Source code for univention.admincli.admin

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# All rights reserved.
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command line frontend to univention-directory-manager (module)

from __future__ import print_function
import getopt
import base64
import os
import subprocess
import traceback
from ipaddress import IPv4Address, IPv4Network

import ldap
import six

import univention.debug as ud

import univention.admin.uexceptions
import univention.admin.uldap
import univention.admin.modules
import univention.admin.objects
from univention.admin.layout import Group
from univention.admin.syntax import ldapFilter
import univention.config_registry


[docs]class OperationFailed(Exception): def __init__(self, out=None, msg=None): self.out = out or [] if msg: self.out.append(msg)
[docs]def usage(): out = [] out.append('univention-directory-manager: command line interface for managing UCS') out.append('copyright (c) 2001-@%@copyright_lastyear@%@ Univention GmbH, Germany') out.append('') out.append('Syntax:') out.append(' univention-directory-manager module action [options]') out.append(' univention-directory-manager [--help] [--version]') out.append('') out.append('actions:') out.append(' %-32s %s' % ('create:', 'Create a new object')) out.append(' %-32s %s' % ('modify:', 'Modify an existing object')) out.append(' %-32s %s' % ('remove:', 'Remove an existing object')) out.append(' %-32s %s' % ('list:', 'List objects')) out.append(' %-32s %s' % ('move:', 'Move object in directory tree')) out.append('') out.append(' %-32s %s' % ('-h | --help | -?:', 'print this usage message')) out.append(' %-32s %s' % ('--version:', 'print version information')) out.append('') out.append('general options:') out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('binddn', 'bind DN')) out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('bindpwd', 'bind password')) out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('bindpwdfile', 'file containing bind password')) out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('logfile', 'path and name of the logfile to be used')) out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('tls', '0 (no); 1 (try); 2 (must)')) out.append('') out.append('create options:') out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('position', 'Set position in tree')) out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('set', 'Set variable to value, e.g. foo=bar')) out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('superordinate', 'Use superordinate module')) out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('option', 'Use only given module options')) out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('append-option', 'Append the module option')) out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('remove-option', 'Remove the module option')) out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('policy-reference', 'Reference to policy given by DN')) out.append(' --%-30s ' % ('ignore_exists')) out.append('') out.append('modify options:') out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('dn', 'Edit object with DN')) out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('set', 'Set variable to value, e.g. foo=bar')) out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('append', 'Append value to variable, e.g. foo=bar')) out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('remove', 'Remove value from variable, e.g. foo=bar')) out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('option', 'Use only given module options')) out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('append-option', 'Append the module option')) out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('remove-option', 'Remove the module option')) out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('policy-reference', 'Reference to policy given by DN')) out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('policy-dereference', 'Remove reference to policy given by DN')) out.append(' --%-30s ' % ('ignore_not_exists')) out.append('') out.append('remove options:') out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('dn', 'Remove object with DN')) out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('superordinate', 'Use superordinate module')) out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('filter', 'Lookup filter e.g. foo=bar')) out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('remove_referring', 'remove referring objects')) out.append(' --%-30s ' % ('ignore_not_exists')) out.append('') out.append('list options:') out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('filter', 'Lookup filter e.g. foo=bar')) out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('position', 'Search underneath of position in tree')) out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('policies', 'List policy-based settings:')) out.append(' %-30s %s' % ('', '0:short, 1:long (with policy-DN)')) out.append('') out.append('move options:') out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('dn', 'Move object with DN')) out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('position', 'Move to position in tree')) out.append('') out.append('Description:') out.append(' univention-directory-manager is a tool to handle the configuration for UCS') out.append(' on command line level.') out.append(' Use "univention-directory-manager modules" for a list of available modules.') out.append('') return out
[docs]def version(): o = [] o.append('univention-directory-manager @%@package_version@%@') return o
def _print_property(module, action, name, output): property = module.property_descriptions.get(name) if property is None: output.append('E: unknown property %s of module %s' % (name, return required = { 'create': False, 'modify': False, 'remove': False, 'editable': True, } if property.required: required['create'] = True if property.identifies: required['modify'] = True required['remove'] = True if not property.editable: required['modify'] = False required['remove'] = False required['editable'] = False flags = '' if action in required and required[action]: flags = '*' elif action not in required: if required['create']: flags += 'c' if required['modify']: flags += 'm' if required['remove']: flags += 'r' if not required['editable']: flags += 'e' if property.options: if flags: flags += ',' flags += ','.join(property.options) if property.multivalue: if flags: flags += ',' flags += '[]' if flags: flags = '(' + flags + ')' output.append(' %-40s %s' % (name + ' ' + flags, property.short_description))
[docs]def module_usage(information, action=''): out = [] for module, l in information.items(): properties, options = l if options: out.append('') out.append('%s options:' % module.module) for name, option in options.items(): out.append(' %-32s %s' % (name, option.short_description)) out.append('') out.append('%s variables:' % module.module) if not hasattr(module, "layout"): continue for moduletab in module.layout: out.append(' %s:' % (moduletab.label)) for row in moduletab.layout: if isinstance(row, Group): out.append(' %s' % row.label) for row in row.layout: if isinstance(row, six.string_types): _print_property(module, action, row, out) continue for item in row: _print_property(module, action, item, out) else: if isinstance(row, six.string_types): _print_property(module, action, row, out) continue for item in row: _print_property(module, action, item, out) return out
[docs]def module_information(module, identifies_only=0): information = {module: [{}, {}]} for superordinate in univention.admin.modules.superordinates(module): information.update(module_information(superordinate, identifies_only=1)) if not identifies_only: for name, property in module.property_descriptions.items(): information[module][0][name] = property if hasattr(module, 'options'): for name, option in module.options.items(): information[module][1][name] = option return information
[docs]def object_input(module, object, input, append=None, remove=None): out = [] if append: for key, values in append.items(): if key in object and not object.has_property(key): opts = module.property_descriptions[key].options if len(opts) == 1: object.options.extend(opts) out.append('WARNING: %s was set without --append-option. Automatically appending %s.' % (key, ', '.join(opts))) if module.property_descriptions[key] == 'file': if os.path.exists(values): with open(values, 'r') as fh: object[key] = else: out.append('WARNING: file not found: %s' % values) else: values = [module.property_descriptions[key].syntax.parse_command_line(x) for x in values] current_values = list(object[key] or []) if current_values == ['']: current_values = [] for val in values: if val in current_values: out.append('WARNING: cannot append %s to %s, value exists' % (val, key)) else: current_values.append(val) if not module.property_descriptions[key].multivalue: try: current_values = current_values[-1] except IndexError: current_values = None try: object[key] = current_values except univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax as errmsg: raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: Invalid Syntax: %s' % (errmsg,)) if remove: for key, values in remove.items(): current_values = [object[key]] if not module.property_descriptions[key].multivalue else list(object[key]) if values is None: current_values = [] else: vallist = [values] if isinstance(values, six.string_types) else values vallist = [module.property_descriptions[key].syntax.parse_command_line(x) for x in vallist] for val in vallist: try: normalized_val = module.property_descriptions[key].syntax.parse(val) except (univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax, univention.admin.uexceptions.valueError): normalized_val = None if val in current_values: current_values.remove(val) elif normalized_val is not None and normalized_val in current_values: current_values.remove(normalized_val) else: out.append("WARNING: cannot remove %s from %s, value does not exist" % (val, key)) if not module.property_descriptions[key].multivalue: try: current_values = current_values[0] except IndexError: current_values = None object[key] = current_values if input: for key, value in input.items(): if key in object and not object.has_property(key): opts = module.property_descriptions[key].options if len(opts) == 1: object.options.extend(opts) out.append('WARNING: %s was set without --append-option. Automatically appending %s.' % (key, ', '.join(opts))) if module.property_descriptions[key] == 'binaryfile': if value == '': object[key] = value elif os.path.exists(value): with open(value, 'r') as fh: content = if "----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" in content: content = content.replace('----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----', '') content = content.replace('----END CERTIFICATE-----', '') object[key] = base64.decodestring(content) else: object[key] = content else: out.append('WARNING: file not found: %s' % value) else: if isinstance(value, list) and len(value) > 1: out.append('WARNING: multiple values for %s given via --set. Use --append instead!' % (key,)) values = value if isinstance(value, list) else [value] values = [module.property_descriptions[key].syntax.parse_command_line(x) for x in values] value = values if module.property_descriptions[key].multivalue else values[-1] try: object[key] = value except univention.admin.uexceptions.ipOverridesNetwork as exc: out.append('WARNING: %s' % exc.message) except univention.admin.uexceptions.valueMayNotChange as exc: raise univention.admin.uexceptions.valueMayNotChange("%s: %s" % (exc.message, key)) return out
[docs]def list_available_modules(o=[]): o.append("Available Modules are:") for mod in sorted(univention.admin.modules.modules): o.append(" %s" % mod) return o
[docs]def doit(arglist): out = [] try: out = _doit(arglist) except OperationFailed as exc: return exc.out + ["OPERATION FAILED"] except ldap.SERVER_DOWN: return out + ["E: The LDAP Server is currently not available.", "OPERATION FAILED"] except univention.admin.uexceptions.base as e: ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.WARN, str(e)) # collect error information msg = [] if getattr(e, 'message', None): msg.append(e.message) if getattr(e, 'args', None): # avoid duplicate messages if not len(msg) or len(e.args) > 1 or e.args[0] != msg[0]: msg.extend(e.args) # strip elements and make sure that a ':' is printed if further information follows msg = [i.strip() for i in msg] if len(msg) == 1: msg[0] = '%s.' % msg[0].strip(':.') elif len(msg) > 1: msg[0] = '%s:' % msg[0].strip(':.') # append to the output out.append(' '.join(msg)) return out + ["OPERATION FAILED"] except BaseException: ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.ERROR, traceback.format_exc()) raise return out
def _doit(arglist): out = [] # parse module and action if len(arglist) < 2: raise OperationFailed(usage()) module_name = arglist[1] if module_name in ['-h', '--help', '-?']: return usage() if module_name == '--version': return version() if module_name == 'modules': return list_available_modules() remove_referring = 0 recursive = 1 # parse options longopts = ['position=', 'dn=', 'set=', 'append=', 'remove=', 'superordinate=', 'option=', 'append-option=', 'remove-option=', 'filter=', 'tls=', 'ignore_exists', 'ignore_not_exists', 'logfile=', 'policies=', 'binddn=', 'bindpwd=', 'bindpwdfile=', 'policy-reference=', 'policy-dereference=', 'remove_referring', 'recursive'] try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(arglist[3:], '', longopts) except getopt.error as msg: raise OperationFailed(out, str(msg)) if args and isinstance(args, list): msg = "WARNING: