Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Univention Management Console
#  Base class for UMC 2.0 command handlers
# Copyright 2006-2022 Univention GmbH
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
# (GNU AGPL V3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# Binary versions of this program provided by Univention to you as
# well as other copyrighted, protected or trademarked materials like
# Logos, graphics, fonts, specific documentations and configurations,
# cryptographic keys etc. are subject to a license agreement between
# you and Univention and not subject to the GNU AGPL V3.
# In the case you use this program under the terms of the GNU AGPL V3,
# the program is provided in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
# License with the Debian GNU/Linux or Univention distribution in file
# /usr/share/common-licenses/AGPL-3; if not, see
# <>.
Python API for UMC modules

The python API for UMC modules primary consists of one base class that
must be implemented. As an addition the python API provides some helper
functions and classes:

* exception classes
* translation support
* logging functions
* UCR access

The XML file defining the UMC module specifies functions for the
commands provided by the module. These functions must be implemented as
methods of a class named *Instance* that inherits :class:`.Base`.

The following python code example matches the definition in the previous section::

	from import Translation
	from import ucr
	from import Base
	from import sanitize
	from import IntegerSanitizer
	from import MODULE

	_ = Translation('univention-management-console-modules-udm').translate

	class Instance(Base):

		def query(self, request):
			end = request.options['end']
			result = list(range(end))
			self.finished(, result)

Each command methods has one parameter that contains the UMCP request of
:class:``. Such
an object has the following properties:

	is the unique identifier of the request

	contains the arguments for the command. For most commands it is a

	is the name of the flavor that was used to invoke the command. This
	might be *None*

The *query* method in the example above shows how to retrieve the
command parameters and what to do to send the result back to the
client. Important is that returning a value in a command function does
not send anything back to the client. Therefore the function *finished*
must be invoked. The first parameter is the identifier of the request
that will be answered and the second parameter the data structure
containing the result. As the result is converted to JSON it must just
contain data types that can be converted.

The base class for modules provides some properties and methods that
could be useful when writing UMC modules:

* *username*: The username of the owner of this session
* *password*: The password of the user
* *auth_type*: The authentication method which was used to authenticate this user

* *init*: Is invoked after the module process has been initialised. At that moment, the settings, like locale and username and password are available.
* *permitted*: Can be used to determine if a specific UMCP command can be invoked by the current user. This method has two parameters: The ''command'' name and the ''options''.


from __future__ import absolute_import

import re
import sys
import locale
import traceback

import six
import ldap
import ldap.sasl
from notifier import signals
from six.moves.urllib_parse import urlparse

from univention.lib.i18n import Locale, Translation, I18N_Error

import univention.admin.uexceptions as udm_errors

from import Response, MIMETYPE_JSON
from import get_user_connection, reset_cache as reset_ldap_connection_cache
from import ucr
from import MODULE, CORE
from import UMC_Error, NotAcceptable, PasswordRequired, LDAP_ServerDown, LDAP_ConnectionFailed, Unauthorized

