# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2004-2022 Univention GmbH
# https://www.univention.de/
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
# (GNU AGPL V3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# Binary versions of this program provided by Univention to you as
# well as other copyrighted, protected or trademarked materials like
# Logos, graphics, fonts, specific documentations and configurations,
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|UDM| syntax definitions.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import base64
import bz2
import copy
import datetime
import imghdr
import inspect
import io
import ipaddress
import json
import os
import re
import shlex
import sys
import time
import traceback
import zlib
from io import BytesIO
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Iterable, List, Optional, Pattern, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Type, Union # noqa: F401
import dateutil
import ldap
import ldap.dn
import PIL
import pytz
import six
from ldap.filter import filter_format, escape_filter_chars
from ldap.schema import ObjectClass, AttributeType
from ldap.schema.subentry import SubSchema # noqa: F401
import univention.admin.modules
import univention.admin.types
import univention.admin.uexceptions
import univention.debug as ud
from univention.admin import localization
from univention.lib.ucs import UCS_Version
from univention.lib.umc_module import get_mime_type, get_mime_description, image_mime_type_of_buffer
from univention.uldap import getMachineConnection
from univention.admin.uldap import access # noqa: F401
translation = localization.translation('univention/admin')
_ = translation.translate
[docs]def import_syntax_files():
# type: () -> None
Load all additional syntax files from :file:`*/univention/admin/syntax.d/*.py`.
global _ # don't allow syntax to overwrite our global _ function.
gettext = _
for dir_ in sys.path:
syntax_d = os.path.join(dir_, 'univention/admin/syntax.d/')
if os.path.isdir(syntax_d):
syntax_files = (os.path.join(syntax_d, f) for f in os.listdir(syntax_d) if f.endswith('.py'))
for fn in syntax_files:
with io.open(fn, 'rb') as fd:
exec(fd.read(), sys.modules[__name__].__dict__)
ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'admin.syntax.import_syntax_files: importing %r' % (fn,))
except Exception:
ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.ERROR, 'admin.syntax.import_syntax_files: loading %r failed' % (fn,))
ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.ERROR, 'admin.syntax.import_syntax_files: TRACEBACK:\n%s' % traceback.format_exc())
_ = gettext
def __ucr_overwrite_widgets():
"""Setting widget definitions via UCR variables.
Do not use this! Only used by one customer. We should remove it.
.. deprecated:: 5.0-1
overwrite syntax class instead
# FIXME: remove this method completely
from univention.admin._ucr import configRegistry as ucr
identifier = 'directory/manager/web/widget/'
syntaxes = {}
for key, val in ucr.items():
if not key.startswith(identifier):
key = key[len(identifier):]
name, key = key.split('/', 1)
except ValueError:
syntaxes.setdefault(name, {}).setdefault(key, val)
for name, props in syntaxes.items():
widget = props['widget']
except KeyError:
ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.WARN, 'Ignoring syntax-widget overwrite: %s (does not define widget)' % (name,))
default = props.get('default', '')
subclasses = ucr.is_true(None, False, props.get('subclasses', 'false').lower())
syntax_classes = []
for syntax in props.get('syntax', '').split(','):
if not syntax:
syntax = getattr(univention.admin.syntax, syntax)
if syntax:
for scls in syntax_classes:
if getattr(scls, '_ucr_overwritten', False):
org_get_widget = scls.get_widget
def get_widget(cls, prop):
if subclasses or cls is scls:
return widget
return org_get_widget(cls, prop)
ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'Found ucr widget definition %r for syntax class %r' % (widget, scls, ))
scls.widget_default_search_pattern = default
scls.get_widget = get_widget
scls._ucr_overwritten = True
choice_update_functions = [] # type: List[Callable]
def __register_choice_update_function(func):
# type: (Callable[[], None]) -> None
Register a function to be called when the syntax classes are to be re-loaded.
[docs]def update_choices():
# type: () -> None
Update choices which are defined in LDAP
>>> import univention.admin.modules
>>> univention.admin.modules.update()
>>> update_choices()
>>> ('settings/portal', 'Portal: Portal') in univentionAdminModules.choices
for func in choice_update_functions:
def _default_widget_options(syntax):
return {
'dynamicValues': 'udm/syntax/choices',
'dynamicOptions': {
'syntax': syntax.name,
def _replace_asterisks_in_filter(filter_s, allow_asterisks=True):
if allow_asterisks:
return filter_s.replace(escape_filter_chars('*'), '*')
return filter_s
[docs]def is_syntax(syntax_obj, syntax_type):
# type: (Any, Type) -> bool
Returns True if the syntax object/class matches the given type.
:param syntax_obj: The instance to check.
:param syntax_type: A syntax class type.
return isinstance(syntax_obj, type) and issubclass(syntax_obj, syntax_type) or isinstance(syntax_obj, syntax_type)
[docs]class ClassProperty(object):
A decorator that can be used to define read-only class properties.
def __init__(self, getter):
self.getter = getter
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
return self.getter(owner)
SIZES = ('OneThird', 'Half', 'TwoThirds', 'One', 'FourThirds', 'OneAndAHalf', 'FiveThirds')
"""Widget sizes. UDM uses a two-column layout and by default any widget uses one column. Widgets can also be configured to span (partly) both columns."""
[docs]class ISyntax(object):
Base class for all syntax classes.
>>> ISyntax.name
>>> ISyntax.type
>>> ISyntax.tostring('Hallo')
size = 'One' # type: Union[str, Sequence[str]]
"""Widget size. See :py:data:`SIZES`."""
type_class = None # type: Optional[Type[univention.admin.types.TypeHint]]
type_class_multivalue = None
def name(cls):
return cls.__name__
def type(cls):
return cls.__name__
[docs] @classmethod
def tostring(self, text):
# type: (Any) -> str
Convert from internal representation to textual representation.
:param text: internal representation.
:returns: textual representation.
return text
[docs] def parse_command_line(self, value):
return value
[docs] @classmethod
def new(self):
# type: () -> Union[str, List[str]]
Return the initial value.
return ''
[docs] @classmethod
def any(self):
# type: () -> Union[str, List[str]]
Return the default search filter.
return '*'
[docs] @classmethod
def get_choices(cls, lo, options):
"""Get all already sorted choices"""
return cls.sort_choices(getattr(cls, 'choices', []))
[docs] @classmethod
def sort_choices(cls, choices):
return sorted(choices, key=lambda choice: choice[1])
widget = None
"""The corresponding widget which is used in UMC"""
search_widget = 'TextBox'
"""The corresponding widget which is used in UMC when searching for values of this property"""
widget_default_search_pattern = '*'
"""The default search pattern for this syntax. String render as TextBox, lists render as ComboBox with the possible choices, booleans render as CheckBox"""
[docs] @classmethod
def get_object_property_filter(cls, object_property, object_property_value, allow_asterisks=True):
"""Get a LDAP filter for a certain property
>>> ISyntax.get_object_property_filter('foo', 'bar')
>>> ISyntax.get_object_property_filter('foo', 'bar*')
ret = _replace_asterisks_in_filter(filter_format('%s=%s', (object_property, object_property_value)), allow_asterisks)
no_substring_value = object_property_value.strip('*')
if no_substring_value and no_substring_value != object_property_value:
ret = '(|(%s)(%s))' % (ret, _replace_asterisks_in_filter(filter_format('%s=%s', (object_property, no_substring_value)), allow_asterisks))
return ret
[docs]class simple(ISyntax):
Base class for single value entries.
>>> simple.parse('A string')
'A string'
>>> simple().parse_command_line('A string')
'A string'
>>> simple.new()
>>> simple.any()
regex = None # type: Optional[Pattern]
"""Regular expression to validate the value."""
error_message = _('Invalid value')
"""Error message when an invalid item is selected."""
type_class = univention.admin.types.StringType # type: Optional[Type[univention.admin.types.TypeHint]]
widget = 'TextBox'
widget_default_search_pattern = '*'
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
# type: (Any) -> str
Validate the value by parsing it.
:return: the parsed textual value.
:raises univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError: if the value is invalid.
if text is None or self.regex is None or self.regex.match(text) is not None:
return text
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(self.error_message)
[docs] @classmethod
def checkLdap(self, lo, value):
# type: (access, Any) -> Any
Check the given value against the current LDAP state by
reading directly from LDAP directory. The function returns nothing
or raises an exception, if the value does not match with predefined
:param lo: LDAP connection.
:param value: The value to check.
:returns: None on errors.
:raises Exception: on errors.
[docs]class select(ISyntax):
Select item from list of choices::
self.choices = [(id, _("Display text"), ...]
empty_value = False
"""Allow the empty value."""
type_class = univention.admin.types.StringType # type: Optional[Type[univention.admin.types.TypeHint]]
widget = 'ComboBox'
search_widget = 'ComboBox'
depends = None # type: Optional[str]
"""The name of another |UDM| property this syntax depends on."""
javascript_dependency = False # type: bool
"""Whether dependencies should be resolved via Javascript (instead via a further request)"""
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
# type: (Any) -> Optional[str]
# for the UDM CLI
choices = getattr(self, "choices")
except AttributeError:
return text
if not text and select.empty_value:
return text
if any(text == c[0] for c in choices):
return text
return None
[docs] @classmethod
def get_choices(cls, lo, options):
"""Get the choices w.r.t. dependencies"""
# sort choices before inserting / appending some special items
class_choices = cls.choices
except AttributeError:
class_choices = []
choices = cls.sort_choices(class_choices)
if cls.empty_value and class_choices and class_choices[0][0] != '':
choices.insert(0, ('', ''))
if cls.depends in options.get('dependencies', {}):
# by default return the dependency values!
values = []
for value in options['dependencies'][cls.depends]:
if value not in values:
return [(val, val) for val in values]
return choices
[docs]class combobox(select):
Select item from list of choices but accept all kind of values::
self.choices = [(id, _("Display text"), ...]
widget = 'SuggestionBox'
search_widget = 'SuggestionBox'
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(cls, text):
return super(combobox, cls).parse(text) or text
[docs]class MultiSelect(ISyntax):
Select multiple items from a list of choices.
choices = [] # type: Sequence[Tuple[Any, str]]
"""The list of choices."""
empty_value = True
"""Allow the empty value."""
error_message = _('Invalid value')
"""Error message when an invalid item is selected."""
# FIXME: type_class
widget = 'MultiSelect'
search_widget = 'ComboBox'
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, value):
# type: (Any) -> List[str]
# required for UDM CLI
if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
value = list(map(lambda x: x, shlex.split(value)))
if not self.empty_value and not value:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_('An empty value is not allowed'))
key_list = list(map(lambda x: x[0], self.choices))
for item in value:
if item not in key_list:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(self.error_message)
return value
[docs]class complex(ISyntax):
Base class for complex syntax classes consisting of multiple sub-items.
delimiter = ' ' # type: str
Delimiter to separate the sub-items. Two possibilities:
1. Either a single string like `=`, which is used to concatenate all subitems.
2. A sequence of `n+1` strings like `['', ': ', '=', '']` to concatenate `n` sub-items. The first and last value is used as a prefix/suffix.
min_elements = None # type: Optional[int]
"""Minimum number of required values."""
all_required = True
"""All sub-values must contain a value."""
subsyntaxes = [] # type: Sequence[Tuple[str, Type[ISyntax]]]
subsyntax_names = () # type: Tuple[str, ...]
subsyntax_key_value = False
widget = 'MultiInput'
widget_multivalue = 'ComplexInput'
widget_default_search_pattern = None
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, texts, minn=None):
# type: (Sequence[Any], int) -> List[str]
if minn is None:
minn = self.min_elements
if minn is None:
minn = len(self.subsyntaxes)
if len(texts) < minn:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax(_("not enough arguments"))
elif len(texts) > len(self.subsyntaxes):
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax(_("too many arguments"))
parsed = []
for i, (text, (desc, syn)) in enumerate(zip(texts, self.subsyntaxes)):
ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'syntax.py: subsyntax[%s]=%s, texts=%s' % (i, syn, text))
if text is None and i + 1 < minn:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax(_("Missing argument: %s > %s") % (self.name, desc,))
s = syn() if inspect.isclass(syn) else syn # type: simple # type: ignore
p = s.parse(text)
return parsed
[docs] @classmethod
def fromdict(self, value):
if self.subsyntax_key_value:
return [self.parse(item) for item in value.items()]
elif self.subsyntax_names:
return [value[key] for key in self.subsyntax_names]
except KeyError as exc:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax(_('missing argument %s') % (exc,))
raise TypeError('Syntax class is not a dict.')
[docs] @classmethod
def todict(self, value):
if self.subsyntax_key_value:
return dict(value)
if not self.subsyntax_names:
raise TypeError('Syntax class is not a dict.')
values = dict(zip(self.subsyntax_names, [None] * len(self.subsyntax_names)))
values.update(dict(zip(self.subsyntax_names, value)))
return values
def type_class(cls):
def _type_class(syn):
syn = syn() if inspect.isclass(syn) else syn
return syn.type_class
if cls.subsyntax_key_value:
class ComplexMultiValueKeyValueDictType(univention.admin.types.KeyValueDictionaryType):
key_type = _type_class(cls.subsyntaxes[0][1])
value_type = _type_class(cls.subsyntaxes[1][1])
return ComplexMultiValueKeyValueDictType
elif cls.subsyntax_names:
class ComplexMultiValueDictType(univention.admin.types.DictionaryType):
properties = {
key: _type_class(syn)
for key, (desc, syn) in zip(cls.subsyntax_names, cls.subsyntaxes)
return ComplexMultiValueDictType
class ComplexListType(univention.admin.types.ListOfItems):
item_types = [_type_class(sub[1]) for sub in cls.subsyntaxes]
return ComplexListType
def type_class_multivalue(cls):
if cls.subsyntax_key_value:
return cls.type_class
[docs] @classmethod
def tostring(self, texts):
# type: (Any) -> str
if self.all_required:
if len(self.subsyntaxes) != len(texts) or not all(texts):
return ''
return self.delimiter.join(texts)
[docs] @classmethod
def new(self):
# type: () -> Union[str, List[str]]
return [
(syntax() if inspect.isclass(syntax) else syntax).new() # type: ignore
for desc, syntax in self.subsyntaxes
[docs] @classmethod
def any(self):
# type: () -> Union[str, List[str]]
return [
(syntax() if inspect.isclass(syntax) else syntax).any() # type: ignore
for desc, syntax in self.subsyntaxes
[docs] def parse_command_line(self, value):
# FIXME: Bug #27241: not possible to contain escaped "-quote
if '"' not in value:
return value.split(' ')
return [x.strip() for x in value.split('"') if x.strip()]
class _UDMObjectOrAttribute(object):
def _append_hidden_filter(cls, module, ret):
if module is None or module.property_descriptions.get('objectFlag') is None:
return ret
hidden_filter = '!(objectFlag=hidden)'
if ret:
if not ret.startswith('('):
ret = '(%s)' % ret
return '(&(%s)%s)' % (hidden_filter, ret)
return hidden_filter
def _create_ldap_filter(cls, options, module=None):
if cls.depends and cls.depends not in options:
return None
if callable(cls.udm_filter):
filter_s = cls.udm_filter(options)
filter_s = cls.udm_filter % options # FIXME: missing LDAP filter escaping
object_property = options.get('property')
object_property_value = options.get('value')
if object_property and object_property_value:
prop = module.property_descriptions.get(object_property)
syn = prop.syntax if prop else cls
property_filter_s = syn.get_object_property_filter(object_property, object_property_value, allow_asterisks=options.get('allow_asterisks', True))
if not options.get('hidden', True):
property_filter_s = cls._append_hidden_filter(module, property_filter_s)
if property_filter_s and not property_filter_s.startswith('('):
# make sure that the LDAP filter is wrapped in brackets
property_filter_s = '(%s)' % property_filter_s
if filter_s and not filter_s.startswith('('):
# make sure that the LDAP filter is wrapped in brackets
filter_s = '(%s)' % filter_s
filter_s = '(&%s%s)' % (property_filter_s, filter_s)
return filter_s
[docs]class UDM_Objects(ISyntax, _UDMObjectOrAttribute):
Base class to lookup selectable items from |LDAP| entries using their |DN|.
See :py:class:`UDM_Attribute` for an alternative to use values from one |LDAP| entry..
>>> UDM_Objects().type_class
<class 'univention.admin.types.DistinguishedNameType'>
>>> UDM_Objects.parse("uid=Administrator,cn=users,dc=intranet,dc=example,dc=com")
>>> UDM_Objects.parse("") #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> UDM_Objects.parse("no dn") #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
udm_modules = () # type: Sequence[str]
"""Sequence of |UDM| module names to search for."""
udm_filter = ''
"""A |LDAP| filter string to further restrict the matching |LDAP| objects."""
key = 'dn'
"""Either 'dn' or the |UDM| property name enclosed in %()s to use as the value for this syntax class."""
label = None # type: Optional[str]
"""The |UDM| property name enclosed in %()s, which is used as the displayed value."""
regex = re.compile('^([^=,]+=[^=,]+,)*[^=,]+=[^=,]+$') # type: Optional[Pattern]
"""Regular expression for validating the values."""
static_values = None # type: Optional[Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]]
"""Sequence of additional static items."""
empty_value = False
"""Allow to select no entry."""
depends = None # type: Optional[str]
"""The name of another |UDM| property this syntax depends on."""
error_message = _("Not a valid LDAP DN")
"""Error message when an invalid item is selected."""
simple = False # by default a MultiObjectSelect widget is used; if simple == True a ComboBox is used
"""With `True`, only a single object can be selected using a ComboBox. With `False` multiple entries can be selected using a MultiObjectSelect widget."""
use_objects = True
"""By default with `True` create Python UDM instance for each LDAP entry. With `False` only work with the LDAP attribute data."""
widget_default_search_pattern = ''
widget = 'umc/modules/udm/ComboBox'
widget_advanced_multivalue = 'umc/modules/udm/MultiObjectSelect'
def type_class(self):
if self.key == 'dn':
return univention.admin.types.DistinguishedNameType
return univention.admin.types.StringType
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
if not self.empty_value and not text:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_('An empty value is not allowed'))
if isinstance(text, bytes):
text = text.decode('UTF-8')
if not text or not self.regex or self.regex.match(text) is not None:
return text
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(self.error_message)
[docs] @classmethod
def get_choices(cls, lo, options):
choices = []
# scope & base is no public API and only used by search_syntax_choices_by_key!
module_search_options = {
opt: options.pop(opt)
for opt in ('scope', 'base', 'sizelimit')
if opt in options
# try to avoid using the slow udm interface
simple = False
attr = set()
if not cls.use_objects:
attr.update(re.findall(r'%\(([^)]+)\)', cls.key))
if cls.label:
attr.update(re.findall(r'%\(([^)]+)\)', cls.label))
for udm_module in cls.udm_modules:
module = univention.admin.modules.get(udm_module)
if not hasattr(module, 'lookup_filter'):
if module is not None:
mapping = module.mapping
if not all([mapping.mapName(att) for att in attr]):
simple = True
if not simple:
ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.WARN, 'Syntax %s wants to get optimizations but may not. This is a Bug! We provide a fallback but the syntax will respond much slower than it could!' % (cls.name,))
def extract_key_label(syn, dn, info):
key = label = None
if syn.key == 'dn':
key = dn
key = syn.key % info
except KeyError:
if syn.label == 'dn':
label = dn
elif syn.label is None:
label = syn.label % info
except KeyError:
return key, label
if not simple:
def map_choices(obj_list):
result = []
for obj in obj_list:
# first try it without obj.open() (expensive)
key, label = extract_key_label(cls, obj.dn, obj.info)
if key is None or label is None:
key, label = extract_key_label(cls, obj.dn, obj.info)
if key is None:
# ignore the entry as the key is important for a selection, there
# is no sensible fallback for the key (Bug #26994)
if label is None:
# fallback to the default description as this is just what displayed
# to the user (Bug #26994)
label = univention.admin.objects.description(obj)
result.append((key, label))
return result
for udm_module in cls.udm_modules:
module = univention.admin.modules.get(udm_module)
if not module:
filter_s = cls._create_ldap_filter(options, module)
if filter_s is not None:
objs = module.lookup(None, lo, filter_s, **module_search_options)
for udm_module in cls.udm_modules:
module = univention.admin.modules.get(udm_module)
if not module:
filter_s = cls._create_ldap_filter(options, module)
if filter_s is not None:
if filter_s and not filter_s.startswith('('):
filter_s = '(%s)' % filter_s
mapping = module.mapping
ldap_attr = [mapping.mapName(att) for att in attr]
def _search(ldap_attr=None):
if hasattr(module, 'lookup_filter'):
lookup_filter = module.lookup_filter(filter_s, lo)
if lookup_filter is None:
return []
if ldap_attr is not None:
return lo.search(filter=six.text_type(lookup_filter), attr=ldap_attr, **module_search_options)
return lo.searchDn(filter=six.text_type(lookup_filter), **module_search_options)
return module.lookup(None, lo, filter_s, **module_search_options)
if ldap_attr:
result = _search(ldap_attr)
for dn, ldap_map in result:
info = univention.admin.mapping.mapDict(mapping, ldap_map)
key, label = extract_key_label(cls, dn, info)
if key is None:
if label is None:
label = ldap.dn.explode_rdn(dn, True)[0]
choices.append((key, label))
keys = _search()
if cls.label == 'dn':
labels = keys
labels = [ldap.dn.explode_rdn(dn, True)[0] for dn in keys]
choices.extend(zip(keys, labels))
# sort choices before inserting / appending some special items
choices = cls.sort_choices(choices)
if isinstance(cls.static_values, (tuple, list)):
for value in cls.static_values:
choices.insert(0, value)
if cls.empty_value:
choices.insert(0, ('', ''))
return choices
[docs]class UDM_Attribute(ISyntax, _UDMObjectOrAttribute):
Base class to lookup selectable items from |LDAP| entries using attribute values.
See :py:class:`UDM_Objects` for an alternative to use multiple |LDAP| entries.
udm_module = None # type: Optional[str]
"""|UDM| module name to search for."""
udm_filter = ''
"""A |LDAP| filter string to further restrict the matching |LDAP| objects."""
attribute = None # type: Optional[str]
"""The |UDM| property name to use as the value for this syntax class."""
is_complex = False
"""True for a complex item consisting of multiple sub-items."""
key_index = 0
"""When the UDM property is complex: The number of the sub-item, which is used as the value for this syntax class."""
label_index = 0
"""When the UDM property is complex: The number of the sub-item, which is used as the display value."""
label_format = None # type: Optional[str]
"""Python format string used to convert the |UDM| properties to the displayed value."""
regex = None # type: Optional[Pattern]
"""Regular expression for validating the values."""
static_values = None # type: Optional[Sequence]
"""Sequence of additional static items."""
empty_value = False
"""Allow to select no entry."""
depends = None # type: Optional[str]
"""The name of another |UDM| property this syntax depends on."""
error_message = _('Invalid value')
"""Error message when an invalid item is selected."""
widget = 'ComboBox'
widget_default_search_pattern = ''
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
if not self.empty_value and not text:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_('An empty value is not allowed'))
if not text or not self.regex or self.regex.match(text) is not None:
return text
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(self.error_message)
[docs] @classmethod
def get_choices(cls, lo, options):
choices = []
sizelimit = options.get('sizelimit', 0)
def filter_choice(obj):
# if attributes does not exist or is empty
return cls.attribute in obj.info and obj.info[cls.attribute]
def map_choice(obj):
ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'Loading choices from %s: %s' % (obj.dn, obj.info))
values = obj.info[cls.attribute]
except KeyError:
ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.WARN, 'Object has no attribute %r' % (cls.attribute,))
# this happens for example in PrinterDriverList
# if the ldap schema is not installed
# and thus no 'printmodel' attribute is known.
return []
if not isinstance(values, (list, tuple)): # single value
values = [values]
if cls.is_complex:
return [(x[cls.key_index], x[cls.label_index]) for x in values]
if cls.label_format is not None:
_choices = []
for value in values:
obj.info['$attribute$'] = value
_choices.append((value, cls.label_format % obj.info))
return _choices
return [(x, x) for x in values]
module = univention.admin.modules.get(cls.udm_module)
if not module:
return []
ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'Found syntax %s with udm_module property' % (cls.name,))
if cls.udm_filter == 'dn':
obj = module.object(None, lo, None, options[cls.depends])
choices = map_choice(obj)
filter_s = cls._create_ldap_filter(options, module)
if filter_s is not None:
objs = module.lookup(None, lo, filter_s, sizelimit=sizelimit)
for element in map(map_choice, filter(filter_choice, objs)):
for item in element:
# sort choices before inserting / appending some special items
choices = cls.sort_choices(choices)
if isinstance(cls.static_values, (tuple, list)):
for value in cls.static_values:
choices.insert(0, value)
if cls.empty_value:
choices.insert(0, ('', ''))
return choices
[docs]class none(simple):
[docs]class string(simple):
Syntax for a string with unlimited length.
min_length = 0
max_length = 0
type_class = univention.admin.types.StringType
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
return text
[docs]class string64(simple):
Syntax for a string with up to 64 characters.
