Source code for univention.appcenter.install_checks

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Univention App Center
#  univention-app module for uninstalling an app
# Copyright 2015-2022 Univention GmbH
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
# (GNU AGPL V3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# Binary versions of this program provided by Univention to you as
# well as other copyrighted, protected or trademarked materials like
# Logos, graphics, fonts, specific documentations and configurations,
# cryptographic keys etc. are subject to a license agreement between
# you and Univention and not subject to the GNU AGPL V3.
# In the case you use this program under the terms of the GNU AGPL V3,
# the program is provided in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
# License with the Debian GNU/Linux or Univention distribution in file
# /usr/share/common-licenses/AGPL-3; if not, see
# <>.

import re
import os
import platform

from six import with_metaclass

from import LooseVersion
from univention.appcenter.meta import UniventionMetaClass
from univention.appcenter.ucr import ucr_get, ucr_load, ucr_is_true
from univention.appcenter.app_cache import Apps
from univention.appcenter.utils import get_current_ram_available, get_free_disk_space, underscore, container_mode, app_ports, _
from univention.appcenter.actions import get_action
from univention.appcenter.packages import packages_are_installed, get_package_manager


[docs]class RequirementMetaClass(UniventionMetaClass): def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs): new_cls = super(RequirementMetaClass, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs) if new_cls.__doc__: _REQUIREMENTS[new_cls.get_name()] = new_cls return new_cls
[docs]class Requirement(with_metaclass(RequirementMetaClass)): def __init__(self, apps, action): self.apps = apps self.action = action
[docs] def test(self): if self.action == 'install': return self._test_install() elif self.action == 'upgrade': return self._test_upgrade() elif self.action == 'remove': return self._test_remove() return {}
def _test_install(self): return {} def _test_upgrade(self): return {} def _test_remove(self): return {}
[docs] @classmethod def get_name(cls): return underscore(cls.__name__)
[docs] def other_apps(self, app): return [_app for _app in self.apps if app != _app]
[docs]class SingleRequirement(Requirement): def _test_install(self): ret = {} for app in self.apps: result = self.test_install(app) if result is not None and result is not True: ret[] = result return ret
[docs] def test_install(self, app): pass
def _test_upgrade(self): ret = {} for app in self.apps: result = self.test_upgrade(app) if result is not None and result is not True: ret[] = result return ret
[docs] def test_upgrade(self, app): pass
def _test_remove(self): ret = {} for app in self.apps: result = self.test_remove(app) if result is not None and result is not True: ret[] = result return ret
[docs] def test_remove(self, app): pass
[docs]class MultiRequirement(Requirement): def _test_install(self): ret = {} result = self.test_install(self.apps) if result is not None and result is not True: ret['__all__'] = result return ret
[docs] def test_install(self, apps): pass
def _test_upgrade(self): ret = {} result = self.test_upgrade(self.apps) if result is not None and result is not True: ret['__all__'] = result return ret
[docs] def test_upgrade(self, apps): pass
def _test_remove(self): ret = {} result = self.test_remove(self.apps) if result is not None and result is not True: ret['__all__'] = result return ret
[docs] def test_remove(self, apps): pass
[docs]class HardRequirement(object):
[docs] def is_error(self): return True
[docs]class SoftRequirement(object):
[docs] def is_error(self): return False
[docs]class MustHaveCorrectServerRole(SingleRequirement, HardRequirement): '''The application cannot be installed on the current server role (%(current_role)s). In order to install the application, one of the following roles is necessary: %(allowed_roles)r'''
[docs] def test_install(self, app): server_role = ucr_get('server/role') if not app._allowed_on_local_server(): return { 'current_role': server_role, 'allowed_roles': ', '.join(app.server_role), }
test_upgrade = test_install
[docs]class MustHaveFittingAppVersion(SingleRequirement, HardRequirement): '''To upgrade, at least version %(required_version)s needs to be installed.'''
[docs] def test_upgrade(self, app): if app.required_app_version_upgrade: required_version = LooseVersion(app.required_app_version_upgrade) installed_app = Apps().find( installed_version = LooseVersion(installed_app.version) if required_version > installed_version: return {'required_version': app.required_app_version_upgrade}
[docs]class MustHaveFittingKernelVersion(MultiRequirement, HardRequirement): '''The Kernel version has to be upgraded and the system rebootet.'''
[docs] def test_install(self, apps): if any(app.docker for app in apps): kernel = LooseVersion(os.uname()[2]) if kernel < LooseVersion('4.9'): return False
test_upgrade = test_install
[docs]class MustHaveCandidate(SingleRequirement, HardRequirement): '''The application is either not installed or no newer version is available'''
[docs] def test_upgrade(self, app): _app = Apps().find( if not _app.is_installed() or _app >= app: return False
