Source code for univention.admin

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2004-2022 Univention GmbH
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
# (GNU AGPL V3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# Binary versions of this program provided by Univention to you as
# well as other copyrighted, protected or trademarked materials like
# Logos, graphics, fonts, specific documentations and configurations,
# cryptographic keys etc. are subject to a license agreement between
# you and Univention and not subject to the GNU AGPL V3.
# In the case you use this program under the terms of the GNU AGPL V3,
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|UDM| basic functionality

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import copy
import sys
import re
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Container, Iterable, List, Match, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union  # noqa: F401

import six
from ldap.filter import filter_format
import unidecode

import univention.config_registry
import univention.debug as ud
from univention.admin._ucr import configRegistry
	from univention.admin.layout import Tab  # noqa: F401

__all__ = ('configRegistry', 'ucr_overwrite_properties', 'pattern_replace', 'property', 'option', 'ucr_overwrite_module_layout', 'ucr_overwrite_layout', 'extended_attribute', 'policiesGroup', 'modules', 'objects', 'syntax', 'hook', 'mapping')

if six.PY2:
	# baseconfig legacy
	baseConfig = configRegistry

ucr_property_prefix = 'directory/manager/web/modules/%s/properties/'

[docs]def ucr_overwrite_properties(module, lo): # type: (Any, univention.admin.uldap.access) -> None """ Overwrite properties in property_descriptions by UCR variables """ ucr_prefix = ucr_property_prefix % module.module if not module: return for var in configRegistry.keys(): if not var.startswith(ucr_prefix): continue try: prop_name, attr = var[len(ucr_prefix):].split('/', 1) # ignore internal attributes ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'ucr_overwrite_properties: found variable: %s' % var) if attr.startswith('__'): continue if attr == 'default': # a property object is instantiated with default=... # but internally uses "base_default" as member variable # "default" is an instance_method... attr = 'base_default' if prop_name in module.property_descriptions: prop = module.property_descriptions[prop_name] ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'ucr_overwrite_properties: found property') if hasattr(prop, attr): new_prop_val = configRegistry[var] old_prop_val = getattr(prop, attr) if old_prop_val is None: # if the attribute was None the type cast # will fail. best bet is str as type old_prop_val = '' prop_val_type = type(old_prop_val) ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'ucr_overwrite_properties: set property attribute %s to %s' % (attr, new_prop_val)) if attr in ('syntax', ): if hasattr(univention.admin.syntax, new_prop_val): syntax = getattr(univention.admin.syntax, new_prop_val) setattr(prop, attr, syntax()) else: if lo.searchDn(filter=filter_format(univention.admin.syntax.LDAP_Search.FILTER_PATTERN, [new_prop_val])): syntax = univention.admin.syntax.LDAP_Search(new_prop_val) syntax._load(lo) setattr(prop, attr, syntax) else: syntax = univention.admin.syntax.string() setattr(prop, attr, syntax()) elif prop_val_type is bool: setattr(prop, attr, configRegistry.is_true(None, None, new_prop_val)) else: setattr(prop, attr, prop_val_type(new_prop_val)) ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'ucr_overwrite_properties: get property attribute: %s (type %s)' % (old_prop_val, prop_val_type)) except Exception as exc: ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.ERROR, 'ucr_overwrite_properties: failed to set property attribute: %s' % (exc,)) continue
