Source code for univention.admin.types

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
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|UDM| type definitions.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import inspect
import time
import datetime
from typing import Optional, Sequence, Type, Union  # noqa: F401

import six
import ldap.dn

import univention.admin.uexceptions
from univention.admin import localization
import univention.debug as ud

translation = localization.translation('univention/admin')
_ = translation.translate

if six.PY3:
	unicode = str
	long = int

_Types = Union[Type[object], Sequence[Type[object]]]

[docs]class TypeHint(object): """ """ _python_types = object # type: _Types @property def _json_type(self): # in most cases, the python type is equivalent to the JSON type return self._python_types _openapi_type = None # type: Optional[str] _openapi_format = None # type: Optional[str] _openapi_regex = None # type: Optional[str] _openapi_example = None # type: Optional[str] _openapi_readonly = None # type: Optional[bool] _openapi_writeonly = None # type: Optional[bool] _openapi_nullable = True # everything which can be removed is nullable _html_element = None _html_input_type = None _encoding = None # type: Optional[str] _minimum = float('-inf') _maximum = float('inf') _required = False _default_value = None _default_search_value = None _only_printable = False _allow_empty_value = False _encodes_none = False """None is a valid value for the syntax class, otherwise None means remove""" _blacklist = () # _error_message _dependencies = None def __init__(self, property, property_name): = property self.property_name = property_name self.syntax = self._syntax @property def _syntax(self): # ensure we have an instance of the syntax class and not the type syntax = return syntax() if isinstance(syntax, type) else syntax
[docs] def decode(self, value): """ Decode the given value from an UDM object's property into a python type. This must be graceful. Invalid values set at UDM object properties should not cause an exception! .. note:: Do not overwrite in subclass! .. seealso:: overwrite :func:`univention.admin.types.TypeHint.decode_value` instead. """ if value is None: return return self.decode_value(value)
[docs] def encode(self, value): """Encode a value of python type into a string / list / None / etc. suitable for setting at the UDM object. .. note:: Do not overwrite in subclass! .. seealso:: overwrite :func:`univention.admin.types.TypeHint.encode_value` instead. """ if value is None and not self._encodes_none: return self.type_check(value) self.type_check_subitems(value) return self.encode_value(value)
[docs] def decode_json(self, value): return self.to_json_type(self.decode(value))
[docs] def encode_json(self, value): return self.encode(self.from_json_type(value))
[docs] def to_json_type(self, value): """Transform the value resulting from :func:`self.decode` into something suitable to transmit via JSON. For example, a python object into the JSON string with a date format "2019-08-30". """ if value is None: return value = self._to_json_type(value) if isinstance(value, bytes): # fallback for wrong implemented types # JSON cannot handle non-UTF-8 bytes value = value.decode('utf-8', 'strict') return value
[docs] def from_json_type(self, value): """Transform a value from a JSON object into the internal python type. For example, converts a JSON string "2019-08-30" into a python object. .. warning:: When overwriting the type must be checked! """ if value is None: return self.type_check_json(value) value = self._from_json_type(value) return value
[docs] def decode_value(self, value): """Decode the value into a python object. .. note:: suitable for subclassing. """ try: return self.syntax.parse(value) except univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError as exc: ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.WARN, 'ignoring invalid property %s value=%r is invalid: %s' % (self.property_name, value, exc)) return value
[docs] def encode_value(self, value): """Encode the value into a UDM property value. .. note:: suitable for subclassing. """ return self.syntax.parse(value)
def _from_json_type(self, value): return value def _to_json_type(self, value): return value
[docs] def type_check(self, value, types=None): """Checks if the value has the correct python type""" if not isinstance(value, types or self._python_types): must = '%s (%s)' % (self._openapi_type, self._openapi_format) if self._openapi_format else '%s' % (self._openapi_type,) actual = type(value).__name__ ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.WARN, '%r: Value=%r %r' % (self.property_name, value, type(self).__name__)) raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax(_('Value must be of type %s not %s.') % (must, actual))
