Source code for ucsschool.importer.utils.format_pyhook

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Base class for all Python based format hooks.

from __future__ import absolute_import

from ucsschool.importer.utils.import_pyhook import ImportPyHook

[docs]class FormatPyHook(ImportPyHook): """ Format hook base class See ImportPyHook base class for documentation regarding the class' attributes. """ priority = { "patch_fields_staff": None, "patch_fields_student": None, "patch_fields_teacher": None, "patch_fields_teacher_and_staff": None, } # The hook will be run only for property names in this list. properties = ()
[docs] def patch_fields_staff(self, property_name, fields): """ Run code before formatting an property using a schema in format_from_scheme(). :param str property_name: Name of property_name that will be formatted :param dict fields: dictionary with the users attributes and udm_properties :return: fields dictionary that be used by format_from_scheme() :rtype: dict """ return fields
[docs] def patch_fields_student(self, property_name, fields): """ Run code before formatting an property using a schema in format_from_scheme(). :param str property_name: Name of property_name that will be formatted :param dict fields: dictionary with the users attributes and udm_properties :return: fields dictionary that be used by format_from_scheme() :rtype: dict """ return fields
[docs] def patch_fields_teacher(self, property_name, fields): """ Run code before formatting an property using a schema in format_from_scheme(). :param str property_name: Name of property_name that will be formatted :param dict fields: dictionary with the users attributes and udm_properties :return: fields dictionary that be used by format_from_scheme() :rtype: dict """ return fields
[docs] def patch_fields_teacher_and_staff(self, property_name, fields): """ Run code before formatting a property using a schema in format_from_scheme(). :param str property_name: Name of property_name that will be formatted :param dict fields: dictionary with the users attributes and udm_properties :return: fields dictionary that be used by format_from_scheme() :rtype: dict """ return fields