Source code for univention.appcenter.exceptions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Univention App Center
#  Exception classes
# Copyright 2015-2022 Univention GmbH
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
# (GNU AGPL V3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
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import re

from univention.appcenter.utils import unique, _

[docs]class Abort(Exception): '''The Abort class is the base class for a "controlled" abortion of an action (meaning: univention-app <action>). This means that this situation was foreseen by the developers and is less critical. The "code" variable is sent to the App Center server for Univention to get a clue what went wrong. You should only use one class in different places in the code if you are confident that sending this error from two places does not lead to irritation. (This explicitly holds for Abort itself, you better subclass it) If you give a "default_error_msg" variable, you may also use %(var)s for formatting in this string. In this case, the __init__ method will require the class to be initiated with "var" (either positional or non-positional). The last argument (or an argument named "message") can overwrite any "default_error_msg". ''' code = 401 default_error_msg = '' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): keys = re.findall(r'%\(([^)]+)\)', self.default_error_msg) keys = unique(keys) i = 0 _args = [] for key in keys: if key in kwargs: value = kwargs[key] else: try: value = args[i] except IndexError: raise TypeError('Need %s for %s' % (key, self.__class__.__name__)) i += 1 setattr(self, key, value) _args.append(value) if len(args) > i: self.message = args[i] elif 'message' in kwargs: self.message = kwargs.get('message') else: self.message = '' self.args = tuple(_args)
[docs] def get_exc_details(self): return None
def __str__(self): if self.message: return self.message else: return self.default_error_msg % self.__dict__
[docs]class AbortWithDetails(Abort): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._exc_details = kwargs super(AbortWithDetails, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_exc_details(self): if self._exc_details: return self._exc_details
[docs]class NetworkError(Abort): code = 402
[docs]class CredentialsNoUsernameError(Abort): code = 403
[docs]class CredentialsNoPasswordError(Abort): code = 404
[docs]class ConnectionFailed(Abort): code = 405 default_error_msg = 'No connection possible'
[docs]class ConnectionFailedSecretFile(ConnectionFailed): code = 406 default_error_msg = '/etc/machine.secret not readable'
[docs]class ConnectionFailedInvalidAdminCredentials(ConnectionFailed): code = 407 default_error_msg = 'LDAP server does not accept admin password!'
[docs]class ConnectionFailedInvalidMachineCredentials(ConnectionFailed): code = 408 default_error_msg = 'LDAP server does not accept machine password!'
[docs]class ConnectionFailedInvalidUserCredentials(ConnectionFailed): code = 409 default_error_msg = 'Too many failed attempts!'
[docs]class ConnectionFailedServerDown(ConnectionFailed): code = 410 default_error_msg = 'LDAP server is not running!'
[docs]class UpdateSignatureVerificationFailed(Abort): code = 411 default_error_msg = 'Signature verification for %(filename)s failed'
[docs]class UpdateUnpackArchiveFailed(Abort): code = 412 default_error_msg = 'Failed to unpack "%(filename)s"'
[docs]class ConfigureFailed(Abort): code = 413 default_error_msg = 'Failed to configure: %(app)s: %(exc)s'
[docs]class ShellNoCommandError(Abort): code = 414 default_error_msg = 'Cannot run command: No command specified'
[docs]class ShellAppNotRunning(Abort): code = 415 default_error_msg = 'Cannot run command: %(app)s is not running in a container'
[docs]class InstallSetupFailed(AbortWithDetails): code = 416 default_error_msg = 'Setup script failed!'
# TODO: AbortWithDetails
[docs]class DockerCouldNotStartContainer(Abort): code = 417 default_error_msg = 'Unable to start the container!'