[docs] def type_check_json(self, value): self.type_check(value, self._json_type)
[docs] def type_check_subitems(self, value): pass
[docs] def tostring(self, value): """A printable representation for e.g. the CLI or grid columns in UMC""" if return [self.syntax.tostring(val) for val in value] else: return self.syntax.tostring(value)
[docs] def parse_command_line(self, value): """Parse a string from the command line""" return self.syntax.parse_command_line(value)
[docs] def get_openapi_definition(self): return {key: value for key, value in self.openapi_definition().items() if value is not None and value not in (float('inf'), -float('inf'))}
[docs] def openapi_definition(self): definition = { 'type': self._openapi_type, } if self._openapi_type in ('string', 'number', 'integer'): definition['format'] = self._openapi_format if self._openapi_type == 'string': definition['pattern'] = self._openapi_regex definition['minLength'] = self._minimum definition['maxLength'] = self._maximum definition['example'] = self._openapi_example definition['readOnly'] = self._openapi_readonly definition['writeOnly'] = self._openapi_writeonly definition['nullable'] = self._openapi_nullable return definition
[docs] def get_choices(self, lo, options): return self.syntax.get_choices(lo, options)
[docs] def has_choices(self): opts = self.syntax.get_widget_options() return opts.get('dynamicValues') or opts.get('staticValues') or opts.get('type') == 'umc/modules/udm/MultiObjectSelect'
[docs] @classmethod def detect(cls, property, name): """Detect the :class:`univention.admin.types.TypeHint` type of a property automatically. We need this to be backwards compatible, with handlers, we don't influence. First considered is the `property.type_class` which can be explicit set in the module handler. Otherwise, it depends on wheather the field is multivalue or not: multivalue: A unordered :class:`Set` of `syntax.type_class` items singlevalue: `syntax.type_class` is used. """ if property.type_class: return property.type_class(property, name) syntax = property.syntax() if inspect.isclass(property.syntax) else property.syntax type_class = syntax.type_class if not type_class: ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.WARN, 'Unknown type for property %r: %s' % (name, type_class = cls if not property.multivalue: return type_class(property, name) else: if syntax.type_class_multivalue: return syntax.type_class_multivalue(property, name) # create a default type inheriting from a set # (LDAP attributes do not have a defined order - unless the "ordered" overlay module is activated and the attribute schema defines it) class MultivaluePropertyType(SetType): item_type = type_class return MultivaluePropertyType(property, name)
[docs]class NoneType(TypeHint): _python_types = type(None) _openapi_type = 'void' _encodes_none = True
[docs]class BooleanType(TypeHint): _python_types = bool # type: _Types _openapi_type = 'boolean'
[docs] def decode_value(self, value): try: if self.syntax.parse(True) == value: return True elif self.syntax.parse(False) == value: return False elif self.syntax.parse(None) == value: return None except univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError: pass ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.WARN, '%s: %s: not a boolean: %r' % (self.property_name,, value,)) return value
[docs]class TriBooleanType(BooleanType): _encodes_none = True _python_types = (bool, type(None))
[docs]class IntegerType(TypeHint): _python_types = (int, long) _openapi_type = 'integer' # _openapi_format: int32, int64
[docs] def decode_value(self, value): try: value = int(value) except ValueError: ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.WARN, '%s: %s: not a integer: %r' % (self.property_name,, value,)) return value
[docs]class NumberType(TypeHint): _python_types = float _openapi_type = 'number' _openapi_format = 'double' # or 'float'
[docs]class StringType(TypeHint): _python_types = unicode # type: _Types _encoding = 'UTF-8' _openapi_type = 'string'
[docs] def decode_value(self, value): if isinstance(value, bytes): value = value.decode(self._encoding, 'strict') return value
[docs]class Base64Type(StringType): _openapi_format = 'byte'
[docs]class PasswordType(StringType): _openapi_format = 'password' _openapi_example = 'univention' # :-D _openapi_readonly = True
[docs]class DistinguishedNameType(StringType): _openapi_format = 'ldap-dn' _openapi_example = 'dc=example,dc=net'
