Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Univention Management Console
#  module server process implementation
# Copyright 2006-2022 Univention GmbH
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
# (GNU AGPL V3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# Binary versions of this program provided by Univention to you as
# well as other copyrighted, protected or trademarked materials like
# Logos, graphics, fonts, specific documentations and configurations,
# cryptographic keys etc. are subject to a license agreement between
# you and Univention and not subject to the GNU AGPL V3.
# In the case you use this program under the terms of the GNU AGPL V3,
# the program is provided in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
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# <>.

"""This module provides a class for an UMC module server. it is based on
the UMC server class

import errno
import sys
import traceback
import socket

import notifier
import six

from .server import Server
from .message import Response, Message, IncompleteMessageError, ParseError

from import ACLs
from import Module
from import MODULE, PROTOCOL

from univention.lib.i18n import Translation

	from typing import Any, NoReturn, Optional  # noqa: F401
except ImportError:

_ = Translation('').translate

[docs]class ModuleServer(Server): """Implements an UMC module server :param str socket: UNIX socket filename :param str module: name of the UMC module to serve :param int timeout: If there are no incoming requests for *timeout* seconds the module server shuts down :param bool check_acls: if False the module server does not check the permissions (**dangerous!**) """ def __init__(self, socket, module, timeout=300, check_acls=True): # type: (str, str, int, bool) -> None self.__name = module self.__module = module self.__commands = Module() self.__comm = None self.__client = None self.__buffer = b'' self.__acls = None self.__timeout = timeout self.__time_remaining = timeout self.__active_requests = 0 self._timer() self.__check_acls = check_acls self.__queue = b'' self.__username = None self.__user_dn = None self.__password = None self.__init_etype = None self.__init_exc = None self.__init_etraceback = None self.__handler = None self._load_module() Server.__init__(self, port=None, ssl=False, unix=socket, magic=False, load_ressources=False) MODULE.process('Module socket initialized.') def __enter__(self): x = super(ModuleServer, self).__enter__() self.signal_connect('session_new', self._client) return x def _load_module(self): # type: () -> None MODULE.process('Loading python module.') modname = self.__module from ..error import UMC_Error try: try: file_ = '' % (modname,) self.__module = __import__(file_, {}, {}, modname) MODULE.process('Imported python module.') self.__handler = self.__module.Instance() MODULE.process('Module instance created.') except Exception as exc: error = _('Failed to load module %(module)s: %(error)s\n%(traceback)s') % {'module': modname, 'error': exc, 'traceback': traceback.format_exc()} MODULE.error(error) if isinstance(exc, ImportError) and str(exc).startswith('No module named %s' % (modname,)): error = '\n'.join(( _('The requested module %r does not exist.') % (modname,), _('The module may have been removed recently.'), _('Please relogin to the Univention Management Console to see if the error persists.'), _('Further information can be found in the logfile %s.') % ('/var/log/univention/management-console-module-%s.log' % (modname,),), )) raise UMC_Error(error, status=MODULE_ERR_INIT_FAILED) except UMC_Error: try: exc_info = sys.exc_info() self.__init_etype, self.__init_exc, self.__init_etraceback = exc_info # FIXME: do not keep a reference to traceback finally: exc_info = None else: self.__handler.signal_connect('success', notifier.Callback(self._reply, True)) def _reply(self, msg, final): if final: self.__active_requests -= 1 self.response(msg) def _timer(self): # type: () -> None """In order to avoid problems when the system time is changed (e.g., via rdate), we register a timer event that counts down the session timeout second-wise.""" # count down the remaining time if not self.__active_requests: self.__time_remaining -= 1 if self.__time_remaining <= 0: # module has timed out self._timed_out() else: # count down the timer second-wise (in order to avoid problems when # changing the system time, e.g. via rdate) notifier.timer_add(1000, self._timer) def _timed_out(self): # type: () -> NoReturn'Committing suicide') if self.__handler: self.__handler.destroy() self.exit() sys.exit(0) def _client(self, client, socket): self.__comm = socket self.__client = client notifier.socket_add(self.__comm, self._recv) def _recv(self, sock): # type: (socket.socket) -> bool try: data = sock.recv(RECV_BUFFER_SIZE) except socket.error as exc: MODULE.error('Failed connection: %s' % (errno.errorcode.get(exc.errno, exc.errno),)) data = None # connection closed? if not data: sock.close() if sock == self.__comm:'UMC server connection closed. This module is no longer in use.') # the connection to UMC server connection has been closed/died/... # so from now on this module is unused. Thus it is committing suicide right now. self._timed_out() else:'Connection %r closed' % (sock,)) # remove socket from notifier return False self.__buffer += data msg = None while self.__buffer: try: msg = Message() self.__buffer = msg.parse(self.__buffer)"Received request %s" % self.handle(msg) except IncompleteMessageError:'Failed to parse incomplete message') return True except ParseError as exc: MODULE.error('Failed to parse message: %s' % (exc,)) if not = -1 status, message = exc.args from ..error import UMC_Error raise UMC_Error(message, status=status) except Exception: self.error_handling(msg, 'init', *sys.exc_info()) return True