>>> string64.parse('a' * 64) == 'a' * 64
>>> string64.parse('a' * 65) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
self.min_length = 0
self.max_length = 64
if len(text) > self.max_length:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_('The value must not be longer than %d characters.') % self.max_length)
return text
[docs]class OneThirdString(string):
Syntax for a string with an input field spanning 1/3 of the width.
size = 'OneThird'
[docs]class string6(OneThirdString):
Syntax for a string with up to 6 characters.
>>> string6.parse('123456')
>>> string6.parse('1234567') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
self.min_length = 0
self.max_length = 6
if len(text) > self.max_length:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_('The value must not be longer than %d characters.') % self.max_length)
return text
[docs]class HalfString(string):
Syntax for a string with an input field spanning 1/2 of the width.
size = 'Half'
[docs]class TwoThirdsString(string):
Syntax for a string with an input field spanning 2/3 of the width.
size = 'TwoThirds'
[docs]class FourThirdsString(string):
Syntax for a string with an input field spanning 4/3 of the width.
size = 'FourThirds'
[docs]class OneAndAHalfString(string):
Syntax for a string with an input field spanning 3/2 of the width.
size = 'OneAndAHalf'
[docs]class FiveThirdsString(string):
Syntax for a string with an input field spanning 5/3 of the width.
size = 'FiveThirds'
[docs]class TwoString(string):
Syntax for a string with an input field spanning 2/1 of the width.
size = 'Two'
[docs]class TextArea(string):
Syntax for a string with an input allowing multi-line input.
widget = 'TextArea'
widget_default_search_pattern = ''
[docs]class Editor(string):
widget = 'Editor'
widget_default_search_pattern = ''
[docs]class TwoEditor(Editor):
size = 'Two'
[docs]class UCSVersion(string):
Syntax for an UCS release version `major.minor-patchlevel`.
>>> UCSVersion.parse('4.3-2')
>>> UCSVersion.parse('4.3-2 errata200') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL +SKIP
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> UCSVersion.parse('4.3-2.errata200') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL +SKIP
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> UCSVersion.parse('4') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, value):
except ValueError:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_('Invalid UCS version: %s') % (value, ))
return value
[docs]class DebianPackageVersion(string):
Syntax for a Debian package version.
>>> DebianPackageVersion.parse('9.1.1-2A~')
>>> DebianPackageVersion.parse('7.52.1-5+deb9u10')
>>> DebianPackageVersion.parse('2:7.52.1-5+deb9u10')
>>> DebianPackageVersion.parse('wheezy:7.52.1-5+deb9u10') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> DebianPackageVersion.parse('1.0 with spaces...') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
invalid_chars_regex = re.compile('[^-+:.0-9a-zA-Z~]')
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, value):
m = self.invalid_chars_regex.search(value)
if m is not None:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_('Invalid character in debian package version: %s') % m.group())
p = value.find(':')
if p != -1 and not value[:p].isdigit():
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_('Non-integer epoch in debian package version: %s') % str(value[:p]))
return value
[docs]class BaseFilename(string):
Syntax for a file name. Sub- and parent directories are not allowed.
>>> BaseFilename.parse('example.txt')
>>> BaseFilename.parse('my-folder/example.txt') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, value):
if '/' in value:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_('Filename must not contain slashes: %s') % str(value))
return value
# upload classes
[docs]class Upload(ISyntax):
Syntax to allow uploading a binary file.
>>> Upload.parse("hallo")
type_class = univention.admin.types.BinaryType # type: Optional[Type[univention.admin.types.TypeHint]]
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, value):
return value
[docs]class Base64GzipText(TextArea):
Syntax for some `gzip`-compressed and `base64`-encoded data.
>>> import base64
>>> import zlib
>>> content = b'txt'
>>> bz2string = zlib.compress(content)
>>> b64string = base64.b64encode(bz2string)
>>> Base64GzipText.parse(b64string) == b64string
>>> Base64GzipText.parse(content) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueError: Value must be bzip2 compressed and Base64 encoded:
>>> b64string = base64.b64encode(content)
>>> Base64GzipText.parse('hallo') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueError: Not a valid Base64 string: hallo
type_class = univention.admin.types.Base64Type
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
gziped_data = base64.b64decode(text)
except Exception:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_('Not a valid Base64 string: %s') % str(text))
except Exception:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_('Value must be gzip compressed and Base64 encoded: %s') % str(text))
return text
[docs]class Base64Bzip2Text(TextArea):
Syntax for some `bzip2`-compressed and `base64`-encoded data.
>>> import base64
>>> import bz2
>>> content = b'txt'
>>> bz2string = bz2.compress(content)
>>> b64string = base64.b64encode(bz2string)
>>> Base64Bzip2Text.parse(b64string) == b64string
>>> Base64Bzip2Text.parse(content) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueError: Value must be bzip2 compressed and Base64 encoded:
>>> b64string = base64.b64encode(content)
>>> Base64Bzip2Text.parse('hallo') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueError: Not a valid Base64 string: hallo
type_class = univention.admin.types.Base64Type
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
compressed_data = base64.b64decode(text)
except Exception:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_('Not a valid Base64 string: %s') % str(text))
except Exception:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_('Value must be bzip2 compressed and Base64 encoded: %s') % str(text))
return text
[docs]class Base64Upload(Upload):
Syntax to allow uploading a `base64` encoded file.
>>> import base64
>>> content = b'...'
>>> b64string = base64.b64encode(content)
>>> Base64Upload.parse(b64string) == b64string
>>> Base64Upload.parse('hallo') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueError: Not a valid Base64 string: ...
type_class = univention.admin.types.Base64Type
widget = 'umc/modules/udm/CertificateUploader'
widget_default_search_pattern = ''
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
except Exception:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_('Not a valid Base64 string: %s') % str(text))
return text
[docs]class Base64BaseUpload(Base64Upload):
Syntax to allow uploading a `base64` encoded file.
>>> import base64
>>> content = b'...'
>>> b64string = base64.b64encode(content)
>>> Base64BaseUpload.parse(b64string) == b64string
>>> Base64BaseUpload.parse('hallo') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueError: Not a valid Base64 string: ...
widget = 'ImageUploader'
widget_default_search_pattern = ''
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
except Exception:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_('Not a valid Base64 string: %s') % str(text))
return text
[docs]class jpegPhoto(Upload):
Syntax to allow uploading a `JPEG` or `PNG` photo.
>>> jpegPhoto.tostring(None)
>>> import base64
>>> jpegPhoto.parse(b64string) != b64string # lets believe the conversion worked
>>> jpegPhoto.tostring(b64string) == b64string
>>> import bz2
>>> content = b'...'
>>> bz2string = bz2.compress(content)
>>> b64string = base64.b64encode(bz2string)
>>> jpegPhoto.parse(b64string) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueError: Value must be Base64 encoded jpeg.
type_class = univention.admin.types.Base64Type
widget = 'ImageUploader'
widget_default_search_pattern = ''
[docs] @classmethod
def tostring(self, value):
# type: (Any) -> str
if value:
return value
return ''
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
raw = base64.b64decode(text)
if imghdr.what(None, raw) == 'png':
# convert from PNG to JPEG
fp = BytesIO(raw)
text = BytesIO()
image = PIL.Image.open(fp)
image = image.convert('RGB')
def _fileno(*a, **k):
raise AttributeError() # workaround for an old PIL lib which can't handle BytesIO
text.fileno = _fileno
image.save(text, format='jpeg')
raw = text.getvalue()
text = base64.b64encode(raw)
except (KeyError, IOError, IndexError):
ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.WARN, 'Failed to convert PNG file into JPEG: %s' % (traceback.format_exc(),))
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_('Failed to convert PNG file into JPEG format.'))
# imghdr.what(None, base64.b64dcode(text)) == 'jpeg' # See Bug #36304
# this is what imghdr.py probably does in the future:
if raw[0:2] != b'\xff\xd8':
raise ValueError
return text
except (base64.binascii.Error, ValueError, TypeError):
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_('Value must be Base64 encoded jpeg.'))
[docs]class Base64Bzip2XML(TextArea):
Syntax for some `bzip2`-compressed |XML| data.
>>> import base64
>>> import bz2
>>> content = b'<?xml?><xml/>'
>>> bz2string = bz2.compress(content)
>>> b64string = base64.b64encode(bz2string)
>>> Base64Bzip2XML.parse(b64string) == b64string
>>> Base64Bzip2XML.parse('hallo') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueError: Not a valid Base64 string: hallo
>>> b64string = base64.b64encode(content)
>>> Base64Bzip2XML.parse(b64string) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueError: Value must be bzip2 compressed and Base64 encoded: ...
>>> content = b'...'
>>> bz2string = bz2.compress(content)
>>> b64string = base64.b64encode(bz2string)
>>> Base64Bzip2XML.parse(b64string) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueError: Not Base64 encoded XML data: ...
type_class = univention.admin.types.Base64Type
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
compressed_data = base64.b64decode(text)
except Exception:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_('Not a valid Base64 string: %s') % (text,))
data = bz2.decompress(compressed_data)
except Exception:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_('Value must be bzip2 compressed and Base64 encoded: %s') % (text,))
if get_mime_type(data) not in ('application/xml', 'text/xml'):
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_('Not Base64 encoded XML data: %s') % (text,))
return text
[docs]class Base64UMCIcon(TextArea):
Syntax for a `base64` encoded icon (|SVG|, |PNG|, |JPEG|).
>>> Base64UMCIcon.parse(b64string) == b64string
>>> Base64UMCIcon.parse('hallo') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueError: Not a valid Base64 string: hallo
type_class = univention.admin.types.Base64Type
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
data = base64.b64decode(text)
except Exception:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_('Not a valid Base64 string: %s') % str(text))
image_mime_type_of_buffer(data) # exact return value irrelevant, only exceptions matter at this point
return text
[docs]class GNUMessageCatalog(TextArea):
Syntax for a `base64` encoded binary message catalog `.mo`.
>>> GNUMessageCatalog.parse(b64string) == b64string
>>> GNUMessageCatalog.parse('hallo') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueError: Not a valid Base64 string: hallo
>>> GNUMessageCatalog.parse('aGFsbG8K') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueError: Not Base64 encoded GNU message catalog (.mo) data: aGFsbG8K
type_class = univention.admin.types.Base64Type
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
data = base64.b64decode(text)
except Exception:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_('Not a valid Base64 string: %s') % str(text))
if not get_mime_description(data).startswith('GNU message catalog'):
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_('Not Base64 encoded GNU message catalog (.mo) data: %s') % str(text))
return text
[docs]class Localesubdirname(string):
Syntax for a locale, e.g. `language[_COUNTRY][.encoding][@variant]`.
Must match a directory in :file:`/usr/share/locale/`.
>>> Localesubdirname.parse('de')
>>> Localesubdirname.parse('fantasy') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
if text not in os.listdir('/usr/share/locale'):
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_('Not a valid locale subdir name: %s') % str(text))
return text
[docs]class UMCMessageCatalogFilename(string):
Syntax for a message catalog filename for UMC module translations`.
Must have a filename like <language code>-<umcmoduleid>`.
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
text = string.parse(text)
language_id, dash, module_id = text.partition('-')
if not dash:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_('Not a valid filename for umcmessagecatalog. It must match "$language-$moduleid.mo" (e.g. "de-udm-foo.mo")'))
return text
[docs]class Localesubdirname_and_GNUMessageCatalog(complex):
Syntax for a message catalog and its language.
See :py:class:`GNUMessageCatalog` and :py:class:`Localesubdirname`.
>>> Localesubdirname_and_GNUMessageCatalog.parse(('de', '3hIElQ==')) # first bytes of vim.mo
['de', '3hIElQ==']
>>> Localesubdirname_and_GNUMessageCatalog.parse(('de', 'qwerty')) #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> Localesubdirname_and_GNUMessageCatalog().new()
['', '']
>>> Localesubdirname_and_GNUMessageCatalog().any()
['*', '*']
>>> Localesubdirname_and_GNUMessageCatalog().type_class_multivalue.__name__
delimiter = ': '
subsyntaxes = [(_('Locale subdir name'), Localesubdirname), (_('GNU message catalog'), GNUMessageCatalog)]
subsyntax_key_value = True
all_required = True
[docs]class UMCMessageCatalogFilename_and_GNUMessageCatalog(complex):
Syntax for a message catalog and the corresponding UMCMessageCatalogFilename.
See :py:class:`GNUMessageCatalog` and :py:class:`UMCMessageCatalogFilename`.
delimiter = ': '
subsyntaxes = [(_('UMCMessageCatalogFilename'), UMCMessageCatalogFilename), (_('GNU message catalog'), GNUMessageCatalog)]
subsyntax_key_value = True
all_required = True
multivalue = True
[docs]class integer(simple):
Syntax for positive numeric values.
* :py:class:`integerOrEmpty`
>>> integer.parse('1')
>>> integer.parse('0')
>>> integer.parse(2)
>>> integer.parse('-1') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> integer.parse('1.1') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> integer.parse('text') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> integer.parse('') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
min_length = 1
max_length = 0
_re = re.compile('^[0-9]+$')
size = 'Half'
type_class = univention.admin.types.IntegerType
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
if isinstance(text, int):
text = str(text)
if self._re.match(text) is not None:
return text
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_("Value must be a number!"))
[docs]class integerOrEmpty(integer):
Syntax for positive numeric values or the empty value.
>>> integerOrEmpty.parse(None)
>>> integerOrEmpty.parse("")
>>> integerOrEmpty.parse(0)
>>> integer.parse("0")
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
if not text and text != 0:
return super(integerOrEmpty, self).parse(text)
[docs]class boolean(simple):
Syntax for a boolean checkbox, which internally stores the state as `0` and `1`.
>>> boolean.parse('')
>>> boolean.parse('0')
>>> boolean.parse('1')
>>> boolean.parse(True)
>>> boolean.parse(False)
>>> boolean.sanitize_property_search_value(True)
>>> boolean.sanitize_property_search_value(False)
>>> boolean.get_object_property_filter('myAttr', '1')
>>> boolean.get_object_property_filter('myAttr', '0')
>>> boolean.get_object_property_filter('myAttr', '')
>>> boolean.parse('2') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> boolean.parse('0.1') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> boolean.parse('text') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
min_length = 1
max_length = 1
regex = re.compile('^[01]?$')
error_message = _("Value must be 0 or 1")
type_class = univention.admin.types.BooleanType
widget = 'CheckBox'
search_widget = 'CheckBox'
widget_default_search_pattern = False
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
if isinstance(text, bool):
return '1' if text else '0'
return super(boolean, self).parse(text)
[docs] @classmethod
def get_object_property_filter(cls, object_property, object_property_value, allow_asterisks=True):
not_set_filter = filter_format('(!(%s=*))', (object_property,))
compare_filter = _replace_asterisks_in_filter(filter_format('%s=%s', (object_property, object_property_value)), allow_asterisks)
if object_property_value == '0':
return '(|(%s)%s)' % (compare_filter, not_set_filter)
elif object_property_value == '1':
return compare_filter
return ''
[docs] @classmethod
def sanitize_property_search_value(cls, search_value):
return '1' if search_value is True else '0'
[docs]class AppActivatedBoolean(boolean):
[docs]class filesize(simple):
Syntax class for a file size supporting SI suffixes like `KB`.
>>> filesize.parse('0')
>>> filesize.parse('1b')
>>> filesize.parse('2kB')
>>> filesize.parse('3Mb')
>>> filesize.parse('4GB')
>>> filesize.parse('5pb') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> filesize.parse('-6') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> filesize.parse('-7.8') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> filesize.parse('text') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
min_length = 1
max_length = 0
regex = re.compile('^[0-9]+(|[gGmMkK])(|[bB])$')
error_message = _("Value must be an integer followed by one of GB,MB,KB,B or nothing (equals B)!")
[docs]class mail_folder_name(simple):
Syntax for |IMAP| mail folder names.
>>> mail_folder_name.parse('folder_name')
>>> mail_folder_name.parse('folder name') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> mail_folder_name.parse('folder\tname') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> mail_folder_name.parse('folder!name') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
if "!" in text or " " in text or "\t" in text:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_("Value may not contain whitespace or exclamation mark !"))
return text
[docs]class mail_folder_type(select):
Syntax for |IMAP| mail folder types.
>>> mail_folder_type().new()
>>> mail_folder_type().any()
>>> mail_folder_type.parse('')
>>> mail_folder_type.parse('mail')
>>> mail_folder_type.parse('event')
>>> mail_folder_type.parse('contact')
>>> mail_folder_type.parse('task')
>>> mail_folder_type.parse('note')
>>> mail_folder_type.parse('journal')
>>> mail_folder_type.parse('invalid')
name = 'mail_folder_type'
choices = [
('', _('undefined')),
('mail', _('mails')),
('event', _('events')),
('contact', _('contacts')),
('task', _('tasks')),
('note', _('notes')),
('journal', _('journals')),
[docs]class string_numbers_letters_dots(simple):
Syntax for string consisting of only digits, letters and dots.
>>> string_numbers_letters_dots.parse('a') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> string_numbers_letters_dots.parse('A') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> string_numbers_letters_dots.parse('0') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> string_numbers_letters_dots.parse('aA')
>>> string_numbers_letters_dots.parse('a.A')
>>> string_numbers_letters_dots.parse('a_A')
>>> string_numbers_letters_dots.parse('a-A')
>>> string_numbers_letters_dots.parse('.') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> string_numbers_letters_dots.parse('_') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> string_numbers_letters_dots.parse('-') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> string_numbers_letters_dots.parse('/') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
regex = re.compile('(?u)(^[a-zA-Z0-9])[a-zA-Z0-9._-]*([a-zA-Z0-9]$)')
error_message = _('Value must not contain anything other than digits, letters or dots, must be at least 2 characters long, and start and end with a digit or letter!')
[docs]class string_numbers_letters_dots_spaces(simple):
Syntax for string consisting of only digits, letters, dots and spaces.
The later two are not allowed at the beginning and at the end.
>>> string_numbers_letters_dots_spaces.parse('a') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> string_numbers_letters_dots_spaces.parse('A') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> string_numbers_letters_dots_spaces.parse('0') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> string_numbers_letters_dots_spaces.parse('aA')
>>> string_numbers_letters_dots_spaces.parse('a.A')
>>> string_numbers_letters_dots_spaces.parse('a_A')
>>> string_numbers_letters_dots_spaces.parse('a-A')
>>> string_numbers_letters_dots_spaces.parse('a A')
'a A'
>>> string_numbers_letters_dots_spaces.parse('.') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> string_numbers_letters_dots_spaces.parse('_') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> string_numbers_letters_dots_spaces.parse('-') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> string_numbers_letters_dots_spaces.parse(' ') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> string_numbers_letters_dots_spaces.parse('/') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
regex = re.compile('(?u)(^[a-zA-Z0-9])[a-zA-Z0-9._ -]*([a-zA-Z0-9]$)')
error_message = _("Value must not contain anything other than digits, letters, dots or spaces, must be at least 2 characters long, and start and end with a digit or letter!")
[docs]class phone(simple):
Syntax for (international) telephone numbers.
>>> phone.parse('+49 421 22232-0')
'+49 421 22232-0'
>>> phone.parse('++49 (0)700 Vanity')
'++49 (0)700 Vanity'
>>> phone.parse(r'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789._ ()\/+-')
'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789._ ()\\/+-'
>>> phone.parse('^°!$§%&[]{}<>|*~#",.;:') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
min_length = 1
max_length = 16
regex = re.compile('(?u)[a-zA-Z0-9._ ()\\\\/+-]*$')
error_message = _("Value must not contain anything other than digits, letters, dots, brackets, slash, plus, or minus!")
[docs]class IA5string(string):
Syntax for string from International Alphabet 5 (printable |ASCII|)
>>> IA5string.parse(r''' !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~''')
' !\"#$%&\\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~'
>>> IA5string.parse(b'abc')
>>> IA5string.parse('öäüÖÄÜ߀') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
# type: (Any) -> str
if isinstance(text, bytes):
text = text.decode('UTF-8')
except UnicodeEncodeError:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_("Field must only contain ASCII characters!"))
return text
[docs]class uid(simple):
Syntax for user account names.
>>> uid.parse('a') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> uid.parse('A') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> uid.parse('0') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> uid.parse('aA')
>>> uid.parse('a.A')
>>> uid.parse('a_A')
>>> uid.parse('a-A')
>>> uid.parse('.') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> uid.parse('_') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> uid.parse('-') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> uid.parse('/') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> uid.parse('admin') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL +SKIP
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> uid.parse('Admin')
min_length = 1 # TODO: not enforced here
max_length = 16 # TODO: not enforced here
regex = re.compile('(?u)(^[a-zA-Z0-9])[a-zA-Z0-9._-]*([a-zA-Z0-9]$)')
# FIXME: (?!admin)
error_message = _("Value must not contain anything other than digits, letters, dots, dash or underscore, must be at least 2 characters long, must start and end with a digit or letter, and must not be admin!")
[docs]class uid_umlauts(simple):
Syntax for user account names supporting umlauts.
>>> uid_umlauts.parse(u'üser') == u'üser'
>>> uid_umlauts.parse('user') == 'user'
>>> uid_umlauts.parse(b'admin')
>>> uid_umlauts.parse('üs er') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> uid_umlauts.parse('ädmin no.2') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> uid_umlauts.parse('admin@2') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
name = 'uid'
min_length = 1 # TODO: not enforced here
max_length = 16 # TODO: not enforced here
_re = re.compile(r'(?u)(^\w[\w -.]*\w$)|\w*$') # TODO: uid() above must be at least 2 chars long
# FIXME: The " -." in "[\w -.]" matches the ASCII character range(ord(' '), ord('.')+1) == range(32, 47)
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
if isinstance(text, bytes):
text = text.decode('UTF-8')
if u" " in text:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_("Spaces are not allowed in the username!"))
if self._re.match(text) is not None:
return text
# TODO: Dashes are allowed too
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_("Username must only contain numbers, letters and dots!"))
[docs]class uid_umlauts_lower_except_first_letter(simple):
Syntax for user account names supporting umlauts expecpt for the first character.
>>> uid_umlauts_lower_except_first_letter.parse('admin')
>>> uid_umlauts_lower_except_first_letter.parse(b'admin')
>>> uid_umlauts_lower_except_first_letter.parse(u'ädmin') == u'ädmin' # depends on current locale # doctest: +SKIP
>>> uid_umlauts_lower_except_first_letter.parse('admin@2') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> uid_umlauts_lower_except_first_letter.parse('ADMIN') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
min_length = 1 # TODO: not enforced here
max_length = 16 # TODO: not enforced here
_re = re.compile(r'(?u)(^\w[\w -.]*\w$)|\w*$') # TODO: uid() above must be at least 2 chars long
# FIXME: The " -." in "[\w -.]" matches the ASCII character range(ord(' '), ord('.')+1) == range(32, 47)
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
if isinstance(text, bytes):
text = text.decode('UTF-8')
if any(c.isupper() for c in text[1:]):
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_("Only the first letter of the username may be uppercase!"))
if self._re.match(text) is not None:
return text
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_("Username must only contain numbers, letters and dots!"))
[docs]class gid(simple):
Syntax for group account names.
>>> gid.parse(u'group')
>>> gid.parse(u'Groupe d’accès d’autorisation Windows') # depends on current locale # doctest: +SKIP
u'Groupe d\u2019acc\u00e8s d\u2019autorisation Windows'
min_length = 1 # TODO: not enforced here
max_length = 32 # TODO: not enforced here
regex = re.compile(u"(?u)^\\w([\\w -.’]*\\w)?$")
# FIXME: The " -." in "[\w -.]" matches the ASCII character range(ord(' '), ord('.')+1) == range(32, 47)
error_message = _(
"A group name must start and end with a letter, number or underscore. In between additionally spaces, dashes "
"and dots are allowed."
[docs]class sharePath(simple):
Syntax for file share paths.
The path must be absolute and the following paths are not allowed:
* :file:`/dev/`
* :file:`/proc/`
* :file:`/root/`
* :file:`/sys/`
* :file:`/tmp/`
>>> sharePath.parse('/home/Administator')
>>> sharePath.parse('./my-folder') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> sharePath.parse('/root/') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
regex = re.compile('^([^"])+$')
error_message = _('Value may not contain double quotes (")!')