[docs]def pattern_replace(pattern, object): # type: (str, Any) -> str """ Replaces patterns like `<attribute:command,...>[range]` with values of the specified UDM attribute. """ global_commands = [] # type: List[str] def modify_text(text, commands): # type: (str, List[str]) -> str # apply all string commands for iCmd in commands: if iCmd == 'lower': text = text.lower() elif iCmd == 'upper': text = text.upper() elif iCmd == 'umlauts': if isinstance(text, bytes): # Python 2 text = text.decode('UTF-8') # We need this to handle german umlauts, e.g. ä -> ae for umlaut, code in property.UMLAUTS.items(): text = text.replace(umlaut, code) text = unidecode.unidecode(text) elif iCmd == 'alphanum': whitelist = configRegistry.get('directory/manager/templates/alphanum/whitelist', '') if isinstance(whitelist, bytes): # Python 2 whitelist = whitelist.decode('UTF-8') if isinstance(text, bytes): text = text.decode('UTF-8') text = u''.join([c for c in text if (c.isalnum() or c in whitelist)]) elif iCmd in ('trim', 'strip'): text = text.strip() return text def repl(match): # type: (Match[str]) -> str key ='key') ext ='ext') strCommands = [] # check within the key for additional commands to be applied on the string # (e.g., 'firstname:lower,umlaut') these commands are found after a ':' if ':' in key: # get the corrected key without following commands key, tmpStr = key.rsplit(':', 1) # get all commands in lower case and without leading/trailing spaces strCommands = [iCmd.lower().strip() for iCmd in tmpStr.split(',')] # if this is a list of global commands store the # commands and return an empty string if not key: global_commands.extend(strCommands) return '' # make sure the key value exists if key in object and object[key]: val = modify_text(object[key], strCommands) # try to apply the indexing instructions, indicated through '[...]' if ext: try: return eval('val%s' % (ext)) except SyntaxError: return val return val elif key == 'dn' and object.dn: return object.dn return '' regex = re.compile(r'<(?P<key>[^>]+)>(?P<ext>\[[\d:]+\])?') value = regex.sub(repl, pattern, 0) if global_commands: value = modify_text(value, global_commands) return value
[docs]class property: UMLAUTS = { u'Ä': u'Ae', u'Ö': u'Oe', u'Ü': u'Ue', u'ä': u'ae', u'ö': u'oe', u'ü': u'ue', u'Þ': u'P', u'ð': u'o', u'þ': u'p' } def __init__( self, short_description='', # type: str long_description='', # type: str syntax=None, # type: Union[Type, Any] module_search=None, # type: None multivalue=False, # type: bool one_only=False, # type: bool parent=None, # type: str options=[], # type: List[str] license=[], # type: List[str] required=False, # type: bool may_change=True, # type: bool identifies=False, # type: bool unique=False, # type: bool default=None, # type: Optional[Union[str, Union[bool, int], Tuple[str, List[str]], Tuple[Callable, List[str], Any]]] prevent_umc_default_popup=False, # type: bool dontsearch=False, # type: bool show_in_lists=True, # type: bool cli_enabled=True, # type: bool editable=True, # type: bool configObjectPosition=None, # type: None configAttributeName=None, # type: None include_in_default_search=False, # type: bool nonempty_is_default=False, # type: bool readonly_when_synced=False, # type: bool size=None, # type: str copyable=False, # type: bool type_class=None, # type: type # univention.admin.types.TypeHint ): # type: (...) -> None """ |UDM| property. :param short_description: a short descriptive text - shown below the input filed in |UMC| by default. :param long_description: a long descriptive text - shown only on demand in |UMC|. :param syntax: a syntax class or instance to validate the value. :param module_search: UNUSED? :param multivalue: allow only a single value (`False`) or multiple values (`True`) . :param one_only: UNUSED? :param parent: UNUSED? :param options: List of options, which enable this property. :param license: List of license strings, which are required to use this property. :param required: `True` for a required property, `False` for an optional property. :param may_change: `True` if the property can be changed after the object has been created, `False` when the property can only be specified when the object is created. :param identifies: `True` if the property is part of the set of properties, which are required to uniquely identify the object. The properties are used by default to build |RDN| for a new object. :param unique: `True` if the property must be unique for all object instances. :param default: The default value for the property when a new object is created. :param prevent_umc_default_popup: `True` to prevent a pop-up dialog in |UMC| when the default value is not set. :param dontsearch: `True` to prevent searches using the property. :param show_in_lists: `False` to prevent it from being shown in the CLI. :param cli_enabled: `True` to be able to set the attribute in the CLI. :param editable: `False` prevents the property from being modified by