# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# The source code of this program is made available
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# Binary versions of this program provided by Univention to you as
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Functions to map between |UDM| properties and |LDAP| attributes.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import inspect
import base64
import univention.debug as ud
import univention.admin.uexceptions
from univention.admin import localization
translation = localization.translation('univention/admin')
_ = translation.translate
from typing import List, Text, Tuple, TypeVar, Union # noqa: F401
_E = TypeVar('_E')
except ImportError:
getfullargspec = getattr(inspect, 'getfullargspec', inspect.getargspec)
except NameError:
unicode = str
[docs]def MapToBytes(udm_value, encoding=()):
if isinstance(udm_value, (list, tuple)):
return [MapToBytes(udm_val, encoding=encoding) for udm_val in udm_value]
return unicode(udm_value).encode(*encoding)
[docs]def UnmapToUnicode(ldap_value, encoding=()):
if isinstance(ldap_value, (list, tuple)):
return [UnmapToUnicode(ldap_val, encoding=encoding) for ldap_val in ldap_value]
return ldap_value.decode(*encoding)
[docs]def DaysToSeconds(days):
# type: (str) -> str
Convert number of days to seconds.
:param day: the number of days.
:returns: the number of seconds.
>>> DaysToSeconds('1')
return str(int(days) * 24 * 60 * 60)
[docs]def SecondsToDays(seconds):
# type: (str) -> str
Convert number of seconds to number of complete days.
:param seconds: 1-tuple with the number of seconds.
:returns: the number of complete days.
>>> SecondsToDays(('86401',))
return str((int(seconds[0])) // (60 * 60 * 24))
[docs]def StringToLower(string):
# type: (str) -> str
Convert string to lower-case.
:param string: a string.
:returns: the lower-cased string.
>>> StringToLower("Aa")
return string.lower()
[docs]def ListUniq(list):
# type: (List[_E]) -> List[_E]
Return list of unique items.
:param list: A list of elements.
:returns: a list with duplicate elements removed.
>>> ListUniq(['1', '1', '2'])
['1', '2']
result = [] # type: List[_E]
if list:
for element in list:
if element not in result:
return result
[docs]def ListToString(value, encoding=()):
# type: (List[str]) -> str
Return first element from list.
This is right mapping for single-valued properties, as |LDAP| always returns lists of values.
:param list: A list of elements.
:returns: the first element or the empty string.
>>> ListToString([])
>>> ListToString([b'value'])
if value:
return UnmapToUnicode(value, encoding)[0]
return u''
[docs]def ListToIntToString(list_):
# type: (List[str]) -> str
Return first element from list if it is an integer.
:param list: A list of elements.
:returns: the first element or the empty string.
>>> ListToIntToString([])
>>> ListToIntToString([b'x'])
>>> ListToIntToString([b'1'])
if list_:
return str(int(list_[0]))
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return ''
[docs]def ListToLowerString(list):
# type: (List[str]) -> str
Return first element from list lower-cased.
:param list: A list of elements.
:returns: the first element lower-cased or the empty string.
>>> ListToLowerString([])
>>> ListToLowerString([b'Value'])
return StringToLower(ListToString(list))
[docs]def ListToLowerList(list):
# type: (List[str]) -> List[str]
Return the list with all elements converted to lower-case.
:param list: A list of elements.
:returns: a list of the elemets converted to lower case.
>>> ListToLowerList(['A', 'a'])
['a', 'a']
return [StringToLower(string) for string in list]
[docs]def ListToLowerListUniq(list):
# type: (List[str]) -> List[str]
Return the list with all elements converted to lower-case and duplicates removed.
:param list: A list of elements.
:returns: a list of the elemets converted to lower case with duplicates removed.
>>> ListToLowerListUniq(['A', 'a'])
return ListUniq(ListToLowerList(list))
[docs]def nothing(a):
'Do nothing' mapping returning `None`.
[docs]def IgnoreNone(value, encoding=()):
# type: (str) -> Union[None, str]
Return the value if it is not the string `None`.
:param value: Some element(s).
:returns: The element(s) if it is not `None`.
>>> IgnoreNone('1')
>>> IgnoreNone('None')
if value != u'None':
return value.encode(*encoding)
return None # FIXME
def _stringToInt(value):
# type: (str) -> int
Try to convert string into integer.
:param value: a srting.
:returns: the integer value or `0`.
>>> _stringToInt('1')
>>> _stringToInt('ucs')
return int(value)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return 0
[docs]def unmapUNIX_TimeInterval(value):
# type: (Union[List[str], Tuple[str], str]) -> List[Text]
Map number of seconds to a human understandable time interval.