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
if not text[0] == '/':
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax(_('A path must begin with "/"!'))
for path in ["tmp", "root", "proc", "dev", "sys"]:
if re.match("(^/%s$)|(^/%s/)" % (path, path), os.path.realpath(text)):
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_('Path may not start with "%s" !') % path)
return super(sharePath, self).parse(text)
[docs]class passwd(simple):
Syntax for passwords.
>>> passwd.parse('now this is a clever password')
'now this is a clever password'
>>> passwd.parse('secret') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
min_length = 8
max_length = 0
_re1 = re.compile(r"[A-Z]")
_re2 = re.compile(r"[a-z]")
_re3 = re.compile(r"[0-9]")
type_class = univention.admin.types.PasswordType
widget = 'PasswordInputBox'
widget_default_search_pattern = ''
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
if len(text) >= self.min_length:
return text
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_('The password is too short, at least %d characters needed.') % self.min_length)
[docs]class userPasswd(simple):
Syntax for user account passwords.
>>> userPasswd.parse('now this is a clever password')
'now this is a clever password'
>>> userPasswd.parse('') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
type_class = univention.admin.types.PasswordType
widget = 'PasswordInputBox'
widget_default_search_pattern = ''
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
if text and len(text) > 0:
return text
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_('Empty password not allowed!'))
[docs]class hostName(simple):
hostname based upon :rfc:`1123`::
also allow `_` for Microsoft.
>>> hostName.parse('a')
>>> hostName.parse('0')
>>> hostName.parse('') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueError: This is not a valid hostname.
>>> hostName.parse('a' * 64) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueError: This is not a valid hostname.
>>> hostName.parse('!') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueError: This is not a valid hostname.
>>> hostName.parse('-') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueError: This is not a valid hostname.
min_length = 1
max_length = 63
regex = re.compile(r"^(?![_-])[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,63}(?<![_-])$")
error_message = _("This is not a valid hostname.")
windowsHostName = hostName
[docs]class ipv4Address(simple):
Syntax class for an IPv4 address.
`` is allowed.
>>> ipv4Address.parse('')
>>> ipv4Address.parse('hi!') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
return str(ipaddress.IPv4Address(u'%s' % (text,)))
except ValueError:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_("Not a valid IP address!"))
[docs]class ipAddress(simple):
Syntax class for an IPv4 or IPv6 address.
`` and IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses are allowed.
>>> ipAddress.parse('')
>>> ipAddress.parse('::1')
>>> ipAddress.parse('hi!') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
return str(ipaddress.ip_address(u'%s' % (text,)))
except ValueError:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_("Not a valid IP address!"))
[docs]class hostOrIP(simple):
Syntax class for an IPv4 or IPv6 address or a host name.
`` and IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses are allowed.
>>> hostOrIP.parse('')
>>> hostOrIP.parse('1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8')
>>> hostOrIP.parse('0x7f000001')
>>> hostOrIP.parse('example')
>>> hostOrIP.parse('hi!') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
min_length = 0
max_length = 0
[docs] @classmethod
def ipAddress(self, text):
ipaddress.ip_address(u'%s' % (text,))
return True
except ValueError:
return False
[docs] @classmethod
def hostName(self, text):
if text and hostName.regex.match(text) is not None:
return True
return False
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
if self.hostName(text) or self.ipAddress(text):
return text
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_('Not a valid hostname or IP address!'))
[docs]class v4netmask(simple):
Syntax for a IPv4 network mask.
May be entered as a *bit mask* or the number of bits.
>>> v4netmask.parse('')
>>> v4netmask.parse('24')
>>> v4netmask.parse('')
>>> v4netmask.parse('')
>>> v4netmask.parse('33') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueError: Not a valid netmask!
min_length = 1
max_length = 15
[docs] @classmethod
def netmaskBits(self, dotted):
return ipaddress.IPv4Network(u'' % (dotted,), strict=False).prefixlen
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
return "%d" % self.netmaskBits(text)
except ValueError:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_("Not a valid netmask!"))
[docs]class netmask(simple):
Syntax for a IPv4 or IPv6 network mask.
May be entered as a *bit mask* or the number of bits.
>>> netmask.parse('')
>>> netmask.parse('1')
>>> netmask.parse('127')
>>> netmask.parse('0') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL +SKIP
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueError: Not a valid netmask!
>>> netmask.parse('128') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueError: Not a valid netmask!
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
if text.isdigit() and int(text) > 0 and int(text) < max(ipaddress.IPV4LENGTH, ipaddress.IPV6LENGTH):
return str(int(text))
return str(ipaddress.IPv4Network(u'' % (text, ), strict=False).prefixlen)
except ValueError:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_("Not a valid netmask!"))
[docs]class ipnetwork(simple):
Syntax for a IPv4 or IPv6 network address block.
>>> ipnetwork.parse('') #doctest: +SKIP
>>> ipnetwork.parse('') #doctest: +SKIP
>>> ipnetwork.parse('1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8/64') #doctest: +SKIP
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
# FIXME: missing return
ipaddress.ip_network(u'%s' % (text,), strict=False)
except ValueError:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_("Not a valid network!"))
[docs]class IP_AddressRange(complex):
Syntax for an IPv4 or IPv6 address range.
>>> IP_AddressRange.parse(('', '')) #doctest: +SKIP
>>> IP_AddressRange.parse(('', ''))
['', '']
>>> IP_AddressRange.parse(('::1', '::2'))
['::1', '::2']
>>> IP_AddressRange.parse(('', '')) #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueInvalidSyntax: Illegal range
>>> IP_AddressRange.parse(('::2', '::1')) #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueInvalidSyntax: Illegal range
>>> IP_AddressRange.parse(('', '::1')) #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueError: Not a valid IP address!
>>> IP_AddressRange().type_class.__name__
subsyntaxes = (
(_('First address'), ipAddress),
(_('Last address'), ipAddress),
) # type: Sequence[Tuple[str, Type[ISyntax]]]
subsyntax_names = ('first', 'last')
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, texts):
p = super(IP_AddressRange, self).parse(texts)
first, last = p
except ValueError:
# FIXME: this will never happen as complex.parse() expects exactly two arguments
return p
if ipaddress.ip_address(u'%s' % (first,)) > ipaddress.ip_address(u'%s' % (last,)):
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax(_("Illegal range"))
except TypeError:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_("Not a valid IP address!"))
except ValueError:
# FIXME: which case is this supposed to catch?
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax(_("Illegal range"))
return p
[docs]class IPv4_AddressRange(IP_AddressRange):
Syntax for an IPv4 address range.
>>> IPv4_AddressRange.todict(('',)) == {'first': '', 'last': None}
>>> IPv4_AddressRange.todict(('', '')) == {'first': '', 'last': ''}
>>> IPv4_AddressRange.fromdict({'first': '', 'last': ''})
['', '']
>>> IPv4_AddressRange.fromdict({'first': ''}) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueInvalidSyntax: missing argument 'last'
>>> IPv4_AddressRange.tostring([''])
>>> IPv4_AddressRange.tostring(['', ''])
>>> IPv4_AddressRange.parse(('',))
>>> IPv4_AddressRange.parse(('', ''))
['', '']
>>> IPv4_AddressRange.parse(('', '')) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueInvalidSyntax: Illegal range
min_elements = 1
all_required = False
subsyntaxes = (
(_('First address'), ipv4Address),
(_('Last address'), ipv4Address),
subsyntax_names = ('first', 'last')
[docs]class ipProtocol(select):
Syntax class to choose between |TCP| und |UDP|.
choices = [('tcp', 'TCP'), ('udp', 'UDP')]
[docs]class ipProtocolSRV(select):
Syntax for |DNS| service record.
choices = [('tcp', 'TCP'), ('udp', 'UDP'), ('msdcs', 'MSDCS'), ('sites', 'SITES'), ('DomainDnsZones', 'DOMAINDNSZONES'), ('ForestDnsZones', 'FORESTDNSZONES')]
size = 'OneThird'
[docs]class absolutePath(simple):
Syntax for an absolute file system path.
>>> absolutePath.parse('/etc/')
>>> absolutePath.parse('../etc/') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
min_length = 1
max_length = 0
_re = re.compile('^/.*')
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
if self._re.match(text) is not None:
return text
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_("Not an absolute path!"))
[docs]class emailForwardSetting(select):
Syntax for selecting the e-mail forwarding setting.
choices = [
('0', _('Redirect all e-mails to forward addresses')),
('1', _('Keep e-mails and forward a copy')),
[docs]class emailAddress(simple):
Syntax class for an e-mail address.
>>> emailAddress.parse('quite@an.email.address')
>>> emailAddress.parse('not quite an email address') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
min_length = 3
max_length = 0
type_class = univention.admin.types.EMailAddressType
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
if not text.startswith('@') and \
'@' in text and \
not text.endswith('@') and \
' ' not in text:
return text
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_("Not a valid email address!"))
[docs]class emailAddressTemplate(emailAddress):
Syntax class for an e-mail address in the |UDM| :py:class:`univention.admin.handlers.settings.usertemplate` module.
[docs]class emailAddressValidDomain(UDM_Objects, emailAddress):
Syntax class for an e-mail address in one of the registered e-mail domains.
>>> from univention.admin.uldap import getMachineConnection
>>> if os.path.exists('/etc/machine.secret'):
... lo, pos = getMachineConnection()
... emailAddressValidDomain.checkLdap(lo, 'user@example.com') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
... else:
... raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError()
Traceback (most recent call last):
name = 'emailAddressValidDomain'
errMsgDomain = _("The domain part of the following mail addresses is not in list of configured mail domains: %s")
type_class = univention.admin.types.EMailAddressType
udm_modules = ('mail/domain',)
key = '%(name)s'
label = '%(name)s'
simple = True
empty_value = False
regex = re.compile('[^ ]+@[^ ]+')
error_message = _("Not a valid email address!")
widget_default_search_pattern = '*@*'
search_widget = 'MailBox'
[docs] @classmethod
def get_widget(cls, prop):
return 'MailBox'
[docs] @classmethod
def checkLdap(self, lo, mailaddresses):
# convert mailaddresses to array if necessary
mailaddresses = copy.deepcopy(mailaddresses)
if isinstance(mailaddresses, str):
mailaddresses = [mailaddresses]
if not isinstance(mailaddresses, list):
faillist = []
domainCache = {}
# iterate over mail addresses
for mailaddress in mailaddresses:
if mailaddress:
domain = mailaddress.rsplit('@', 1)[-1]
if domain not in domainCache:
ldapfilter = ldap.filter.filter_format('(&(objectClass=univentionMailDomainname)(cn=%s))', [domain])
result = lo.searchDn(filter=ldapfilter)
domainCache[domain] = bool(result)
ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'admin.syntax.%s: address=%r domain=%r result=%r' % (self.name, mailaddress, domain, result))
if not domainCache[domain]:
ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'admin.syntax.%s: address=%r domain=%r' % (self.name, mailaddress, domain))
if faillist:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(self.errMsgDomain % (', '.join(faillist),))
[docs]class primaryEmailAddressValidDomain(emailAddressValidDomain):
Syntax class for the primary e-mail address in one of the registered e-mail domains.
name = 'primaryEmailAddressValidDomain'
errMsgDomain = _("The domain part of the primary mail address is not in list of configured mail domains: %s")
[docs]class MailDomain(UDM_Attribute):
udm_module = 'mail/domain'
attribute = 'name'
[docs]class iso8601Date(simple):
A date of the format:
* yyyy-ddd (2009-213)
* yyyy-mm (2009-05)
* yyyy-mm-dd (2009-05-13)
* yyyy-Www (2009-W21)
* yyyy-Www-D (2009-W21-4)
with the dashes being optional
>>> iso8601Date.to_datetime('2020-05') # doctest: +SKIP
datetime.date(2020, 5, 1)
>>> iso8601Date.to_datetime('2020-05-13')
datetime.date(2020, 5, 13)
>>> iso8601Date.to_datetime('2020-W42') # doctest: +SKIP
datetime.date(2020, 5, 1)
>>> iso8601Date.to_datetime('2020-W42-0') # doctest: +SKIP
datetime.date(2020, 10, 22)
>>> from datetime import date
>>> iso8601Date.from_datetime(date(2020, 5, 13))
>>> iso8601Date.parse('2020-05-13')
>>> iso8601Date.parse('00.00.01') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
# regexp-source: http://regexlib.com/REDetails.aspx?regexp_id=2092
regex = re.compile(r'^(\d{4}(?:(?:(?:\-)?(?:00[1-9]|0[1-9][0-9]|[1-2][0-9][0-9]|3[0-5][0-9]|36[0-6]))?|(?:(?:\-)?(?:1[0-2]|0[1-9]))?|(?:(?:\-)?(?:1[0-2]|0[1-9])(?:\-)?(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]))?|(?:(?:\-)?W(?:0[1-9]|[1-4][0-9]|5[0-3]))?|(?:(?:\-)?W(?:0[1-9]|[1-4][0-9]|5[0-3])(?:\-)?[1-7])?)?)$')
error_message = _('The given date does not conform to iso8601, example: "2009-01-01".')
widget = 'DateBox'
widget_default_search_pattern = '1970-01-01'
type_class = univention.admin.types.DateType
[docs] @classmethod
def to_datetime(cls, value):
value = cls.parse(value)
if value:
return dateutil.parser.parse(value).date() # FIXME: this gives AttributeError: module 'dateutil' has no attribute 'parser'
except Exception:
if re.match(r"\d+-\d+$", value):
# FIXME: broken: the regex does not allow this format
return datetime.datetime.strptime(value, "%Y-%j").date()
elif re.match(r"\d+-W\d+-\d+$", value):
# FIXME: broken: the regex allows 1-7 while the function expects 0-6. 7 gives a traceback
return datetime.datetime.strptime(value, "%Y-W%U-%w").date()
elif re.match(r"\d+-W\d+$", value):
# FIXME: broken: When used with the strptime() method, %U and %W are only used in calculations when the day of the week and the year are specified.
return datetime.datetime.strptime(value, "%Y-W%U").date()
return datetime.date(*time.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%d')[0:3])
[docs] @classmethod
def from_datetime(cls, value):
return value.isoformat()
[docs]class date(simple):
Syntax for a German date (DD.MM.YY).
Also accepts the ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD).
.. warning::
Centuries are *always* stripped!
See :py:class:`date2`.
>>> date.parse(None)
>>> date.parse('21.12.03')
>>> date.parse('1961-01-01')
>>> date.parse('2061-01-01')
>>> date.parse('01.02.00')
>>> date.parse('01.02.99')
>>> date.parse('00.00.01') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> date.parse('01x02y03') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> date.from_datetime(datetime(2020, 1, 1))
>>> date.to_datetime('31.12.19')
datetime.date(2019, 12, 31)
Bug #20230:
>>> date.parse('31.2.1') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL +SKIP
Traceback (most recent call last):
name = 'date'
min_length = 5
max_length = 0
_re_iso = re.compile('^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$')
_re_de = re.compile(r'^[0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]+$')
widget = 'DateBox'
widget_default_search_pattern = '1970-01-01'
type_class = univention.admin.types.DateType
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
if text and self._re_iso.match(text):
year, month, day = map(int, text.split('-', 2))
if 1960 < year < 2100 and 1 <= month <= 12 and 1 <= day <= 31:
return '%02d.%02d.%02d' % (day, month, year % 100)
if text and self._re_de.match(text):
day, month, year = map(int, text.split('.', 2))
if 0 <= year <= 99 and 1 <= month <= 12 and 1 <= day <= 31:
return text
if text is not None:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_("Not a valid Date"))
return ''
[docs] @classmethod
def to_datetime(cls, value):
value = cls.parse(value)
if value:
return datetime.date(*time.strptime(value, '%d.%m.%y')[0:3])
[docs] @classmethod
def from_datetime(cls, value):
return value.isoformat()
[docs]class date2(date): # fixes the century
Syntax for an ISO date (YYYY-MM-DD).
Also accepts the German format (DD.MM.YY).
If no century is specified, the date is mapped to 1970..2069.
>>> date2.parse('21.12.75')
>>> date2.parse('21.12.03')
>>> date2.parse('1961-01-01')
>>> date2.to_datetime('1961-01-01')
datetime.date(1961, 1, 1)
>>> date2.parse('2001-02-31') #doctest: +SKIP
>>> date2.parse('just a string') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueError: Full domain name must be between 1 and 253 characters long!
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
if text is None:
return ''
if self._re_iso.match(text):
year, month, day = map(int, text.split('-', 2))
if 1960 < year < 2100 and 1 <= month <= 12 and 1 <= day <= 31:
return text
if text and self._re_de.match(text):
day, month, year = map(int, text.split('.', 2))
if 0 <= year <= 99 and 1 <= month <= 12 and 1 <= day <= 31:
# Workaround: Don't wrap 2.1.1970 to 2.1.2070:
if year >= 70: # Epoch 0
return '19%02d-%02d-%02d' % (year, month, day)
return '20%02d-%02d-%02d' % (year, month, day)
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_(
"Not a valid Date. Year must be between 1961 and 2099, month between 1 and 12 and day between 1 and 31."
[docs] @classmethod
def to_datetime(cls, value):
value = cls.parse(value)
if value:
return datetime.date(*time.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%d')[0:3])
[docs]class reverseLookupSubnet(simple):
Syntax for IPv4 or IPv6 sub-network.
>>> reverseLookupSubnet.parse('1.2.3')
>>> reverseLookupSubnet.parse('1')
>>> reverseLookupSubnet.parse('1000:2000:3000:4000:5000:6000:7000:800')
# <- 0-255 -> *dot <- 0-255 ->
regex_IPv4 = r'((([1-9]?[0-9])|(1[0-9]{0,2})|(2([0-4][0-9]|5[0-5])))\.){1,2}(([1-9]?[0-9])|(1[0-9]{0,2})|(2([0-4][0-9]|5[0-5])))'
# normal IPv6 address without "::" substitution, leading zeroes must be preserved, at most 31 nibbles
regex_IPv6 = r'(([0-9a-f]{4}:){0,7}[0-9a-f]{1,3})|(([0-9a-f]{4}:){0,6}[0-9a-f]{1,4})'
regex = re.compile(r'^((%s)|(%s))$' % (regex_IPv4, regex_IPv6, ))
error_message = _('A subnet for reverse lookup consists of the first 1-3 octets of an IPv4 address (example: "192.168.0") or of the first 1 to 31 nibbles of an expanded (with leading zeroes and without ::-substitution) IPv6 address (example: "2001:0db8:010" for "2001:db8:100::/24")')
[docs]class reverseLookupZoneName(simple):
Syntax for a |DNS| reverse zone name.
>>> reverseLookupZoneName.parse('3.2.1.in-addr.arpa')
>>> reverseLookupZoneName.parse('')
# <- IPv6 reverse zone -> <- IPv4 reverse zone ->
# nibble dot-separated ...arpa <- 0-255 -> dot-separated .arpa
regex = re.compile(r'^((([0-9a-f]\.){1,31}ip6\.arpa)|(((([1-9]?[0-9])|(1[0-9]{0,2})|(2([0-4][0-9]|5[0-5])))\.){1,3}in-addr.arpa))$')
error_message = _("The name of a reverse zone for IPv4 consists of the reversed subnet address followed by .in-addr.arpa (example: \"0.168.192.in-addr.arpa\") or for IPv6 in nibble format followed by .ip6.arpa (example: \"\")")
[docs]class dnsName(simple):
:rfc:`1123`: a '.' separated FQDN
>>> dnsName.parse('') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueError: Missing value!
A host name (label) can be up to 63 characters
>>> dnsName.parse('0123456789-ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueError: Labels must be between 1 and 63 characters long!
>>> dnsName.parse('a..') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueError: Labels must be between 1 and 63 characters long!
A full domain name is limited to 253 octets (including the separators).
>>> dnsName.parse('a.' * 128) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueError: Full domain name must be between 1 and 253 characters long!
min_length = 1
max_length = 253
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
if not text:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_("Missing value!"))
assert isinstance(text, six.string_types)
if not 1 <= len(text) <= 253:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_("Full domain name must be between 1 and 253 characters long!"))
labels = (text[:-1] if text.endswith('.') else text).split('.')
if not all(1 <= len(label) <= 63 for label in labels):
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_("Labels must be between 1 and 63 characters long!"))
return text
DNS_Name = dnsName
dnsZone = dnsName
[docs]class dnsHostname(dnsName):
:rfc:`1123`: a '.' separated FQHN
A host name (label) can start or end with a letter or a number
>>> dnsHostname.parse('a')
>>> dnsHostname.parse('A.')
>>> dnsName.parse('0123456789-ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
>>> dnsName.parse('0.example.com')
A host name (label) MUST NOT consist of all numeric values
>>> dnsHostname.parse('0') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueError: Full name must not be all numeric!
A host name (label) MUST NOT start or end with a '-' (dash)
>>> dnsHostname.parse('-') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueError: A host name or FQDN must start with a letter and end with a letter or number. In between additionally dashes, dots and underscores are allowed.
LABEL = re.compile(r'^(?![0-9]+$|[_-])[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,63}(?<![_-])$')
NUMERIC = re.compile(r'^[0-9.]+$')
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
text = super(dnsHostname, self).parse(text)
if self.NUMERIC.match(text):
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_("Full name must not be all numeric!"))
labels = (text[:-1] if text.endswith('.') else text).split('.')
if not all(self.LABEL.match(label) for label in labels):
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_(
"A host name or FQDN must start with a letter and end with a letter or number. In between additionally dashes, dots "
"and underscores are allowed."
return text
[docs]class dnsName_umlauts(simple):
>>> dnsName_umlauts.parse(u'ä') == u'ä'
>>> dnsName_umlauts.parse('a_0-A')
>>> dnsName_umlauts.parse('0') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueError: A host name or FQDN must start with a letter and end with a letter or number. In between additionally dashes, dots and underscores are allowed.
>>> dnsName_umlauts.parse('-') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueError: A host name or FQDN must start with a letter and end with a letter or number. In between additionally dashes, dots and underscores are allowed.
>>> dnsName_umlauts.parse('_') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
valueError: A host name or FQDN must start with a letter and end with a letter or number. In between additionally dashes, dots and underscores are allowed.
min_length = 1
max_length = 63
regex = re.compile(r"^(?![0-9]+$|[_-])[\w_-]{1,63}(?<![_-])$", re.UNICODE)
error_message = _(
"A host name or FQDN must start with a letter and end with a letter or number. In between additionally dashes, dots "
"and underscores are allowed."
[docs]class keyAndValue(complex):
Syntax for key-value-pairs separated by `=`.
>>> keyAndValue.tostring(['key', 'value'])
'key = value'
>>> keyAndValue.tostring(['key'])
>>> keyAndValue.parse(('key',)) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> keyAndValue.parse(('key', 'value', 'and then some')) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> keyAndValue.parse((None, 'value')) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> keyAndValue.parse(('key', 'value'))
['key', 'value']
delimiter = ' = '
subsyntaxes = [(_('Key'), string), (_('Value'), string)]
subsyntax_key_value = True
all_required = True
[docs]class dnsMX(complex):
Syntax for |DNS| mail exchange record.
>>> dnsMX.parse(('10', 'mail.my.domain'))
['10', 'mail.my.domain']
subsyntaxes = [(_('Priority'), integer), (_('Mail server'), dnsHostname)]
subsyntax_names = ('priority', 'mailserver',)
all_required = True
[docs]class dnsSRVName(complex):
Syntax for the name of a |DNS| service record.
>>> dnsSRVName.parse(('ldap', 'tcp'))
['ldap', 'tcp']
>>> dnsSRVName.parse(('ldap', 'tcp'))
['ldap', 'tcp']
.. seealso::
* :py:class:`dnsSRVLocation`
min_elements = 2
all_required = False
subsyntaxes = [
(_('Service'), string),
(_('Protocol'), ipProtocolSRV),
(_('Extension'), string),
subsyntax_names = ('service', 'protocol', 'extension')
size = ('Half', 'Half', 'One')
[docs]class dnsPTR(simple):
|DNS| pointer record.
>>> dnsPTR.parse('1')
>>> dnsPTR.parse('1.2.3')
>>> dnsPTR.parse('f')
>>> dnsPTR.parse('')
regexp = re.compile(
^ (?:[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])
|^ [0-9a-f]
''', re.VERBOSE
error_message = _("The reversed host name for IPv4 consists of the reversed host address (example: \"4.3\") or for IPv6 in nibble format (example: \"\").")