the user; it still can be modified by code. :param configObjectPosition: UNUSED? :param configAttributeName: UNUSED? :param include_in_default_search: The default search searches this property when set to `True`. :param nonempty_is_default: `True` selects the first non-empty value as the default. `False` always selects the first default value, even if it is empty. :param readonly_when_synced: `True` only shows the value as read-only when synchronized from some upstream database. :param size: The |UMC| widget size; one of :py:data:`univention.admin.syntax.SIZES`. :param copyable: With `True` the property is copied when the object is cloned; with `False` the new object will use the default value. :param type_class: An optional Typing class which overwrites the syntax class specific type. """ self.short_description = short_description self.long_description = long_description if isinstance(syntax, type): self.syntax = syntax() else: self.syntax = syntax self.module_search = module_search self.multivalue = multivalue self.one_only = one_only self.parent = parent self.options = options or [] self.license = license or [] self.required = required self.may_change = may_change self.identifies = identifies self.unique = unique self.base_default = default self.prevent_umc_default_popup = prevent_umc_default_popup self.dontsearch = dontsearch self.show_in_lists = show_in_lists self.cli_enabled = cli_enabled self.editable = editable self.configObjectPosition = configObjectPosition self.configAttributeName = configAttributeName self.templates = [] # type: List # univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap self.include_in_default_search = include_in_default_search self.threshold = int(configRegistry.get('directory/manager/web/sizelimit', '2000') or 2000) self.nonempty_is_default = nonempty_is_default self.readonly_when_synced = readonly_when_synced self.size = size self.copyable = copyable self.type_class = type_class
[docs] def new(self): # type: () -> Union[List[str], None] return [] if self.multivalue else None
def _replace(self, res, object): return pattern_replace(copy.copy(res), object)
[docs] def default(self, object): base_default = copy.copy(self.base_default) # type: Optional[Union[str, Union[bool,int], Tuple[str, List[str]], Tuple[Callable, List[str], Any]]] if not object.set_defaults: return [] if self.multivalue else '' if not base_default: return if isinstance(base_default, six.string_types): return self._replace(base_default, object) bd0 = base_default[0] # we can not import univention.admin.syntax here (recursive import) so we need to find another way to identify a complex syntax if getattr(self.syntax, 'subsyntaxes', None) is not None and isinstance(bd0, (list, tuple)) and not self.multivalue: return bd0 if isinstance(bd0, six.string_types): # multivalue defaults will only be a part of templates, so not multivalue is the common way for modules if not self.multivalue: # default=(template-str, [list-of-required-properties]) if all(object[p] for p in base_default[1]): for p in base_default[1]: bd0 = bd0.replace('<%s>' % (p,), object[p]) return bd0 return else: # multivalue if all(isinstance(bd, six.string_types) for bd in base_default): return [self._replace(bd, object) for bd in base_default] # must be a list of loaded extended attributes then, so we return it if it has content # return the first element, this is only related to empty extended attributes which are loaded wrong, needs to be fixed elsewhere if bd0: return [bd0] return if callable(bd0): # default=(func_obj_extra, [list-of-required-properties], extra-arg) if all(object[p] for p in base_default[1]): return bd0(object, base_default[2]) return return
[docs] def safe_default(self, object): def safe_parse(default): if not default: return False try: self.syntax.parse(default) return True except Exception: return False defaults = self.default(object) if isinstance(defaults, list): return [self.syntax.parse(d) for d in defaults if safe_parse(d)] elif safe_parse(defaults): return self.syntax.parse(defaults) return defaults
[docs] def check_default(self, object): # type: (Any) -> None defaults = self.default(object) try: if isinstance(defaults, list): for d in defaults: if d: self.syntax.parse(d) elif defaults: self.syntax.parse(defaults) except univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError: raise univention.admin.uexceptions.templateSyntaxError([t['name'] for t in self.templates])