_ = Translation('').translate

[docs]class Base(signals.Provider, Translation): '''The base class for UMC modules of version 2 or higher''' def __init__(self, domain='univention-management-console'): signals.Provider.__init__(self) self.signal_new('success') self._username = None self._user_dn = None self._password = None self.__auth_type = None self.__acls = None self.__current_language = None self.__requests = {} self._user_connections = set() Translation.__init__(self, domain)
[docs] def update_language(self, locales): for _locale in locales: language = None try:"Setting locale %r" % (_locale,)) _locale = Locale(_locale) language = '%s-%s' % (_locale.language, _locale.territory) if _locale.territory else '%s' % (_locale.language,) if language != self.__current_language: self.set_locale(str(_locale)) self.__current_language = language return except (locale.Error, I18N_Error) as exc: if language in ('en', 'en-US'): # the system is missing english locale self.set_locale('C') if not self.__current_language: # only log once! CORE.error('Missing "en_US.UTF-8:UTF-8" in UCR variable "locale"') self.__current_language = language return CORE.warn("Locale %r is not available: %s" % (str(_locale), exc)) CORE.warn('Could not set language. Resetting locale.') self.set_locale('C') self.__current_language = None raise NotAcceptable(self._('Specified locale is not available'))
[docs] def set_locale(self, _locale): self.set_language(_locale) _locale = str(Locale(_locale)) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_MESSAGES, _locale) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_CTYPE, _locale)
@property def username(self): return self._username @username.setter def username(self, username): self._username = username @property def user_dn(self): return self._user_dn @user_dn.setter def user_dn(self, user_dn): self._user_dn = user_dn MODULE.process('Setting user LDAP DN %r' % (self._user_dn,)) @property def password(self): return self._password @password.setter def password(self, password): self._password = password @property def acls(self): return self.__acls @acls.setter def acls(self, acls): self.__acls = acls @property def auth_type(self): return self.__auth_type @auth_type.setter def auth_type(self, auth_type): MODULE.process('Setting auth type to %r' % (auth_type,)) self.__auth_type = auth_type
[docs] def init(self): '''this function is invoked after the initial UMCP SET command that passes the base configuration to the module process'''
[docs] def destroy(self): '''this function is invoked before the module process is exiting.'''
[docs] def execute(self, method, request, *args, **kwargs): self.__requests[] = (request, method) try: function = getattr(self, method) except AttributeError: message = self._('Method %(method)r (%(path)r) in %(module)r does not exist.\n\n%(traceback)s') % {'method': method, 'path': request.arguments, 'module': self.__class__.__module__, 'traceback': traceback.format_exc()} self.finished(, None, message=message, status=500) return try:'Executing %r' % (request.arguments or request.command,)) self._parse_accept_language(request) if ucr.is_false('umc/server/disable-security-restrictions', True): self.security_checks(request, function) function.__func__(self, request, *args, **kwargs) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): self.finished(, None, self._('The UMC service is currently shutting down or restarting. Please retry soon.'), status=503) raise except BaseException: self.__error_handling(request, method, *sys.exc_info())
def _parse_accept_language(self, request): """Parses language tokens from Accept-Language, transforms it into locale and set the language.""" if request.headers.get('X-Requested-With'.title(), '').lower() != 'XMLHTTPRequest'.lower(): return # don't change the language if Accept-Language header contains the value of the browser and not those we set in Javascript accepted_locales = re.split(r'\s*,\s*', request.headers.get('Accept-Language', '')) if accepted_locales: self.update_language(l.replace('-', '_') for l in accepted_locales)
[docs] def security_checks(self, request, function): if request.http_method not in (u'POST', u'PUT', u'DELETE') and not getattr(function, 'allow_get', False): status = 405 if request.http_method in (u'GET', u'HEAD') else 501 raise UMC_Error(self._('The requested HTTP method is not allowed on this resource.'), status=status, headers={'Allow': 'POST'}) if getattr(function, 'xsrf_protection', True) and request.cookies.get('UMCSessionId') != request.headers.get('X-Xsrf-Protection'.title()): raise UMC_Error(self._('Cross Site Request Forgery attack detected. Please provide the "UMCSessionId" cookie value as HTTP request header "X-Xsrf-Protection".'), status=403) if getattr(function, 'referer_protection', True) and request.headers.get('Referer') and not urlparse(request.headers['Referer']).path.startswith('/univention/'): # FIXME: we must also check the netloc/hostname/IP raise UMC_Error(self._('The "Referer" HTTP header must start with "/univention/".'), status=503) content_type = request.headers.get('Content-Type', '') allowed_content_types = ('application/json', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'multipart/form-data') if content_type and not re.match(r'^(%s)($|\s*;)' % '|'.join(re.escape(x) for x in allowed_content_types), content_type): raise UMC_Error(self._('The requested Content-Type is not acceptable. Please use one of %s.' % (', '.join(allowed_content_types))), status=406)
