Source code for univention.ldap_cache.cache.backend.gdbm_cache

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021-2022 Univention GmbH
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
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import os
from pwd import getpwnam
from contextlib import contextmanager
import json

from six.moves import dbm_gnu as gdbm

from univention.ldap_cache.cache.backend import Caches, LdapCache, Shard, _s
from univention.ldap_cache.log import log, debug


[docs]class GdbmCaches(Caches): def _add_sub_cache(self, name, single_value, reverse): db_file = os.path.join(self._directory, '%s.db' % name) debug('Using GDBM %s', name) cache = GdbmCache(name, single_value, reverse) cache.db_file = db_file self._caches[name] = cache return cache
[docs]class GdbmCache(LdapCache): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.fail_count = 0 super(GdbmCache, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) log('%s - Recreating!', def _fix_permissions(self): listener_uid = getpwnam('listener').pw_uid os.chown(self.db_file, listener_uid, -1) os.chmod(self.db_file, 0o640)
[docs] @contextmanager def writing(self, writer=None): if writer is not None: yield writer else: if not os.path.exists(self.db_file): self.clear() writer =, 'csu') try: yield writer finally: writer.close()
reading = writing
[docs] def save(self, key, values): with self.writing() as writer: if self.reverse: for value in values: current = self.get(value, writer) or [] if key in current: continue debug('%s - Adding %s %r',, value, key) current.append(key) writer[value] = json.dumps(current) else: self.delete(key, values, writer) if not values: return debug('%s - Saving %s %r',, key, values) if self.single_value: writer[key] = values[0] else: writer[key] = json.dumps(values)
[docs] def clear(self): log('%s - Clearing whole DB!',, 'nu').close() self._fix_permissions()
[docs] def cleanup(self): with self.writing() as db: try: db.reorganize() except gdbm.error: if self.fail_count > MAX_FAIL_COUNT: raise self.fail_count += 1 log('%s - Cleaning up DB FAILED %s times',, self.fail_count) else: log('%s - Cleaning up DB WORKED', self.fail_count = 0 self._fix_permissions()
[docs] def delete(self, key, values, writer=None): debug('%s - Delete %s',, key) with self.writing(writer) as writer: if self.reverse: for value in values: current = self.get(value, writer) or [] try: current.remove(key) except ValueError: continue writer[value] = json.dumps(current) else: try: del writer[key] except KeyError: pass
def __iter__(self): with self.reading() as reader: key = _s(reader.firstkey()) while key is not None: yield key, self.get(key, reader) key = _s(reader.nextkey(key))
[docs] def get(self, key, reader=None): with self.reading(reader) as reader: try: value = reader[key] except KeyError: if self.single_value: return None return [] if self.single_value: return _s(value) elif value: return _s(json.loads(value))
[docs] def load(self): debug('%s - Loading', return dict(self)
[docs]class GdbmShard(Shard): key = 'dn'