[docs]class MustHaveFittingUcsVersion(SingleRequirement, HardRequirement): '''The application requires UCS version %(required_version)s.'''
[docs] def test_install(self, app): required_ucs_version = None for supported_version in app.supported_ucs_versions: if supported_version.startswith('%s-' % ucr_get('version/version')): required_ucs_version = supported_version break else: if app.get_ucs_version() == ucr_get('version/version'): if app.required_ucs_version: required_ucs_version = app.required_ucs_version else: return True if required_ucs_version is None: return {'required_version': app.get_ucs_version()} major, minor = ucr_get('version/version').split('.', 1) patchlevel = ucr_get('version/patchlevel') errata = ucr_get('version/erratalevel') version_bits = re.match(r'^(\d+)\.(\d+)-(\d+)(?: errata(\d+))?$', required_ucs_version).groups() comparisons = zip(version_bits, [major, minor, patchlevel, errata]) for required, present in comparisons: if int(required or 0) > int(present): return {'required_version': required_ucs_version} if int(required or 0) < int(present): return True
test_upgrade = test_install
[docs]class MustHaveInstallPermissions(SingleRequirement, HardRequirement): '''You need to buy the App to install this version.'''
[docs] def test_install(self, app): if not app.install_permissions_exist(): return {'shop_url': app.shop_url, 'version': app.version}
test_upgrade = test_install
[docs]class MustHaveNoConflictsApps(SingleRequirement, HardRequirement): '''The application conflicts with the following applications: %r'''
[docs] def test_install(self, app): conflictedapps = set() apps_cache = Apps() # check ConflictedApps for _app in apps_cache.get_all_apps(): if not _app._allowed_on_local_server(): # cannot be installed, continue continue if in app.conflicted_apps or in _app.conflicted_apps: if _app.is_installed(): conflictedapps.add( elif _app in self.other_apps(app): conflictedapps.add( # check port conflicts ports = [] for i in app.ports_exclusive: ports.append(i) for i in app.ports_redirection: ports.append(i.split(':', 1)[0]) for app_id, container_port, host_port in app_ports(): if app_id != and str(host_port) in ports: conflictedapps.add(app_id) for _app in self.other_apps(app): other_ports = set() for i in _app.ports_exclusive: other_ports.add(i) for i in _app.ports_redirection: other_ports.add(i.split(':', 1)[0]) if other_ports.intersection(ports): conflictedapps.add( if conflictedapps: conflictedapps = [apps_cache.find(app_id) for app_id in conflictedapps] return [{'id':, 'name':} for _app in conflictedapps if _app]
test_upgrade = test_install
[docs]class MustHaveNoConflictsPackages(SingleRequirement, HardRequirement): '''The application conflicts with the following packages: %r'''
[docs] def test_install(self, app): conflict_packages = [] for pkgname in app.conflicted_system_packages: if packages_are_installed([pkgname], strict=True): conflict_packages.append(pkgname) if conflict_packages: return conflict_packages
test_upgrade = test_install
[docs]class MustHaveNoUnmetDependencies(SingleRequirement, HardRequirement): '''The application requires the following applications: %r'''
[docs] def test_install(self, app): unmet_apps = [] apps_cache = Apps() # RequiredApps for _app in apps_cache.get_all_apps(): if in app.required_apps: if not _app.is_installed(): unmet_apps.append({'id':, 'name':, 'in_domain': False}) # RequiredAppsInDomain domain = get_action('domain') apps = [apps_cache.find(app_id) for app_id in app.required_apps_in_domain] apps_info = domain.to_dict(apps) for _app in apps_info: if not _app: continue if not _app['is_installed_anywhere']: local_allowed = _app['id'] not in app.conflicted_apps unmet_apps.append({'id': _app['id'], 'name': _app['name'], 'in_domain': True, 'local_allowed': local_allowed}) unmet_apps = [unmet_app for unmet_app in unmet_apps if unmet_app['id'] not in ( for _app in self.other_apps(app))] if unmet_apps: return unmet_apps
test_upgrade = test_install
[docs]class MustHaveSupportedArchitecture(SingleRequirement, HardRequirement): '''This application only supports %(supported)s as architecture. %(msg)s'''
[docs] def test_install(self, app): supported_architectures = app.supported_architectures platform_bits = platform.architecture()[0] aliases = {'i386': '32bit', 'amd64': '64bit'} if supported_architectures: for architecture in supported_architectures: if aliases[architecture] == platform_bits: break else: # For now only two architectures are supported: # 32bit and 64bit - and this will probably not change # too soon. # So instead of returning lists and whatnot # just return a nice message # Needs to be adapted when supporting different archs supported = supported_architectures[0] if supported == 'i386': needs = 32 has = 64 else: needs = 64 has = 32 msg = _('The application needs a %(needs)s-bit operating system. This server is running a %(has)s-bit operating system.') % {'needs': needs, 'has': has} return {'supported': supported, 'msg': msg}
test_upgrade = test_install
[docs]class MustHaveValidLicense(MultiRequirement, HardRequirement): '''For the installation, a UCS license key with a key identification (Key ID) is required'''
[docs] def test_install(self, apps): if any(app.notify_vendor for app in apps): license = ucr_get('uuid/license') if license is None: ucr_load() license = ucr_get('uuid/license') return license is not None
