UMC uses its own protocol for internal communication that is optimized for the needs of UMC. The following documents the specification of the protocol and the message format as well as the API of the Python implementation.
This new generation of UMCP is based on the version 1.0 but is not compatible.
This protocol is used by the UMC server for external clients and between the UMC server and its UMC module processes.
Data flow¶
The protocol is based on a server/client model. The client sends requests to the server that will be answered with a response message by the server.
With a status code in the response message the client can determine the type of result of its request:
- An error occurred during the processing of the request. The status
code contains details of the error
- The command was processed successfully. A status message may contain
details about the performed task
Before a client may send request messages to the server that contain commands to execute, the client has to authenticate. After a successful authentication the UMC server determines the permissions for the user defined by policies in the LDAP directory. If the LDAP server is not reachable a local cache is checked for previously discovered permissions. If none of these sources is available the user is prohibited to use any command.
The authentication process within the UMC server uses the PAM service univention-management-console. By default, this service uses a cache for credentials if the LDAP server is not available to provide the possibility to access the UMC server also in case of problems with the LDAP server.
Message format¶
The messages, request and response, have the same format that consists of a single header line, one empty line and the body.
The header line contains control information that allows the UMC server to verify the correctness of the message without reading the rest of the message.
Message header¶
The header defines the message type, a unique identifier, the length of the message body in bytes, the command and the MIME type of the body.
(REQUEST|RESPONSE)/<id>/<length of body>[/<mime-type>]: <command>[ <arguments>]
The message contains the following parts:
By the first keyword the message type is defined. Supported message types are REQUEST and RESPONSE. Any other type will be ignored.
- ID
Separated by a / the message id follows that must be unique within a communication channel. By default it consists of a timestamp and a counter.
The next field is a number defining the length of the body in bytes. Starting to count after the empty line.
Since UMCP 2.0 there is as another field specifying the MIME type of the body. If not given the guessed value for the MIME type is application/json. If the body can not be decoded using a JSON parser the message is invalid.
The last two fields define the UMCP command that should be executed by the server. The following commands are supported:
sends an authentication request. It must be the first command send by the client. All commands send before a successful authentication are rejected. This is no longer true and the AUTH command can be replaced by a SET command to set information about the user and other details.
is used to retrieve information from the UMC server, e.g. a list of all UMC modules available in this session.
is used to define settings for the session, e.g. the language.
This command is used to pass requests to UMC modules. Each module defines a set of commands that it implements. The UMC module command is defined by the first argument in the UMCP header, e.g. a request like
REQUEST/123423423-01/42/application/json: COMMAND ucr/query
passes on the module command ucr/query to a UMC module.
Message body¶
The message body may contain one object of any type, e.g. an image, an Open Office document or JSON, which is the default type and is the only supported MIME type for REQUEST messages. It contains a dictionary that has a few pre-defined keys (for both message types):
- options
contains the arguments for the command.
- status
defines the status code in response messages. The codes are similar to the HTTP status codes , e.g. 200 defines a successful execution of the command. The appendix contains a detailed list [[#Status-Codes]].
- message
may contain a human readable description of the status code. This may contain details to explain the user the situation.
- flavor
is an optional field. If given in a request message the module may act differently than without the flavor.