[docs]class postalAddress(complex):
Syntax for a postal address consisting of street, postal code and city name.
>>> postalAddress.parse(('street', 'zip', 'city'))
['street', 'zip', 'city']
delimiter = ', '
subsyntaxes = [(_('Street'), string), (_('Postal code'), OneThirdString), (_('City'), TwoThirdsString)]
subsyntax_names = ('street', 'zipcode', 'city')
all_required = True
[docs]class dnsSRVLocation(complex):
Syntax for |DNS| service record.
>>> dnsSRVLocation.parse(('10', '100', '389', 'server.my.domain'))
['10', '100', '389', 'server.my.domain']
subsyntaxes = [(_('Priority'), integer), (_('Weighting'), integer), (_('Port'), integer), (_('Server'), dnsHostname)]
subsyntax_names = ('priority', 'weigtht', 'port', 'server',)
size = ('OneThird', 'OneThird', 'OneThird', 'One')
all_required = True
[docs]class unixTime(simple):
Syntax for a UNIX time stamp - seconds since 1970-01-01.
regex = re.compile('^[0-9]+$')
error_message = _("Not a valid time format")
type_class = univention.admin.types.DateTimeType
[docs]class TimeUnits(select):
Syntax to select a time unit.
size = 'Half'
choices = [
('seconds', _('seconds')),
('minutes', _('minutes')),
('hours', _('hours')),
('days', _('days'))
[docs]class TimeString(simple):
Syntax for the time of day, e.g. hour, minute and optional seconds.
>>> TimeString.parse('00:00')
>>> TimeString.parse('23:59:59')
error_message = _("Not a valid time format")
regex = re.compile('^(?:[01][0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9](?::[0-5][0-9])?$')
widget = 'TimeBox'
widget_default_search_pattern = '00:00'
type_class = univention.admin.types.TimeType
[docs]class UNIX_TimeInterval(complex):
Syntax for a time interval.
>>> UNIX_TimeInterval.parse(('1',))
>>> UNIX_TimeInterval.parse(('2', 'seconds'))
['2', 'seconds']
>>> UNIX_TimeInterval.parse(('3', 'minutes'))
['3', 'minutes']
>>> UNIX_TimeInterval.parse(('4', 'hours'))
['4', 'hours']
>>> UNIX_TimeInterval.parse(('5', 'days'))
['5', 'days']
>>> UNIX_TimeInterval.from_integer(3600)
['3600', 'seconds']
.. seealso::
* :py:class:`UNIX_BoundedTimeInterval`
min_elements = 1
subsyntaxes = (('', integerOrEmpty), ('', TimeUnits))
subsyntax_names = ('amount', 'unit')
size = ('Half', 'Half')
type_class = univention.admin.types.UnixTimeinterval
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(cls, texts):
return super(UNIX_TimeInterval, cls).parse(texts)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_integer(cls, value):
return [str(value), 'seconds']
[docs] @classmethod
def to_integer(cls, value):
return {
'seconds': lambda x: x,
'minutes': lambda x: x * 60,
'hours': lambda x: x * 60 * 60,
'days': lambda x: x * 24 * 60 * 60,
[docs]class UNIX_BoundedTimeInterval(UNIX_TimeInterval):
Syntax for a time interval with additional constraints.
lower_bound = -1 # in seconds, -1 unbounded
upper_bound = -1 # in seconds, -1 unbounded
error_message = _("Value out of bounds (%d - %d seconds)")
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(cls, texts):
parsed = super(UNIX_BoundedTimeInterval, cls).parse(texts)
if parsed[0] is None:
return [None, None]
in_seconds = int(parsed[0])
if len(parsed) > 1:
in_seconds = cls.to_integer(parsed)
msg = cls.error_message % (cls.lower_bound, cls.upper_bound)
if cls.lower_bound != -1 and in_seconds < cls.lower_bound:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(msg)
if cls.upper_bound != -1 and in_seconds > cls.upper_bound:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(msg)
return parsed
[docs]class SambaMinPwdAge(UNIX_BoundedTimeInterval):
Syntax for the minimum password age in Samba: 0..998 days
>>> SambaMinPwdAge.parse((None, 'days'))
[None, None]
>>> SambaMinPwdAge.parse(('0', 'days'))
['0', 'days']
>>> SambaMinPwdAge.parse(('998', 'days'))
['998', 'days']
>>> SambaMinPwdAge.parse(('999', 'days')) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
lower_bound = 0
upper_bound = 998 * 24 * 60 * 60 # 998 days in seconds
[docs]class SambaMaxPwdAge(UNIX_BoundedTimeInterval):
Syntax for the maximum password age in Samba: 0..999 days
>>> SambaMaxPwdAge.parse((None, 'days'))
[None, None]
>>> SambaMaxPwdAge.parse(('0', 'days'))
['0', 'days']
>>> SambaMaxPwdAge.parse(('999', 'days'))
['999', 'days']
>>> SambaMaxPwdAge.parse(('1000', 'days')) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
lower_bound = 0
upper_bound = 999 * 24 * 60 * 60 # 999 days in seconds
[docs]class NetworkType(select):
Syntax to select network technology type.
choices = [
('ethernet', _('Ethernet')),
('fddi', _('FDDI')),
('token-ring', _('Token-Ring')),
[docs]class MAC_Address(simple):
Syntax to enter MAC address.
The address is stored with octets separated by `:`.
>>> MAC_Address.parse('86:f5:d1:f5:6b:3e')
>>> MAC_Address.parse('86-f5-d1-f5-6b-3e')
>>> MAC_Address.parse('86f5d1f56b3e')
>>> MAC_Address.parse('86f5.d1f5.6b3e')
>>> MAC_Address.parse('aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:gg') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
regexLinuxFormat = re.compile(r'^([0-9a-fA-F]{2}:){5}[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$')
regexWindowsFormat = re.compile(r'^([0-9a-fA-F]{2}-){5}[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$')
regexRawFormat = re.compile(r'^[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$')
regexCiscoFormat = re.compile(r'^([0-9a-fA-F]{4}\.){2}[0-9a-fA-F]{4}$')
error_message = _('This is not a valid MAC address (valid examples are 86:f5:d1:f5:6b:3e, 86-f5-d1-f5-6b-3e, 86f5d1f56b3e, 86f5.d1f5.6b3e)')
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
if self.regexLinuxFormat.match(text) is not None:
text = text.replace(':', '')
elif self.regexWindowsFormat.match(text) is not None:
text = text.replace('-', '')
elif self.regexRawFormat.match(text) is not None:
elif self.regexCiscoFormat.match(text) is not None:
text = text.replace('.', '')
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(self.error_message)
return ':'.join(text[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(text), 2)).lower()
[docs]class DHCP_HardwareAddress(complex):
Syntax to enter DHCP hardware address consisting of network technology type and MAC address.
subsyntaxes = ((_('Type'), NetworkType), (_('Address'), MAC_Address))
subsyntax_names = ('type', 'address')
size = ('One', 'One')
all_required = True
[docs]class Packages(UDM_Attribute):
Syntax to select a Debian package name from lists stored in |LDAP| using :py:class:`univention.admin.handlers.settings.packages`.
udm_module = 'settings/packages'
attribute = 'packageList'
label_format = '%(name)s: %($attribute$)s'
[docs]class PackagesRemove(Packages):
Syntax to select a Debian package name from lists stored in |LDAP| using :py:class:`univention.admin.handlers.settings.packages`.
This blacklists some important packages to prevent their removal.
>>> PackagesRemove.parse('curl')
>>> PackagesRemove.parse('openssh-client') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(cls, text):
text = super(PackagesRemove, cls).parse(text)
if text in ['wget', 'screen', 'openssh-client', 'nmap', 'lsof', 'file']:
# Bug #36711: don't allow to remove packages which would uninstall univention-server-master
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_('The package "%s" can not be removed as it would uninstall necessary components.') % (text,))
return text
[docs]class userAttributeList(string):
Syntax to enter a users attribute.
.. note::
>>> userAttributeList.parse('uid')
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
return text
[docs]class ldapDn(simple):
LDAP distinguished name.
>>> ldapDn.parse('dc=foo,dc=bar,dc=test')
.. deprecated:: 3.1-0
Use :py:class:`UDM_Objects`.
regex = re.compile('^([^=,]+=[^=,]+,)*[^=,]+=[^=,]+$')
error_message = _("Not a valid LDAP DN")
type_class = univention.admin.types.DistinguishedNameType
widget_default_search_pattern = ''
[docs] @classmethod
def get_choices(cls, lo, options):
if not hasattr(cls, 'searchFilter'):
return simple.get_choices(lo, options)
result = lo.searchDn(filter=cls.searchFilter)
except univention.admin.uexceptions.base:
ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.PROCESS, 'Failed to initialize syntax class %s' % (cls.name,))
return []
return cls.sort_choices([
(dn, ldap.dn.explode_rdn(dn, True)[0])
for dn in result
[docs]class UMC_OperationSet(UDM_Objects):
Syntax to select a |UMC| operation set from lists stored in |LDAP| using :py:class:`univention.admin.handlers.settings.umc_operationset`.
udm_modules = ('settings/umc_operationset', )
label = '%(description)s (%(name)s)'
simple = True
[docs]class UMC_CommandPattern(complex):
Syntax to enter a |UMC| command pattern.
subsyntaxes = ((_('Command pattern'), string), (_('Option Pattern'), string))
subsyntax_names = ('command', 'option')
min_elements = 1
all_required = False # empty values are allowed
size = ('One', 'One')
[docs]class LDAP_Server(UDM_Objects):
Syntax to select a |LDAP| server.
.. deprecated:: 4.4-0
Use :py:class:`DomainController`.
udm_modules = ('computers/domaincontroller_master', 'computers/domaincontroller_backup', 'computers/domaincontroller_slave')
udm_filter = '!(univentionObjectFlag=docker)'
label = '%(fqdn)s'
simple = True
[docs]class IMAP_POP3(select):
Syntax to select between |IMAP| and POP3.
choices = [
('IMAP', _('IMAP')),
('POP3', _('POP3')),
[docs]class IMAP_Right(select):
Syntax to select an |IMAP| access control permission.
choices = [
('none', _('No access')),
('read', _('Read')),
('post', _('Post')),
('append', _('Append')),
('write', _('Write')),
('all', _('All'))
[docs]class UserMailAddress(UDM_Objects):
Syntax to select a primary e-mail address of an user name from |LDAP|.
udm_modules = ('users/user', )
udm_filter = '(mailPrimaryAddress=*)'
key = '%(mailPrimaryAddress)s'
static_values = (('anyone', _('Anyone')), )
regex = re.compile(r'^([^\s]+@[^\s]+|anyone)$')
error_message = _('Not a valid e-mail address')
[docs]class GroupName(UDM_Objects):
Syntax to select a group name from |LDAP|.
udm_modules = ('groups/group', )
key = '%(name)s'
regex = re.compile('^.+$')
simple = True
use_objects = False
[docs]class UserName(UDM_Objects):
Syntax to select an user name from |LDAP|.
udm_modules = ('users/user', )
key = '%(username)s'
regex = re.compile('^.+$')
simple = True
use_objects = False
[docs]class SharedFolderUserACL(complex):
Syntax to assign an |IMAP| access control permission for an user from |LDAP|.
subsyntaxes = ((_('User'), UserMailAddress), (_('Access right'), IMAP_Right))
# subsyntax_names = ('user', 'access-right')
subsyntax_key_value = True
[docs]class SharedFolderGroupACL(complex):
Syntax to assign an |IMAP| access control permission for a group from |LDAP|.
subsyntaxes = ((_('Group'), GroupName), (_('Access right'), IMAP_Right))
# subsyntax_names = ('group', 'access-right')
subsyntax_key_value = True
[docs]class SharedFolderSimpleUserACL(complex):
Syntax to assign an |IMAP| access control permission for any user.
subsyntaxes = ((_('User'), string), (_('Access right'), IMAP_Right))
# subsyntax_names = ('user', 'access-right')
subsyntax_key_value = True
[docs]class SharedFolderSimpleGroupACL(complex):
Syntax to assign an |IMAP| access control permission for any group.
subsyntaxes = ((_('Group'), string), (_('Access right'), IMAP_Right))
# subsyntax_names = ('group', 'access-right')
subsyntax_key_value = True
[docs]class ldapDnOrNone(simple):
LDAP distinguished name or `None`.
>>> ldapDnOrNone.parse('dc=foo,dc=bar,dc=test')
>>> ldapDnOrNone.parse('None')
>>> ldapDnOrNone.parse('dc=foo,,') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
.. deprecated:: 3.1-0
Use :py:class:`UDM_Objects`.
_re = re.compile('^([^=,]+=[^=,]+,)*[^=,]+=[^=,]+$')
widget_default_search_pattern = ''
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
if not text or text == 'None':
return text
if self._re.match(text) is not None:
return text
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_("Not a valid LDAP DN"))
class _ClassChoices(type):
Make `cls.choices` a property.
def choices(cls):
return cls._auto_choices()
class _CachedLdap(six.with_metaclass(_ClassChoices, combobox)):
Meta-class to lazily fetch |LDAP| schema information on first access.
empty_value = True
_cached_choices = [] # type: List[Tuple[str, str]]
_class = None
def choices(self):
return self._auto_choices()
def _auto_choices(cls):
# type: () -> List[Tuple[str, str]]
if not cls._cached_choices:
conn = getMachineConnection()
subschema = conn.get_schema()
except ldap.LDAPError as ex:
ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.WARN, 'syntax.py: Failed LDAP connection: %s' % (ex,))
return cls._cached_choices
def _update_schema(cls, subschema):
# type: (SubSchema) -> None
names = set() # type: Set[str]
for oid in subschema.listall(cls._class):
obj = subschema.get_obj(cls._class, oid)
if obj:
cls._cached_choices = cls.sort_choices([(name, name) for name in names])
def sort_choices(cls, choices):
return sorted(choices, key=lambda choice: choice[1].lower())
def update_choices(cls):
del cls._cached_choices[:]
[docs]class ldapObjectClass(_CachedLdap):
Syntax to enter a |LDAP| objectClass name.
_class = ObjectClass
[docs]class ldapAttribute(_CachedLdap):
Syntax to enter a |LDAP| attribute name.
_class = AttributeType
depends = 'objectClass'
[docs] @classmethod
def get_choices(cls, lo, options):
if cls.depends not in options.get('dependencies', {}): # pragma: no cover
return cls.choices
subschema = lo.get_schema()
must, may = subschema.attribute_types([options['dependencies'][cls.depends]])
attrs = set()
for atype in dict(must, **may).values():
return cls.sort_choices([(attr, attr) for attr in attrs])
[docs]class ldapFilter(simple):
Syntax to enter a |LDAP| search filter.
>>> ldapFilter.parse('uid=*')
>>> ldapFilter.parse('(uid=*') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
type_class = univention.admin.types.LDAPFilterType
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(cls, text):
# use a unbound ldap connection to validate the search filter
lo = ldap.initialize('')
lo.search_ext_s('', ldap.SCOPE_BASE, text)
except ldap.FILTER_ERROR:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_('Not a valid LDAP search filter'))
except ldap.SERVER_DOWN:
return text
[docs]class XResolution(simple):
Syntax to enter display resolution for X11.
regex = re.compile('^[0-9]+x[0-9]+$')
error_message = _("Value consists of two integer numbers separated by an \"x\" (e.g. \"1024x768\")")
[docs]class XSync(simple):
Syntax to enter display timing settings for X11.
regex = re.compile('^[0-9]+(-[0-9]+)?( +[0-9]+(-[0-9]+)?)*$')
error_message = _("Value consists of two integer numbers separated by a \"-\" (e.g. \"30-70\")")
[docs]class XColorDepth(simple):
Syntax to enter color depth for X11.
regex = re.compile('^[0-9]+$')
[docs]class XModule(select):
Syntax to select graphics driver for X11.
choices = [
('', ''),
('apm', 'apm'),
('ark', 'Ark'),
('ati', 'ATI'),
('chips', 'chips'),
('cirrus', 'Cirrus'),
('cyrix', 'Cyrix'),
('dummy', 'dummy'),
('fbdev', 'fbdev'),
('fglrx', 'fglrx (AMD/ATI closed source)'),
('geode', 'Geode GX2/LX'),
('glide', 'glide'),
('glint', 'glint'),
('i128', 'I128'),
('i740', 'I740'),
('i810', 'I810'),
('imstt', 'IMSTT'),
('intel', 'Intel'),
('mach64', 'Mach64 (ATI)'),
('mga', 'MGA'),
('neomagic', 'Neomagic'),
('newport', 'Newport'),
('nouveau', 'nouveau - new Nvidia OSS driver'),
('nsc', 'NSC'),
('nv', 'NV'),
('nvidia', 'NVidia (closed source)'),
('openchrome', 'OpenChrome (VIA)'),
('r128', 'ATI Rage'),
('radeonhd', 'Radeon (AMD/ATI)'),
('rendition', 'Rendition'),
('s3', 'S3'),
('s3virge', 'S3 Virge'),
('savage', 'S3 Savage'),
('siliconmotion', 'Siliconmotion'),
('sis', 'SiS'),
('sisusb', 'SiS USB'),
('tdfx', 'tdfx'),
('tga', 'Tga'),
('trident', 'Trident'),
('tseng', 'Tseng'),
('vesa', 'Vesa'),
('vga', 'VGA'),
('via', 'VIA'),
('vmware', 'VMWare')
[docs]class XMouseProtocol(select):
Syntax to select mouse protocol for X11.
choices = [
('', ''),
('Auto', 'Auto'),
('IMPS/2', 'IMPS/2'),
('PS/2', 'PS/2'),
('ExplorerPS/2', 'ExplorerPS/2'),
('usb', 'USB'),
('ThinkingMouse', 'ThinkingMouse'),
('ThinkingMousePS/2', 'ThinkingMousePS/2'),
('NetScrollPS/2', 'NetScrollPS/2'),
('IntelliMouse', 'IntelliMouse'),
('NetMousePS/2', 'NetMousePS/2'),
('GlidePoint', 'GlidePoint'),
('GlidePointPS/2', 'GlidePointPS/2'),
('MouseManPlusPS/2', 'MouseManPlusPS/2'),
('ms', 'Serial')
[docs]class XDisplayPosition(select):
Syntax to select display position for X11.
choices = [
('', ''),
('left', _('Left of primary display')),
('right', _('Right of primary display')),
('above', _('Above primary display')),
('below', _('Below primary display'))
[docs]class XMouseDevice(select):
Syntax to select mouse device for X11.
choices = [
('', ''),
('/dev/psaux', 'PS/2'),
('/dev/input/mice', 'USB'),
('/dev/ttyS0', 'Serial')
[docs]class XKeyboardLayout(select):
Syntax to select keyboard layout for X11.
choices = [
('', ''),
('ad', 'Andorra'),
('af', 'Afghanistan'),
('al', 'Albania'),
('am', 'Armenia'),
('ara', 'Arabic'),
('az', 'Azerbaijan'),
('ba', 'Bosnia and Herzegovina'),
('bd', 'Bangladesh'),
('be', 'Belgium'),
('bg', 'Bulgaria'),
('brai', 'Braille'),
('br', 'Brazil'),
('bt', 'Bhutan'),
('by', 'Belarus'),
('ca', 'Canada'),
('cd', 'Congo, Democratic Republic of the'),
('ch', 'Switzerland'),
('cn', 'China'),
('cz', 'Czechia'),
('de', 'Germany'),
('dk', 'Denmark'),
('ee', 'Estonia'),
('epo', 'Esperanto'),
('es', 'Spain'),
('et', 'Ethiopia'),
('fi', 'Finland'),
('fo', 'Faroe Islands'),
('fr', 'France'),
('gb', 'United Kingdom'),
('ge', 'Georgia'),
('gh', 'Ghana'),
('gn', 'Guinea'),
('gr', 'Greece'),
('hr', 'Croatia'),
('hu', 'Hungary'),
('ie', 'Ireland'),
('il', 'Israel'),
('in', 'India'),
('iq', 'Iraq'),
('ir', 'Iran'),
('is', 'Iceland'),
('it', 'Italy'),
('jp', 'Japan'),
('kg', 'Kyrgyzstan'),
('kh', 'Cambodia'),
('kr', 'Korea, Republic of'),
('kz', 'Kazakhstan'),
('la', 'Laos'),
('latam', 'Latin American'),
('lk', 'Sri Lanka'),
('lt', 'Lithuania'),
('lv', 'Latvia'),
('ma', 'Morocco'),
('mao', 'Maori'),
('me', 'Montenegro'),
('mk', 'Macedonia'),
('mm', 'Myanmar'),
('mn', 'Mongolia'),
('mt', 'Malta'),
('mv', 'Maldives'),
('nec_vndr/jp', 'Japan (PC-98xx Series)'),
('ng', 'Nigeria'),
('nl', 'Netherlands'),
('no', 'Norway'),
('np', 'Nepal'),
('pk', 'Pakistan'),
('pl', 'Poland'),
('pt', 'Portugal'),
('ro', 'Romania'),
('rs', 'Serbia'),
('ru', 'Russia'),
('se', 'Sweden'),
('si', 'Slovenia'),
('sk', 'Slovakia'),
('sn', 'Senegal'),
('sy', 'Syria'),
('th', 'Thailand'),
('tj', 'Tajikistan'),
('tm', 'Turkmenistan'),
('tr', 'Turkey'),
('ua', 'Ukraine'),
('us', 'USA'),
('uz', 'Uzbekistan'),
('vn', 'Vietnam'),
('za', 'South Africa')
[docs]class soundModule(select):
Syntax to select ALSA audio device driver.