[docs] def matches(self, options): # type: (Iterable[str]) -> bool if not self.options: return True return bool(set(self.options).intersection(set(options)))
[docs]class option(object): """ |UDM| option to make properties conditional. """ def __init__(self, short_description='', long_description='', default=0, editable=False, disabled=False, objectClasses=None, is_app_option=False): # type: (str, str, int, bool, bool, Iterable[str], bool) -> None self.short_description = short_description self.long_description = long_description self.default = default self.editable = editable self.disabled = disabled self.is_app_option = is_app_option self.objectClasses = set() if objectClasses: self.objectClasses = set(objectClasses)
[docs] def matches(self, objectClasses): # type: (Container[str]) -> bool if not self.objectClasses: return True for oc in self.objectClasses: if oc not in objectClasses: return False return True
[docs]def ucr_overwrite_layout(module, ucr_property, tab): # type: (Any, str, Tab) -> Optional[bool] """ Overwrite the advanced setting in the layout """ desc = tab['name'] if hasattr(tab['name'], 'data'): desc =['name'].data # replace invalid characters by underscores desc = re.sub(univention.config_registry.invalid_key_chars, '_', desc).replace('/', '_') return configRegistry.is_true('directory/manager/web/modules/%s/layout/%s/%s' % (module, desc, ucr_property), None)
[docs]def ucr_overwrite_module_layout(module): # type: (Any) -> None """ Overwrite the tab layout through |UCR| variables. """ ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, "layout overwrite") # there are modules without a layout definition if not hasattr(module, 'layout'): return new_layout = [] for tab in module.layout[:]: desc = tab.label if hasattr(tab.label, 'data'): desc = # replace invalid characters by underscores desc = re.sub(univention.config_registry.invalid_key_chars, '_', desc).replace('/', '_') tab_layout = configRegistry.get('directory/manager/web/modules/%s/layout/%s' % (module.module, desc)) ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, "layout overwrite: tab_layout='%s'" % tab_layout) tab_name = configRegistry.get('directory/manager/web/modules/%s/layout/%s/name' % (module.module, desc)) ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, "layout overwrite: tab_name='%s'" % tab_name) tab_descr = configRegistry.get('directory/manager/web/modules/%s/layout/%s/description' % (module.module, desc)) ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, "layout overwrite: tab_descr='%s'" % tab_descr) if tab_name: tab['name'] = tab_name if tab_descr: tab['description'] = tab_descr # for now the layout modification from UCS 2.4 is disabled (see Bug #26673) # (this piece of code does not respect the tab-group-hierarchie of UCS 3.0) # if tab_layout and tab_layout.lower() != 'none': # layout = [] # for row in tab_layout.split( ';' ): # line = [] # for col in row.split( ',' ): # col = col.strip() # if not col: # continue # if col in module.property_descriptions: # line.append( col ) # else: # ud.debug( ud.ADMIN, ud.ERROR, "layout overwrite: unknown property: %s" % col ) # layout.append( line ) # tab[ 'layout' ] = { 'label' : _( 'General' ), 'layout' : layout } if not tab_layout or tab_layout.lower() != 'none': # disable specified properties via UCR ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'ucr_overwrite_module_layout: trying to hide properties on tab %s' % (desc)) ucr_prefix = ucr_property_prefix % module.module for var in configRegistry.keys(): if not var.startswith(ucr_prefix): continue prop, attr = var[len(ucr_prefix):].split('/', 1) # ignore invalid/unknown UCR variables if '/' in attr: continue if attr in ('__hidden') and configRegistry.is_true(var): removed, layout = tab.remove(prop) ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'ucr_overwrite_module_layout: tried to hide property: %s (found=%s)' % (prop, removed)) new_layout.append(tab) del module.layout module.layout = new_layout # sort tabs: All apps occur alphabetical after the "Apps" / "Options" tab app_tabs = [x for x in module.layout if x.is_app_tab] app_tabs.sort(key=lambda x: x.label.lower()) layout = [x for x in module.layout if not x.is_app_tab] pos = ([i for i, x in enumerate(layout, 1) if x.label == 'Apps'] or [len(layout)])[0] layout[pos:pos] = app_tabs module.layout = layout