test_upgrade = test_install
[docs]class MustNotBeDependedOn(SingleRequirement, HardRequirement): '''The application is required for the following applications to work: %r'''
[docs] def test_remove(self, app): depending_apps = [] apps_cache = Apps() # RequiredApps for _app in apps_cache.get_all_apps(): if in _app.required_apps and _app.is_installed(): depending_apps.append({'id':, 'name':}) # RequiredAppsInDomain apps = [_app for _app in apps_cache.get_all_apps() if in _app.required_apps_in_domain] if apps: domain = get_action('domain') self_info = domain.to_dict([app])[0] hostname = ucr_get('hostname') if not any(inst['version'] for host, inst in self_info['installations'].items() if host != hostname): # this is the only installation apps_info = domain.to_dict(apps) for _app in apps_info: if _app['is_installed_anywhere']: depending_apps.append({'id': _app['id'], 'name': _app['name']}) depending_apps = [depending_app for depending_app in depending_apps if depending_app['id'] not in ( for _app in self.other_apps(app))] if depending_apps: return depending_apps
[docs]class MustNotBeDockerIfDockerIsDisabled(SingleRequirement, HardRequirement): '''The application uses a container technology while the App Center is configured to not not support it'''
[docs] def test_install(self, app): return not app.docker or ucr_is_true('appcenter/docker', True)
test_upgrade = test_install
[docs]class MustNotBeDockerInDocker(SingleRequirement, HardRequirement): '''The application uses a container technology while the system itself runs in a container. Using the application is not supported on this host'''
[docs] def test_install(self, app): return not app.docker or not container_mode()
test_upgrade = test_install
[docs]class MustNotBeEndOfLife(SingleRequirement, HardRequirement): '''This application was discontinued and may not be installed anymore'''
[docs] def test_install(self, app): return not app.end_of_life
[docs]class MustNotBeInstalled(SingleRequirement, HardRequirement): '''This application is already installed'''
[docs] def test_install(self, app): return not app.is_installed()
[docs]class MustNotBeVoteForApp(SingleRequirement, HardRequirement): '''The application is not yet installable. Vote for this app now and bring your favorite faster to the Univention App Center'''
[docs] def test_install(self, app): return not app.vote_for_app
test_upgrade = test_install
[docs]class MustNotHaveConcurrentOperation(SingleRequirement, HardRequirement): '''Another package operation is in progress'''
[docs] def test_install(self, app): if app.docker: return True else: return get_package_manager().progress_state._finished # TODO: package_manager.is_finished()
test_upgrade = test_install test_remove = test_install
[docs]class ShallHaveEnoughFreeDiskSpace(MultiRequirement, SoftRequirement): '''The system needs %(minimum)d MB of free disk space but only %(current)d MB are available.'''
[docs] def test_install(self, apps): required_free_disk_space = 0 for app in apps: required_free_disk_space += (app.min_free_disk_space or 0) if required_free_disk_space <= 0: return True current_free_disk_space = get_free_disk_space() if current_free_disk_space and current_free_disk_space < required_free_disk_space: return {'minimum': required_free_disk_space, 'current': current_free_disk_space}
[docs]class ShallHaveEnoughRam(MultiRequirement, SoftRequirement): '''The system need at least %(minimum)d MB of free RAM but only %(current)d MB are available.'''
[docs] def test_install(self, apps): current_ram = get_current_ram_available() required_ram = 0 for app in apps: required_ram += app.min_physical_ram if current_ram < required_ram: return {'minimum': required_ram, 'current': current_ram}
[docs] def test_upgrade(self, apps): current_ram = get_current_ram_available() required_ram = 0 for app in apps: required_ram += app.min_physical_ram installed_app = Apps().find( # is already installed, just a minor version upgrade # RAM "used" by this installed app should count # as free. best approach: subtract it required_ram -= installed_app.min_physical_ram if current_ram < required_ram: return {'minimum': required_ram, 'current': current_ram}
[docs]class ShallNotBeDockerIfDiscouraged(SingleRequirement, HardRequirement): '''The application has not been approved to migrate all existing data. Maybe there is a migration guide: %(migration_link)s'''
[docs] def test_install(self, app): problem = app._docker_prudence_is_true() and not app.docker_migration_works if problem: return {'migration_link': app.docker_migration_link}
test_upgrade = test_install
[docs]class ShallOnlyBeInstalledInAdEnvWithPasswordService(SingleRequirement, SoftRequirement): '''The application requires the password service to be set up on the Active Directory domain controller server.'''
[docs] def test_install(self, app): return not app._has_active_ad_member_issue('password')
test_upgrade = test_install
[docs]def check(apps, action): errors = {} warnings = {} for name, klass in _REQUIREMENTS.items(): requirement = klass(apps, action) result = requirement.test() if result: if requirement.is_error(): errors[name] = result else: warnings[name] = result return errors, warnings
[docs]def get_requirement(name): return _REQUIREMENTS[name]