:param value: number of seconds
:returns: a 2-tuple (value, unit)
>>> unmapUNIX_TimeInterval(['0']) # doctest: +ALLOW_UNICODE
['0', 'days']
>>> unmapUNIX_TimeInterval(('1',)) # doctest: +ALLOW_UNICODE
['1', 'seconds']
>>> unmapUNIX_TimeInterval('60') # doctest: +ALLOW_UNICODE
['1', 'minutes']
>>> unmapUNIX_TimeInterval('3600') # doctest: +ALLOW_UNICODE
['1', 'hours']
>>> unmapUNIX_TimeInterval('86400') # doctest: +ALLOW_UNICODE
['1', 'days']
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
value = value[0]
value = _stringToInt(value)
unit = u'seconds'
if value % 60 == 0:
value //= 60
unit = u'minutes'
if value % 60 == 0:
value //= 60
unit = u'hours'
if value % 24 == 0:
value //= 24
unit = u'days'
return [unicode(value), unit]
[docs]def mapUNIX_TimeInterval(value):
# type: (Union[List[str], Tuple[str], str]) -> Text
Unmap a human understandable time interval back to number of seconds.
:param value: a 2-tuple (value, unit)
:returns: the number of seconds.
>>> mapUNIX_TimeInterval(0)
>>> mapUNIX_TimeInterval([1, 'days'])
>>> mapUNIX_TimeInterval((1, 'hours'))
>>> mapUNIX_TimeInterval((1, 'minutes'))
unit = 'seconds'
if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
if len(value) > 1:
unit = value[1]
value = value[0]
value = _stringToInt(value)
if unit == u'days':
value *= 24 * 60 * 60
elif unit == u'hours':
value *= 60 * 60
elif unit == u'minutes':
value *= 60
return unicode(value).encode('ASCII')
[docs]def unmapBase64(value):
Convert binary data (as found in |LDAP|) to Base64 encoded |UDM| property value(s).
:param value: some binary data.
:returns: the base64 encoded data or the empty string on errors.
>>> unmapBase64([b'a'])
>>> unmapBase64([b'a', b'b'])
['YQ==', 'Yg==']
>>> unmapBase64([None])
if len(value) > 1:
return [base64.b64encode(x).decode('ASCII') for x in value]
except Exception as e:
ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.ERROR, 'ERROR in unmapBase64: %s' % e)
return base64.b64encode(value[0]).decode('ASCII')
except Exception as e:
ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.ERROR, 'ERROR in unmapBase64: %s' % e)
return ""
[docs]def mapBase64(value):
# type: (Union[List[str], str]) -> Union[List[bytes], bytes]
# @overload (List[str]) -> List[bytes]
# @overload (str) -> bytes
Convert Base64 encoded |UDM| property values to binary data (for storage in |LDAP|).
:param value: some base64 encoded value.
:returns: the decoded binary data.
>>> mapBase64('*')
>>> mapBase64(['YQ=='])
>>> mapBase64('YQ==')
if value == '*':
# special case for filter pattern '*'
return value
if isinstance(value, list):
return [base64.b64decode(x) for x in value]
except Exception as e:
ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.ERROR, 'ERROR in mapBase64: %s' % e)
return base64.b64decode(value)
except Exception as e:
ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.ERROR, 'ERROR in mapBase64: %s' % e)
return ""
[docs]def BooleanListToString(list, encoding=()):
# type: (List[str]) -> str
Convert |LDAP| boolean to |UDM|.
:param list: list of |LDAP| attribute values.
:returns: the empty string for `False` or otherwise the first element.
>>> BooleanListToString([b'0'])
>>> BooleanListToString([b'1'])
v = ListToString(list, encoding=encoding)
if v == u'0':
return u''
return v
[docs]def BooleanUnMap(value, encoding=()):
# type: (str) -> str
Convert |UDM| boolean to |LDAP|.
:param list: One |LDAP| attribute values.
:returns: the empty string for `False` or otherwise the first element.
>>> BooleanUnMap('0')
>>> BooleanUnMap('1')
if value == u'0':
return b''
return value.encode(*encoding)
[docs]class dontMap(object):
'Do nothing' mapping.
[docs]class mapping(object):
Map |LDAP| attribute names and values to |UDM| property names and values and back.
def __init__(self):
self._map = {}
self._unmap = {}
self._unmap_func = {}
self._map_encoding = {}
self._unmap_encoding = {}
[docs] def register(self, map_name, unmap_name, map_value=None, unmap_value=None, encoding='UTF-8', encoding_errors='strict'):
Register a new mapping.
:param map_name: |UDM| property name.
:param unmap_name: |LDAP| attribute name.
:param map_value: function to map |UDM| property values to |LDAP| attribute values.
