Source code for univention.admin.filter

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|UDM| functions to parse, modify and create |LDAP| style search filters

import re
from typing import Callable, Iterator, List, Match, Optional, Sequence, TypeVar, Union  # noqa: F401

import six
from ldap.filter import filter_format

import univention.admin.uexceptions

T = TypeVar("T")

[docs]class conjunction(object): """ LDAP filter conjunction (`&`) or disjunction (`|`). """ OPS = frozenset({'&', '|', '!'}) def __init__(self, type, expressions): # type: (str, List[Union[conjunction, expression]]) -> None """ Create LDAP filter conjunction or disjunction. >>> c = conjunction('&', ['(objectClass=*)']) >>> c = conjunction('|', ['(objectClass=*)']) """ assert type in self.OPS self.type = type self.expressions = expressions @classmethod def _parse(cls, text): # type: (str) -> conjunction op = text[0] expressions = [parse(s) for s in cls._split(text[1:])] return conjunction(op, expressions) @staticmethod def _split(text): # type: (str) -> Iterator[str] depth = 0 begin = -1 for i, c in enumerate(text): if c == '(': depth += 1 if depth == 1: begin = i elif c == ')': depth -= 1 if depth == 0 and begin > -1: yield text[begin:i + 1] begin = -1 def __str__(self): # type: () -> str """ Return string representation. >>> str(conjunction('&', ['(objectClass=*)'])) '(&(objectClass=*))' >>> str(conjunction('|', ['(objectClass=*)'])) '(|(objectClass=*))' >>> str(conjunction('!', ['(objectClass=*)'])) '(!(objectClass=*))' >>> str(conjunction('&', [])) '' """ if not self.expressions: return '' return '(%s%s)' % (self.type, ''.join(map(six.text_type, self.expressions))) def __unicode__(self): # type: () -> str return self.__str__() def __repr__(self): # type: () -> str """ Return canonical representation. >>> conjunction('&', ['(objectClass=*)']) conjunction('&', ['(objectClass=*)']) >>> conjunction('|', ['(objectClass=*)']) conjunction('|', ['(objectClass=*)']) """ return '%s(%r, %r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.type, self.expressions)
[docs] def append_unmapped_filter_string(self, filter_s, rewrite_function, mapping): # type: (str, Callable[[expression, Optional[T]], None], T) -> None if filter_s: filter_p = parse(filter_s) walk(filter_p, rewrite_function, arg=mapping) self.expressions.append(filter_p)
[docs]class expression(object): """ LDAP filter expression. """ OPS = frozenset({'=', '>=', '<=', '~=', '=*'} | {'>', '<', '!='}) # LDAP RFC 4515 + UCS specific extensions RE_OP = re.compile(r'([<>]=?|[!~]=|=(?:[*]$)?)') def __init__(self, variable='', value='', operator='=', escape=False): # type: (str, str, str, bool) -> None """ Create LDAP filter expression. >>> e = expression('objectClass', '*', escape=False) >>> e = expression('objectClass', '*', '!=', escape=False) >>> e = expression('uidNumber', '10', '<') # < <= > >= """ assert operator in self.OPS self.variable = variable self.value = value self.operator = operator self._escape = escape @classmethod def _parse(cls, text): # type: (str) -> expression var, op, val = cls.RE_OP.split(text, 1) return expression(var, val, operator=op) def __str__(self): # type: () -> str r""" Return string representation. >>> str(expression('objectClass', '*', escape=False)) '(objectClass=*)' >>> str(expression('objectClass', '*', '!=', escape=False)) '(!(objectClass=*))' >>> str(expression('uidNumber', '10', '<')) '(!(uidNumber>=10))' >>> str(expression('cn', '', '=*')) '(cn=*)' >>> str(expression('cn', r'*\2A*', '=')) '(cn=*\\2A*)' """ if self.operator == '<': return self.escape('(!(%s>=%s))', (self.variable, self.value)) elif self.operator == '>': return self.escape('(!(%s<=%s))', (self.variable, self.value)) elif self.operator == '!=': return self.escape('(!(%s=%s))', (self.variable, self.value)) else: return self.escape('(%%s%s%%s)' % (self.operator,), (self.variable, self.value))
[docs] def escape(self, string, args): # type: (str, Sequence[str]) -> str if self._escape: return filter_format(string, args) return string % args
[docs] def transform_to_conjunction(self, con): # type: (conjunction) -> None if not isinstance(con, conjunction): raise TypeError('must be conjunction, got %s(%r)' % (type(con).__name__, con)) self.__dict__.clear() self.__dict__.update(con.__dict__) self.__class__ = type(con) # type: ignore
def __unicode__(self): # type: () -> str return self.__str__() def __repr__(self): # type: () -> str """ Return canonical representation. >>> expression('objectClass', '*', escape=False) expression('objectClass', '*', '=') >>> expression('objectClass', '*', '!=', escape=False) expression('objectClass', '*', '!=') """ return '%s(%r, %r, %r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.variable, self.value, self.operator)
