Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# UCS@school lib
#  module: UCS@school simple query interface
# Copyright 2018-2021 Univention GmbH
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
# (GNU AGPL V3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# Binary versions of this program provided by Univention to you as
# well as other copyrighted, protected or trademarked materials like
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# cryptographic keys etc. are subject to a license agreement between
# you and Univention and not subject to the GNU AGPL V3.
# In the case you use this program under the terms of the GNU AGPL V3,
# the program is provided in the hope that it will be useful,
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
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# <>.

from collections import namedtuple
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from ldap.filter import filter_format

from univention.config_registry import ConfigRegistry

    import univention.uldap

ucr = ConfigRegistry()

MembershipFlags = namedtuple("MembershipFlags", ["is_edu_school_member", "is_admin_school_member"])

[docs]def get_school_membership_type(lo, dn): # type: (univention.uldap.access, str) -> MembershipFlags """ Returns a named tuple, that states if the given computer object specified by `dn` is an educational school Replica Directory Node/Managed Node or administrative Replica Directory Node/Managed Node. :param univention.uldap.access lo: the LDAP connection :param str dn: DN of the computer object :return: a named tuple that contains flags for educational and administrative membership :rtype: namedtuple(is_edu_school_member, is_admin_school_member) """ filter_s = filter_format("(&(objectClass=univentionGroup)(uniqueMember=%s))", (dn,)) grp_dn_list = lo.searchDn(filter=filter_s) is_edu_school_member = False is_admin_school_member = False for grp_dn in grp_dn_list: # is grp_dn in list of global school groups? if grp_dn in ( "cn=DC-Edukativnetz,cn=ucsschool,cn=groups,{}".format(ucr.get("ldap/base")), "cn=Member-Edukativnetz,cn=ucsschool,cn=groups,{}".format(ucr.get("ldap/base")), ): is_edu_school_member = True if grp_dn in ( "cn=DC-Verwaltungsnetz,cn=ucsschool,cn=groups,{}".format(ucr.get("ldap/base")), "cn=Member-Verwaltungsnetz,cn=ucsschool,cn=groups,{}".format(ucr.get("ldap/base")), ): is_admin_school_member = True # is dn in list of OU specific school groups? if not grp_dn.startswith("cn=OU"): continue for suffix in ( "-DC-Edukativnetz,cn=ucsschool,cn=groups,{}".format(ucr.get("ldap/base")), "-Member-Edukativnetz,cn=ucsschool,cn=groups,{}".format(ucr.get("ldap/base")), ): if grp_dn.endswith(suffix): is_edu_school_member = True for suffix in ( "-DC-Verwaltungsnetz,cn=ucsschool,cn=groups,{}".format(ucr.get("ldap/base")), "-Member-Verwaltungsnetz,cn=ucsschool,cn=groups,{}".format(ucr.get("ldap/base")), ): if grp_dn.endswith(suffix): is_admin_school_member = True return MembershipFlags(is_edu_school_member, is_admin_school_member)
[docs]def is_central_computer(lo, dn): # type: (univention.uldap.access, str) -> bool """ Checks if the given computer object specified by `dn` is a central system or located at a specific school. :param univention.uldap.access lo: the LDAP connection :param str dn: DN of the computer object :return: is the computer a central system? :rtype: bool """ attrs = lo.get(dn, ["univentionObjectType"]) object_type = attrs.get("univentionObjectType")[0] if object_type in (b"computers/domaincontroller_master", b"computers/domaincontroller_backup"): return True if object_type in (b"computers/domaincontroller_slave", b"computers/memberserver"): membership = get_school_membership_type(lo, dn) return not (membership.is_edu_school_member or membership.is_admin_school_member) return True
[docs]def is_school_slave(lo, dn): # type: (univention.uldap.access, str) -> bool """ Checks if the given domaincontroller_slave object (specified by `dn`) is a school Replica Node. :param univention.uldap.access lo: the LDAP connection :param str dn: DN of the computer object :return: is the computer a school Replica Directory Node? :rtype: bool :raises ValueError: computer DN does not refer to a computers/domaincontroller_slave object """ attrs = lo.get(dn, ["univentionObjectType"]) object_type = attrs.get("univentionObjectType")[0] if object_type != b"computers/domaincontroller_slave": raise ValueError( "Given computer DN does not refer to a computers/domaincontroller_slave object!" ) membership = get_school_membership_type(lo, dn) return membership.is_edu_school_member or membership.is_admin_school_member