:param unmap_value: function to map |LDAP| attribute values to |UDM| property values.
self._map[map_name] = (unmap_name, map_value)
self._unmap[unmap_name] = (map_name, unmap_value)
self._map_encoding[map_name] = (encoding, encoding_errors)
self._unmap_encoding[unmap_name] = (encoding, encoding_errors)
[docs] def unregister(self, map_name, pop_unmap=True):
# type: (str, bool) -> None
Remove a mapping |UDM| to |LDAP| (and also the reverse).
:param map_name: |UDM| property name.
:param pop_unmap: `False` prevents the removal of the mapping from |LDAP| to |UDM|, which the default `True` also does.
# unregister(pop_unmap=False) is used by LDAP_Search syntax classes with viewonly=True.
# See SimpleLdap._init_ldap_search().
unmap_name, map_value = self._map.pop(map_name, ('', None))
self._map_encoding.pop(map_name, None)
if pop_unmap:
self._unmap.pop(unmap_name, None)
self._unmap_encoding.pop(unmap_name, None)
[docs] def registerUnmapping(self, unmap_name, unmap_value, encoding='UTF-8', encoding_errors='strict'):
Register a new unmapping from |LDAP| to |UDM|.
:param unmap_name: |LDAP| attribute name.
:param unmap_value: function to map |LDAP| attribute values to |UDM| property values.
self._unmap_func[unmap_name] = unmap_value
self._unmap_encoding[unmap_name] = (encoding, encoding_errors)
[docs] def mapName(self, map_name):
Map |UDM| property name to |LDAP| attribute name.
>>> map = mapping()
>>> map.mapName('unknown')
>>> map.register('udm', 'ldap')
>>> map.mapName('udm')
return self._map.get(map_name, [''])[0]
[docs] def unmapName(self, unmap_name):
Map |LDAP| attribute name to |UDM| property name.
>>> map = mapping()
>>> map.unmapName('unknown')
>>> map.register('udm', 'ldap')
>>> map.unmapName('ldap')
return self._unmap.get(unmap_name, [''])[0]
[docs] def mapValue(self, map_name, value, encoding_errors=None):
Map |UDM| property value to |LDAP| attribute value.
>>> map = mapping()
>>> map.mapValue('unknown', None) #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> map.register('udm', 'ldap')
>>> map.mapValue('udm', 'value')
>>> map.register('udm', 'ldap', lambda udm: udm.lower().encode('utf-8'), None)
>>> map.mapValue('udm', None)
>>> map.mapValue('udm', [0])
>>> map.mapValue('udm', 'UDM')
>>> map.register('sambaLogonHours', 'ldap')
>>> map.mapValue('sambaLogonHours', [0])
map_value = self._map[map_name][1]
if not value:
return b''
if not any(value) and map_name != 'sambaLogonHours':
# sambaLogonHours might be [0], see Bug #33703
return b''
encoding, strictness = self._map_encoding.get(map_name, ('UTF-8', 'strict'))
strictness = encoding_errors or strictness
if not map_value:
map_value = MapToBytes
kwargs = {}
if 'encoding' in getfullargspec(map_value).args:
kwargs['encoding'] = (encoding, strictness)
value = map_value(value, **kwargs)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax(_('Invalid encoding for %s') % (map_name,))
return value
[docs] def mapValueDecoded(self, map_name, value, encoding_errors=None):
encoding, errors = self.getEncoding(map_name)
errors = encoding_errors or errors
value = self.mapValue(map_name, value, encoding_errors=errors)
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.WARN, 'mapValueDecoded returns a list for %s. This is probably not wanted?' % map_name)
value = [val.decode(encoding, errors) for val in value]
value = value.decode(encoding, errors)
return value
[docs] def unmapValue(self, unmap_name, value):
Map |LDAP| attribute value to |UDM| property value.
>>> map = mapping()
>>> map.unmapValue('unknown', None) #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> map.register('udm', 'ldap')
>>> map.unmapValue('ldap', b'value')
>>> map.register('udm', 'ldap', None, lambda ldap: ldap.decode('utf-8').upper())
>>> map.unmapValue('ldap', b'ldap')
unmap_value = self._unmap[unmap_name][1]
if not unmap_value:
unmap_value = UnmapToUnicode
encoding, strictness = self._unmap_encoding.get(unmap_name, ('UTF-8', 'strict'))
kwargs = {}
if 'encoding' in getfullargspec(unmap_value).args:
kwargs['encoding'] = (encoding, strictness)
return unmap_value(value, **kwargs)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax(_('Invalid encoding for %s') % (unmap_name,))
[docs] def unmapValues(self, oldattr):
Unmaps |LDAP| attribute values to |UDM| property values.
info = mapDict(self, oldattr)
for key, func in self._unmap_func.items():
kwargs = {}
if 'encoding' in getfullargspec(func).args:
kwargs['encoding'] = self._unmap_encoding.get(key, ('UTF-8', 'strict'))
info[key] = func(oldattr, **kwargs)
return info
[docs] def shouldMap(self, map_name):
return not isinstance(self._map[map_name][1], dontMap)
[docs] def shouldUnmap(self, unmap_name):
return not isinstance(self._unmap[unmap_name][1], dontMap)
[docs] def getEncoding(self, map_name):
return self._map_encoding.get(map_name, self._unmap_encoding.get(map_name, ()))
[docs]def mapCmp(mapping, key, old, new):
Compare old and new for equality (mapping back to LDAP value if possible).