[docs] def encode_value(self, value): value = super(DistinguishedNameType, self).encode_value(value) try: return ldap.dn.dn2str(ldap.dn.str2dn(value)) except ldap.DECODING_ERROR: raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax(_('The LDAP DN is invalid.'))
[docs]class LDAPFilterType(StringType): _openapi_format = 'ldap-filter'
[docs]class EMailAddressType(StringType): _openapi_format = 'email' _minimum = 3
[docs]class BinaryType(TypeHint): """ .. warning:: Using this type bloats up the JSON value with a high factor for non ascii data. .. seealso:: use `univention.admin.types.Base64Type` instead """ _python_types = bytes _encoding = 'ISO8859-1' # It is not possible to transmit binary data via JSON. in JSON everything needs to be UTF-8! _json_type = unicode _json_encoding = 'ISO8859-1' _openapi_type = 'string' _openapi_format = 'binary' def _to_json_type(self, value): return value.decode(self._json_encoding, 'strict') def _from_json_type(self, value): try: return value.encode(self._json_encoding, 'strict') except UnicodeEncodeError: raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax(_('Binary data have invalid encoding (expected: %s).') % (self._encoding,))
[docs]class DateType(StringType): """ >>> x = DateType(, 'a_date_time') >>> import datetime >>> now =, 1, 1) >>> x.to_json_type(now) # doctest: +ALLOW_UNICODE '2020-01-01' """ _python_types = _json_type = unicode _openapi_format = 'date'
[docs] def decode_value(self, value): if value == '': return return self.syntax.to_datetime(value)
[docs] def encode_value(self, value): return self.syntax.from_datetime(value)
def _to_json_type(self, value): # type: ( -> unicode return unicode(value.isoformat()) def _from_json_type(self, value): # type: (unicode) -> try: return*time.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%d')[0:3]) except ValueError: ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'Wrong date format: %r' % (value,)) raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax(_('Date does not match format "%Y-%m-%d".'))
[docs]class TimeType(StringType): """ >>> x = TimeType(, 'a_date_time') >>> import datetime >>> now = datetime.time(10, 30, 0, 500) >>> x.to_json_type(now) # doctest: +ALLOW_UNICODE '10:30:00' """ _python_types = datetime.time _json_type = unicode _openapi_format = 'time'
[docs] def decode_value(self, value): if value == '': return return self.syntax.to_datetime(value)
[docs] def encode_value(self, value): return self.syntax.from_datetime(value)
def _to_json_type(self, value): # type: (datetime.time) -> unicode return unicode(value.replace(microsecond=0).isoformat()) def _from_json_type(self, value): # type: (unicode) -> datetime.time try: return datetime.time(*time.strptime(value, '%H:%M:%S')[3:6]) except ValueError: ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'Wrong time format: %r' % (value,)) raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax(_('Time does not match format "%H:%M:%S".'))
[docs]class DateTimeType(StringType): """A DateTime syntax classes using this type must support the method from_datetime(), which returns something valid for syntax.parse() >>> x = DateTimeType(, 'a_date_time') >>> import datetime >>> now = datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 1) >>> x.to_json_type(now) # doctest: +ALLOW_UNICODE '2020-01-01 00:00:00' """ _python_types = datetime.datetime _json_type = unicode _openapi_format = 'date-time'
[docs] def decode_value(self, value): if value == '': return return self.syntax.to_datetime(value)
[docs] def encode_value(self, value): return self.syntax.from_datetime(value)
def _to_json_type(self, value): # type: (datetime.datetime) -> unicode return u' '.join((, value.time().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat())) def _from_json_type(self, value): # type: (unicode) -> datetime.datetime try: return datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')[:6]) # FIXME: parse Z at the end except ValueError: ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'Wrong datetime format: %r' % (value,)) raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax(_('Datetime does not match format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S".'))
[docs]class ArrayType(TypeHint): _python_types = list _openapi_type = 'array' _openapi_unique = False
[docs]class ListType(ArrayType): item_type = None # type: Optional[Type[TypeHint]] # must be set in subclasses
[docs] def type_check_subitems(self, value): item_type = self.item_type(, self.property_name) for item in value: item_type.type_check(item)
[docs] def openapi_definition(self): definition = super(ListType, self).openapi_definition() definition['items'] = self.item_type(, self.property_name).get_openapi_definition() definition['minItems'] = self._minimum definition['maxItems'] = self._maximum definition['uniqueItems'] = self._openapi_unique return definition