choices = [
('', ''),
('auto', 'auto detect'),
('snd-ad1816a', 'AD1816A, AD1815'),
('snd-adlib', 'AdLib FM'),
('snd-ak4114', 'AK4114 IEC958 (S/PDIF) receiver by Asahi Kasei'),
('snd-ak4117', 'AK4117 IEC958 (S/PDIF) receiver by Asahi Kasei'),
('snd-ali5451', 'ALI M5451'),
('snd-opl3-synth', 'ALSA driver for OPL3 FM synth'),
('snd-sb16-csp', 'ALSA driver for SB16 Creative Signal Processor'),
('snd-sb-common', 'ALSA lowlevel driver for Sound Blaster cards'),
('snd-interwave', 'AMD InterWave'),
('snd-interwave-stb', 'AMD InterWave STB with TEA6330T'),
('snd-ad1889', 'Analog Devices AD1889 ALSA sound driver'),
('snd-atiixp', 'ATI IXP AC97 controller'),
('snd-atiixp-modem', 'ATI IXP MC97 controller'),
('aedsp16', 'Audio Excel DSP 16 Driver Version 1.3'),
('snd-au8810', 'Aureal vortex 8810'),
('snd-au8820', 'Aureal vortex 8820'),
('snd-au8830', 'Aureal vortex 8830'),
('snd-als100', 'Avance Logic ALS1X0'),
('snd-als300', 'Avance Logic ALS300'),
('snd-als4000', 'Avance Logic ALS4000'),
('snd-azt3328', 'Aztech AZF3328 (PCI168)'),
('snd-sgalaxy', 'Aztech Sound Galaxy'),
('snd-azt2320', 'Aztech Systems AZT2320'),
('snd-bt87x', 'Brooktree Bt87x audio driver'),
('snd-ca0106', 'CA0106'),
('snd-cs4232', 'Cirrus Logic CS4232'),
('snd-cs4236', 'Cirrus Logic CS4235-9'),
('snd-cs4281', 'Cirrus Logic CS4281'),
('snd-cmi8330', 'C-Media CMI8330'),
('snd-cmipci', 'C-Media CMI8x38 PCI'),
('snd-vx-lib', 'Common routines for Digigram VX drivers'),
('snd-cs5535audio', 'CS5535 Audio'),
('snd-dt019x', 'Diamond Technologies DT-019X / Avance Logic ALS-007'),
('snd-mixart', 'Digigram miXart'),
('snd-pcxhr', 'Digigram pcxhr 0.8.4'),
('snd-vx222', 'Digigram VX222 V2/Mic'),
('snd-vxpocket', 'Digigram VXPocket'),
('snd-dummy', 'Dummy soundcard (/dev/null)'),
('snd-virmidi', 'Dummy soundcard for virtual rawmidi devices'),
('snd-darla20', 'Echoaudio Darla20 soundcards driver'),
('snd-darla24', 'Echoaudio Darla24 soundcards driver'),
('snd-echo3g', 'Echoaudio Echo3G soundcards driver'),
('snd-gina20', 'Echoaudio Gina20 soundcards driver'),
('snd-gina24', 'Echoaudio Gina24 soundcards driver'),
('snd-indigodj', 'Echoaudio Indigo DJ soundcards driver'),
('snd-indigoio', 'Echoaudio Indigo IO soundcards driver'),
('snd-indigo', 'Echoaudio Indigo soundcards driver'),
('snd-layla20', 'Echoaudio Layla20 soundcards driver'),
('snd-layla24', 'Echoaudio Layla24 soundcards driver'),
('snd-mia', 'Echoaudio Mia soundcards driver'),
('snd-mona', 'Echoaudio Mona soundcards driver'),
('snd-emu10k1', 'EMU10K1'),
('snd-emu10k1x', 'EMU10K1X'),
('snd-emu8000-synth', 'Emu8000 synth plug-in routine'),
('snd-ens1370', 'Ensoniq AudioPCI ES1370'),
('snd-ens1371', 'Ensoniq/Creative AudioPCI ES1371+'),
('snd-sscape', 'ENSONIQ SoundScape PnP driver'),
('snd-es968', 'ESS AudioDrive ES968'),
('snd-es18xx', 'ESS ES18xx AudioDrive'),
('snd-es1688-lib', 'ESS ESx688 lowlevel module'),
('snd-es1968', 'ESS Maestro'),
('snd-maestro3', 'ESS Maestro3 PCI'),
('snd-es1938', 'ESS Solo-1'),
('snd-fm801', 'ForteMedia FM801'),
('snd-ad1848', 'Generic AD1848/AD1847/CS4248'),
('snd-cs4231', 'Generic CS4231'),
('snd-es1688', 'Generic ESS ES1688/ES688 AudioDrive'),
('snd-i2c', 'Generic i2c interface for ALSA'),
('snd-util-mem', 'Generic memory management routines for soundcard memory allocation'),
('snd-gusclassic', 'Gravis UltraSound Classic'),
('snd-gusextreme', 'Gravis UltraSound Extreme'),
('snd-gusmax', 'Gravis UltraSound MAX'),
('snd-ice1712', 'ICEnsemble ICE1712 (Envy24)'),
('snd-ice17xx-ak4xxx', 'ICEnsemble ICE17xx <-> AK4xxx AD/DA chip interface'),
('snd-cs8427', 'IEC958 (S/PDIF) receiver & transmitter by Cirrus Logic'),
('snd-intel8x0', 'Intel 82801AA,82901AB,i810,i820,i830,i840,i845,MX440; SiS 7012; Ali 5455'),
('snd-intel8x0m', 'Intel 82801AA,82901AB,i810,i820,i830,i840,i845,MX440; SiS 7013; NVidia MCP/2/2S/3 modems'),
('snd-hda-intel', 'Intel HDA driver'),
('kahlua', 'Kahlua VSA1 PCI Audio'),
('snd-korg1212', 'korg1212'),
('snd-serial-u16550', 'MIDI serial u16550'),
('snd-miro', 'Miro miroSOUND PCM1 pro, PCM12, PCM20 Radio'),
('pss', 'Module for PSS sound cards (based on AD1848, ADSP-2115 and ESC614).'),
('snd-mtpav', 'MOTU MidiTimePiece AV multiport MIDI'),
('snd-mpu401', 'MPU-401 UART'),
('snd-nm256', 'NeoMagic NM256AV/ZX'),
('snd-opl4-lib', 'OPL4 driver'),
('snd-opl4-synth', 'OPL4 wavetable synth driver'),
('snd-opti92x-ad1848', 'OPTi92X - AD1848'),
('snd-opti92x-cs4231', 'OPTi92X - CS4231'),
('snd-opti93x', 'OPTi93X'),
('sb', 'OSS Soundblaster ISA PnP and legacy sound driver'),
('snd-riptide', 'riptide'),
('snd-rme32', 'RME Digi32, Digi32/8, Digi32 PRO'),
('snd-rme9652', 'RME Digi9652/Digi9636'),
('snd-rme96', 'RME Digi96, Digi96/8, Digi96/8 PRO, Digi96/8 PST, Digi96/8 PAD'),
('snd-hdsp', 'RME Hammerfall DSP'),
('snd-hdspm', 'RME HDSPM'),
('snd-sb16-dsp', 'Routines for control of 16-bit SoundBlaster cards and clones'),
('snd-sb8-dsp', 'Routines for control of 8-bit SoundBlaster cards and clones'),
('snd-ad1848-lib', 'Routines for control of AD1848/AD1847/CS4248'),
('snd-opl3-lib', 'Routines for control of AdLib FM cards (OPL2/OPL3/OPL4 chips)'),
('snd-ak4xxx-adda', 'Routines for control of AK452x / AK43xx AD/DA converters'),
('snd-cs4231-lib', 'Routines for control of CS4231(A)/CS4232/InterWave & compatible chips'),
('snd-cs4236-lib', 'Routines for control of CS4235/4236B/4237B/4238B/4239 chips'),
('snd-emu10k1-synth', 'Routines for control of EMU10K1 WaveTable synth'),
('snd-emux-synth', 'Routines for control of EMU WaveTable chip'),
('snd-mpu401-uart', 'Routines for control of MPU-401 in UART mode'),
('snd-tea575x-tuner', 'Routines for control of TEA5757/5759 Philips AM/FM radio tuner chips'),
('snd-tea6330t', 'Routines for control of the TEA6330T circuit via i2c bus'),
('snd-gus-lib', 'Routines for Gravis UltraSound soundcards'),
('snd-sonicvibes', 'S3 SonicVibes PCI'),
('snd-sb8', 'Sound Blaster 1.0/2.0/Pro'),
('snd-sb16', 'Sound Blaster 16'),
('snd-sbawe', 'Sound Blaster AWE'),
('snd-pdaudiocf', 'Sound Core PDAudio-CF'),
('snd-usb-usx2y', 'TASCAM US-X2Y Version'),
('snd-trident', 'Trident 4D-WaveDX/NX & SiS SI7018'),
('trident', 'Trident 4DWave/SiS 7018/ALi 5451 and Tvia/IGST CyberPro5050 PCI Audio Driver'),
('snd-wavefront', 'Turtle Beach Wavefront'),
('snd-ac97-codec', 'Universal interface for Audio Codec \'97'),
('snd-ak4531-codec', 'Universal routines for AK4531 codec'),
('snd-usb-audio', 'USB Audio'),
('snd-usb-lib', 'USB Audio/MIDI helper module'),
('snd-ice1724', 'VIA ICEnsemble ICE1724/1720 (Envy24HT/PT)'),
('snd-via82xx', 'VIA VT82xx audio'),
('snd-via82xx-modem', 'VIA VT82xx modem'),
('snd-ymfpci', 'Yamaha DS-1 PCI'),
('snd-opl3sa2', 'Yamaha OPL3SA2+'),
[docs]class GroupDN(UDM_Objects):
Syntax to select a group from |LDAP| by |DN|.
.. seealso::
* :py:class:`GroupID`
* :py:class:`GroupDNOrEmpty`
udm_modules = ('groups/group', )
use_objects = False
search_widget = 'ComboBox'
[docs]class GroupDNOrEmpty(GroupDN):
Syntax to select a group from |LDAP| by |DN| or none.
.. seealso::
* :py:class:`GroupID`
* :py:class:`GroupDN`
empty_value = True
[docs]class UserDN(UDM_Objects):
Syntax to select an user from |LDAP| by |DN|.
.. seealso::
* :py:class:`UserID`
udm_modules = ('users/user', )
use_objects = False
[docs]class HostDN(UDM_Objects):
Syntax to select a host from |LDAP| by |DN|.
.. seealso::
* :py:class:`IComputer_FQDN`
udm_modules = ('computers/computer', )
udm_filter = '!(univentionObjectFlag=docker)'
[docs]class UserID(UDM_Objects):
Syntax to select an user from |LDAP| by numeric user identifier.
.. seealso::
* :py:class:`UserDN`.
>>> UserID.parse('0')
>>> UserID.parse(0)
udm_modules = ('users/user', )
key = '%(uidNumber)s'
label = '%(username)s'
regex = re.compile('^[0-9]+$')
static_values = (('0', 'root'), )
use_objects = False
type_class = univention.admin.types.IntegerType
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(cls, text):
if isinstance(text, int):
text = str(text)
return super(cls, cls).parse(text)
[docs]class GroupID(UDM_Objects):
Syntax to select a group from |LDAP| by numeric user identifier.
.. seealso::
* :py:class:`GroupDN`
* :py:class:`GroupDNOrEmpty`
>>> GroupID.parse('5000')
>>> GroupID.parse(5000)
udm_modules = ('groups/group', )
key = '%(gidNumber)s'
label = '%(name)s'
regex = re.compile('^[0-9]+$')
static_values = (('0', 'root'), )
use_objects = False
type_class = univention.admin.types.IntegerType
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(cls, text):
if isinstance(text, int):
text = str(text)
return super(cls, cls).parse(text)
[docs]class PortalComputer(UDM_Objects):
Syntax to select a |UCS| host from |LDAP| by |FQDN| running the portal service.
udm_modules = ('computers/domaincontroller_master', 'computers/domaincontroller_backup', 'computers/domaincontroller_slave', 'computers/memberserver')
udm_filter = '!(univentionObjectFlag=docker)'
use_objects = False
widget = 'umc/modules/udm/MultiObjectSelect'
search_widget = 'CheckBox'
widget_default_search_pattern = False
[docs]class IComputer_FQDN(UDM_Objects):
Syntax to select a host from |LDAP| by |FQDN|.
.. seealso::
* :py:class:`HostDN`
udm_modules = () # type: Sequence[str]
key = '%(name)s.%(domain)s' # '%(fqdn)s' optimized for LDAP lookup. Has to be in sync with the computer handlers' info['fqdn']
label = '%(name)s.%(domain)s' # '%(fqdn)s'
regex = re.compile(r'(?=^.{1,254}$)(^(?:(?!\d+\.)[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{1,63}\.?)+(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]{2,})$)') # '(^[a-zA-Z])(([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)([a-zA-Z0-9]$))?$' )
error_message = _('Not a valid FQDN')
udm_filter = '!(univentionObjectFlag=docker)'
simple = True
[docs]class DomainController(IComputer_FQDN):
Syntax to select a |UCS| Directory Node from |LDAP| by |FQDN|.
udm_modules = ('computers/domaincontroller_master', 'computers/domaincontroller_backup', 'computers/domaincontroller_slave')
use_objects = False
[docs]class Windows_Server(IComputer_FQDN):
Syntax to select a Windows server from |LDAP| by |FQDN|.
udm_modules = ('computers/windows', 'computers/windows_domaincontroller')
[docs]class UCS_Server(IComputer_FQDN):
Syntax to select a |UCS| host from |LDAP| by |FQDN|.
udm_modules = ('computers/domaincontroller_master', 'computers/domaincontroller_backup', 'computers/domaincontroller_slave', 'computers/memberserver')
use_objects = False
[docs]class ServicePrint_FQDN(IComputer_FQDN):
Syntax to select a |UCS| host from |LDAP| by |FQDN| offering print services.
.. seealso::
* :py:class:`ServicePrint`
udm_modules = ('computers/domaincontroller_master', 'computers/domaincontroller_backup', 'computers/domaincontroller_slave', 'computers/memberserver')
udm_filter = '(&(!(univentionObjectFlag=docker))(service=Print))'
[docs]class MailHomeServer(IComputer_FQDN):
Syntax to select a |UCS| host from |LDAP| by |FQDN| offering |IMAP| services.
.. seealso::
* :py:class:`ServiceMail`
udm_modules = ('computers/computer', )
udm_filter = '(&(!(univentionObjectFlag=docker))(objectClass=univentionHost)(service=IMAP))'
empty_value = True
[docs]class KDE_Profile(UDM_Attribute):
Syntax to select a KDE profile from lists stored in |LDAP| using :py:class:`univention.admin.handlers.settings.default`.
udm_module = 'settings/default'
attribute = 'defaultKdeProfiles'
[docs]class primaryGroup(ldapDn):
Syntax to select a group from |LDAP|.
.. deprecated:: 3.1-0
Use :py:class:`GroupDN`.
searchFilter = 'objectClass=posixGroup'
description = _('Primary Group')
[docs]class primaryGroup2(ldapDn):
Syntax to select a group from |LDAP|.
.. deprecated:: 3.1-0
Use :py:class:`GroupDN`.
searchFilter = 'objectClass=posixGroup'
description = _('Primary Group')
[docs]class network(UDM_Objects):
Syntax to select a network declaration from |LDAP| using :py:class:`univention.admin.handlers.networks.network`.
udm_modules = ('networks/network',)
description = _('Network')
label = '%(name)s'
empty_value = True
[docs]class IP_AddressList(ipAddress, select):
Syntax to select an IP address from the lists of addresses stored with the machine account.
choices = [] # type: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]
depends = 'ip'
javascript_dependency = True
widget = select.widget
[docs]class IP_AddressListEmpty(IP_AddressList):
Syntax to select no or an IP address from the lists of addresses stored with the machine account.
choices = [('', _('From known-hosts pool'))]
empty_value = True
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(cls, text):
return super(IP_AddressListEmpty, cls).parse(text) if text else ''
[docs]class MAC_AddressList(MAC_Address, select):
Syntax to select a MAC address from the lists of addresses stored with the machine account.
choices = [] # type: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]
depends = 'mac'
javascript_dependency = True
widget = select.widget
[docs]class DNS_ForwardZone(UDM_Objects):
Syntax to select no or one |DNS| forward zone from |LDAP| using :py:class:`univention.admin.handlers.dns.forward_zone`.
.. seealso::
* :py:class:`DNS_ReverseZone`
* :py:class:`DNS_ForwardZoneNonempty`
description = _('DNS forward zone')
udm_modules = ('dns/forward_zone', )
empty_value = True
use_objects = False
[docs]class DNS_ReverseZone(UDM_Objects):
Syntax to select no or one |DNS| reverse zone from |LDAP| using :py:class:`univention.admin.handlers.dns.reverse_zone`.
.. seealso::
* :py:class:`DNS_ForwardZone`
* :py:class:`DNS_ReverseZoneNonempty`
description = _('DNS reverse zone')
udm_modules = ('dns/reverse_zone', )
label = '%(subnet)s'
empty_value = True
use_objects = False
[docs]class DNS_ReverseZoneNonempty(DNS_ReverseZone):
Syntax to select one |DNS| reverse zone from |LDAP| using :py:class:`univention.admin.handlers.dns.reverse_zone`.
.. seealso::
* :py:class:`DNS_ForwardZoneNonempty`
* :py:class:`DNS_ReverseZone`
empty_value = False
[docs]class DNS_ForwardZoneNonempty(DNS_ForwardZone):
Syntax to select one |DNS| forward zone from |LDAP| using :py:class:`univention.admin.handlers.dns.forward_zone`.
.. seealso::
* :py:class:`DNS_ReverseZoneNonempty`
* :py:class:`DNS_ForwardZone`
empty_value = False
[docs]class dnsEntry(complex):
Syntax to configure a |DNS| forward zone entry for a computer.
description = _('DNS Entry')
subsyntaxes = ((_('DNS forward zone'), DNS_ForwardZoneNonempty), (_('IP address'), IP_AddressList))
subsyntax_names = ('forward-zone', 'ip')
size = ('One', 'One')
min_elements = 1
[docs]class dnsEntryReverse(complex):
Syntax to configure a |DNS| reverse zone entry for a computer.
description = _('DNS Entry Reverse')
subsyntaxes = ((_('DNS reverse zone'), DNS_ReverseZoneNonempty), (_('IP address'), IP_AddressList))
subsyntax_names = ('reverse-zone', 'ip')
size = ('One', 'One')
min_elements = 1
[docs]class DNS_ForwardZoneList(select):
Syntax to select |DNS| forward zone for alias entries.
>>> DNS_ForwardZoneList.parse('some name')
'some name'
>>> DNS_ForwardZoneList.get_choices(None, {'dependencies': {'dnsEntryZoneForward': [["zoneName=example.org,cn=dns,dc=base", ""]]}})
[('example.org', 'example.org')]
depends = 'dnsEntryZoneForward'
javascript_dependency = True
[docs] @classmethod
def get_choices(cls, lo, options):
choices = super(cls, cls).get_choices(lo, options)
if cls.depends not in options.get('dependencies', {}): # pragma: no cover
return choices
values = [ldap.dn.explode_rdn(x[0][0], True)[0] for x in choices]
return cls.sort_choices([(val, val) for val in values])
[docs]class dnsEntryAlias(complex):
Syntax to configure a |DNS| alias record.
description = _('DNS Entry Alias')
subsyntaxes = ((_('Zone of existing host record'), DNS_ForwardZoneList), (_('DNS forward zone'), DNS_ForwardZone), (_('Alias'), DNS_Name))
subsyntax_names = ('zone', 'forward-zone', 'alias')
size = ('TwoThirds', 'TwoThirds', 'TwoThirds')
[docs]class dhcpService(UDM_Objects):
Syntax to select a |DHCP| service from |LDAP| using :py:class:`univention.admin.handlers.dhcp.service`.
udm_modules = ('dhcp/service', )
description = _('DHCP service')
label = '%(name)s'
empty_value = True
[docs]class dhcpEntry(complex):
Syntax to configure a |DHCP| host entry.
>>> dhcpEntry.parse(["cn=service", "aabbccddeeff"])
['cn=service', '', 'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff']
>>> dhcpEntry.parse(["cn=service", "", "aabbccddeeff"])
['cn=service', '', 'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff']
min_elements = 1
all_required = False
subsyntaxes = (
(_('DHCP service'), dhcpService),
(_('IP address'), IP_AddressListEmpty),
(_('MAC address'), MAC_AddressList),
subsyntax_names = ('service', 'ip', 'mac')
description = _('DHCP Entry')
size = ('TwoThirds', 'TwoThirds', 'TwoThirds')
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(cls, text):
service, ip, mac = text[0], '', ''
mac = text[1:][-1]
ip, mac = text[1:]
except (IndexError, ValueError):
return super(dhcpEntry, cls).parse([service, ip, mac])
[docs]class DHCP_Option(complex):
Syntax to enter free-form |DHCP| options.
subsyntaxes = ((_('Name'), string), (_('Value'), string))
# subsyntax_names = ('name', 'value')
subsyntax_key_value = True
description = _('DHCP option')
size = ('One', 'One')
[docs]class WritableShare(UDM_Objects):
Syntax for selecting defined writeable |NFS| shares.
.. seealso::
* :py:class:`nfsShare`
udm_modules = ('shares/share', )
udm_filter = 'writeable=1'
label = _('%(name)s (%(path)s on %(host)s)') # ldap-optimized for shares/share.description()
size = 'OneAndAHalf'
empty_value = True
use_objects = False
# class share(ldapDnOrNone):
# searchFilter='(objectClass=univentionShare)'
# description=_('Share')
[docs]class AllowDenyIgnore(select):
Syntax class for a tri-state select between allow, deny and ignore.
choices = [
('', ''),
('allow', _('allow')),
('deny', _('deny')),
('ignore', _('ignore'))
[docs]class IStates(select):
Base syntax to select item from list of choices with a mapping between Python and LDAP values.
values = [] # type: Sequence[Tuple[Any, Tuple[str, str]]]
"""Map Python type to 2-tuple (LDAP-value, translated-text)."""
def choices(cls):
return list(map(lambda x: (x[1]), cls.values))
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(cls, text):
for value, (choice, label) in cls.values:
if text == value or text == choice:
return choice
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax(_('Invalid choice.'))
[docs] @classmethod
def get_object_property_filter(cls, object_property, object_property_value, allow_asterisks=True):
state_of_object_property_value = [state for state, (ldap_value, _) in cls.values if ldap_value == object_property_value][0]
if state_of_object_property_value not in (None, True, False):
return ''
except IndexError:
return ''
states_of_this_syntax = [state for state, _ in cls.values]
not_set_filter = filter_format('(!(%s=*))', (object_property,))
compare_filter = _replace_asterisks_in_filter(filter_format('%s=%s', (object_property, object_property_value)), allow_asterisks)
if state_of_object_property_value is None:
return not_set_filter
elif state_of_object_property_value is False and None not in states_of_this_syntax:
# This is for IStates that are shown as Checkboxes in the frontend.
# If the user searches for False we also want to include objects where the property is not set in ldap.
return '(|(%s)%s)' % (compare_filter, not_set_filter)
return compare_filter
[docs] @classmethod
def sanitize_property_search_value(cls, search_value):
if search_value in (True, False):
# This is for IStates that are shown as Checkboxes in the frontend. In these cases we get a boolean as search value.
# Map the boolean to the string that is stored in ldap
for state, (ldap_value, _) in cls.values:
if state == search_value:
return ldap_value
return search_value
[docs]class AllowDeny(IStates):
Syntax class for a tri-state select between `None`, `"allow"` and `"deny"`.
>>> AllowDeny.choices
[('', ''), ('allow', 'allow'), ('deny', 'deny')]
>>> AllowDeny.sanitize_property_search_value(True)
>>> AllowDeny.sanitize_property_search_value(False)
values = (
(None, ('', '')),
(True, ('allow', _('allow'))),
(False, ('deny', _('deny')))
type_class = univention.admin.types.TriBooleanType
[docs]class booleanNone(IStates):
Syntax class for a tri-state select between `None`, `"yes"` and `"no"`.
>>> booleanNone.parse("yes")
>>> booleanNone.parse("no")
>>> booleanNone.parse("maybe") #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
values = (
(None, ('', '')),
(True, ('yes', _('Yes'))),
(False, ('no', _('No')))
type_class = univention.admin.types.TriBooleanType
[docs]class auto_one_zero(select):
Syntax class for a tri-state select between `"Auto"`, `"Yes"` and `"No"`.
choices = [
('Auto', _('Auto')),
('1', _('Yes')),
('0', _('No'))
# type_class = univention.admin.types.TriBooleanType
[docs]class TrueFalse(IStates):
Syntax class for a tri-state select between `None`, `"true"` and `"false"`.
>>> TrueFalse.sanitize_property_search_value(True)
>>> TrueFalse.sanitize_property_search_value(False)
values = (
(None, ('', '')),
(True, ('true', _('True'))),
(False, ('false', _('False')))
type_class = univention.admin.types.TriBooleanType
[docs]class TrueFalseUpper(IStates):
Syntax class for a tri-state select between `None`, `"TRUE"` and `"FALSE"`.
>>> TrueFalseUpper.sanitize_property_search_value(True)
>>> TrueFalseUpper.sanitize_property_search_value(False)
>>> TrueFalseUpper.get_object_property_filter("myAttr", "wrong...")
