Source code for ucsschool.lib.school_umc_ldap_connection

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# UCS@school python lib
# Copyright 2007-2021 Univention GmbH
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
# (GNU AGPL V3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# Binary versions of this program provided by Univention to you as
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# you and Univention and not subject to the GNU AGPL V3.
# In the case you use this program under the terms of the GNU AGPL V3,
# the program is provided in the hope that it will be useful,
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    from inspect import getfullargspec as get_arguments
except ImportError:
    from inspect import getargspec as get_arguments

from functools import wraps

from import (
from import MODULE

__bind_callback = None

[docs]def set_bind_function(bind_callback): global __bind_callback __bind_callback = bind_callback
[docs]def set_credentials(dn, passwd): set_bind_function(lambda lo: lo.lo.bind(dn, passwd))
USER_READ = "ldap_user_read" USER_WRITE = "ldap_user_write" MACHINE_READ = "ldap_machine_read" MACHINE_WRITE = "ldap_machine_write" ADMIN_WRITE = "ldap_admin_write"
[docs]def LDAP_Connection(*connection_types): """This decorator function provides access to internally cached LDAP connections that can be accessed via adding specific keyword arguments to the function. The function which uses this decorator may specify the following additional keyword arguments: :param univention.admin.uldap.position ldap_position: a valid ldap position. :param ldap_user_read: a read only LDAP connection to the local LDAP server authenticated with the currently used user :param ldap_user_write: a read/write LDAP connection to the master LDAP server authenticated with the currently used user :param ldap_machine_read: a read only LDAP connection to the local LDAP server authenticated with the machine account :param ldap_machine_write: a read/write LDAP connection to the master LDAP server authenticated with the machine account :param ldap_admin_write: a read/write LDAP connection to the master LDAP server authenticated with cn=admin account :param search_base: (deprecated!) a SchoolSearchBase instance which is bound to the school of the user or machine. This decorator can only be used after :func:`set_bind_function()` has been executed. .. code-block:: python @LDAP_Connection() def do_ldap_stuff(arg1, arg2, ldap_user_write=None, ldap_user_read=None, ldap_position=None): ... ldap_user_read.searchDn(..., position=ldap_position) ... """ if not connection_types: # TODO: remove. We still need this for backwards compatibility with other broken decorators connection_types = (USER_READ,) def inner_wrapper(func): argspec = get_arguments(func) argnames = set(argspec.args) | set(connection_types) try: keywords = argspec.keywords except AttributeError: keywords = None if not argspec.kwonlyargs else argspec.kwonlyargs add_search_base = "search_base" in argspec.args or keywords is not None add_position = "ldap_position" in argspec.args or keywords is not None def wrapper_func(*args, **kwargs): # set LDAP keyword arguments po = None if ADMIN_WRITE in argnames: kwargs[ADMIN_WRITE], po = get_admin_connection() if MACHINE_WRITE in argnames: kwargs[MACHINE_WRITE], po = get_machine_connection(write=True) if MACHINE_READ in argnames: kwargs[MACHINE_READ], po = get_machine_connection(write=False) if USER_WRITE in argnames: kwargs[USER_WRITE], po = get_user_connection(bind=__bind_callback, write=True) if USER_READ in argnames: kwargs[USER_READ], po = get_user_connection(bind=__bind_callback, write=False) if add_position: kwargs["ldap_position"] = po if add_search_base: MODULE.warn("Using deprecated LDAP_Connection.search_base parameter.") from import School from import Message if ( len(args) > 1 and isinstance(args[1], Message) and isinstance(args[1].options, dict) and args[1].options.get("school") ): school = args[1].options["school"] elif LDAP_Connection._school is None: lo = ( kwargs.get(USER_READ) or kwargs.get(USER_WRITE) or kwargs.get(MACHINE_READ) or kwargs.get(MACHINE_WRITE) or kwargs.get(ADMIN_WRITE) ) try: school = School.from_binddn(lo)[0].name"Found school %r as ldap school base" % (school,)) except IndexError: MODULE.warn("All Schools: ERROR, COULD NOT FIND ANY OU!!!") school = "" LDAP_Connection._school = school else: school = LDAP_Connection._school kwargs["search_base"] = School.get_search_base(school) return func(*args, **kwargs) return wraps(func)(wrapper_func) # def decorated(*args, **kwargs): # try: # return wrapper_func(*args, **kwargs) # except ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS: # reset_connection_cache() # return wrapper_func(*args, **kwargs) # return wraps(func)(decorated) return inner_wrapper
LDAP_Connection._school = None