Source code for univention.admin.handlers.dns

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|UDM| module for |DNS| records

import six

__path__ = __import__('pkgutil').extend_path(__path__, __name__)  # type: ignore

ARPA_IP4 = ''
ARPA_IP6 = ''

[docs]def makeContactPerson(obj, arg): """Create contact Email-address for domain.""" domain = obj.position.getDomain() return 'root@%s.' % (domain.replace('dc=', '').replace(',', '.'),)
[docs]def unescapeSOAemail(email): r""" Un-escape Email-address from DNS SOA record. >>> unescapeSOAemail(r'first\.last.domain.tld') 'first.last@domain.tld' """ ret = '' i = 0 while i < len(email): if email[i] == '\\': i += 1 if i >= len(email): raise ValueError() elif email[i] == '.': i += 1 if i >= len(email): raise ValueError() ret += '@' ret += email[i:] return ret ret += email[i] i += 1 raise ValueError()
[docs]def escapeSOAemail(email): r""" Escape Email-address for DNS SOA record. >>> escapeSOAemail('first.last@domain.tld') 'first\\.last.domain.tld' """ SPECIAL_CHARACTERS = set('"(),.:;<>@[\\]') if '@' not in email: raise ValueError() (local, domain) = email.rsplit('@', 1) tmp = '' for c in local: if c in SPECIAL_CHARACTERS: tmp += '\\' tmp += c local = tmp return local + '.' + domain
[docs]def stripDot(old, encoding=()): """ >>> stripDot(['', '']) ['', ''] >>> stripDot('') '' >>> stripDot([]) [] >>> stripDot('') '' >>> stripDot(None) """ if isinstance(old, list): return [stripDot(_, encoding) for _ in old] if old is None: return old return old[:-1].encode(*encoding) if isinstance(old, (bytes, six.text_type)) and old.endswith('.') else old.encode(*encoding)