the following arguments are ignored:" for argument in args: msg = '%s "%s"' % (msg, argument) out.append(msg) position_dn = '' dn = '' binddn = None bindpwd = None list_policies = False policies_with_DN = False policyOptions = [] logfile = '/var/log/univention/directory-manager-cmd.log' tls = 2 ignore_exists = 0 ignore_not_exists = False superordinate_dn = '' parsed_append_options = [] parsed_remove_options = [] parsed_options = [] filter = '' input = {} append = {} remove = {} policy_reference = [] policy_dereference = [] for opt, val in opts: if opt == '--position': position_dn = val elif opt == '--logfile': logfile = val elif opt == '--policies': list_policies = True if val == "1": policies_with_DN = True else: policyOptions = ['-s'] elif opt == '--binddn': binddn = val elif opt == '--bindpwd': bindpwd = val elif opt == '--bindpwdfile': try: with open(val) as fp: bindpwd = except IOError as exc: raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: could not read bindpwd from file (%s)' % (exc,)) elif opt == '--dn': dn = val elif opt == '--tls': tls = val elif opt == '--ignore_exists': ignore_exists = 1 elif opt == '--ignore_not_exists': ignore_not_exists = True elif opt == '--superordinate': superordinate_dn = val elif opt == '--option': parsed_options.append(val) elif opt == '--append-option': parsed_append_options.append(val) elif opt == '--remove-option': parsed_remove_options.append(val) elif opt == '--filter': ldapFilter.parse(val) filter = val elif opt == '--policy-reference': policy_reference.append(val) elif opt == '--policy-dereference': policy_dereference.append(val) if logfile: ud.init(logfile, ud.FLUSH, ud.NO_FUNCTION) else: out.append("WARNING: no logfile specified") configRegistry = univention.config_registry.ConfigRegistry() configRegistry.load() baseDN = configRegistry['ldap/base'] debug_level = int(configRegistry.get('directory/manager/cmd/debug/level', 0)) ud.set_level(ud.LDAP, debug_level) ud.set_level(ud.ADMIN, debug_level) if binddn and bindpwd: ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, "using %s account" % binddn) try: lo = univention.admin.uldap.access(host=configRegistry['ldap/master'], port=int(configRegistry.get('ldap/master/port', '7389')), base=baseDN, binddn=binddn, start_tls=tls, bindpw=bindpwd) except Exception as exc: ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.WARN, 'authentication error: %s' % (exc,)) raise OperationFailed(out, 'authentication error: %s' % (exc,)) policyOptions.extend(['-D', binddn, '-w', bindpwd]) # FIXME not so nice else: if os.path.exists('/etc/ldap.secret'): ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, "using cn=admin,%s account" % baseDN) secretFileName = '/etc/ldap.secret' binddn = 'cn=admin,' + baseDN policyOptions.extend(['-D', binddn, '-y', secretFileName]) elif os.path.exists('/etc/machine.secret'): ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, "using %s account" % configRegistry['ldap/hostdn']) secretFileName = '/etc/machine.secret' binddn = configRegistry['ldap/hostdn'] policyOptions.extend(['-D', binddn, '-y', secretFileName]) try: with open(secretFileName, 'r') as secretFile: pwd ='\n') except IOError: raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: Permission denied, try --binddn and --bindpwd') try: lo = univention.admin.uldap.access(host=configRegistry['ldap/master'], port=int(configRegistry.get('ldap/master/port', '7389')), base=baseDN, binddn=binddn, bindpw=pwd, start_tls=tls) except Exception as exc: ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.WARN, 'authentication error: %s' % (exc,)) raise OperationFailed(out, 'authentication error: %s' % (exc,)) if not position_dn and superordinate_dn: position_dn = superordinate_dn elif not position_dn: position_dn = baseDN try: position = univention.admin.uldap.position(baseDN) position.setDn(position_dn) except univention.admin.uexceptions.noObject: raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: Invalid position') module = univention.admin.modules.get(module_name) if not module: out.append("unknown module %s." % module_name) out.append("") raise OperationFailed(list_available_modules(out)) # initialise modules if module_name == 'settings/usertemplate': univention.admin.modules.init(lo, position, univention.admin.modules.get('users/user')) univention.admin.modules.init(lo, position, module) information = module_information(module) superordinate = None if superordinate_dn and univention.admin.modules.superordinate(module): # the superordinate itself also has a superordinate, get it! superordinate = univention.admin.objects.get_superordinate(module, None, lo, superordinate_dn) if superordinate is None: raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: %s is not a superordinate for %s.' % (superordinate_dn, if len(arglist) == 2: out = usage() + module_usage(information) raise OperationFailed(out) action = arglist[2] if len(arglist) == 3 and action != 'list': out = usage() + module_usage(information, action) raise OperationFailed(out) for opt, val in opts: if opt == '--set': name, delim, value = val.partition('=') for mod, (properties, options) in information.items(): if name in properties: if not properties[name].cli_enabled: continue if properties[name].multivalue: input.setdefault(name, []) if value: input[name].append(value) else: input[name] = value if name not in input: out.append("WARNING: No attribute with name '%s' in this module, value not set." % name) elif opt == '--append': name, delim, value = val.partition('=') for mod, (properties, options) in information.items(): if name in properties: if not properties[name].cli_enabled: continue if not properties[name].multivalue: out.append('WARNING: using --append on a single value property (%s). Use --set instead!' % (name,)) append.setdefault(name, []) if value: append[name].append(value) if name not in append: out.append("WARNING: No attribute with name %s in this module, value not appended." % name) elif opt == '--remove': name, delim, value = val.partition('=') value = value or None for mod, (properties, options) in information.items(): if name in properties: if not properties[name].cli_enabled: continue if properties[name].multivalue: if value is None: remove[name] = value elif value: remove.setdefault(name, []) if remove[name] is not None: remove[name].append(value) else: remove[name] = value if name not in remove: out.append("WARNING: No attribute with name %s in this module, value not removed." % name) elif opt == '--remove_referring': remove_referring = True elif opt == '--recursive': recursive = True cli = CLI(module_name, module, dn, lo, position, superordinate) if action == 'create' or action == 'new': out.extend(cli.create(input, append, ignore_exists, parsed_options, parsed_append_options, parsed_remove_options, policy_reference)) elif action == 'modify' or action == 'edit': out.extend(cli.modify(input, append, remove, parsed_append_options, parsed_remove_options, parsed_options, policy_reference, policy_dereference, ignore_not_exists=ignore_not_exists)) elif action == 'move': out.extend(cli.move(position_dn)) elif action == 'remove' or action == 'delete': out.extend(cli.remove(remove_referring=remove_referring, recursive=recursive, ignore_not_exists=ignore_not_exists, filter=filter)) elif action == 'list' or action == 'lookup': out.extend(cli.list(list_policies, filter, superordinate_dn, policyOptions, policies_with_DN)) else: out.append("Unknown or no action defined") out.append('') raise OperationFailed(out) return out # nearly the only successful return
[docs]class CLI(object): def __init__(self, module_name, module, dn, lo, position, superordinate): self.module_name = module_name self.module = module self.dn = dn self.lo = lo self.position = position self.superordinate = superordinate
[docs] def create(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._create(self.module_name, self.module, self.dn, self.lo, self.position, self.superordinate, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def modify(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._modify(self.module_name, self.module, self.dn, self.lo, self.position, self.superordinate, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def move(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._move(self.module_name, self.module, self.dn, self.lo, self.position, self.superordinate, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def remove(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._remove(self.module_name, self.module, self.dn, self.lo, self.position, self.superordinate, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def list(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._list(self.module_name, self.module, self.dn, self.lo, self.position, self.superordinate, *args, **kwargs)
