Source code for ucsschool.importer.writer.base_writer

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Base class for output writers.

[docs]class BaseWriter(object): """ Abstraction of a data dump mechanism like CSV, JSON, XML, sockets etc. """ def __init__(self, *arg, **kwargs): """ Create a writer. :param tuple arg: arguments for implementing class :param dict kwargs: arguments for implementing class """
[docs] def open(self, filename, mode="wb"): """ Get a handle on the output file or something similar to be used as a context manager. IMPLEMENTME with the method appropriate for the output type. :param str filename: filename to write data to :param str mode: passed to used open() method :return: a context manager """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def write_header(self, header): """ Write an optional header (line) before the main data. IMPLEMENTME if you wish to write a header line. :param header: object to write as header :return: None """
[docs] def write_obj(self, obj): """ Write object to output. IMPLEMENTME if it's not just outfile.write(obj). :param obj: object or error to write :return: result of write operation, if any """ raise NotImplementedError()