[docs]class extended_attribute(object): """ Extended attributes extend |UDM| and |UMC| with additional properties defined in |LDAP|. """ def __init__(self, name, objClass, ldapMapping, deleteObjClass=False, syntax='string', hook=None): # type: (str, str, Any, bool, str, Any) -> None = name self.objClass = objClass self.ldapMapping = ldapMapping self.deleteObjClass = deleteObjClass self.syntax = syntax self.hook = hook def __repr__(self): hook = None if self.hook: hook = self.hook.type return " univention.admin.extended_attribute: { name: '%s', oc: '%s', attr: '%s', delOC: '%s', syntax: '%s', hook: '%s' }" % (, self.objClass, self.ldapMapping, self.deleteObjClass, self.syntax, hook)
if six.PY2: # deprecated, use layout.Tab instead class tab: """ |UDM| tab to group related properties together in |UMC|. """ is_app_tab = False def __init__(self, short_description='', long_description='', fields=[], advanced=False, help_text=None): self.short_description = short_description self.long_description = long_description self.fields = fields self.advanced = advanced self.help_text = help_text def set_fields(self, fields): self.fields = fields def get_fields(self): return self.fields def __repr__(self): string = " { short_description: '%s', long_description: '%s', advanced: '%s', fields: [" % (self.short_description, self.long_description, self.advanced) for field in self.fields: string = "%s %s," % (string, field) return string + " ] }" if six.PY2: # deprecated, use layout.Group instead class field: """ >>> field('bar') < field('foo') True >>> field('bar') <= field('foo') True >>> field('bar') == field('foo') False >>> field('bar') != field('foo') True >>> field('bar') >= field('foo') False >>> field('bar') > field('foo') False >>> field('registry') < field('foo') True >>> field('registry') <= field('foo') True >>> field('registry') >= field('foo') False >>> field('registry') > field('foo') False """ def __init__(self, property='', type='', first_only=0, short_description='', long_description='', hide_in_resultmode=0, hide_in_normalmode=0, colspan=None, width=None): = property self.type = type self.first_only = first_only self.short_description = short_description self.long_description = long_description self.hide_in_resultmode = hide_in_resultmode self.hide_in_normalmode = hide_in_normalmode self.colspan = colspan self.width = width def __repr__(self): return " univention.admin.field: { short_description: '%s', long_description: '%s', property: '%s', type: '%s', first_only: '%s', hide_in_resultmode: '%s', hide_in_normalmode: '%s', colspan: '%s', width: '%s' }" % ( self.short_description, self.long_description,, self.type, self.first_only, self.hide_in_resultmode, self.hide_in_normalmode, self.colspan, self.width) # at the moment the sort is only needed for layout of the registry module def __lt__(self, other): return ( != 'registry', < ( != 'registry', if isinstance(other, field) else NotImplemented def __le__(self, other): return ( != 'registry', <= ( != 'registry', if isinstance(other, field) else NotImplemented def __eq__(self, other): return == if isinstance(other, field) else NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): return != if isinstance(other, field) else NotImplemented def __ge__(self, other): return ( != 'registry', >= ( != 'registry', if isinstance(other, field) else NotImplemented def __gt__(self, other): return ( != 'registry', > ( != 'registry', if isinstance(other, field) else NotImplemented
[docs]class policiesGroup: def __init__(self, id, short_description=None, long_description='', members=[]): # type: (Any, Optional[str], str, Any) -> None = id if short_description is None: self.short_description = id else: self.short_description = short_description self.long_description = long_description self.members = members
univention.admin = sys.modules[__name__] from univention.admin import modules, objects, syntax, hook, mapping # noqa: F401 syntax.import_syntax_files() hook.import_hook_files() if __name__ == '__main__': prop = property('_replace') for pattern in ('<firstname>', '<firstname> <lastname>', '<firstname:upper>', '<:trim,upper><firstname> <lastname> ', '<:lower><firstname> <lastname>', '<:umlauts><firstname> <lastname>'): print("pattern: '%s'" % pattern) print(" -> '%s'" % prop._replace(pattern, {'firstname': 'Andreas', 'lastname': 'Büsching'}))