Source code for univention.admin.layout

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|UDM| classes to define layouts

import copy

import six

[docs]class ILayoutElement(dict): """ Describes the layout information for a tab or a groupbox. """ def __init__(self, label, description='', layout=[]): dict.__init__(self) self.__setitem__('label', label) self.__setitem__('description', description) self.__setitem__('layout', copy.copy(layout)) @property def label(self): return self['label'] @property def description(self): return self['description'] @property def layout(self): return self['layout'] @layout.setter def layout(self, value): self['layout'] = value
[docs] def replace(self, old, new, recursive=True): new_layout = [] replaced = False for item in self.layout: if replaced: new_layout.append(item) continue if isinstance(item, six.string_types) and item == old: new_layout.append(new) replaced = True elif isinstance(item, (tuple, list)): line = [] for elem in item: if elem == old: replaced = True line.append(new) else: line.append(elem) new_layout.append(line) elif isinstance(item, ILayoutElement) and recursive: replaced, layout = item.replace(old, new, recursive) new_layout.append(item) else: new_layout.append(item) self.layout = new_layout return (replaced, self.layout)
[docs] def remove(self, field, recursive=True): new_layout = [] removed = False if self.exists(field): for item in self.layout: if removed: new_layout.append(item) continue if isinstance(item, six.string_types) and item != field: new_layout.append(item) elif isinstance(item, (tuple, list)): line = [] for elem in item: if elem != field: line.append(elem) else: removed = True new_layout.append(line) elif isinstance(item, ILayoutElement) and recursive: removed, layout = item.remove(field, recursive) new_layout.append(item) else: removed = True self.layout = new_layout return (removed, self.layout)
[docs] def exists(self, field): for item in self.layout: if isinstance(item, six.string_types) and item == field: return True elif isinstance(item, (tuple, list)): if field in item: return True elif isinstance(item, ILayoutElement): if item.exists(field): return True return False
[docs] def insert(self, position, field): if position == -1: self.layout.insert(0, field) return fline = (position - 1) // 2 fpos = (position - 1) % 2 currentLine = fline if len(self.layout) <= currentLine or currentLine < 0: self.layout.append(field) else: if isinstance(self.layout[currentLine], six.string_types): if fpos == 0: self.layout[currentLine] = [field, self.layout[currentLine]] else: self.layout[currentLine] = [self.layout[currentLine], field] else: self.layout[currentLine].insert(fpos, field)
[docs]class Tab(ILayoutElement): def __init__(self, label, description='', advanced=False, layout=[], is_app_tab=False, help_text=None): ILayoutElement.__init__(self, label, description, layout) self.__setitem__('advanced', advanced) self.__setitem__('is_app_tab', is_app_tab) self.__setitem__('help_text', help_text) @property def is_app_tab(self): return self['is_app_tab'] @is_app_tab.setter def is_app_tab(self, value): self['is_app_tab'] = value @property def advanced(self): return self['advanced'] @advanced.setter def advanced(self, value): self['advanced'] = value
[docs]class Group(ILayoutElement): pass