def _create(self, module_name, module, dn, lo, position, superordinate, input, append, ignore_exists, parsed_options, parsed_append_options, parsed_remove_options, policy_reference): out = [] if not univention.admin.modules.supports(module_name, 'add'): raise OperationFailed(out, 'Create %s not allowed' % module_name) try: object = module.object(None, lo, position=position, superordinate=superordinate) except univention.admin.uexceptions.insufficientInformation as exc: raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: Insufficient information: %s' % (exc,)) if parsed_options: object.options = parsed_options for option in parsed_append_options: object.options.append(option) for option in parsed_remove_options: try: object.options.remove(option) except ValueError: pass try: out.extend(object_input(module, object, input, append=append)) except univention.admin.uexceptions.nextFreeIp: if not ignore_exists: raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: No free IP address found') except univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax as err: raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: Invalid Syntax: %s' % err) default_containers = object.get_default_containers(lo) if default_containers and position.isBase() and not any(lo.compare_dn(default_container, position.getDn()) for default_container in default_containers): out.append('WARNING: The object is not going to be created underneath of its default containers.') object.policy_reference(*policy_reference) exists = False exists_msg = None created = False try: dn = object.create() created = True except univention.admin.uexceptions.objectExists as exc: exists_msg = '%s' % (exc,) dn = exc.args[0] if not ignore_exists: raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: Object exists: %s' % exists_msg) else: exists = 1 except univention.admin.uexceptions.uidAlreadyUsed as user: exists_msg = '(uid) %s' % user if not ignore_exists: raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: Object exists: %s' % exists_msg) else: exists = 1 except univention.admin.uexceptions.groupNameAlreadyUsed as group: exists_msg = '(group) %s' % group if not ignore_exists: raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: Object exists: %s' % exists_msg) else: exists = 1 except univention.admin.uexceptions.dhcpServerAlreadyUsed as name: exists_msg = '(dhcpserver) %s' % name if not ignore_exists: raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: Object exists: %s' % exists_msg) else: exists = 1 except univention.admin.uexceptions.macAlreadyUsed as mac: exists_msg = '(mac) %s' % mac if not ignore_exists: raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: Object exists: %s' % exists_msg) else: exists = 1 except univention.admin.uexceptions.noLock as e: exists_msg = '(nolock) %s' % (e,) if not ignore_exists: raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: Object exists: %s' % exists_msg) else: exists = 1 except univention.admin.uexceptions.invalidDhcpEntry: raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: The DHCP entry for this host should contain the zone dn, the ip address and the mac address.') except univention.admin.uexceptions.invalidOptions as e: out.append('E: invalid Options: %s' % e) if not ignore_exists: raise OperationFailed(out) except univention.admin.uexceptions.insufficientInformation as exc: raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: Insufficient information: %s' % (exc,)) except univention.admin.uexceptions.noObject as e: raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: object not found: %s' % e) except univention.admin.uexceptions.circularGroupDependency as e: raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: circular group dependency detected: %s' % e) except univention.admin.uexceptions.invalidChild as e: raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: %s' % e) if exists: if exists_msg: out.append('Object exists: %s' % exists_msg) else: out.append('Object exists') elif created: out.append('Object created: %s' % dn) return out def _move(self, module_name, module, dn, lo, position, superordinate, position_dn): out = [] if not dn: raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: DN is missing') object_modified = 0 if not univention.admin.modules.supports(module_name, 'edit'): raise OperationFailed(out, 'Modify %s not allowed' % module_name) try: object = univention.admin.objects.get(module, None, lo, position='', dn=dn) except univention.admin.uexceptions.noObject: raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: object not found') if not univention.admin.modules.supports(module_name, 'move'): raise OperationFailed(out, 'Move %s not allowed' % module_name) if not position_dn: out.append("need new position for moving object") else: try: # check if destination exists lo.get(position_dn, required=True) except (univention.admin.uexceptions.noObject, ldap.