This section contains a few example messages of UMCP 2.0
Authentication request¶
REQUEST/130928961341733-1/47/application/json: AUTH
{"username": "root", "password": "univention"}
REQUEST/130928961341733-2/705/application/json: SET
{"options":{"locale":"de_DE.UTF-8","credentials":{"auth_type":null,"user_dn":"uid=Administrator,cn=users,dc=test,dc=local","username":"Administrator","password":"univention"},"commands":{"description":"Overview of processes on the local system","translationId":"","keywords":["process","Process overview"],"id":"top","categories":["system"],"icon":null,"flavors":[],"commands":[{"allow_anonymous":false,"method":"query","name":"top/query"},{"allow_anonymous":false,"method":"kill","name":"top/kill"}],"name":"Process overview","url":null,"priority":50.0,"required_commands":[],"version":"8.0.1-3A~"},"acls":[{"fromUser":false,"flavor":"*","command":"top/*","host":"dc0","options":{}}]}}
Request: Run top query¶
REQUEST/130928961341733-3/16/application/json: COMMAND top/query
{"options": {}}
Request: Search for users¶
REQUEST/130928961341726-0/125/application/json: COMMAND udm/query
{"flavor": "users/user", "options": {"objectProperty": "name", "objectPropertyValue": "test1*1", "objectType": "users/user"}}
Response: Search for users¶
RESPONSE/130928961341726-0/1639/application/json: COMMAND udm/query
{"status": 200, "message": null, "options": {"objectProperty": "name", "objectPropertyValue": "test1*1", "objectType": "users/user"}, "result": [{"ldap-dn": "uid=test11,cn=users,dc=univention,dc=qa", "path": "", "name": "test11", "objectType": "users/user"}, {"ldap-dn": "uid=test101,cn=users,dc=univention,dc=qa", "path": "", "name": "test101", "objectType": "users/user"}, {"ldap-dn": "uid=test111,cn=users,dc=univention,dc=qa", "path": "", "name": "test111", "objectType": "users/user"}, {"ldap-dn": "uid=test121,cn=users,dc=univention,dc=qa", "path": "", "name": "test121", "objectType": "users/user"}, {"ldap-dn": "uid=test131,cn=users,dc=univention,dc=qa", "path": "", "name": "test131", "objectType": "users/user"}, {"ldap-dn": "uid=test141,cn=users,dc=univention,dc=qa", "path": "", "name": "test141", "objectType": "users/user"}, {"ldap-dn": "uid=test151,cn=users,dc=univention,dc=qa", "path": "", "name": "test151", "objectType": "users/user"}, {"ldap-dn": "uid=test161,cn=users,dc=univention,dc=qa", "path": "", "name": "test161", "objectType": "users/user"}, {"ldap-dn": "uid=test171,cn=users,dc=univention,dc=qa", "path": "", "name": "test171", "objectType": "users/user"}, {"ldap-dn": "uid=test181,cn=users,dc=univention,dc=qa", "path": "", "name": "test181", "objectType": "users/user"}, {"ldap-dn": "uid=test191,cn=users,dc=univention,dc=qa", "path": "", "name": "test191", "objectType": "users/user"}]}
Python API¶
The following documents the API of all components implementing parts of the Univention Management Concole Protocol (UMCP). The figure Core structure of the UMC implementation shows the relations between the classes implementing the UMC service.
Core structure of the UMC implementation¶
UMCP is a simple RPC protocol using two message types (request and
response message). The API of the Python objects representing the
messages are based on the class Message
- exception[source]¶
- class, command='', mime_type='application/json', data=None, arguments=None, options=None)[source]¶
Represents a protocol message of UMCP. It is able to parse request as well as response messages.
- Parameters
type – message type (RESPONSE or REQUEST)
command (str) – UMCP command
mime_type (str) – defines the MIME type of the message body
data – binary data that should contain a message
arguments – arguments for the UMCP command
options – options passed to the command handler. This works for request messages with MIME type application/JSON only.
- REQUEST = 1¶
- property id¶
- property message¶
contains a human readable error message
- property error¶
contains error information
- property result¶
contains the data that represents the result of the request
- property status¶
contains the status code defining the success or failure of a request (see also
- property reason¶
contains the reason phrase for the status code
- property options¶
defines options to pass on to the module command
- property flavor¶
flavor of the request
- property headers¶
contains HTTP request / response headers
- property cookies¶
contains parsed request / response cookies
- property http_method¶
contains the HTTP request method
- class, arguments=None, options=None, mime_type='application/json')[source]¶
Represents an UMCP request message
- class, data=None, mime_type='application/json')[source]¶
This class describes a response to a request from the console frontend to the console daemon
- recreate_id = None¶
Server, client and session¶
Defines the basic class for an UMC server.
- class[source]¶
Manages a connection (session) to the UMC server. Therefore it ensures that without successful authentication no other command is accepted. All commands are passed to the
. After the user has authenticated the commands are passed on to the Processor.
- class, ssl=True, unix=None, magic=True, magicClass=<class ''>, load_ressources=True, processes=1)[source]¶
Creates an UMC server. It handles incoming connections on UNIX or TCP sockets and passes the control to an external session handler (e.g.
)- Parameters
port (int) – port to listen to
ssl (bool) – if SSL should be used
unix (str) – if given it must be the filename of the UNIX socket to use
magic (bool) – if an external session handler should be used
magicClass (class) – a reference to the class for the external session handler
load_ressources (bool) – if the modules and categories definitions should be loaded
processes (int) – Enable multi-process mode.
