Source code for univention.ldap_cache.frontend

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021-2022 Univention GmbH
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
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from univention.ldap_cache.cache import get_cache

def _extract_id_from_dn(dn):
	"""We know that this is wrong in general. But to speed up things
	we do not use explode_dn from ldap.
	We use the knowledge about users/user, groups/group, computers/computer objects:
	Their uid / cn must not contain a "," or a "=".
	%timeit dn.split(",", 1)[0].split("=", 1)[1]
	=> 300ns
	%timeit ldap.explode_dn(dn, 1)[0]
	=> 8µs
	return dn.split(",", 1)[0].split("=", 1)[1]

[docs]def groups_for_user(user_dn, consider_nested_groups=True, cache=None): user_dn = user_dn.lower() if cache is None: _cache = get_cache() cache = _cache.get_sub_cache('uniqueMembers').load() cache = dict((key, set(val.lower() for val in values)) for key, values in cache.items()) search_for_dns = [user_dn] found = set() while search_for_dns: search_for = search_for_dns.pop().lower() for member, dns in cache.items(): if search_for in dns: if member not in found: found.add(member) search_for_dns.append(member) if not consider_nested_groups: break return sorted(found)
[docs]def users_in_group(group_dn, consider_nested_groups=True, readers=(None, None)): group_dn = group_dn.lower() cache = get_cache() member_uid_cache, unique_member_cache = [cache.get_sub_cache(name) for name in ['memberUids', 'uniqueMembers']] with member_uid_cache.reading(readers[0]) as member_uid_reader, unique_member_cache.reading(readers[1]) as unique_member_reader: ret = set() members = unique_member_cache.get(group_dn, unique_member_reader) if not members: return [] uids = member_uid_cache.get(group_dn, member_uid_reader) or [] uids = set([uid.lower() for uid in uids]) for member in members: rdn = _extract_id_from_dn(member).lower() if rdn in uids: ret.add(member.lower()) elif '%s$' % rdn in uids: continue else: if consider_nested_groups: ret.update(users_in_group(member, consider_nested_groups, readers=(member_uid_reader, unique_member_reader))) return sorted(ret)