Source code for univention.admincli.license_check

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2004-2022 Univention GmbH
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
# (GNU AGPL V3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# Binary versions of this program provided by Univention to you as
# well as other copyrighted, protected or trademarked materials like
# Logos, graphics, fonts, specific documentations and configurations,
# cryptographic keys etc. are subject to a license agreement between
# you and Univention and not subject to the GNU AGPL V3.
# In the case you use this program under the terms of the GNU AGPL V3,
# the program is provided in the hope that it will be useful,
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# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
# License with the Debian GNU/Linux or Univention distribution in file
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# <>.

license check

import getopt
import datetime
import traceback

from ldap.filter import filter_format

import univention.admin.license
import univention.admin.uexceptions as uexceptions
import univention.admin.uldap
import univention.config_registry
import univention.license

License = univention.admin.license.License
_license = univention.admin.license._license

[docs]class UsageError(Exception): pass
[docs]def usage(msg=None): out = [] script_name = 'univention-license-check' if msg: out.append('E: %s' % msg) out.append('usage: %s [options]' % script_name) out.append('options:') out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('binddn', 'bind DN')) out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('bindpw', 'bind password')) out.append(' --%-30s %s' % ('list-dns', 'list DNs of found objects')) out.append('OPERATION FAILED') return out
[docs]def parse_options(argv): options = {} long_opts = ['binddn=', 'bindpw=', 'list-dns'] try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, '', long_opts) except getopt.error as msg: raise UsageError(str(msg)) if args: raise UsageError('options "%s" not recognized' % ' '.join(args)) for opt, val in opts: options[opt[2:]] = val return options
[docs]def default_pw(): with open('/etc/ldap.secret', 'r') as secret: return secret.readline().strip()
[docs]def format(label, num, max, expired, cmp, ignored=False): args = [(label + ':').ljust(20), str(num).rjust(9), str(max).rjust(9), 'OK'] if expired: args[-1] = 'EXPIRED' elif cmp(num, max) > 0: args[-1] = 'FAILED' if ignored and args[-1] in ['FAILED', 'EXPIRED']: args[-1] = 'IGNORED' return '%s %s of %s... %s' % tuple(args)
[docs]def find_licenses(lo, baseDN, module='*'): def find_wrap(dir): try: return lo.searchDn(base=dir, filter='(univentionLicenseObject=*)') except uexceptions.noObject: return [] filter = filter_format('univentionLicenseModule=%s', [module]) dirs = ['cn=directory,cn=univention,%s' % baseDN, 'cn=default containers,cn=univention,%s' % baseDN] objects = [o for d in dirs for o in find_wrap(d)] containers = [c.decode('UTF-8') for o in objects for c in lo.get(o)['univentionLicenseObject']] licenses = [l for c in containers for l in lo.searchDn(base=c, filter=filter)] return licenses
[docs]def choose_license(lo, dns): for dn in dns: retval = univention.license.check(dn) if retval == -1: continue return dn, retval return None, -1
[docs]def check_license(lo, dn, list_dns, expired): if expired == -1: return ['No valid license object found', 'OPERATION FAILED'] out = [] def check_code(code): for label, value in [('searchpath', 8), ('basedn', 4), ('enddate', 2), ('signature', 1)]: if code >= value: code -= value ok = 'FAILED' else: ok = 'OK' out.append('Checking %s... %s' % ((label.ljust(10)), ok)) def check_type(): v = _license.version types = _license.licenses[v] if dn is None: maximum = [_license.licenses[v][type] for type in types] else: maximum = [lo.get(dn)[_license.keys[v][type]][0].decode('utf-8') for type in types] objs = [lo.searchDn(filter=_license.filters[v][type]) for type in types] num = [len(obj or '') for obj in objs] _license.checkObjectCounts(maximum, num) for i, m, n, odn in zip(range(len(types)), maximum, num, objs): if i == License.USERS or i == License.ACCOUNT: n -= _license.sysAccountsFound if n < 0: n = 0 ln = _license.names[v][i] if m: if list_dns: out.append("") ignored = False if v == '2' and i == License.SERVERS: # Ignore the server count ignored = True out.append(format(ln, n, m, 0,, ignored)) if list_dns and maximum != 'unlimited': for dnout in odn: out.extend([" %s" % dnout, ]) if list_dns and (i == License.USERS or i == License.ACCOUNT): out.append(" %s Systemaccounts are ignored." % _license.sysAccountsFound) def check_time(): now = then = lo.get(dn)['univentionLicenseEndDate'][0].decode('UTF-8') if then != 'unlimited': (day, month, year) = then.split(u'.') then =, int(month), int(day)) if now > then: out.append('Has expired on: %s -- EXPIRED' % then) else: out.append('Will expire on: %s' % then) if dn is not None and list_dns: out.append('License found at: %s' % dn) check_code(expired) check_type() if dn is not None: check_time() return out
[docs]def main(argv): options = parse_options(argv) configRegistry = univention.config_registry.ConfigRegistry() configRegistry.load() baseDN = configRegistry['ldap/base'] master = configRegistry['ldap/master'] port = int(configRegistry.get('ldap/master/port', '7389')) binddn = options.get('binddn', 'cn=admin,%s' % baseDN) bindpw = options.get('bindpw', None) if bindpw is None: try: bindpw = default_pw() except IOError: raise UsageError("Permission denied, try `--binddn' and `--bindpw'") try: lo = univention.admin.uldap.access(host=master, port=port, base=baseDN, binddn=binddn, bindpw=bindpw) except uexceptions.authFail: raise UsageError("Authentication failed, try `--bindpw'") out = ['Base DN: %s' % baseDN] try: _license.init_select(lo, 'admin') out.extend(check_license(lo, None, 'list-dns' in options, 0)) except uexceptions.base: dns = find_licenses(lo, baseDN, 'admin') dn, expired = choose_license(lo, dns) out.extend(check_license(lo, dn, 'list-dns' in options, expired)) except Exception: # output any other tracebacks trace_out = traceback.format_exc().splitlines() out.extend(trace_out) finally: return out
[docs]def doit(argv): try: out = main(argv[1:]) return out except UsageError as msg: return usage(str(msg))
if __name__ == '__main__': import sys print('\n'.join(doit(sys.argv)))