Initializes the socket to listen for requests
- class, sock)[source]¶
Holds information about the state of an active session
- Parameters
client (str) – IP address + port
sock (socket.socket) – socket object
- client¶
- socket¶
- buffer¶
- requests¶
- resend_queue¶
- session¶
- property active¶
- timeout¶
Provides a class Client
that implements an UMCP client
- exception[source]¶
- class'localhost', port=6670, unix=None, ssl=True)[source]¶
Implements an UMCP client
- Parameters
Initialize a socket-connection to the server.
- property openRequests¶
Returns a list of open UMCP requests
- disconnect(force=True)[source]¶
Shutdown the connection. If there are still open requests and force is False the connection is kept.
- request(msg)[source]¶
Sends an UMCP request to the UMC server
- Parameters
msg (Request) – the UMCP request to send
This module provides a class for an UMC module server. it is based on
the UMC server class
- class, module, timeout=300, check_acls=True)[source]¶
Implements an UMC module server
- Parameters
Initializes the socket to listen for requests
- handle(msg)[source]¶
Handles incoming UMCP requests. This function is called only when it is a valid UMCP request.
- Parameters
msg (Request) – the received UMCP request
The following commands are handled directly and are not passed to the custom module code:
SET (acls|username|credentials)
Implements several helper classes to handle the state of a session and the communication with the module processes
- class, debug='0', locale=None)[source]¶
handles the communication with a UMC module process
- Parameters
Initialize a socket-connection to the server.
- class[source]¶
Implements a proxy and command handler. It handles all internal UMCP commands and passes the commands for a module to the subprocess.
- Parameters
- property lo¶
- error_handling(etype, exc, etraceback)[source]¶
Translate generic UDM exceptions back to LDAP exceptions.
- Parameters
etype – The exception class.
exc – The exception instance.
etraceback – The exception traceback instance; may be None.
- request(msg)[source]¶
Handles an incoming UMCP request and passes the requests to specific handler functions.
- Parameters
msg (Request) – UMCP request
- handle_request_get_ucr(msg)¶
- handle_request_get_info(msg)¶
- handle_request_get_user_preferences(msg)¶
- handle_request_get_hosts(msg)¶
- handle_request_set_password(msg)¶
- handle_request_set_user(msg)¶
- handle_request_version(msg)¶
- META_JSON_PATH = '/var/www/univention/meta.json'¶
- handle_request_upload(request)[source]¶
Handles an UPLOAD request. The command is used for the HTTP access to the UMC server. Incoming HTTP requests that send a list of files are passed on to the UMC server by storing the files in temporary files and passing the information about the files to the UMC server in the options of the request. The request options must be a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary must contain the following keys:
filename – the original name of the file
name – name of the form field
tmpfile – filename of the temporary file
- Parameters
msg (Request) – UMCP request
- handle_request_command(msg)[source]¶
Handles a COMMAND request. The request must contain a valid and known command that can be accessed by the current user. If access to the command is prohibited the request is answered as a forbidden command.
If there is no running module process for the given command a new one is started and the request is added to a queue of requests that will be passed on when the process is ready.
If a module process is already running the request is passed on and the inactivity timer is reset.
- Parameters
msg (Request) – UMCP request
- reset_inactivity_timer(module)[source]¶
Resets the inactivity timer. This timer watches the inactivity of the module process. If the module did not receive a request for MODULE_INACTIVITY_TIMER seconds the module process is shut down to save resources. The timer ticks each seconds to handle glitches of the system clock.
- Parameters
module (Module) – a UMC module
- handle_request_exit(msg)[source]¶
Handles an EXIT request. If the request does not have an argument that contains a valid name of a running UMC module instance the request is returned as a bad request.
If the request is valid it is passed on to the module process. Additionally a timer of 3000 milliseconds is started. After that amount of time the module process MUST have been exited itself. If not the UMC server will kill the module process.
- Parameters
msg (Request) – UMCP request
- class[source]¶
- META_UCR_VARS = ['domainname', 'hostname', 'ldap/master', 'license/base', 'server/role', 'ssl/validity/host', 'ssl/validity/root', 'ssl/validity/warning', 'umc/web/favorites/default', 'umc/web/piwik', 'update/available', 'update/reboot/required', 'uuid/license', 'uuid/system', 'version/erratalevel', 'version/patchlevel', 'version/version']¶
- CHANGELOG_VERSION = re.compile('^[^(]*\\(([^)]*)\\).*')¶
- class[source]¶
- error_handling(etype, exc, etraceback)[source]¶
Translate generic UDM exceptions back to LDAP exceptions.
- Parameters
etype – The exception class.
exc – The exception instance.
etraceback – The exception traceback instance; may be None.