>>> TrueFalseUpper.get_object_property_filter("myAttr", "TRUE")
>>> TrueFalseUpper.get_object_property_filter("myAttr", "")
values = (
(None, ('', '')),
(True, ('TRUE', _('True'))),
(False, ('FALSE', _('False')))
type_class = univention.admin.types.TriBooleanType
[docs]class TrueFalseUp(IStates):
Syntax for bool'ean value matching |LDAP| `boolean` (|OID|
>>> TrueFalseUp.sanitize_property_search_value(True)
>>> TrueFalseUp.sanitize_property_search_value(False)
>>> TrueFalseUp.get_object_property_filter("myAttr", "FALSE")
values = (
(True, ('TRUE', _('True'))),
(False, ('FALSE', _('False')))
type_class = univention.admin.types.BooleanType
widget = 'CheckBox'
search_widget = 'CheckBox'
widget_default_search_pattern = False
[docs]class AppActivatedTrue(TrueFalseUp):
[docs]class OkOrNot(IStates):
Syntax class to a boolean select between `"OK"` and `"Not"`.
values = (
(True, ('OK', _('OK'))),
(False, ('Not', _('Not OK')))
type_class = univention.admin.types.BooleanType
widget = 'CheckBox'
search_widget = 'CheckBox'
widget_default_search_pattern = False
[docs]class AppActivatedOK(OkOrNot):
[docs]class ddnsUpdateStyle(select):
Syntax to select the |DHCP| dynamic |DNS| update style.
choices = [
('', ''),
('ad-hoc', _('ad-hoc')),
('interim', _('interim')),
('none', _('none'))
[docs]class ddnsUpdates(IStates):
Syntax class for a tri-state select between `None`, `"on"` and `"off"`.
values = (
(None, ('', '')),
(True, ('on', _('on'))),
(False, ('off', _('off')))
type_class = univention.admin.types.TriBooleanType
[docs]class netbiosNodeType(select):
Syntax to select the Windows name server mode.
choices = [
('', ''),
('1', '1 B-node: Broadcast - no WINS'),
('2', '2 P-node: Peer - WINS only'),
('4', '4 M-node: Mixed - broadcast, then WINS'),
('8', '8 H-node: Hybrid - WINS, then broadcast'),
[docs]class kdeProfile(select):
Syntax to select |KDE| profile type.
choices = [
('', 'none'),
('/home/kde.restricted', 'restricted'),
('/home/kde.lockeddown', 'locked down'),
[docs]class language(select):
Syntax for selecting a language by name.
choices = [
('', ''),
('af_ZA', 'Afrikaans/South Africa'),
('af_ZA.UTF-8', 'Afrikaans/South Africa(UTF-8)'),
('sq_AL', 'Albanian/Albania'),
('sq_AL.UTF-8', 'Albanian/Albania(UTF-8)'),
('am_ET', 'Amharic/Ethiopia'),
('ar_DZ', 'Arabic/Algeria'),
('ar_DZ.UTF-8', 'Arabic/Algeria(UTF-8)'),
('ar_BH', 'Arabic/Bahrain'),
('ar_BH.UTF-8', 'Arabic/Bahrain(UTF-8)'),
('ar_EG', 'Arabic/Egypt'),
('ar_EG.UTF-8', 'Arabic/Egypt(UTF-8)'),
('ar_IN', 'Arabic/India'),
('ar_IQ', 'Arabic/Iraq'),
('ar_IQ.UTF-8', 'Arabic/Iraq(UTF-8)'),
('ar_JO', 'Arabic/Jordan'),
('ar_JO.UTF-8', 'Arabic/Jordan(UTF-8)'),
('ar_KW', 'Arabic/Kuwait'),
('ar_KW.UTF-8', 'Arabic/Kuwait(UTF-8)'),
('ar_LB', 'Arabic/Lebanon'),
('ar_LB.UTF-8', 'Arabic/Lebanon(UTF-8)'),
('ar_LY', 'Arabic/Libyan Arab Jamahiriya'),
('ar_LY.UTF-8', 'Arabic/Libyan Arab Jamahiriya(UTF-8)'),
('ar_MA', 'Arabic/Morocco'),
('ar_MA.UTF-8', 'Arabic/Morocco(UTF-8)'),
('ar_OM', 'Arabic/Oman'),
('ar_OM.UTF-8', 'Arabic/Oman(UTF-8)'),
('ar_QA', 'Arabic/Qatar'),
('ar_QA.UTF-8', 'Arabic/Qatar(UTF-8)'),
('ar_SA', 'Arabic/Saudi Arabia'),
('ar_SA.UTF-8', 'Arabic/Saudi Arabia(UTF-8)'),
('ar_SD', 'Arabic/Sudan'),
('ar_SD.UTF-8', 'Arabic/Sudan(UTF-8)'),
('ar_SY', 'Arabic/Syrian Arab Republic'),
('ar_SY.UTF-8', 'Arabic/Syrian Arab Republic(UTF-8)'),
('ar_TN', 'Arabic/Tunisia'),
('ar_TN.UTF-8', 'Arabic/Tunisia(UTF-8)'),
('ar_AE', 'Arabic/United Arab Emirates'),
('ar_AE.UTF-8', 'Arabic/United Arab Emirates(UTF-8)'),
('ar_YE', 'Arabic/Yemen'),
('ar_YE.UTF-8', 'Arabic/Yemen(UTF-8)'),
('an_ES', 'Aragonese/Spain'),
('an_ES.UTF-8', 'Aragonese/Spain(UTF-8)'),
('hy_AM', 'Armenian/Armenia'),
('az_AZ', 'Azeri/Azerbaijan'),
('eu_ES@euro', 'Basque/Spain'),
('eu_ES.UTF-8', 'Basque/Spain(UTF-8)'),
('be_BY', 'Belarusian/Belarus'),
('be_BY.UTF-8', 'Belarusian/Belarus(UTF-8)'),
('bn_BD', 'Bengali/BD'),
('bn_IN', 'Bengali/India'),
('bs_BA', 'Bosnian/Bosnia and Herzegowina'),
('bs_BA.UTF-8', 'Bosnian/Bosnia and Herzegowina(UTF-8)'),
('br_FR@euro', 'Breton/France'),
('br_FR.UTF-8', 'Breton/France(UTF-8)'),
('bg_BG', 'Bulgarian/Bulgaria'),
('bg_BG.UTF-8', 'Bulgarian/Bulgaria(UTF-8)'),
('ca_ES@euro', 'Catalan/Spain'),
('ca_ES.UTF-8', 'Catalan/Spain(UTF-8)'),
('zh_HK', 'Chinese/Hong Kong'),
('zh_HK.UTF-8', 'Chinese/Hong Kong(UTF-8)'),
('zh_CN', 'Chinese/P.R. of China'),
('zh_CN.UTF-8', 'Chinese/P.R. of China(UTF-8)'),
('zh_SG', 'Chinese/Singapore'),
('zh_SG.UTF-8', 'Chinese/Singapore(UTF-8)'),
('zh_TW', 'Chinese/Taiwan R.O.C.'),
('zh_TW.UTF-8', 'Chinese/Taiwan R.O.C.(UTF-8)'),
('kw_GB', 'Cornish/Britain'),
('kw_GB.UTF-8', 'Cornish/Britain(UTF-8)'),
('hr_HR', 'Croatian/Croatia'),
('hr_HR.UTF-8', 'Croatian/Croatia(UTF-8)'),
('cs_CZ', 'Czech/Czech Republic'),
('cs_CZ.UTF-8', 'Czech/Czech Republic(UTF-8)'),
('da_DK', 'Danish/Denmark'),
('da_DK.UTF-8', 'Danish/Denmark(UTF-8)'),
('nl_BE@euro', 'Dutch/Belgium'),
('nl_BE.UTF-8', 'Dutch/Belgium(UTF-8)'),
('nl_NL@euro', 'Dutch/Netherlands'),
('nl_NL.UTF-8', 'Dutch/Netherlands(UTF-8)'),
('en_AU', 'English/Australia'),
('en_AU.UTF-8', 'English/Australia(UTF-8)'),
('en_BW', 'English/Botswana'),
('en_BW.UTF-8', 'English/Botswana(UTF-8)'),
('en_CA', 'English/Canada'),
('en_CA.UTF-8', 'English/Canada(UTF-8)'),
('en_DK', 'English/Denmark'),
('en_DK.UTF-8', 'English/Denmark(UTF-8)'),
('en_GB', 'English/Great Britain'),
('en_GB.UTF-8', 'English/Great Britain(UTF-8)'),
('en_HK', 'English/Hong Kong'),
('en_HK.UTF-8', 'English/Hong Kong(UTF-8)'),
('en_IN', 'English/India'),
('en_IE@euro', 'English/Ireland'),
('en_IE.UTF-8', 'English/Ireland(UTF-8)'),
('en_NZ', 'English/New Zealand'),
('en_NZ.UTF-8', 'English/New Zealand(UTF-8)'),
('en_PH', 'English/Philippines'),
('en_PH.UTF-8', 'English/Philippines(UTF-8)'),
('en_SG', 'English/Singapore'),
('en_SG.UTF-8', 'English/Singapore(UTF-8)'),
('en_ZA', 'English/South Africa'),
('en_ZA.UTF-8', 'English/South Africa(UTF-8)'),
('en_US', 'English/USA'),
('en_US.UTF-8', 'English/USA(UTF-8)'),
('en_ZW', 'English/Zimbabwe'),
('en_ZW.UTF-8', 'English/Zimbabwe(UTF-8)'),
('eo_EO', 'Esperanto/Esperanto'),
('et_EE', 'Estonian/Estonia'),
('et_EE.UTF-8', 'Estonian/Estonia(UTF-8)'),
('fo_FO', 'Faroese/Faroe Islands'),
('fo_FO.UTF-8', 'Faroese/Faroe Islands(UTF-8)'),
('fi_FI@euro', 'Finnish/Finland'),
('fi_FI.UTF-8', 'Finnish/Finland(UTF-8)'),
('fr_BE@euro', 'French/Belgium'),
('fr_BE.UTF-8', 'French/Belgium(UTF-8)'),
('fr_CA', 'French/Canada'),
('fr_CA.UTF-8', 'French/Canada(UTF-8)'),
('fr_FR@euro', 'French/France'),
('fr_FR.UTF-8', 'French/France(UTF-8)'),
('fr_LU@euro', 'French/Luxemburg'),
('fr_LU.UTF-8', 'French/Luxemburg(UTF-8)'),
('fr_CH', 'French/Switzerland'),
('fr_CH.UTF-8', 'French/Switzerland(UTF-8)'),
('gl_ES@euro', 'Galician/Spain'),
('gl_ES.UTF-8', 'Galician/Spain(UTF-8)'),
('ka_GE', 'Georgian/Georgia'),
('ka_GE.UTF-8', 'Georgian/Georgia(UTF-8)'),
('de_AT@euro', 'German/Austria'),
('de_AT.UTF-8', 'German/Austria(UTF-8)'),
('de_BE@euro', 'German/Belgium'),
('de_BE.UTF-8', 'German/Belgium(UTF-8)'),
('de_DE', 'German/Germany'),
('de_DE.UTF-8', 'German/Germany(UTF-8)'),
('de_DE@euro', 'German/Germany(euro)'),
('de_LU@euro', 'German/Luxemburg'),
('de_LU.UTF-8', 'German/Luxemburg(UTF-8)'),
('de_CH', 'German/Switzerland'),
('de_CH.UTF-8', 'German/Switzerland(UTF-8)'),
('el_GR@euro', 'Greek/Greece'),
('el_GR.UTF-8', 'Greek/Greece(UTF-8)'),
('kl_GL', 'Greenlandic/Greenland'),
('kl_GL.UTF-8', 'Greenlandic/Greenland(UTF-8)'),
('iw_IL', 'Hebrew/Israel'),
('iw_IL.UTF-8', 'Hebrew/Israel(UTF-8)'),
('he_IL', 'Hebrew/Israel'),
('he_IL.UTF-8', 'Hebrew/Israel(UTF-8)'),
('hi_IN', 'Hindi/India'),
('hu_HU', 'Hungarian/Hungary'),
('hu_HU.UTF-8', 'Hungarian/Hungary(UTF-8)'),
('is_IS', 'Icelandic/Iceland'),
('is_IS.UTF-8', 'Icelandic/Iceland(UTF-8)'),
('id_ID', 'Indonesian/Indonesia'),
('id_ID.UTF-8', 'Indonesian/Indonesia(UTF-8)'),
('ga_IE@euro', 'Irish/Ireland'),
('ga_IE.UTF-8', 'Irish/Ireland(UTF-8)'),
('it_IT@euro', 'Italian/Italy'),
('it_IT.UTF-8', 'Italian/Italy(UTF-8)'),
('it_CH', 'Italian/Switzerland'),
('it_CH.UTF-8', 'Italian/Switzerland(UTF-8)'),
('ja_JP', 'Japanese/Japan'),
('ko_KR', 'Korean/Republic of Korea'),
('lo_LA', 'Lao/Laos'),
('lv_LV', 'Latvian/Latvia'),
('lv_LV.UTF-8', 'Latvian/Latvia(UTF-8)'),
('lt_LT', 'Lithuanian/Lithuania'),
('lt_LT.UTF-8', 'Lithuanian/Lithuania(UTF-8)'),
('lug_UG', 'Luganda/Uganda'),
('mk_MK', 'Macedonian/Macedonia'),
('mk_MK.UTF-8', 'Macedonian/Macedonia(UTF-8)'),
('ms_MY', 'Malay/Malaysia'),
('ms_MY.UTF-8', 'Malay/Malaysia(UTF-8)'),
('ml_IN', 'Malayalam/India'),
('mt_MT', 'Maltese/malta'),
('mt_MT.UTF-8', 'Maltese/malta(UTF-8)'),
('gv_GB', 'Manx Gaelic/Britain'),
('gv_GB.UTF-8', 'Manx Gaelic/Britain(UTF-8)'),
('mi_NZ', 'Maori/New Zealand'),
('mi_NZ.UTF-8', 'Maori/New Zealand(UTF-8)'),
('mr_IN', 'Marathi/India'),
('mn_MN', 'Mongolian/Mongolia'),
('se_NO', 'Northern Saami/Norway'),
('nn_NO', 'Norwegian, Nynorsk/Norway'),
('nn_NO.UTF-8', 'Norwegian, Nynorsk/Norway(UTF-8)'),
('no_NO', 'Norwegian/Norway'),
('no_NO.UTF-8', 'Norwegian/Norway(UTF-8)'),
('oc_FR', 'Occitan/France'),
('oc_FR.UTF-8', 'Occitan/France(UTF-8)'),
('fa_IR', 'Persian/Iran'),
('pl_PL', 'Polish/Poland'),
('pl_PL.UTF-8', 'Polish/Poland(UTF-8)'),
('pt_BR', 'Portuguese/Brasil'),
('pt_BR.UTF-8', 'Portuguese/Brasil(UTF-8)'),
('pt_PT@euro', 'Portuguese/Portugal'),
('pt_PT.UTF-8', 'Portuguese/Portugal(UTF-8)'),
('ro_RO', 'Romanian/Romania'),
('ro_RO.UTF-8', 'Romanian/Romania(UTF-8)'),
('ru_RU', 'Russian/Russia'),
('ru_RU.UTF-8', 'Russian/Russia(UTF-8)'),
('ru_UA', 'Russian/Ukraine'),
('ru_UA.UTF-8', 'Russian/Ukraine(UTF-8)'),
('gd_GB', 'Scots Gaelic/Great Britain'),
('gd_GB.UTF-8', 'Scots Gaelic/Great Britain(UTF-8)'),
('sr_YU@cyrillic', 'Serbian/Yugoslavia'),
('sk_SK', 'Slovak/Slovak'),
('sk_SK.UTF-8', 'Slovak/Slovak(UTF-8)'),
('sl_SI', 'Slovenian/Slovenia'),
('sl_SI.UTF-8', 'Slovenian/Slovenia(UTF-8)'),
('st_ZA', 'Sotho/South Africa'),
('st_ZA.UTF-8', 'Sotho/South Africa(UTF-8)'),
('es_AR', 'Spanish/Argentina'),
('es_AR.UTF-8', 'Spanish/Argentina(UTF-8)'),
('es_BO', 'Spanish/Bolivia'),
('es_BO.UTF-8', 'Spanish/Bolivia(UTF-8)'),
('es_CL', 'Spanish/Chile'),
('es_CL.UTF-8', 'Spanish/Chile(UTF-8)'),
('es_CO', 'Spanish/Colombia'),
('es_CO.UTF-8', 'Spanish/Colombia(UTF-8)'),
('es_CR', 'Spanish/Costa Rica'),
('es_CR.UTF-8', 'Spanish/Costa Rica(UTF-8)'),
('es_DO', 'Spanish/Dominican Republic'),
('es_DO.UTF-8', 'Spanish/Dominican Republic(UTF-8)'),
('es_EC', 'Spanish/Ecuador'),
('es_EC.UTF-8', 'Spanish/Ecuador(UTF-8)'),
('es_SV', 'Spanish/El Salvador'),
('es_SV.UTF-8', 'Spanish/El Salvador(UTF-8)'),
('es_GT', 'Spanish/Guatemala'),
('es_GT.UTF-8', 'Spanish/Guatemala(UTF-8)'),
('es_HN', 'Spanish/Honduras'),
('es_HN.UTF-8', 'Spanish/Honduras(UTF-8)'),
('es_MX', 'Spanish/Mexico'),
('es_MX.UTF-8', 'Spanish/Mexico(UTF-8)'),
('es_NI', 'Spanish/Nicaragua'),
('es_NI.UTF-8', 'Spanish/Nicaragua(UTF-8)'),
('es_PA', 'Spanish/Panama'),
('es_PA.UTF-8', 'Spanish/Panama(UTF-8)'),
('es_PY', 'Spanish/Paraguay'),
('es_PY.UTF-8', 'Spanish/Paraguay(UTF-8)'),
('es_PE', 'Spanish/Peru'),
('es_PE.UTF-8', 'Spanish/Peru(UTF-8)'),
('es_PR', 'Spanish/Puerto Rico'),
('es_PR.UTF-8', 'Spanish/Puerto Rico(UTF-8)'),
('es_ES@euro', 'Spanish/Spain'),
('es_ES.UTF-8', 'Spanish/Spain(UTF-8)'),
('es_US', 'Spanish/USA'),
('es_US.UTF-8', 'Spanish/USA(UTF-8)'),
('es_UY', 'Spanish/Uruguay'),
('es_UY.UTF-8', 'Spanish/Uruguay(UTF-8)'),
('es_VE', 'Spanish/Venezuela'),
('es_VE.UTF-8', 'Spanish/Venezuela(UTF-8)'),
('sv_FI@euro', 'Swedish/Finland'),
('sv_FI.UTF-8', 'Swedish/Finland(UTF-8)'),
('sv_SE', 'Swedish/Sweden'),
('sv_SE.UTF-8', 'Swedish/Sweden(UTF-8)'),
('tl_PH', 'Tagalog/Philippines'),
('tl_PH.UTF-8', 'Tagalog/Philippines(UTF-8)'),
('tg_TJ', 'Tajik/Tajikistan'),
('tg_TJ.UTF-8', 'Tajik/Tajikistan(UTF-8)'),
('ta_IN', 'Tamil/India'),
('tt_RU', 'Tatar/Tatarstan'),
('te_IN', 'Telgu/India'),
('th_TH', 'Thai/Thailand'),
('th_TH.UTF-8', 'Thai/Thailand(UTF-8)'),
('ti_ER', 'Tigrigna/Eritrea'),
('ti_ET', 'Tigrigna/Ethiopia'),
('tr_TR', 'Turkish/Turkey'),
('tr_TR.UTF-8', 'Turkish/Turkey(UTF-8)'),
('uk_UA', 'Ukrainian/Ukraine'),
('uk_UA.UTF-8', 'Ukrainian/Ukraine(UTF-8)'),
('ur_PK', 'Urdu/Pakistan'),
('uz_UZ', 'Uzbek/Uzbekistan'),
('uz_UZ.UTF-8', 'Uzbek/Uzbekistan(UTF-8)'),
('vi_VN', 'Vietnamese/Vietnam'),
('wa_BE@euro', 'Walloon/Belgium'),
('wa_BE.UTF-8', 'Walloon/Belgium(UTF-8)'),
('cy_GB', 'Welsh/Great Britain'),
('cy_GB.UTF-8', 'Welsh/Great Britain(UTF-8)'),
('xh_ZA', 'Xhosa/South Africa'),
('xh_ZA.UTF-8', 'Xhosa/South Africa(UTF-8)'),
('yi_US', 'Yiddish/USA'),
('yi_US.UTF-8', 'Yiddish/USA(UTF-8)'),
('zu_ZA', 'Zulu/South Africa'),
('zu_ZA.UTF-8', 'Zulu/South Africa(UTF-8)'),
[docs]class Month(select):
Syntax to select the month of a year.
choices = [
('', ''),
('all', _('all')),
('January', _('January')),
('February', _('February')),
('March', _('March')),
('April', _('April')),
('May', _('May')),
('June', _('June')),
('July', _('July')),
('August', _('August')),
('September', _('September')),
('October', _('October')),
('November', _('November')),
('December', _('December')),
[docs]class Weekday(select):
Syntax to select the day of a week.
choices = [
('', ''),
('all', _('all')),
('Monday', _('Monday')),
('Tuesday', _('Tuesday')),
('Wednesday', _('Wednesday')),
('Thursday', _('Thursday')),
('Friday', _('Friday')),
('Saturday', _('Saturday')),
('Sunday', _('Sunday')),
[docs]class Day(select):
Syntax to select the day of a month.
choices = [
('', ''),
('all', _('all')),
('1', '1'),
('2', '2'),
('3', '3'),
('4', '4'),
('5', '5'),
('6', '6'),
('7', '7'),
('8', '8'),
('9', '9'),
('10', '10'),
('11', '11'),
('12', '12'),
('13', '13'),
('14', '14'),
('15', '15'),
('16', '16'),
('17', '17'),
('18', '18'),
('19', '19'),
('20', '20'),
('21', '21'),
('22', '22'),
('23', '23'),
('24', '24'),
('25', '25'),
('26', '26'),
('27', '27'),
('28', '28'),
('29', '29'),
('30', '30'),
('31', '31'),
[docs]class Hour(select):
Syntax to select the hour of a day or all or none.
choices = [
('', ''),
('all', _('all')),
('00', '0'),
('1', '1'),
('2', '2'),
('3', '3'),
('4', '4'),
('5', '5'),
('6', '6'),
('7', '7'),
('8', '8'),
('9', '9'),
('10', '10'),
('11', '11'),
('12', '12'),
('13', '13'),
('14', '14'),
('15', '15'),
('16', '16'),
('17', '17'),
('18', '18'),
('19', '19'),
('20', '20'),
('21', '21'),
('22', '22'),
('23', '23'),
[docs]class HourSimple(select):
Syntax to select the hour of a day.
choices = [
('00', '0'),
('1', '1'),
('2', '2'),
('3', '3'),
('4', '4'),
('5', '5'),
('6', '6'),
('7', '7'),
('8', '8'),
('9', '9'),
('10', '10'),
('11', '11'),
('12', '12'),
('13', '13'),
('14', '14'),
('15', '15'),
('16', '16'),
('17', '17'),
('18', '18'),
('19', '19'),
('20', '20'),
('21', '21'),
('22', '22'),
('23', '23'),
[docs]class Minute(select):
Syntax to select the minute of a hour or all or none.
choices = [
('', ''),
('all', _('all')),
('00', '0'),
('5', '5'),
('10', '10'),
('15', '15'),
('20', '20'),
('25', '25'),
('30', '30'),
('35', '35'),
('40', '40'),
('45', '45'),
('50', '50'),
('55', '55'),
[docs]class MinuteSimple(select):
Syntax to select the minute of a hour.
choices = [
('00', '0'),
('5', '5'),
('10', '10'),
('15', '15'),
('20', '20'),
('25', '25'),
('30', '30'),
('35', '35'),
('40', '40'),
('45', '45'),
('50', '50'),
('55', '55'),
[docs]class UNIX_AccessRight(simple):
Syntax to configure UNIX file permissions.
.. seealso::
* :py:class:`UNIX_AccessRight_extended`
widget = 'UnixAccessRights'
widget_default_search_pattern = '000'
[docs]class UNIX_AccessRight_extended(simple):
Syntax to configure UNIX file permissions including set\ |UID|, set\ |GID| and sticky bits.
.. seealso::
* :py:class:`UNIX_AccessRight`
widget = 'UnixAccessRightsExtended'
widget_default_search_pattern = '0000'
[docs]class sambaGroupType(select):
Syntax to select Samba group type.
choices = [
('', ''),
('2', _('Domain Group')),
('3', _('Local Group')),
('5', _('Well-Known Group'))
[docs]class adGroupType(select):
Syntax to select Active Directory group type.
choices = [
('', ''),
('-2147483643', _('Local (Type: Security)')),
('-2147483646', _('Global (Type: Security)')),
('-2147483640', _('Universal (Type: Security)')),
('-2147483644', _('Domain local (Type: Security)')),
('4', _('Local (Type: Distribution)')),
('2', _('Global (Type: Distribution)')),
('8', _('Universal (Type: Distribution)')),
[docs]class SambaLogonHours(MultiSelect):
Syntax to select hour slots per day for Samba login.
>>> SambaLogonHours.parse("162 163")
[162, 163]
>>> SambaLogonHours.parse("5000") #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
choices = [
(idx * 24 + hour, '%s %d-%d' % (day, hour, hour + 1))
for idx, day in (
(0, _('Sun')),
(1, _('Mon')),
(2, _('Tue')),
(3, _('Wed')),
(4, _('Thu')),
(5, _('Fri')),
(6, _('Sat'))
) for hour in range(24)
type_class = univention.admin.types.SambaLogonHours
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, value):
# required for UDM CLI: in this case the keys MUST be of type int
if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
if len(value) == 42 and not value.strip('abcdef0123456789'):
from univention.admin.handlers.users.user import logonHoursUnmap
value = logonHoursUnmap([value.encode('ASCII')])
value = list(map(lambda x: int(x), shlex.split(value)))
return super(SambaLogonHours, self).parse(value)
[docs] @classmethod
def tostring(self, value):
# type: (list) -> str
if value is None:
return value
# better show the bit string. See Bug #33703
from univention.admin.handlers.users.user import logonHoursMap
mapped = logonHoursMap(value)
if mapped is not None:
mapped = mapped.decode('ASCII')
return mapped
[docs]class SambaPrivileges(select):
Syntax to select Samba privileges.
empty_value = True
choices = [
('SeMachineAccountPrivilege', _('Add machines to domain')),
('SeSecurityPrivilege', _('Manage auditing and security log')),
('SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege', _('Take ownership of files or other objects')),
('SeBackupPrivilege', _('Back up files and directories')),
('SeRestorePrivilege', _('Restore files and directories')),
('SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege', _('Force shutdown from a remote system')),
('SePrintOperatorPrivilege', _('Manage printers')),
('SeAddUsersPrivilege', _('Add users and groups to the domain')),
('SeDiskOperatorPrivilege', _('Manage disk shares')),
[docs]class UCSServerRole(select):
Syntax to select |UCS| server role.