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX): raise OperationFailed(out, "position does not exists: %s" % position_dn) rdn = ldap.dn.dn2str([ldap.dn.str2dn(dn)[0]]) newdn = "%s,%s" % (rdn, position_dn) try: object.move(newdn) object_modified += 1 except univention.admin.uexceptions.noObject: raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: object not found') except univention.admin.uexceptions.ldapError as msg: raise OperationFailed(out, "ldap Error: %s" % msg) except univention.admin.uexceptions.nextFreeIp: raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: No free IP address found') except univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax as err: raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: Invalid Syntax: %s' % err) except univention.admin.uexceptions.invalidOperation as msg: raise OperationFailed(out, str(msg)) if object_modified > 0: out.append('Object modified: %s' % dn) else: out.append('No modification: %s' % dn) return out def _modify(self, module_name, module, dn, lo, position, superordinate, input, append, remove, parsed_append_options, parsed_remove_options, parsed_options, policy_reference, policy_dereference, ignore_not_exists): out = [] if not dn: raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: DN is missing') object_modified = 0 if not univention.admin.modules.supports(module_name, 'edit'): raise OperationFailed(out, 'Modify %s not allowed' % module_name) try: object = univention.admin.objects.get(module, None, lo, position='', dn=dn) except univention.admin.uexceptions.noObject: if ignore_not_exists: out.append('Object not found: %s' % (dn or filter,)) return out raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: object not found') if (len(input) + len(append) + len(remove) + len(parsed_append_options) + len(parsed_remove_options) + len(parsed_options) + len(policy_reference) + len(policy_dereference)) > 0: if parsed_options: object.options = parsed_options for option in parsed_append_options: object.options.append(option) for option in parsed_remove_options[:]: try: object.options.remove(option) except ValueError: parsed_remove_options.remove(option) out.append('WARNING: option %r is not set. Ignoring.' % (option,)) try: out.extend(object_input(module, object, input, append, remove)) except univention.admin.uexceptions.valueMayNotChange as exc: raise OperationFailed(out, str(exc)) object.policy_reference(*policy_reference) object.policy_dereference(*policy_dereference) if object.hasChanged(input.keys()) or object.hasChanged(append.keys()) or object.hasChanged(remove.keys()) or parsed_append_options or parsed_remove_options or parsed_options or object.policiesChanged(): try: dn = object.modify() object_modified += 1 except univention.admin.uexceptions.noObject: raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: object not found') except univention.admin.uexceptions.invalidDhcpEntry: raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: The DHCP entry for this host should contain the zone dn, the ip address and the mac address.') except univention.admin.uexceptions.circularGroupDependency as e: raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: circular group dependency detected: %s' % e) except univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax as e: raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: Invalid Syntax: %s' % e) if object_modified > 0: out.append('Object modified: %s' % dn) else: out.append('No modification: %s' % dn) return out def _remove(self, module_name, module, dn, lo, position, superordinate, recursive, remove_referring, ignore_not_exists, filter): out = [] if not univention.admin.modules.supports(module_name, 'remove'): raise OperationFailed(out, 'Remove %s not allowed' % module_name) try: if dn and filter: object = univention.admin.modules.lookup(module, None, lo, scope='sub', superordinate=superordinate, base=dn, filter=filter, required=True, unique=True)[0] elif dn: object = univention.admin.modules.lookup(module, None, lo, scope='base', superordinate=superordinate, base=dn, filter=filter, required=True, unique=True)[0] elif filter: object = univention.admin.modules.lookup(module, None, lo, scope='sub', superordinate=superordinate, base=position.getDn(), filter=filter, required=True, unique=True)[0] else: raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: dn or filter needed') except (univention.admin.uexceptions.noObject, IndexError): if ignore_not_exists: out.append('Object not found: %s' % (dn or filter,)) return out raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: object