Source code for univention.admin.handlers.policies.repositoryserver

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|UDM| module for the repository servers policies

from univention.admin.layout import Tab, Group
import univention.admin.syntax
import univention.admin.filter
import univention.admin.handlers
import univention.admin.localization

from univention.admin.policy import (
	register_policy_mapping, policy_object_tab,
	requiredObjectClassesProperty, prohibitedObjectClassesProperty,
	fixedAttributesProperty, emptyAttributesProperty, ldapFilterProperty

translation = univention.admin.localization.translation('univention.admin.handlers.policies')
_ = translation.translate

[docs]class ldapServerFixedAttributes( name = 'updateFixedAttributes' choices = [ ('univentionRepositoryServer', _('Repository server')), ]
module = 'policies/repositoryserver' operations = ['add', 'edit', 'remove', 'search'] policy_oc = 'univentionPolicyRepositoryServer' policy_apply_to = ["computers/domaincontroller_master", "computers/domaincontroller_backup", "computers/domaincontroller_slave", "computers/memberserver"] policy_position_dn_prefix = "cn=repository,cn=update" childs = False short_description = _('Policy: Repository server') object_name = _('Repository server policy') object_name_plural = _('Repository server policies') policy_short_description = _('Repository server') long_description = '' options = { 'default': univention.admin.option( short_description=short_description, default=True, objectClasses=['top', 'univentionPolicy', 'univentionPolicyRepositoryServer'], ), } property_descriptions = { 'name': short_description=_('Name'), long_description='', syntax=univention.admin.syntax.policyName, include_in_default_search=True, required=True, may_change=False, identifies=True, ), 'repositoryServer': short_description=_('Repository server'), long_description='', syntax=univention.admin.syntax.UCS_Server, include_in_default_search=True, ), } property_descriptions.update(dict([ requiredObjectClassesProperty(), prohibitedObjectClassesProperty(), fixedAttributesProperty(syntax=ldapServerFixedAttributes), emptyAttributesProperty(syntax=ldapServerFixedAttributes), ldapFilterProperty(), ])) layout = [ Tab(_('General'), _('Update'), layout=[ Group(_('General repository server settings'), layout=[ 'name', 'repositoryServer' ]), ]), policy_object_tab() ] mapping = univention.admin.mapping.mapping() mapping.register('name', 'cn', None, univention.admin.mapping.ListToString) mapping.register('repositoryServer', 'univentionRepositoryServer', None, univention.admin.mapping.ListToString) register_policy_mapping(mapping)
[docs]class object(univention.admin.handlers.simplePolicy): module = module
lookup = object.lookup lookup_filter = object.lookup_filter identify = object.identify