>>> UCSServerRole.parse('Undefined')
>>> UCSServerRole.parse('')
>>> UCSServerRole.parse('domaincontroller_master')
empty_value = True
choices = [
('domaincontroller_master', _('Primary Directory Node')),
('domaincontroller_backup', _('Backup Directory Node')),
('domaincontroller_slave', _('Replica Directory Node')),
('memberserver', _('Managed Node')),
[docs]class ServiceMail(UDM_Objects):
Syntax to select a |UCS| host from |LDAP| by |DN| offering |SMTP| services.
.. seealso::
* :py:class:`MailHomeServer`
udm_modules = ('computers/domaincontroller_master', 'computers/domaincontroller_backup', 'computers/domaincontroller_slave', 'computers/memberserver')
udm_filter = '(&(!(univentionObjectFlag=docker))(service=SMTP))'
[docs]class ServicePrint(UDM_Objects):
Syntax to select a |UCS| host from |LDAP| by |DN| offering print services.
.. seealso::
* :py:class:`ServicePrint_FQDN`
udm_modules = ('computers/domaincontroller_master', 'computers/domaincontroller_backup', 'computers/domaincontroller_slave', 'computers/memberserver')
udm_filter = '(&(!(univentionObjectFlag=docker))(service=Print))'
[docs]class Service(UDM_Objects):
Syntax to select a |UCS| service types from |LDAP| using :py:class:`univention.admin.handlers.settings.service`.
udm_modules = ('settings/service', )
regex = None
key = '%(name)s'
label = '%(name)s'
simple = True
[docs]class nfssync(select):
Syntax to select the |NFS| synchronization type.
choices = [
('sync', _('synchronous')),
('async', _('asynchronous'))
[docs]class univentionAdminModules(select):
Syntax for selecting an |UDM| module.
>>> univention.admin.modules.update()
>>> univentionAdminModules.parse('users/user')
>>> univentionAdminModules.parse('nonexistant') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
# we need a fallback
choices = [
('computers/domaincontroller_backup', 'Computer: Backup Directory Node'),
('computers/domaincontroller_master', 'Computer: Primary Directory Node'),
('computers/domaincontroller_slave', 'Computer: Replica Directory Node'),
('computers/ipmanagedclient', 'Computer: IP Client'),
('computers/linux', 'Computer: Linux'),
('computers/macos', 'Computer: macOS Client'),
('computers/memberserver', 'Computer: Managed Node'),
('computers/trustaccount', 'Computer: Domain Trust Account'),
('computers/ubuntu', 'Computer: Ubuntu'),
('computers/windows', 'Computer: Windows'),
('computers/windows_domaincontroller', 'Computer: Windows Domaincontroller'),
('container/cn', 'Container: Container'),
('container/dc', 'Container: Domain'),
('container/ou', 'Container: Organizational Unit'),
('dhcp/host', 'DHCP: Host'),
('dhcp/pool', 'DHCP: Pool'),
('dhcp/server', 'DHCP: Server'),
('dhcp/service', 'DHCP: Service'),
('dhcp/shared', 'DHCP: Shared Network'),
('dhcp/sharedsubnet', 'DHCP: Shared Subnet'),
('dhcp/subnet', 'DHCP: Subnet'),
('dns/alias', 'DNS: Alias Record'),
('dns/forward_zone', 'DNS: Forward Lookup Zone'),
('dns/host_record', 'DNS: Host Record'),
('dns/ns_record', 'DNS: NS Record'),
('dns/ptr_record', 'DNS: Pointer'),
('dns/reverse_zone', 'DNS: Reverse Lookup Zone'),
('dns/srv_record', 'DNS: Service Record'),
('dns/txt_record', 'DNS: TXT Record'),
('groups/group', 'Group: Group'),
('kerberos/kdcentry', 'Kerberos: KDC Entry'),
('mail/domain', 'Mail: Mail Domains'),
('mail/folder', 'Mail: IMAP Folder'),
('mail/lists', 'Mail: Mailing Lists'),
('nagios/nagios', 'Nagios object'),
('nagios/service', 'Nagios service'),
('nagios/timeperiod', 'Nagios time period'),
('networks/network', 'Networks: Network'),
('policies/admin_container', 'Policy: Univention Admin Container Settings'),
('policies/desktop', 'Policy: Desktop'),
('policies/dhcp_boot', 'Policy: DHCP Boot'),
('policies/dhcp_dns', 'Policy: DHCP DNS'),
('policies/dhcp_dnsupdate', 'Policy: DHCP DNS Update'),
('policies/dhcp_leasetime', 'Policy: DHCP Lease Time'),
('policies/dhcp_netbios', 'Policy: DHCP Netbios'),
('policies/dhcp_routing', 'Policy: DHCP Routing'),
('policies/dhcp_scope', 'Policy: DHCP Allow/Deny'),
('policies/dhcp_statements', 'Policy: DHCP Statements'),
('policies/ldapserver', 'Policy: LDAP Server'),
('policies/maintenance', 'Policy: Maintenance'),
('policies/masterpackages', 'Policy: Packages for Primary/Backup Nodes'),
('policies/memberpackages', 'Policy: Packages for Managed Nodes'),
('policies/nfsmounts', 'Policy: NFS mounts'),
('policies/printserver', 'Policy: Print Server'),
('policies/pwhistory', 'Policy: Password Policy'),
('policies/registry', 'Policy: Univention Configuration Registry'),
('policies/release', 'Policy: Release'),
('policies/repositoryserver', 'Policy: Repository Server'),
('policies/repositorysync', 'Policy: Repository Sync'),
('policies/share_userquota', 'Policy: Userquota-Policy'),
('policies/slavepackages', 'Policy: Packages for Replica Nodes'),
('policies/umc', 'Policy: UMC'),
('settings/cn', 'Univention Settings'),
('settings/data', 'Data'),
('settings/default', 'Preferences: Default'),
('settings/directory', 'Preferences: Path'),
('settings/extended_attribute', 'Settings: Extended attribute'),
('settings/extended_options', 'Settings: Extended option'),
('settings/ldapacl', 'Settings: LDAP ACL Extension'),
('settings/ldapschema', 'Settings: LDAP Schema Extension'),
('settings/license', 'Settings: License'),
('settings/lock', 'Settings: Lock'),
('settings/packages', 'Settings: Package List'),
('settings/printermodel', 'Settings: Printer Driver List'),
('settings/printeruri', 'Settings: Printer URI List'),
('settings/prohibited_username', 'Settings: Prohibited Usernames'),
('settings/sambaconfig', 'Settings: Samba Configuration'),
('settings/sambadomain', 'Settings: Samba Domain'),
('settings/service', 'Settings: Service'),
('settings/settings', 'Preferences'),
('settings/syntax', 'Settings: Syntax Definition'),
('settings/udm_hook', 'Settings: UDM Hook'),
('settings/udm_module', 'Settings: UDM Module'),
('settings/udm_syntax', 'Settings: UDM Syntax'),
('settings/umc_operationset', 'Settings: UMC operation set'),
('settings/usertemplate', 'Settings: User Template'),
('shares/printer', 'Print-Share: Printer'),
('shares/printergroup', 'Print-Share: Printer Group'),
('shares/share', 'Share: Directory'),
('users/contact', 'Contact'),
('users/ldap', 'Simple authentication account'),
('users/passwd', 'User: Password'),
('users/self', 'User: Self'),
('users/user', 'User')
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
for choice in self.choices:
if choice[0] == text:
return text
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax(_('"%s" is not a Univention Admin Module.') % text)
[docs] @classmethod
def update_choices(cls):
Update internal list of |UDM| modules in :py:class:`univentionAdminModules`.
cls.choices = cls.sort_choices((
(name, univention.admin.modules.short_description(mod))
for name, mod in univention.admin.modules.modules.items()
if not univention.admin.modules.virtual(mod)
[docs]class UDM_PropertySelect(complex):
Syntax to enter |UDM| module and property name.
subsyntaxes = ((_('UDM module'), string), (_('property'), string))
subsyntax_names = ('module', 'property')
[docs]class listAttributes(string):
Syntax to enter |UDM| property name.
.. deprecated::
Old syntax required by :py:class:`univention.admin.handler.settings.syntax`.
Should be removed after migrating to :py:class:`UDM_PropertySelect`.
>>> listAttributes.parse("a value")
'a value'
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
return text
[docs]class timeSpec(select):
Time format used by :program:`at`.
_times = [
(_time, _time) for hour in range(0, 24)
for minute in range(0, 60, 15)
for _time in ('%02d:%02d' % (hour, minute),)
choices = [
('', _('No Reboot')),
('now', _('Immediately')),
] + _times
[docs]class optionsUsersUser(select):
Syntax to select options for |UDM| module :py:class:`univention.admin.handlers.users.user`.
choices = [('pki', _('Public key infrastructure account'))]
[docs] @classmethod
def update_choices(cls):
users = univention.admin.modules.get('users/user')
if users:
cls.choices = [(key, x.short_description) for key, x in users.options.items() if key != 'default']
[docs]class allModuleOptions(combobox):
Syntax to select options for |UDM| modules.
depends = 'module'
[docs] @classmethod
def update_choices(cls):
cls.choices = cls.get_choices(None, {'dependencies': {cls.depends: list(univention.admin.modules.modules)}})
[docs] @classmethod
def get_choices(cls, lo, options):
if cls.depends not in options.get('dependencies', {}): # pragma: no cover
return cls.choices
modules = options['dependencies'][cls.depends]
return cls.sort_choices([
(key, opt.short_description)
for module in modules
for key, opt in getattr(univention.admin.modules.get(module), 'options', {}).items()
if key != 'default'
[docs]class nagiosHostsEnabledDn(UDM_Objects):
Syntax to select Nagios enabled hosts from |LDAP|.
udm_modules = ('computers/computer', )
udm_filter = '(&(!(univentionObjectFlag=docker))(objectClass=univentionNagiosHostClass)(univentionNagiosEnabled=1)(aRecord=*))'
[docs]class nagiosServiceDn(UDM_Objects):
Syntax to select a Nagios services from |LDAP| using :py:class:`univention.admin.handlers.nagios.service`.
udm_modules = ('nagios/service', )
[docs]class NagiosTimePeriod(UDM_Attribute):
udm_module = 'nagios/timeperiod'
attribute = 'name'
[docs]class UCR_Variable(complex):
Syntax to enter |UCR| variable name and value.
subsyntaxes = ((_('Variable'), string), (_('Value'), string))
subsyntax_names = ('variable', 'value')
subsyntax_key_value = True
[docs]class LDAP_Search(select):
Selection list from LDAP search.
Searches can be either defined dynamically via a UDM settings/syntax
definition and using
or programmatically by directly instantiating
LDAP_Search(filter='LDAP-Search-Filter>', attribute=['<LDAP attributes>', ...], value='<LDAP attribute>', base='<LDAP base>')
>>> from univention.admin.uldap import getMachineConnection
>>> from univention.lib.misc import custom_username
>>> syntax = LDAP_Search('mysyntax', '(univentionObjectType=users/user)', ['uid'])
>>> if os.path.exists('/etc/machine.secret'):
... lo, pos = getMachineConnection()
... syntax._load(lo)
... any(dn.startswith('uid=' + custom_username('Administrator')) for dn, value, attrs in syntax.get_choices(lo, {}))
... else:
... True
>>> syntax = LDAP_Search('mysyntax2', '(univentionObjectType=fantasy)', ['cn'])
>>> if os.path.exists('/etc/machine.secret'):
... syntax.get_choices(lo, {})
... else:
... []
FILTER_PATTERN = '(&(objectClass=univentionSyntax)(cn=%s))'
base = ''
value = 'dn'
viewonly = False
addEmptyValue = False
appendEmptyValue = False
search_widget = 'ComboBox'
def __init__(self, syntax_name=None, filter=None, attribute=[], base='', value='dn', viewonly=False, addEmptyValue=False, appendEmptyValue=False):
"""Creates an syntax object providing a list of choices defined
by a LDAP objects
:param syntax_name: name of the syntax LDAP object.
:param filter: an LDAP filter to find the LDAP objects providing the
list of choices. The filter may contain patterns, that are ...
:param attribute: a list of UDM module attributes definitions like
`shares/share: dn` to be used as human readable representation
for each element of the choices.
:param value: the UDM module attribute that will be stored to identify
the selected element. The value is specified like `shares/share: dn`.
:param viewonly: If set to True the values can not be changed.
:param addEmptyValue: If set to True an empty value is add to the list
of choices.
:param appendEmptyValue: Same as addEmptyValue but added at the end.
Used to automatically choose an existing entry in frontend.
self.name = self.__class__.__name__
def __new__(cls, syntax_name=None, filter=None, attribute=[], base='', value='dn', viewonly=False, addEmptyValue=False, appendEmptyValue=False):
props = {
'syntax': syntax_name,
'viewonly': viewonly,
'addEmptyValue': addEmptyValue,
'appendEmptyValue': appendEmptyValue,
if filter is not None:
# programmatically
'syntax': None,
'filter': filter,
'attributes': attribute,
'base': base,
'value': value,
return super(LDAP_Search, cls).__new__(type(cls.__name__, (cls,), props))
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
return text
def _load(self, lo):
"""Loads an LDAP_Search object from the LDAP directory. If no
syntax name is given the object is expected to be created with
the required settings programmatically."""
self = type(self)
if not self.syntax:
# programmatically
if self.viewonly:
self.value = 'dn'
# get values from UDM settings/syntax
filter = filter_format(LDAP_Search.FILTER_PATTERN, [self.syntax])
dn, attrs = lo.search(filter=filter)[0]
except Exception:
if dn:
self.filter = attrs['univentionSyntaxLDAPFilter'][0].decode('utf-8')
self.attributes = [x.decode('UTF-8') for x in attrs['univentionSyntaxLDAPAttribute']]
if 'univentionSyntaxLDAPBase' in attrs:
self.base = attrs['univentionSyntaxLDAPBase'][0].decode('utf-8')
self.base = ''
self.value = attrs.get('univentionSyntaxLDAPValue', [b'dn'])[0].decode('utf-8')
if attrs.get('univentionSyntaxViewOnly', [b'FALSE'])[0] == b'TRUE':
self.viewonly = True
self.value = 'dn'
self.addEmptyValue = (attrs.get('univentionSyntaxAddEmptyValue', [b'0'])[0].upper() in [b'TRUE', b'1'])
self.appendEmptyValue = (attrs.get('univentionSyntaxAppendEmptyValue', [b'0'])[0].upper() in [b'TRUE', b'1'])
[docs] @classmethod
def get_choices(cls, lo, options):
return [(choice['id'], choice['label']) for choice in cls.get_umc_choices(lo, options)]
[docs] @classmethod
def get_umc_choices(cls, lo, options):
"""Workaround for UMC - we should get rid of this class at all"""
options = options.get('options', {})
syn = cls(options['syntax'], options['filter'], options['attributes'], options['base'], options['value'], options['viewonly'], options['empty'], options['empty_end'])
except KeyError:
syn = cls
return syn._get_choices(lo, options)
def _get_choices(cls, lo, options):
def split_module_attr(value):
if ': ' in value:
return value.split(': ', 1)
return (None, value)
filter_s = cls.filter
if 'dn' in options:
filter_mod = univention.admin.modules.identifyOne(options['dn'], lo.get(options['dn']))
if filter_mod:
obj = univention.admin.objects.get(filter_mod, None, lo, None, options['dn'])
filter_s = univention.admin.pattern_replace(filter_s, obj) # FIXME: LDAP filter is not escaped
choices = []
for dn in lo.searchDn(filter=filter_s, base=cls.base):
# cls.attributes: pass on all display attributes so the frontend has a chance to supoport it some day
if cls.viewonly:
display_attr = cls.attributes
store_pattern, display_attr = cls.value, cls.attributes
if display_attr:
# currently we just support one display attribute
mod_display, display = split_module_attr(display_attr[0]) # mod_display might be None
modules = univention.admin.modules.objectType(None, lo, dn)
modules = univention.admin.modules.objectType(None, lo, dn)
display = None
module = next(univention.admin.modules.get(m) for m in modules)
except StopIteration:
module = None
if not module:
obj = module.object(None, lo, None, dn)
if not obj:
# find the value to store
id = dn
if not cls.viewonly:
mod_store, store = split_module_attr(store_pattern)
if store == 'dn':
id = dn
elif store in obj:
id = obj[store]
elif store in obj.oldattr and obj.oldattr[store]:
id = obj.oldattr[store][0].decode(*module.mapping.getEncoding(store))
# no valid store object, ignore
ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.WARN, 'LDAP_Search syntax %r: %r is no valid property for object %r - ignoring entry.' % (cls.name, store, dn))
# find the value to display
if display == 'dn':
label = dn
elif display is None: # if view-only and in case of error
label = '%s: %s' % (getattr(module, 'short_description', module.module), obj.description())
if display in obj:
label = obj[display]
elif display in obj.oldattr and obj.oldattr[display]:
label = obj.oldattr[display][0].decode(*module.mapping.getEncoding(display))
ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.WARN, 'LDAP_Search syntax %r: defines unknown attribute %r' % (cls.name, display))
label = 'Unknown attribute %r' % (display,)
# TODO: remove this one day...
# choices.append((id, label))
choices.append({'objectType': module.module, 'id': id, 'label': label})
# sort choices before inserting / appending some special items
choices = cls.sort_choices(choices)
# then append empty value
if cls.addEmptyValue:
choices.insert(0, {'id': '', 'label': ''})
elif cls.appendEmptyValue:
choices.append({'id': '', 'label': ''})
return choices
[docs] @classmethod
def sort_choices(cls, choices):
return sorted(choices, key=lambda choice: choice['label'] if isinstance(choice, dict) else choice[1])
[docs]class nfsShare(UDM_Objects):
Syntax for selecting defined |NFS| shares.
.. seealso::
* :py:class:`WritableShare`
udm_modules = ('shares/share', )
label = '%(name)s (%(host)s)' # '%(printablename)s' optimized for performance...
udm_filter = 'objectClass=univentionShareNFS'
use_objects = False
[docs]class nfsMounts(complex):
Syntax to define a |NFS| mount point.
subsyntaxes = [(_('NFS share'), nfsShare), ('Mount point', string)]
subsyntax_names = ('nfs-share', 'mount-point')
all_required = True
[docs]class languageCode(combobox):
Syntax for a language, e.g. `language_COUNTRY`.
>>> languageCode.parse("de_DE")
>>> languageCode.parse("en_US")
>>> languageCode.parse("C") #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> languageCode.parse("german") #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
_re = re.compile(r'^[a-z][a-z]_[A-Z][A-Z]$')
choices = (lambda m: [kv for kv in language.choices if m(kv[0])])(_re.match)
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
if self._re.match(text) is not None:
return text
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_('Language code must be in format "xx_XX"!'))
[docs]class translationTuple(complex):
Syntax for some translatable text.
delimiter = ': '
subsyntaxes = [(_('Language code (e.g. en_US)'), languageCode), (_('Text'), string)]
subsyntax_key_value = True
all_required = True
[docs]class translationTupleShortDescription(translationTuple):
Syntax for a translated short description of an |UDM| property.
subsyntaxes = [(_('Language code (e.g. en_US)'), languageCode), (_('Translated short description'), string)]
[docs]class translationTupleLongDescription(translationTuple):
Syntax for a translated long description of an |UDM| property.
subsyntaxes = [(_('Language code (e.g. en_US)'), languageCode), (_('Translated long description'), string)]
[docs]class translationTupleTabName(translationTuple):
Syntax for a translated |UMC| tab name for an |UDM| property.
subsyntaxes = [(_('Language code (e.g. en_US)'), languageCode), (_('Translated tab name'), string)]
[docs]class I18N_GroupName(translationTuple):
Syntax for a translated group name.
subsyntaxes = [(_('Language code (e.g. en_US)'), languageCode), (_('Translated group name'), string)]
[docs]class disabled(boolean):
Syntax to select account disabled state.
>>> disabled.parse("none")
>>> disabled.parse("none2")
>>> disabled.parse("all")
>>> disabled.parse("posix_kerberos")
>>> disabled.parse("hallo") #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(cls, text):
if text in ('none', 'none2'):
text = '0'
elif text in ('all', 'windows', 'kerberos', 'posix', 'windows_posix', 'windows_kerberos', 'posix_kerberos'):
text = '1'
return super(disabled, cls).parse(text)
[docs]class locked(boolean):
Syntax to select account locked state.
>>> locked.parse("none")
>>> locked.parse("posix")
>>> locked.parse("windows")
>>> locked.parse("all")
>>> locked.parse("posix_kerberos") #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> locked.parse("none2") #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
widget = 'umc/modules/udm/LockedCheckBox'
search_widget = 'CheckBox'
widget_default_search_pattern = False
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(cls, text):
if text in ('all', 'windows', 'posix'):
text = '1'
elif text == 'none':
text = '0'
return super(locked, cls).parse(text)
# printing stuff
[docs]class Printers(UDM_Objects):
Syntax to select a printers from |LDAP| using :py:class:`univention.admin.handlers.shares.printer`.
.. seealso::
* :py:class:`PrinterNames`
udm_modules = ('shares/printer', )
depends = 'spoolHost'
simple = True
key = '%(name)s'
[docs] @classmethod
def udm_filter(self, options):
return '(|(spoolHost=%s))' % ')(spoolHost='.join(map(escape_filter_chars, options[Printers.depends]))
[docs]class PrinterNames(UDM_Objects):
Syntax to select a printers from |LDAP| using :py:class:`univention.admin.handlers.shares.printer`.
.. seealso::
* :py:class:`Printers`
>>> PrinterNames().type_class
<class 'univention.admin.types.StringType'>
udm_modules = ('shares/printer', )
depends = 'spoolHost'
simple = True
key = '%(name)s'
regex = re.compile('(?u)(^[a-zA-Z0-9])[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*([a-zA-Z0-9]$)')
[docs] @classmethod
def udm_filter(self, options):
return '(|(spoolHost=%s))' % ')(spoolHost='.join(map(escape_filter_chars, options[Printers.depends]))
[docs]class PrintQuotaGroup(complex):
Syntax to configure a page quota for all users of a group together.
.. seealso::
* :py:class:`PrintQuotaGroupPerUser`
* :py:class:`PrintQuotaUser`
subsyntaxes = ((_('Soft limit (pages)'), integer), (_('Hard limit (pages)'), integer), (_('Group'), GroupName))
subsyntax_names = ('soft-limit', 'hard-limit', 'group')
[docs]class PrintQuotaGroupPerUser(complex):
Syntax to configure a page quota for all individual users of a group.
.. seealso::
* :py:class:`PrintQuotaUser`
* :py:class:`PrintQuotaGroup`
subsyntaxes = ((_('Soft limit (pages)'), integer), (_('Hard limit (pages)'), integer), (_('Group'), GroupName))
subsyntax_names = ('soft-limit', 'hard-limit', 'group')
[docs]class PrintQuotaUser(complex):
Syntax to configure a page quota for an individual user.
.. seealso::
* :py:class:`PrintQuotaGroupPerUser`
* :py:class:`PrintQuotaGroup`
subsyntaxes = ((_('Soft limit (pages)'), integer), (_('Hard limit (pages)'), integer), (_('User'), UserName))
subsyntax_names = ('soft-limit', 'hard-limit', 'group')
[docs]class printerName(simple):
Syntax to enter a printer name.
>>> printerName.parse("drucker1")
>>> printerName.parse("drücker1") #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
min_length = 1
max_length = 16
_re = re.compile('(?u)(^[a-zA-Z0-9])[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*([a-zA-Z0-9]$)')
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
if self._re.match(text) is not None:
return text
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_("Value may not contain other than numbers, letters, underscore (\"_\") and minus (\"-\")!"))