not found') if remove_referring and univention.admin.objects.wantsCleanup(object): univention.admin.objects.performCleanup(object) if recursive: try: object.remove(recursive) except univention.admin.uexceptions.ldapError as msg: raise OperationFailed(out, str(msg)) else: try: object.remove() except univention.admin.uexceptions.primaryGroupUsed: raise OperationFailed(out, 'E: object in use') out.append('Object removed: %s' % (dn or object.dn,)) return out def _list(self, module_name, module, dn, lo, position, superordinate, list_policies, filter, superordinate_dn, policyOptions, policies_with_DN): out = [] if not univention.admin.modules.supports(module_name, 'search'): raise OperationFailed(out, 'Search %s not allowed' % module_name) out.append(filter) try: for object in univention.admin.modules.lookup(module, None, lo, scope='sub', superordinate=superordinate, base=position.getDn(), filter=filter): out.append('DN: %s' % univention.admin.objects.dn(object)) if not univention.admin.modules.virtual(module_name): for key, value in sorted(object.items()): if not module.property_descriptions[key].show_in_lists: continue s = module.property_descriptions[key].syntax if module.property_descriptions[key].multivalue: for v in value: if s.tostring(v): out.append(' %s: %s' % (key, s.tostring(v))) else: out.append(' %s: %s' % (key, None)) else: if s.tostring(value): if module.module == 'settings/portal' and key == 'content': out.append(' %s:\n %s' % (key, s.tostring(value).replace('\n', '\n '))) else: out.append(' %s: %s' % (key, s.tostring(value))) else: out.append(' %s: %s' % (key, None)) for el in object.policies: out.append(' %s: %s' % ('univentionPolicyReference', el)) if list_policies: policyResults = subprocess.check_output(['univention_policy_result'] + policyOptions + [univention.admin.objects.dn(object)], close_fds=True).decode('utf-8').split(u'\n') out.append(" Policy-based Settings:") policy = '' attribute = '' value = [] client = {} for line in policyResults: line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith("DN: ") or line.startswith("POLICY "): continue out.append(" %s" % line) if not policies_with_DN: ckey, cval = line.split('=', 1) client.setdefault(ckey, []).append(cval) continue ckey, cval = line.split(': ', 1) if ckey == 'Policy': if policy: client[attribute] = [policy, value] value = [] policy = cval elif ckey == 'Attribute': attribute = cval elif ckey == 'Value': value.append(cval) if policies_with_DN: client[attribute] = [policy, value] value = [] out.append('') if module_name == 'dhcp/host': subnet_module = univention.admin.modules.get('dhcp/subnet') # TODO: sharedsubnet_module = univention.admin.modules.get('dhcp/sharedsubnet') ips = object['fixedaddress'] for ip in ips: ip_ = IPv4Address(u"%s" % (ip,)) for subnet in univention.admin.modules.lookup(subnet_module, None, lo, scope='sub', superordinate=superordinate, base=superordinate_dn, filter=''): if ip_ in IPv4Network(u"%(subnet)s/%(subnetmask)s" % subnet, strict=False): policyResults = subprocess.check_output(['univention_policy_result'] + policyOptions + [subnet.dn], close_fds=True).decode('utf-8').split(u'\n') out.append(" Subnet-based Settings:") ddict = {} policy = '' value = [] for line in policyResults: if not (line.strip() == "" or line.strip()[:4] == "DN: " or line.strip()[:7] == "POLICY "): out.append(" %s" % line.strip()) if policies_with_DN: subsplit = line.strip().split(': ', 1) if subsplit[0] == 'Policy': if policy: ddict[attribute] = [policy, value] value = [] policy = subsplit[1] elif subsplit[0] == 'Attribute': attribute = subsplit[1] elif subsplit[0] == 'Value': value.append(subsplit[1]) else: subsplit = line.strip().split('=', 1) if subsplit[0] not in ddict: ddict[subsplit[0]] = [] ddict[subsplit[0]].append(subsplit[1]) out.append('') if policies_with_DN: ddict[attribute] = [policy, value] value = [] out.append(" Merged Settings:") for key in ddict.keys(): if key not in client: client[key] = ddict[key] if policies_with_DN: for key in client.keys(): out.append(" Policy: " + client[key][0]) out.append(" Attribute: " + key) for val in client[key][1]: out.append(" Value: " + val) else: for key in client.keys(): for val in client[key]: out.append(" %s=%s" % (key, val)) out.append('') out.append('') except univention.admin.uexceptions.ldapError as errmsg: raise OperationFailed(out, '%s' % (errmsg,)) except univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax as errmsg: raise OperationFailed(out, '%s' % (errmsg.message,)) return out
if __name__ == '__main__': import sys print('\n'.join(doit(sys.argv)))