[docs]def parse(filter_s, begin=0, end=-1): # type: (Union[conjunction, expression, str], int, int) -> Union[conjunction, expression] r""" Parse LDAP filter string. >>> filter_s='(|(&(!(' >>> parse(filter_s) conjunction('|', [conjunction('&', [conjunction('!', [expression('zone', '', '=')]), expression('soa', 'test', '=')]), expression('nameserver', 'bar', '=')]) >>> parse('(!(key>=29))') conjunction('!', [expression('key', '29', '>=')]) >>> parse('(&(key=va\\\\28!\\\\29ue))') conjunction('&', [expression('key', 'va\\\\28!\\\\29ue', '=')]) >>> parse('(cn=Babs Jensen)') expression('cn', 'Babs Jensen', '=') >>> parse('(!(cn=Tim Howes))') conjunction('!', [expression('cn', 'Tim Howes', '=')]) >>> parse('(&(objectClass=Person)(|(sn=Jensen)(cn=Babs J*)))') conjunction('&', [expression('objectClass', 'Person', '='), conjunction('|', [expression('sn', 'Jensen', '='), expression('cn', 'Babs J*', '=')])]) >>> parse('(o=univ*of*mich*)') expression('o', 'univ*of*mich*', '=') >>> parse('(seeAlso=)') expression('seeAlso', '', '=') >>> parse('(cn:caseExactMatch:=Fred Flintstone)') expression('cn:caseExactMatch:', 'Fred Flintstone', '=') >>> parse('(cn:=Betty Rubble)') expression('cn:', 'Betty Rubble', '=') >>> parse('(sn:dn: Rubble)') expression('sn:dn:', 'Barney Rubble', '=') >>> parse('(o:dn:=Ace Industry)') expression('o:dn:', 'Ace Industry', '=') >>> parse('(:1.2.3:=Wilma Flintstone)') expression(':1.2.3:', 'Wilma Flintstone', '=') >>> parse('(:DN:') expression(':DN:', 'Dino', '=') >>> parse(r'(o=Parens R Us \28for all your parenthetical needs\29)') expression('o', 'Parens R Us \\28for all your parenthetical needs\\29', '=') >>> parse(r'(cn=*\2A*)') expression('cn', '*\\2A*', '=') >>> parse(r'(cn=*)') expression('cn', '', '=*') >>> parse(r'(filename=C:\5cMyFile)') expression('filename', 'C:\\5cMyFile', '=') >>> parse(r'(bin=\00\00\00\04)') expression('bin', '\\00\\00\\00\\04', '=') >>> parse(r'(sn=Lu\c4\8di\c4\87)') expression('sn', 'Lu\\c4\\8di\\c4\\87', '=') >>> parse(r'(\04\02\48\69)') expression('', '\\04\\02\\48\\69', '=') """ # filter is already parsed if not isinstance(filter_s, six.string_types): return filter_s if end == -1: end = len(filter_s) - 1 if filter_s[begin] == '(' and filter_s[end] == ')': begin += 1 end -= 1 part = filter_s[begin:end + 1] try: if filter_s[begin] in conjunction.OPS: return conjunction._parse(part) else: return expression._parse(part) except (AssertionError, ValueError): raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax(part)
[docs]def walk(filter_p, expression_walk_function=None, conjunction_walk_function=None, arg=None): # type: (Union[conjunction, expression], Optional[Callable[[expression, Optional[T]], None]], Optional[Callable[[conjunction, Optional[T]], None]], Optional[T]) -> None """ Walk LDAP filter expression tree. :param filter_p: expression tree. :param expression_walk_function: Callback for expressions. :param conjunction_walk_function: Callback for conjunctions. :param arg: Argument to the callback functions. >>> filter_s = '(|(&(!(' >>> filter_p = parse(filter_s) >>> def trace(e, a): print((a, str(e))) >>> walk(filter_p, trace, None, 'e') ('e', '(') ('e', '(soa=test)') ('e', '(nameserver=bar)') >>> walk(filter_p, None, trace, 'c') ('c', '(!(') ('c', '(&(!(') ('c', '(|(&(!(') """ if isinstance(filter_p, conjunction): for e in filter_p.expressions: walk(e, expression_walk_function, conjunction_walk_function, arg) if conjunction_walk_function: conjunction_walk_function(filter_p, arg) elif isinstance(filter_p, expression): if expression_walk_function: expression_walk_function(filter_p, arg) else: raise TypeError(type(filter_p))
FQDN_REGEX = re.compile(r'(?:^|\()fqdn=([^)]+)(?:\)|$)')
[docs]def replace_fqdn_filter(filter_s): # type: (str) -> str """ Replaces a filter expression for the read-only attribute fqdn. If no such expression can be found the unmodified filter is returned. >>> replace_fqdn_filter('fqdn=host.domain.tld') '(&(cn=host)(associatedDomain=domain.tld))' >>> replace_fqdn_filter('(fqdn=host.domain.tld)') '(&(cn=host)(associatedDomain=domain.tld))' >>> replace_fqdn_filter('fqdn=domain') '(|(cn=domain)(associatedDomain=domain))' >>> replace_fqdn_filter('(|(fqdn=host.domain.tld)(fqdn=other.domain.tld2))') '(|(&(cn=host)(associatedDomain=domain.tld))(&(cn=other)(associatedDomain=domain.tld2)))' """ if not isinstance(filter_s, six.string_types): return filter_s return FQDN_REGEX.sub(_replace_fqdn_filter, filter_s)
def _replace_fqdn_filter(match): # type: (Match[str]) -> str value, = match.groups() try: host, domain = value.split('.', 1) operator = '&' except ValueError: host = domain = value operator = '|' return '(%s(cn=%s)(associatedDomain=%s))' % (operator, host, domain)