[docs] def error_handling(self, request, method, etype, exc, etraceback): if self.__handler: self.__handler._Base__requests[] = (request, method) self.__handler._Base__error_handling(request, method, etype, exc, etraceback) return trace = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(etype, exc, etraceback)) MODULE.error('The init function of the module failed\n%s: %s' % (exc, trace,)) from ..error import UMC_Error if not isinstance(exc, UMC_Error): error = _('The initialization of the module failed: %s') % (trace,) exc = UMC_Error(error, status=MODULE_ERR_INIT_FAILED) etype = UMC_Error resp = Response(request) resp.status = exc.status resp.message = str(exc) resp.result = exc.result resp.headers = exc.headers self.response(resp)
[docs] def handle(self, msg): # type: (Request) -> None """Handles incoming UMCP requests. This function is called only when it is a valid UMCP request. :param Request msg: the received UMCP request The following commands are handled directly and are not passed to the custom module code: * SET (acls|username|credentials) * EXIT """ from ..error import UMC_Error, NotAcceptable self.__time_remaining = self.__timeout'Received UMCP %s REQUEST %s' % (msg.command, resp = Response(msg) resp.status = SUCCESS if msg.command == 'EXIT': shutdown_timeout = 100"EXIT: module shutdown in %dms" % shutdown_timeout) # shutdown module after one second resp.message = 'module %s will shutdown in %dms' % (msg.arguments[0], shutdown_timeout) self.response(resp) notifier.timer_add(shutdown_timeout, self._timed_out) return if self.__init_etype: notifier.timer_add(10000, self._timed_out) six.reraise(self.__init_etype, self.__init_exc, self.__init_etraceback) if msg.command == 'SET': for key, value in msg.options.items(): if key == 'acls': self.__acls = ACLs(acls=value) self.__handler.acls = self.__acls elif key == 'commands': self.__commands.fromJSON(value['commands']) elif key == 'username': self.__username = value self.__handler.username = self.__username elif key == 'password': self.__password = value self.__handler.password = self.__password elif key == 'auth_type': self.__auth_type = value self.__handler.auth_type = self.__auth_type elif key == 'credentials': self.__username = value['username'] self.__user_dn = value['user_dn'] self.__password = value['password'] self.__auth_type = value.get('auth_type') self.__handler.username = self.__username self.__handler.user_dn = self.__user_dn self.__handler.password = self.__password self.__handler.auth_type = self.__auth_type elif key == 'locale' and value is not None: try: self.__handler.update_language([value]) except NotAcceptable: pass # ignore if the locale doesn't exists, it continues with locale C else: raise UMC_Error(status=422) # if SET command contains 'acls', commands' and # 'credentials' it is the initialization of the module # process if 'acls' in msg.options and 'commands' in msg.options and 'credentials' in msg.options: MODULE.process('Initializing module.') try: self.__handler.init() except Exception: try: exc_info = sys.exc_info() self.__init_etype, self.__init_exc, self.__init_etraceback = exc_info # FIXME: do not keep a reference to traceback self.error_handling(msg, 'init', *exc_info) finally: exc_info = None return self.response(resp) return if msg.arguments: cmd = msg.arguments[0] cmd_obj = self.command_get(cmd) if cmd_obj and (not self.__check_acls or self.__acls.is_command_allowed(cmd, options=msg.options, flavor=msg.flavor)): self.__active_requests += 1 self.__handler.execute(cmd_obj.method, msg) return raise UMC_Error('Not initialized.', status=403)
[docs] def command_get(self, command_name): # type: (str) -> Optional[Any] """Returns the command object that matches the given command name""" for cmd in self.__commands.commands: if == command_name: return cmd return None
[docs] def command_is_known(self, command_name): # type: (str) -> bool """Checks if a command with the given command name is known :rtype: bool """ for cmd in self.__commands.commands: if == command_name: return True return False
def _do_send(self, sock): if len(self.__queue) > 0: length = len(self.__queue) try: ret = self.__comm.send(self.__queue) except socket.error as exc: if exc.errno == errno.EWOULDBLOCK: return True if exc.errno == errno.EPIPE: return False raise if ret < length: self.__queue = self.__queue[ret:] return True else: self.__queue = b'' return False else: return False
[docs] def response(self, msg): """Sends an UMCP response to the client"""'Sending UMCP RESPONSE %s' % self.__queue += bytes(msg) if self._do_send(self.__comm): notifier.socket_add(self.__comm, self._do_send, notifier.IO_WRITE)