  1. Install the Velero command-line client.

  2. Install and configure the Velero server components.


Use the versions outlined in the Velero compatibility matrix, see Requirements for backup and restore.

8.2.1. Install Velero through CLI#

The following steps describe how to install and configure the Velero server components using the Velero command-line client. You can alternatively install the Velero server components using Helm, but that’s beyond the scope of this document.

Before you begin, make sure you meet the Requirements for backup and restore.

  1. Save the credentials for your object storage in a text file, for example credentials-velero. The parameters vary depending on your storage provider. Listing 8.1 shows an example for MinIO S3-compatible storage.

    Listing 8.1 Content of credentials-velero with credentials to the MinIO object store provider#
    aws_access_key_id = backup-for-nubus
    aws_secret_access_key = ohxiereiboh0vonohxohmeeF5gaeVohy
  2. Open a shell on your local machine, where you installed the Velero command-line client to configure the environment as shown in Listing 8.2. Use the Observations to help you decide on some settings.

    Listing 8.2 Settings for Velero#
    $ export NAMESPACE_FOR_VELERO="your namespace for Velero"
    $ export VELERO_SECRET_FILE="./credentials-velero"
    $ export PROVIDER_FOR_VELERO="aws"
    $ export STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME="name to the bucket for backup"
    # Define the versions to use.
    # Verify the Velero compatibility matrix.
    $ export VERSION_VELERO="v1.13.2"
    $ export VERSION_PLUGIN_AWS="v1.9.2"
    $ export VERSION_PLUGIN_CSI="v0.7.1"
    # The URL to your S3-compatible storage API, including the port
    $ export S3_URL="http://minio.namespace-minio.svc:9000"
    #The URL to your S3-compatible storage API
    $ export S3_PUBLIC_URL="https://api.fqdn-s3-storage.example.com"
  3. Install the Velero server components and pass the credentials and configuration for the plugins, as shown in Listing 8.3.

    Listing 8.3 Install Velero#
    $ velero install \
       --namespace "$NAMESPACE_FOR_VELERO" \
       --provider "$PROVIDER_FOR_VELERO" \
       --plugins=docker.io/velero/velero-plugin-for-aws:"$VERSION_PLUGIN_AWS",docker.io/velero/velero-plugin-for-csi:"$VERSION_PLUGIN_CSI" \
       --image docker.io/velero/velero:"$VERSION_VELERO" \
       --features=EnableCSI \
       --bucket "$STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME" \
       --secret-file "$VELERO_SECRET_FILE" \
       --velero-pod-mem-limit 1G \
       --backup-location-config \

See also

VMware Tanzu Helm Repository

for installation of Velero server components through Helm Charts.

Velero Docs - Customize Velero Install

for information about customizing the Velero installation.

8.2.2. Observations#

Memory limit for Velero server components

The default memory limit for Velero in version 1.13.2 is 512 megabytes. During testing, the restore ended in a PartiallyFailed state with no detailed logging information, because the pod reached its memory limit and Kubernetes terminated the container. You can adjust the value to suit your needs. Starting with 1G for one gigabyte gets you started.

Network configuration for storage provider

If you run the object storage provider, such as MinIO, in a Kubernetes cluster, you need to make sure that your client with the Velero command-line client can reach the MinIO API at its default port 9000. If it can’t, add a proper ingress configuration to your Kubernetes cluster that exposes the port for the MinIO API and issues a TLS certificate.