[docs]class printerModel(complex):
Syntax to enter a printer model description.
subsyntaxes = [(_('Driver'), string), (_('Description'), string)]
subsyntax_names = ('driver', 'description')
all_required = True
[docs]class PrinterDriverList(UDM_Attribute):
Syntax to select a printer driver from |LDAP| using :py:class:`univention.admin.handlers.settings.printermodel`.
udm_module = 'settings/printermodel'
attribute = 'printmodel'
is_complex = True
key_index = 0
label_index = 1
udm_filter = 'dn'
depends = 'producer'
[docs]class PrinterProducerList(UDM_Objects):
Syntax to select a printer producer from |LDAP| using :py:class:`univention.admin.handlers.settings.printermodel`.
udm_modules = ('settings/printermodel', )
label = '%(name)s'
[docs]class PrinterProtocol(UDM_Attribute):
Syntax to select a printer |URI| from |LDAP| using :py:class:`univention.admin.handlers.settings.printeruri`.
udm_module = 'settings/printeruri'
attribute = 'printeruri'
is_complex = False
[docs]class PrinterURI(complex):
Syntax to configure printer.
>>> PrinterURI.parse(["uri://", "localhost"])
['uri://', 'localhost']
>>> PrinterURI.parse(["cups-pdf:/", ""])
['cups-pdf:/', '']
>>> PrinterURI.parse(["uri://", None]) #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> PrinterURI.parse(["uri://", "localhost", "one more"]) #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> PrinterURI.parse(["uri://"]) #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
subsyntaxes = ((_('Protocol'), PrinterProtocol), (_('Destination'), string))
subsyntax_names = ('protocol', 'destination')
all_required = False
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, texts):
parsed = []
if self.min_elements is not None:
count = self.min_elements
count = len(self.subsyntaxes) if 'pdf' not in texts[0] else len(self.subsyntaxes) - 1
if len(texts) < count:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax(_('Protocol and destination have to be specified.'))
if len(texts) > len(self.subsyntaxes):
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax(_("too many arguments"))
for i, (text, (desc, syn)) in enumerate(zip(texts, self.subsyntaxes)):
ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'syntax.py: subsyntax[%s]=%s, text=%s' % (i, syn, text))
if text is None and (self.min_elements is None or (i + 1) < count):
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax(_("Invalid syntax: %s > %s") % (self.name, desc,))
s = syn() if inspect.isclass(syn) else syn
p = s.parse(text)
if p is not None:
return parsed
[docs]class policyName(string):
Syntax to enter |UDM| policy name.
>>> policyName.parse('A valid name')
'A valid name'
>>> policyName.parse('An invalid name ') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
_re = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9 #!$%&/\|\^.~_-]*?[a-zA-Z0-9#!$%&/\|\^.~_-]{1}$')
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
if self._re.match(text):
return text
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(_(
'May only contain letters (except umlauts), digits, space as well as the characters # ! $ % & | ^ . ~ _ -. Has to begin with a letter or digit and must not end with space.'
[docs]class Portals(UDM_Objects):
Syntax to select a portal from |LDAP| using :py:class:`univention.admin.handlers.settings.portal`.
udm_modules = ('settings/portal', )
label = '%(name)s'
empty_value = True
[docs]class PortalEntries(UDM_Objects):
Syntax to select a portal entries from |LDAP| using :py:class:`univention.admin.handlers.settings.portal_entry`.
udm_modules = ('settings/portal_entry', )
label = '%(name)s'
empty_value = True
[docs]class PortalLinksPosition(select):
Syntax to select the position of links on the portal.
choices = [
('footer', _('Footer')),
[docs]class PortalLinks(complex):
Syntax to configure links on the portal.
delimiter = '$$'
subsyntaxes = [(_('Position'), PortalLinksPosition), (_('Link'), string), (_('Locale'), languageCode), (_('Name'), string)]
subsyntax_names = ('position', 'link', 'locale', 'name')
all_required = True
[docs]class PortalCategory(select):
Syntax to select a portal category version 1 from a static list with just 2 categories.
.. seealso::
* :py:class:`PortalCategoryV2`
choices = [
('admin', _('Shown in category "Administration"')),
('service', _('Shown in category "Installed services"')),
[docs]class PortalCategoryV2(UDM_Objects):
Syntax to select a portal category version 2 from |LDAP| using :py:class:`univention.admin.handlers.settings.portal_category`.
.. seealso::
* :py:class:`PortalCategory`
udm_modules = ('settings/portal_category', )
label = '%(name)s'
empty_value = True
[docs]class PortalEntrySelection(complex):
Syntax to select a portal entry.
subsyntaxes = [(_('Portal Entry'), PortalEntries)]
subsyntax_names = ('portal-entry',)
widget = widget_multivalue = 'umc/modules/udm/PortalContent'
widget_default_search_pattern = None
[docs]class PortalCategorySelection(simple):
Syntax to select a portal category.
>>> PCS = PortalCategorySelection
>>> x = PCS.tostring([["cn=category1", []], ["cn=category2", ["cn=entry1", "cn=entry2"]]])
>>> x.replace(' ','').replace('\n','')
>>> PCS.parse(PCS().parse_command_line('[["cn=category1",[]],["cn=category2",["cn=entry1","cn=entry2"]]]'))
[['cn=category1', []], ['cn=category2', ['cn=entry1', 'cn=entry2']]]
>>> PCS.parse(PCS().parse_command_line('[["cn=category1",[]],["",["cn=entry1","cn=entry2"]]]')) #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> PCS.parse(PCS().parse_command_line('[["cn=category1"]]')) #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> PCS.parse(PCS().parse_command_line('[["cn=category1",[], []]]')) #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> PCS.parse(PCS().parse_command_line('hallo')) #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
subsyntaxes = [(_('Portal Category'), PortalCategoryV2), (_('Portal Entry'), PortalEntrySelection)]
subsyntax_names = ('portal-category', 'portal-entry',)
widget = 'umc/modules/udm/PortalContent'
widget_default_search_pattern = None
[docs] def parse_command_line(self, value):
return json.loads(value)
except ValueError:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax(_("Value has to be in valid json format"))
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, texts, minn=None):
for text in texts:
if len(text) < len(self.subsyntaxes):
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax(_("not enough arguments"))
elif len(text) > len(self.subsyntaxes):
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax(_("too many arguments"))
if len(text[1]) > 0 and not text[0]:
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax(_("Portal entries can not be added to an empty category"))
s = Portals()
s = PortalEntries()
for portal_entry in text[1]:
return texts
[docs] @classmethod
def tostring(self, texts):
# type: (Any) -> str
return json.dumps(texts, indent=2)
[docs]class AuthRestriction(select):
Syntax to select the authentication restriction for the portal.
choices = [
('admin', _('Visible for Admins only')),
('authenticated', _('Visible for authenticated users')),
('anonymous', _('Visible for everyone')),
[docs]class PortalFontColor(select):
Syntax to select the color of the font in the portal.
choices = [
('white', _('White')),
('black', _('Black')),
[docs]class PortalDefaultLinkTarget(select):
choices = [
('samewindow', _('Same tab')),
('newwindow', _('New tab')),
[docs]class PortalEntryLinkTarget(select):
choices = [
('useportaldefault', _('Use default of portal')),
('samewindow', _('Same tab')),
('newwindow', _('New tab')),
[docs]class LocalizedDisplayName(translationTuple):
Syntax for a translated display name of a portal entry.
subsyntaxes = [(_('Language code (e.g. en_US)'), languageCode), (_('Display Name'), string)]
[docs]class LocalizedDescription(translationTuple):
Syntax for a translated description of a portal entry.
subsyntaxes = [(_('Language code (e.g. en_US)'), languageCode), (_('Description'), string)]
[docs]class LocalizedAnonymousEmpty(translationTuple):
Syntax for a translated description of a portal entry.
In addition to :py:class:`LocalizedDescription` it allows to specify a fallback for anonymous visitors.
subsyntaxes = [(_('Language code (e.g. en_US)'), languageCode), (_('Message that is shown to anonymous visitors when the portal is empty'), TwoEditor)]
[docs]class mailHomeServer(LDAP_Search):
Syntax to select UCS servers providing the |IMAP| service.
.. deprecated:: 3.2-1
Use :py:class:`MailHomeServer`.
def __init__(self):
attribute=['computers/computer: fqdn'],
value='computers/computer: fqdn',
[docs]class hostname_or_ipadress_or_network(simple):
Syntax for (fully qualified) host name or IP address or IP network.
>>> hostname_or_ipadress_or_network.parse('hostname')
>>> hostname_or_ipadress_or_network.parse('')
>>> hostname_or_ipadress_or_network.parse('')
>>> hostname_or_ipadress_or_network.parse('illegalhostname$!"§%&/(') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> hostname_or_ipadress_or_network.parse('') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> hostname_or_ipadress_or_network.parse('/24') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> hostname_or_ipadress_or_network.parse('') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
[docs] @classmethod
def parse(self, text):
if '/' in text: # a network
else: # a hostname or ip address
except univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError as exc:
error = _('Error: %(text)s - %(exc)s')
raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError(error % {'text': text, 'exc': exc})
return text
[docs]class ObjectFlag(select):
Syntax for |UDM| object flags.
empty_value = True
choices = [
('hidden', _('Mark this object as hidden')),
('temporary', _('Mark this object as temporary')),
('functional', _('Ignore this object in standard UDM modules')),
('docker', _('This object is related to a Docker App container')),
('synced', _('This object is synchronized from Active Directory')),
[docs]class Country(select):
Syntax for selecting a country by name.
Stored as the `ISO 3166-1 two-letter country code <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2>`_.
empty_value = True
choices = [] # type: List[Tuple[str, str]]
[docs] @classmethod
def update_choices(cls):
iso_3166 = localization.translation('iso_3166')
_iso_3166 = iso_3166.translate
choices = [
('AF', _iso_3166(u'Afghanistan')), ('AX', _iso_3166(u'\xc5land Islands')),
('AL', _iso_3166(u'Albania')), ('DZ', _iso_3166(u'Algeria')),
('AS', _iso_3166(u'American Samoa')), ('AD', _iso_3166(u'Andorra')),
('AO', _iso_3166(u'Angola')), ('AI', _iso_3166(u'Anguilla')), ('AQ', _iso_3166(u'Antarctica')),
('AG', _iso_3166(u'Antigua and Barbuda')), ('AR', _iso_3166(u'Argentina')),
('AM', _iso_3166(u'Armenia')), ('AW', _iso_3166(u'Aruba')), ('AU', _iso_3166(u'Australia')),
('AT', _iso_3166(u'Austria')), ('AZ', _iso_3166(u'Azerbaijan')), ('BS', _iso_3166(u'Bahamas')),
('BH', _iso_3166(u'Bahrain')), ('BD', _iso_3166(u'Bangladesh')), ('BB', _iso_3166(u'Barbados')),
('BY', _iso_3166(u'Belarus')), ('BE', _iso_3166(u'Belgium')), ('BZ', _iso_3166(u'Belize')),
('BJ', _iso_3166(u'Benin')), ('BM', _iso_3166(u'Bermuda')), ('BT', _iso_3166(u'Bhutan')),
('BO', _iso_3166(u'Bolivia, Plurinational State of')),
('BQ', _iso_3166(u'Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba')),
('BA', _iso_3166(u'Bosnia and Herzegovina')), ('BW', _iso_3166(u'Botswana')),
('BV', _iso_3166(u'Bouvet Island')), ('BR', _iso_3166(u'Brazil')),
('IO', _iso_3166(u'British Indian Ocean Territory')),
('BN', _iso_3166(u'Brunei Darussalam')), ('BG', _iso_3166(u'Bulgaria')),
('BF', _iso_3166(u'Burkina Faso')), ('BI', _iso_3166(u'Burundi')),
('KH', _iso_3166(u'Cambodia')), ('CM', _iso_3166(u'Cameroon')), ('CA', _iso_3166(u'Canada')),
('CV', _iso_3166(u'Cabo Verde')), ('KY', _iso_3166(u'Cayman Islands')),
('CF', _iso_3166(u'Central African Republic')), ('TD', _iso_3166(u'Chad')),
('CL', _iso_3166(u'Chile')), ('CN', _iso_3166(u'China')),
('CX', _iso_3166(u'Christmas Island')), ('CC', _iso_3166(u'Cocos (Keeling) Islands')),
('CO', _iso_3166(u'Colombia')), ('KM', _iso_3166(u'Comoros')), ('CG', _iso_3166(u'Congo')),
('CD', _iso_3166(u'Congo, The Democratic Republic of the')),
('CK', _iso_3166(u'Cook Islands')), ('CR', _iso_3166(u'Costa Rica')),
('CI', _iso_3166(u"C\xf4te d'Ivoire")), ('HR', _iso_3166(u'Croatia')),
('CU', _iso_3166(u'Cuba')), ('CW', _iso_3166(u'Cura\xe7ao')), ('CY', _iso_3166(u'Cyprus')),
('CZ', _iso_3166(u'Czechia')), ('DK', _iso_3166(u'Denmark')),
('DJ', _iso_3166(u'Djibouti')), ('DM', _iso_3166(u'Dominica')),
('DO', _iso_3166(u'Dominican Republic')), ('EC', _iso_3166(u'Ecuador')),
('EG', _iso_3166(u'Egypt')), ('SV', _iso_3166(u'El Salvador')),
('GQ', _iso_3166(u'Equatorial Guinea')), ('ER', _iso_3166(u'Eritrea')),
('EE', _iso_3166(u'Estonia')), ('ET', _iso_3166(u'Ethiopia')),
('FK', _iso_3166(u'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)')), ('FO', _iso_3166(u'Faroe Islands')),
('FJ', _iso_3166(u'Fiji')), ('FI', _iso_3166(u'Finland')), ('FR', _iso_3166(u'France')),
('GF', _iso_3166(u'French Guiana')), ('PF', _iso_3166(u'French Polynesia')),
('TF', _iso_3166(u'French Southern Territories')), ('GA', _iso_3166(u'Gabon')),
('GM', _iso_3166(u'Gambia')), ('GE', _iso_3166(u'Georgia')), ('DE', _iso_3166(u'Germany')),
('GH', _iso_3166(u'Ghana')), ('GI', _iso_3166(u'Gibraltar')), ('GR', _iso_3166(u'Greece')),
('GL', _iso_3166(u'Greenland')), ('GD', _iso_3166(u'Grenada')),
('GP', _iso_3166(u'Guadeloupe')), ('GU', _iso_3166(u'Guam')), ('GT', _iso_3166(u'Guatemala')),
('GG', _iso_3166(u'Guernsey')), ('GN', _iso_3166(u'Guinea')),
('GW', _iso_3166(u'Guinea-Bissau')), ('GY', _iso_3166(u'Guyana')), ('HT', _iso_3166(u'Haiti')),
('HM', _iso_3166(u'Heard Island and McDonald Islands')),
('VA', _iso_3166(u'Holy See (Vatican City State)')), ('HN', _iso_3166(u'Honduras')),
('HK', _iso_3166(u'Hong Kong')), ('HU', _iso_3166(u'Hungary')), ('IS', _iso_3166(u'Iceland')),
('IN', _iso_3166(u'India')), ('ID', _iso_3166(u'Indonesia')),
('IR', _iso_3166(u'Iran, Islamic Republic of')), ('IQ', _iso_3166(u'Iraq')),
('IE', _iso_3166(u'Ireland')), ('IM', _iso_3166(u'Isle of Man')), ('IL', _iso_3166(u'Israel')),
('IT', _iso_3166(u'Italy')), ('JM', _iso_3166(u'Jamaica')), ('JP', _iso_3166(u'Japan')),
('JE', _iso_3166(u'Jersey')), ('JO', _iso_3166(u'Jordan')), ('KZ', _iso_3166(u'Kazakhstan')),
('KE', _iso_3166(u'Kenya')), ('KI', _iso_3166(u'Kiribati')),
('KP', _iso_3166(u"Korea, Democratic People's Republic of")),
('KR', _iso_3166(u'Korea, Republic of')), ('KW', _iso_3166(u'Kuwait')),
('KG', _iso_3166(u'Kyrgyzstan')),
('LA', _iso_3166(u"Lao People's Democratic Republic")), ('LV', _iso_3166(u'Latvia')),
('LB', _iso_3166(u'Lebanon')), ('LS', _iso_3166(u'Lesotho')), ('LR', _iso_3166(u'Liberia')),
('LY', _iso_3166(u'Libya')), ('LI', _iso_3166(u'Liechtenstein')),
('LT', _iso_3166(u'Lithuania')), ('LU', _iso_3166(u'Luxembourg')), ('MO', _iso_3166(u'Macao')),
('MK', _iso_3166(u'Macedonia, Republic of')), ('MG', _iso_3166(u'Madagascar')),
('MW', _iso_3166(u'Malawi')), ('MY', _iso_3166(u'Malaysia')), ('MV', _iso_3166(u'Maldives')),
('ML', _iso_3166(u'Mali')), ('MT', _iso_3166(u'Malta')), ('MH', _iso_3166(u'Marshall Islands')),
('MQ', _iso_3166(u'Martinique')), ('MR', _iso_3166(u'Mauritania')),
('MU', _iso_3166(u'Mauritius')), ('YT', _iso_3166(u'Mayotte')), ('MX', _iso_3166(u'Mexico')),
('FM', _iso_3166(u'Micronesia, Federated States of')),
('MD', _iso_3166(u'Moldova, Republic of')), ('MC', _iso_3166(u'Monaco')),
('MN', _iso_3166(u'Mongolia')), ('ME', _iso_3166(u'Montenegro')),
('MS', _iso_3166(u'Montserrat')), ('MA', _iso_3166(u'Morocco')),
('MZ', _iso_3166(u'Mozambique')), ('MM', _iso_3166(u'Myanmar')), ('NA', _iso_3166(u'Namibia')),
('NR', _iso_3166(u'Nauru')), ('NP', _iso_3166(u'Nepal')), ('NL', _iso_3166(u'Netherlands')),
('NC', _iso_3166(u'New Caledonia')), ('NZ', _iso_3166(u'New Zealand')),
('NI', _iso_3166(u'Nicaragua')), ('NE', _iso_3166(u'Niger')), ('NG', _iso_3166(u'Nigeria')),
('NU', _iso_3166(u'Niue')), ('NF', _iso_3166(u'Norfolk Island')),
('MP', _iso_3166(u'Northern Mariana Islands')), ('NO', _iso_3166(u'Norway')),
('OM', _iso_3166(u'Oman')), ('PK', _iso_3166(u'Pakistan')), ('PW', _iso_3166(u'Palau')),
('PS', _iso_3166(u'Palestine, State of')), ('PA', _iso_3166(u'Panama')),
('PG', _iso_3166(u'Papua New Guinea')), ('PY', _iso_3166(u'Paraguay')),
('PE', _iso_3166(u'Peru')), ('PH', _iso_3166(u'Philippines')), ('PN', _iso_3166(u'Pitcairn')),
('PL', _iso_3166(u'Poland')), ('PT', _iso_3166(u'Portugal')), ('PR', _iso_3166(u'Puerto Rico')),
('QA', _iso_3166(u'Qatar')), ('RE', _iso_3166(u'R\xe9union')), ('RO', _iso_3166(u'Romania')),
('RU', _iso_3166(u'Russian Federation')), ('RW', _iso_3166(u'Rwanda')),
('BL', _iso_3166(u'Saint Barth\xe9lemy')),
('SH', _iso_3166(u'Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha')),
('KN', _iso_3166(u'Saint Kitts and Nevis')), ('LC', _iso_3166(u'Saint Lucia')),
('MF', _iso_3166(u'Saint Martin (French part)')),
('PM', _iso_3166(u'Saint Pierre and Miquelon')),
('VC', _iso_3166(u'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines')), ('WS', _iso_3166(u'Samoa')),
('SM', _iso_3166(u'San Marino')), ('ST', _iso_3166(u'Sao Tome and Principe')),
('SA', _iso_3166(u'Saudi Arabia')), ('SN', _iso_3166(u'Senegal')), ('RS', _iso_3166(u'Serbia')),
('SC', _iso_3166(u'Seychelles')), ('SL', _iso_3166(u'Sierra Leone')),
('SG', _iso_3166(u'Singapore')), ('SX', _iso_3166(u'Sint Maarten (Dutch part)')),
('SK', _iso_3166(u'Slovakia')), ('SI', _iso_3166(u'Slovenia')),
('SB', _iso_3166(u'Solomon Islands')), ('SO', _iso_3166(u'Somalia')),
('ZA', _iso_3166(u'South Africa')),
('GS', _iso_3166(u'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands')),
('ES', _iso_3166(u'Spain')), ('LK', _iso_3166(u'Sri Lanka')), ('SD', _iso_3166(u'Sudan')),
('SR', _iso_3166(u'Suriname')), ('SS', _iso_3166(u'South Sudan')),
('SJ', _iso_3166(u'Svalbard and Jan Mayen')), ('SZ', _iso_3166(u'Swaziland')),
('SE', _iso_3166(u'Sweden')), ('CH', _iso_3166(u'Switzerland')),
('SY', _iso_3166(u'Syrian Arab Republic')),
('TW', _iso_3166(u'Taiwan, Province of China')), ('TJ', _iso_3166(u'Tajikistan')),
('TZ', _iso_3166(u'Tanzania, United Republic of')), ('TH', _iso_3166(u'Thailand')),
('TL', _iso_3166(u'Timor-Leste')), ('TG', _iso_3166(u'Togo')), ('TK', _iso_3166(u'Tokelau')),
('TO', _iso_3166(u'Tonga')), ('TT', _iso_3166(u'Trinidad and Tobago')),
('TN', _iso_3166(u'Tunisia')), ('TR', _iso_3166(u'Turkey')), ('TM', _iso_3166(u'Turkmenistan')),
('TC', _iso_3166(u'Turks and Caicos Islands')), ('TV', _iso_3166(u'Tuvalu')),
('UG', _iso_3166(u'Uganda')), ('UA', _iso_3166(u'Ukraine')),
('AE', _iso_3166(u'United Arab Emirates')), ('GB', _iso_3166(u'United Kingdom')),
('US', _iso_3166(u'United States')),
('UM', _iso_3166(u'United States Minor Outlying Islands')),
('UY', _iso_3166(u'Uruguay')), ('UZ', _iso_3166(u'Uzbekistan')), ('VU', _iso_3166(u'Vanuatu')),
('VE', _iso_3166(u'Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of')), ('VN', _iso_3166(u'Viet Nam')),
('VG', _iso_3166(u'Virgin Islands, British')),
('VI', _iso_3166(u'Virgin Islands, U.S.')), ('WF', _iso_3166(u'Wallis and Futuna')),
('EH', _iso_3166(u'Western Sahara')), ('YE', _iso_3166(u'Yemen')), ('ZM', _iso_3166(u'Zambia')),
('ZW', _iso_3166(u'Zimbabwe'))]
cls.choices = cls.sort_choices(choices)
[docs]class RadiusClientType(select):
choices = [
('other', _('other')),
('cisco', _('cisco')),
('computone', _('computone')),
('livingston', _('livingston')),
('juniper', _('juniper')),
('max40xx', _('max40xx')),
('multitech', _('multitech')),
('netserver', _('netserver')),
('pathras', _('pathras')),
('patton', _('patton')),
('portslave', _('portslave')),
('tc', _('tc')),
('usrhiper', _('usrhiper')),
[docs]class mailinglist_name(gid):
error_message = _(
"A mailing list name must start and end with a letter, number or underscore. In between additionally spaces, "
"dashes and dots are allowed."
[docs]class TimeZone(select):
def choices(cls):
return [(x, x) for x in pytz.all_timezones]
[docs]class DateTimeTimezone(complex):
Syntax for YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM TZNAME
delimiter = ' '
subsyntaxes = [(_('Date'), iso8601Date), (_('Time'), TimeString), (_('Timezone'), TimeZone)]
subsyntax_names = ('date', 'time', 'timezone')
size = ('TwoThirds', 'TwoThirds', 'TwoThirds')
all_required = False
min_elements = 0
[docs]class ActivationDateTimeTimezone(DateTimeTimezone):
Syntax for YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM TZNAME
Subclassed to define representative names as subsyntax_names for REST API
subsyntax_names = ('activation-date', 'activation-time', 'activation-timezone')
[docs]class UDM_Syntax(combobox):
Syntax class for Extended Attributes.
choices = [] # type: List[Tuple[str, str]]
empty_value = True
[docs] @classmethod
def update_choices(cls):
mod = sys.modules[__name__]
cls.choices = cls.sort_choices(
(sym, sym)
for sym, obj in ((sym, getattr(mod, sym)) for sym in dir(mod))
if isinstance(obj, type) and issubclass(obj, ISyntax)