>>> map = mapping()
>>> mapCmp(map, 'unknown', 'old', 'new')
>>> mapCmp(map, 'unknown', 'same', 'same')
>>> map.register('udm', 'ldap')
>>> mapCmp(map, 'udm', 'old', 'new')
>>> mapCmp(map, 'udm', 'same', 'same')
>>> map.register('udm', 'ldap', lambda udm: udm.lower(), None)
>>> mapCmp(map, 'udm', 'case', 'CASE')
_, f = mapping._map[key]
if mapping.shouldMap(key) and f:
return f(old) == f(new)
return old == new
except KeyError:
return old == new
[docs]def mapDict(mapping, old):
Convert dictionary mapping LDAP_attriute_name to LDAP_value to a (partial)
dictionary mapping UDM_property_name to UDM_value.
>>> map = mapping()
>>> map.register('udm', 'ldap', None, lambda ldap: ldap.decode('utf-8').upper())
>>> mapDict(map, {'ldap': b'ldap', 'unknown': None})
{'udm': 'LDAP'}
new = {}
if old:
for key, value in old.items():
if not mapping.shouldUnmap(key):
k = mapping.unmapName(key)
v = mapping.unmapValue(key, value)
except KeyError:
new[k] = v
return new
[docs]def mapList(mapping, old): # UNUSED
Convert list of LDAP attribute names to list of UDM property names.
>>> map = mapping()
>>> mapList(map, None)
>>> mapList(map, ['unknown'])
>>> map.register('udm', 'ldap', None, None)
>>> mapList(map, ['ldap', 'unknown'])
['udm', '']
new = []
if old:
for i in old:
k = mapping.unmapName(i)
except KeyError:
# BUG: never happens because unmapName() returns ''
return new
[docs]def mapDiff(mapping, diff):
Convert mod-list of UDM property names/values to mod-list of LDAP attribute names/values.
>>> map = mapping()
>>> mapDiff(map, None)
>>> mapDiff(map, [('unknown', None, None)])
>>> map.register('udm', 'ldap', lambda udm: udm.lower().encode('utf-8'), None)
>>> mapDiff(map, [('udm', 'OLD', 'NEW')])
[('ldap', b'old', b'new')]
>>> mapDiff(map, [('udm', 'case', 'CASE')])
ml = []
if diff:
for key, oldvalue, newvalue in diff:
if not mapping.shouldMap(key):
k = mapping.mapName(key)
ov = mapping.mapValue(key, oldvalue)
nv = mapping.mapValue(key, newvalue)
except KeyError:
if k and ov != nv:
ml.append((k, ov, nv))
return ml
[docs]def mapDiffAl(mapping, diff): # UNUSED
Convert mod-list of UDM property names/values to add-list of LDAP attribute names/values.
>>> map = mapping()
>>> mapDiffAl(map, None)
>>> mapDiffAl(map, [('unknown', None, None)])
>>> map.register('udm', 'ldap', lambda udm: udm.lower().encode('utf-8'), None)
>>> mapDiffAl(map, [('udm', 'OLD', 'NEW'), ('unknown', None, None)])
[('ldap', b'new')]
ml = []
if diff:
for key, oldvalue, newvalue in diff:
if not mapping.shouldMap(key):
k = mapping.mapName(key)
nv = mapping.mapValue(key, newvalue)
except KeyError:
ml.append((k, nv))
return ml
[docs]def mapRewrite(filter, mapping):
Re-write UDM property name/value in UDM filter expression to LDAP attribute name/value.
>>> from argparse import Namespace
>>> map = mapping()
>>> f = Namespace(variable='unknown', value=None); mapRewrite(f, map); (f.variable, f.value)
('unknown', None)
>>> map.register('udm', 'ldap', lambda udm: udm.lower().encode('utf-8'), None)
>>> f = Namespace(variable='udm', value='UDM'); mapRewrite(f, map); (f.variable, f.value)
('ldap', b'udm')
key = filter.variable
if not mapping.shouldMap(key):
k = mapping.mapName(key)
v = mapping.mapValueDecoded(key, filter.value, encoding_errors='ignore')
except KeyError:
if k:
filter.variable = k
filter.value = v