# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Univention App Center
# .settings file for Apps
# Copyright 2017-2022 Univention GmbH
# https://www.univention.de/
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
# (GNU AGPL V3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# Binary versions of this program provided by Univention to you as
# well as other copyrighted, protected or trademarked materials like
# Logos, graphics, fonts, specific documentations and configurations,
# cryptographic keys etc. are subject to a license agreement between
# you and Univention and not subject to the GNU AGPL V3.
# In the case you use this program under the terms of the GNU AGPL V3,
# the program is provided in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
# License with the Debian GNU/Linux or Univention distribution in file
# /usr/share/common-licenses/AGPL-3; if not, see
# <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import os.path
from six import string_types
from univention.appcenter.utils import app_is_running, container_mode, mkdir, _
from univention.appcenter.log import get_base_logger
from univention.appcenter.ucr import ucr_get, ucr_is_true, ucr_run_filter
from univention.appcenter.ini_parser import TypedIniSectionObject, IniSectionBooleanAttribute, IniSectionListAttribute, IniSectionAttribute
settings_logger = get_base_logger().getChild('settings')
[docs]class SettingValueError(Exception):
[docs]class Setting(TypedIniSectionObject):
'''Based on the .settings file, models additional settings for Apps
that can be configured before installation, during run-time, etc.'''
type = IniSectionAttribute(default='String', choices=['String', 'Int', 'Bool', 'List', 'Password', 'File', 'PasswordFile', 'Status'])
description = IniSectionAttribute(localisable=True, required=True)
group = IniSectionAttribute(localisable=True)
show = IniSectionListAttribute(default=['Settings'], choices=['Install', 'Upgrade', 'Remove', 'Settings'])
show_read_only = IniSectionListAttribute(choices=['Install', 'Upgrade', 'Remove', 'Settings'])
initial_value = IniSectionAttribute()
required = IniSectionBooleanAttribute()
scope = IniSectionListAttribute(choices=['inside', 'outside'])
[docs] @classmethod
def get_class(cls, name):
if name and not name.endswith('Setting'):
name = '%sSetting' % name
return super(Setting, cls).get_class(name)
[docs] def is_outside(self, app):
# for Non-Docker Apps, Docker Apps when called from inside, Settings specified for 'outside'
return not app.docker or container_mode() or 'outside' in self.scope
[docs] def is_inside(self, app):
# only for Docker Apps (and called from the Docker Host). And not only 'outside' is specified
return app.docker and not container_mode() and ('inside' in self.scope or self.scope == [])
[docs] def get_initial_value(self, app):
if self.is_outside(app):
value = ucr_get(self.name)
if value is not None:
return self.sanitize_value(app, value)
if isinstance(self.initial_value, string_types):
return ucr_run_filter(self.initial_value)
return self.initial_value
[docs] def get_value(self, app, phase='Settings'):
'''Get the current value for this Setting. Easy implementation'''
if self.is_outside(app):
value = ucr_get(self.name)
if app_is_running(app):
from univention.appcenter.actions import get_action
configure = get_action('configure')
ucr = configure._get_app_ucr(app)
value = ucr.get(self.name)
settings_logger.info('Cannot read %s while %s is not running' % (self.name, app))
value = None
value = self.sanitize_value(app, value)
except SettingValueError:
settings_logger.info('Cannot use %r for %s' % (value, self.name))
value = None
if value is None and phase == 'Install':
settings_logger.info('Falling back to initial value for %s' % self.name)
value = self.get_initial_value(app)
return value
def _log_set_value(self, app, value):
if value is None:
settings_logger.info('Unsetting %s' % self.name)
settings_logger.info('Setting %s to %r' % (self.name, value))
[docs] def set_value(self, app, value, together_config_settings, part):
together_config_settings[part][self.name] = value
[docs] def set_value_together(self, app, value, together_config_settings):
value = self.sanitize_value(app, value)
value = self.value_for_setting(app, value)
self._log_set_value(app, value)
if self.is_outside(app):
together_config_settings.setdefault('outside', {})
self.set_value(app, value, together_config_settings, 'outside')
if self.is_inside(app):
together_config_settings.setdefault('inside', {})
self.set_value(app, value, together_config_settings, 'inside')
[docs] def sanitize_value(self, app, value):
if self.required and value in [None, '']:
raise SettingValueError('%s is required' % self.name)
return value
[docs] def value_for_setting(self, app, value):
if value is None:
return None
value = str(value)
if value == '':
return None
return value
[docs] def should_go_into_image_configuration(self, app):
return self.is_inside(app) and ('Install' in self.show or 'Upgrade' in self.show)
[docs]class StringSetting(Setting):
[docs]class IntSetting(Setting):
[docs] def sanitize_value(self, app, value):
super(IntSetting, self).sanitize_value(app, value)
if value is not None:
return int(value)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
raise SettingValueError('%s: %r is not a number' % (self.name, value))
[docs]class BoolSetting(Setting):
[docs] def sanitize_value(self, app, value):
super(BoolSetting, self).sanitize_value(app, value)
if isinstance(value, bool):
return value
return ucr_is_true(self.name, value=value)
[docs] def value_for_setting(self, app, value):
return str(value).lower()
[docs]class ListSetting(Setting):
labels = IniSectionListAttribute()
values = IniSectionListAttribute()
[docs] def sanitize_value(self, app, value):
super(ListSetting, self).sanitize_value(app, value)
if value not in self.values:
raise SettingValueError('%s: %r is not a valid option' % (self.name, value))
return value
[docs]class UDMListSetting(ListSetting):
udm_filter = IniSectionAttribute()
[docs]class FileSetting(Setting):
filename = IniSectionAttribute(required=True)
def _log_set_value(self, app, value):
# do not log complete file content
def _read_file_content(self, filename):
with open(filename) as fd:
return fd.read()
except EnvironmentError:
return None
def _touch_file(self, filename):
if not os.path.exists(filename):
open(filename, 'wb')
def _write_file_content(self, filename, content):
if content:
settings_logger.debug('Writing to %s' % filename)
with open(filename, 'w') as fd:
settings_logger.debug('Deleting %s' % filename)
if os.path.exists(filename):
except EnvironmentError as exc:
settings_logger.error('Could not set content: %s' % exc)
[docs] def get_value(self, app, phase='Settings'):
if self.is_outside(app):
value = self._read_file_content(self.filename)
if app_is_running(app):
from univention.appcenter.docker import Docker
docker = Docker(app)
value = self._read_file_content(docker.path(self.filename))
settings_logger.info('Cannot read %s while %s is not running' % (self.name, app))
value = None
if value is None and phase == 'Install':
settings_logger.info('Falling back to initial value for %s' % self.name)
value = self.get_initial_value(app)
return value
[docs] def set_value(self, app, value, together_config_settings, part):
if part == 'outside':
return self._write_file_content(self.filename, value)
if not app_is_running(app):
settings_logger.error('Cannot write %s while %s is not running' % (self.name, app))
from univention.appcenter.docker import Docker
docker = Docker(app)
return self._write_file_content(docker.path(self.filename), value)
[docs] def should_go_into_image_configuration(self, app):
return False
[docs]class PasswordSetting(Setting):
description = IniSectionAttribute(default=_('Password'), localisable=True)
def _log_set_value(self, app, value):
# do not log password
[docs]class PasswordFileSetting(FileSetting, PasswordSetting):
def _touch_file(self, filename):
super(PasswordFileSetting, self)._touch_file(filename)
os.chmod(filename, 0o600)
[docs]class StatusSetting(Setting):
[docs] def set_value(self, app, value, together_config_settings, part):
# do not set value via this function - has to be done directly