[docs] def encode_value(self, value): item_type = self.item_type(, self.property_name) value = [item_type.encode(val) for val in value] return [val for val in value if val is not None]
[docs] def decode_value(self, value): item_type = self.item_type(, self.property_name) return [item_type.decode(val) for val in value]
[docs]class SetType(ListType): _openapi_unique = True # FIXME: this must be done after applying the mapping from property to attribute value def __encode_value(self, value): # disallow duplicates without re-arranging the order # This should prevent that we run into "Type or value exists: attributename: value #0 provided more than once" errors # we can't do it completely because equality is defined in the LDAP server schema (e.g. DN syntax: 'dc = foo' equals 'dc=foo' equals 'DC=Foo') value = super(SetType, self).encode_value(value) if len(value) != len(set(value)): raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax(_('Duplicated entries.')) return value
[docs]class ListOfItems(ArrayType): item_types = None # must be set in subclasses @property def minimum(self): return len(self.item_types) @property def maximum(self): return len(self.item_types)
[docs] def type_check_subitems(self, value): if not (self._minimum <= len(value) <= self._maximum): univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax(_('Must have at least %d values.') % (self._minimum,)) for item_type, item in zip(self.item_types, value): item_type = item_type(, self.property_name) item_type.type_check(item)
[docs] def encode_value(self, value): return [ item_type(, self.property_name).encode(val) for item_type, val in zip(self.item_types, value) ]
[docs] def decode_value(self, value): return [ item_type(, self.property_name).decode(val) for item_type, val in zip(self.item_types, value) ]
[docs] def openapi_definition(self): definition = super(ListOfItems, self).openapi_definition() definition['minItems'] = self._minimum definition['maxItems'] = self._maximum definition['uniqueItems'] = self._openapi_unique items = [item(, self.property_name).get_openapi_definition() for item in self.item_types] _items = [tuple(item.items()) if isinstance(item, dict) else item for item in items] if len(set(_items)) == 1: definition['items'] = items[0] else: definition['items'] = { 'oneOf': items } return definition
[docs]class DictionaryType(TypeHint): _python_types = dict _openapi_type = 'object' properties = None
[docs] def decode_value(self, value): return self.syntax.todict(value)
#if not self.syntax.subsyntax_key_value and and isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): # value = [self.syntax.todict(val) for val in value] #else: # value = self.syntax.todict(value) #return value
[docs] def encode_value(self, value): return self.syntax.fromdict(value)
[docs] def openapi_definition(self): definition = super(DictionaryType, self).openapi_definition() definition['properties'] = [] definition['required'] = [] if not definition['properties']: definition['additionalProperties'] = True definition['minProperties'] = self._minimum definition['maxProperties'] = self._maximum definition.pop('properties', None) definition.pop('required', None) return definition
[docs]class KeyValueDictionaryType(DictionaryType): key_type = None # type: Optional[_Types] value_type = None # type: Optional[_Types]
[docs]class SambaLogonHours(ListType): item_type = StringType _weekdays = ('Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat')
[docs] def decode_value(self, value): return ['{} {}-{}'.format(self._weekdays[v // 24], v % 24, v % 24 + 1) for v in value]
[docs] def encode_value(self, value): try: values = [v.split() for v in value] return [self._weekdays.index(w) * 24 + int(h.split('-', 1)[0]) for w, h in values] except (IndexError, ValueError): raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax(_('Invalid format for SambaLogonHours.'))
[docs]class AppcenterTranslation(KeyValueDictionaryType): key_type = StringType value_type = StringType
[docs] def decode_value(self, value): value = [x.partition(' ')[::2] for x in value] return {k.lstrip('[').rstrip(']'): v for k, v in value}
[docs] def encode_value(self, value): value = ['[{}] {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in value.items()] return super(AppcenterTranslation, self).encode_value(value)
[docs]class UnixTimeinterval(IntegerType):
[docs] def decode_value(self, value): return self.syntax.to_integer(value)
[docs] def encode_value(self, value): return self.syntax.from_integer(value)