[docs] def get_exc_details(self): return str(self)
[docs]class DatabaseConnectorError(Abort): code = 418
[docs] def get_exc_details(self): return str(self)
[docs]class InstallNonDockerVersionError(Abort): code = 419 default_error_msg = 'Cannot use %(app)s as docker is to be ignored, yet, only non-docker versions could be found'
# TODO: AbortWithDetails
[docs]class InstallFailed(Abort): code = 420 default_error_msg = 'Failed to install the App'
[docs]class InstallMasterPackagesNoninteractiveError(Abort): code = 421
[docs]class InstallMasterPackagesPasswordError(Abort): code = 422
[docs]class RemoveBackupFailed(Abort): code = 423 default_error_msg = 'Could not backup container!'
[docs]class RemovePluginUnsupported(Abort): code = 424 default_error_msg = 'Uninstallation of a plugin is not supported!'
[docs]class RegisterSchemaFailed(AbortWithDetails): code = 425 default_error_msg = 'Registration of schema extension failed (Code: %(code)s)'
[docs] def get_exc_details(self): return str(self)
[docs]class RegisterSchemaFileFailed(Abort): code = 426 default_error_msg = 'Registering schema file %(filename)s failed'
[docs] def get_exc_details(self): return str(self)
# Not used. Here for reference (and to prevent re-using the code)
[docs]class DockerVerificationFailed(Abort): code = 427
[docs] def get_exc_details(self): return str(self)
[docs]class LocalAppCenterError(Abort): # this is a bit lazy... code = 428
[docs]class UpgradeStartContainerFailed(Abort): code = 429 default_error_msg = 'Could not start the app container. It needs to be running to be upgraded!'
[docs]class UpgradeBackupFailed(Abort): code = 430 default_error_msg = 'Could not backup container!'
[docs]class UpgradeAppFailed(Abort): code = 431 default_error_msg = 'App upgrade script failed'
[docs]class UpgradePackagesFailed(Abort): code = 432 default_error_msg = 'Package upgrade script failed'
[docs]class UpgradeReleaseFailed(Abort): code = 433 default_error_msg = 'Release upgrade script failed'
[docs]class ConnectionFailedConnectError(ConnectionFailed): code = 434 def __init__(self, exc): self.details = exc.args[0] def __str__(self): msg = _('LDAP connection refused. There may be an issue with the certificate of the LDAP server. Please also check the proxy and firewall settings, if any.') details = None try: details = self.details.get('info', 'No further details') except (IndexError, KeyError): pass if details: msg += ' (' + details + ')' return msg
[docs]class DockerImagePullFailed(AbortWithDetails): code = 435 default_error_msg = 'Downloading Docker image %(image)s failed: %(out)s'
# TODO: AbortWithDetails
[docs]class RemoveFailed(Abort): code = 436 default_error_msg = 'Failed to uninstall the App'
[docs]class ParallelOperationInProgress(Abort): code = 437 default_error_msg = 'Another package operation is in progress'
[docs]class InstallWithoutPermissionError(Abort): code = 438 default_error_msg = 'The App requires install permissions which are missing. Please contact the App Provider.'
[docs]class ReinitializeError(Abort): code = 439 default_error_msg = 'Reinitializing the App failed.'
[docs]class AppCenterError(Exception): '''A "real" exception that developers cannot handle very well. The difference between AppCenterError and Abort is that Abort is a somewhat defined behavior, i.e. App installation has to fail if the setup script fails. AppCenterError happens where it was not supposed to. The difference between AppCenterError and Exception is that AppCenterError gives a nicer feedback for the Administrator than a scary traceback. You can even put custom information into the proposed feedback mail (raise AppCenterError(str(custom))). As with Abort, AppCenterError should be subclassed and get a different code.''' code = 500 title = _('An error occurred!') info = _('We are sorry for the inconvenience. Please help us to improve the App Center and the Apps by sending us the information below.')
[docs]class AppCenterErrorContainerStart(AppCenterError): code = 501 title = _('The docker container could not be started!')
[docs]class ResidualInstallationError(AppCenterError): code = 502 title = _('An unexpected error occured before the installation started!')