Source code for univention.lib.policy_result

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Univention Common Python Library
# Copyright 2010-2022 Univention GmbH
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
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import codecs
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

[docs]class PolicyResultFailed(Exception): def __init__(self, message, returncode): super(PolicyResultFailed, self).__init__(message) self.returncode = returncode
[docs]def policy_result(dn, binddn="", bindpw="", encoding='UTF-8', ldap_server=None): """ Return a tuple of hash-lists, mapping attributes to a list of values and mapping attributes to the matching Policy-DN. >>> (results, policies) = policy_result('dc=univention,dc=local') >>> policies['univentionDhcpDomainNameServers'] 'cn=default-settings,cn=dns,cn=dhcp,cn=policies,dc=univention,dc=local' results['univentionDhcpDomainNameServers'] [''] """ results, policies = _policy_result(dn, binddn, bindpw, encoding, ldap_server) return ( {_replace_ucr_key(key, encoding): value for key, value in results.items()}, {_replace_ucr_key(key, encoding): value for key, value in policies.items()} )
[docs]def ucr_policy_result(dn, binddn="", bindpw="", encoding='UTF-8', ldap_server=None): """ Return a tuple of hash-lists, mapping attributes to a list of values and mapping attributes to the matching Policy-DN. """ results, policies = _policy_result(dn, binddn, bindpw, encoding, ldap_server) return ( {_replace_ucr_key(key, encoding): value for key, value in results.items() if key.startswith('univentionRegistry;entry-hex-')}, {_replace_ucr_key(key, encoding): value for key, value in policies.items() if key.startswith('univentionRegistry;entry-hex-')} )
def _replace_ucr_key(current_attribute, encoding): if current_attribute.startswith('univentionRegistry;entry-hex-'): current_attribute = codecs.decode(current_attribute.replace('univentionRegistry;entry-hex-', ''), 'hex').decode(encoding) return current_attribute def _policy_result(dn, binddn="", bindpw="", encoding='UTF-8', ldap_server=None): if not binddn: import univention.config_registry cr = univention.config_registry.ConfigRegistry() cr.load() binddn = cr.get("ldap/hostdn") bindpw = "/etc/machine.secret" command = ['univention-policy-result', '-D', binddn, '-y', bindpw, ] if ldap_server: command.extend(["-h", ldap_server]) command.append(dn) p = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: raise PolicyResultFailed("Error getting univention-policy-result for '%(dn)s': %(error)s" % {'dn': dn, 'error': stderr.decode('utf-8', 'replace')}, returncode=p.returncode) results = {} # Attribute -> [Values...] policies = {} # Attribute -> Policy-DN current_attribute = None policy = None for line in stdout.decode(encoding, 'replace').splitlines(): if line.startswith('Attribute: '): current_attribute = line[len('Attribute: '):] policies[current_attribute] = policy current_values = results.setdefault(current_attribute, []) elif line.startswith('Value: '): value = line[len('Value: '):] current_values.append(value) elif line.startswith('Policy: '): policy = line[len('Policy: '):] elif line.startswith('DN: '): pass # DN of the object elif line.startswith('POLICY '): pass # DN of the object ? else: pass # empty line return (results, policies)