[docs] def thread_finished_callback(self, thread, result, request): if not isinstance(result, BaseException): self.finished(, result) return method = '%s: %s' % (, ' '.join(request.arguments)) self.__error_handling(request, method, thread.exc_info[0], thread.exc_info[1], thread.trace)
[docs] def error_handling(self, etype, exc, etraceback): """ Translate generic UDM exceptions back to LDAP exceptions. :param etype: The exception class. :param exc: The exception instance. :param etraceback: The exception traceback instance; may be None. """ if (isinstance(exc, udm_errors.ldapError) and isinstance(getattr(exc, 'original_exception', None), ldap.LDAPError)) or isinstance(exc, ldap.LDAPError): # After an exception the ReconnectLDAPObject instance can be in a state without a bind. Which can result # in a "ldapError: Insufficient access" exception, because the connection is anonymous. Prevent the usage # of a ReconnectLDAPObject instance after an exception by clearing the connection cache. # Bug #46089 reset_ldap_connection_cache() if isinstance(exc, udm_errors.ldapError) and isinstance(getattr(exc, 'original_exception', None), ldap.SERVER_DOWN): exc = exc.original_exception if isinstance(exc, udm_errors.ldapError) and isinstance(getattr(exc, 'original_exception', None), ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS): exc = exc.original_exception if isinstance(exc, ldap.SERVER_DOWN): raise LDAP_ServerDown() if isinstance(exc, ldap.CONNECT_ERROR): raise LDAP_ConnectionFailed(exc) if isinstance(exc, ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS): # Ensure the connection cache is empty to prevent the use of expired saml messages # Bug #44621 reset_ldap_connection_cache() raise Unauthorized
def __error_handling(self, request, method, etype, exc, etraceback): """ Handle UMC exception. As requests are processes by python-notifier in a separate thread, any exception only contains the traceback relative to the notifier thread. To make them more usable we want to combine them with the calling part to get a complete stack trace. This is complicated by the fact that python-notifier no longer stores the original traceback, as this creates a memory leak. Instead only the rendered traceback is stored. :param request: The original UMC request. :param method: The failed UMC command. :param etype: The exception class. :param exc: The exception instance. :param etraceback: The exception traceback instance; may be None. """ message = '' result = None headers = None error = None trace = etraceback or [] if isinstance(etraceback, list): etraceback = None try: try: self.error_handling(etype, exc, etraceback) except Exception: raise else: six.reraise(etype, exc, etraceback) except UMC_Error as exc: status = exc.status result = exc.result headers = exc.headers reason = exc.reason message = str(exc) if not exc.traceback and exc.include_traceback: exc.traceback = traceback.format_exc() if isinstance(exc.traceback, bytes): # Python 2 exc.traceback = exc.traceback.decode('utf-8', 'replace') error = { 'command': method, 'traceback': exc.traceback, } except Exception: status = MODULE_ERR_COMMAND_FAILED reason = None if etraceback is None: # Bug #47114: thread.exc_info doesn't contain a traceback object anymore tb_str = ''.join(['Traceback (most recent call last):\n'] + trace + traceback.format_exception_only(*sys.exc_info()[:2])) else: tb_str = traceback.format_exc() if isinstance(tb_str, bytes): # Python 2 tb_str = tb_str.decode('utf-8', 'replace') error = { 'command': ('%s %s' % (' '.join(request.arguments), '(%s)' % (request.flavor,) if request.flavor else '')).strip(), 'traceback': tb_str, } if isinstance(error['command'], bytes): # Python 2 error['command'] = error['command'].decode('utf-8', 'replace') message = self._('Internal server error during "%(command)s".') % error MODULE.process(str(message)) self.finished(, result, message, status=status, headers=headers, error=error, reason=reason)
[docs] def default_response_headers(self): headers = { 'Vary': 'Content-Language', } if self.__current_language: headers['Content-Language'] = self.__current_language return headers
[docs] def get_user_ldap_connection(self, no_cache=False, **kwargs): if not self._user_dn: return # local user (probably root) try: lo, po = get_user_connection(bind=self.bind_user_connection, write=kwargs.pop('write', False), follow_referral=True, no_cache=no_cache, **kwargs) if not no_cache: self._user_connections.add(lo) return lo except (ldap.LDAPError, udm_errors.base) as exc: CORE.warn('Failed to open LDAP connection for user %s: %s' % (self._user_dn, exc))
[docs] def bind_user_connection(self, lo): CORE.process('LDAP bind for user %r.' % (self._user_dn,)) try: if self.auth_type == 'SAML': lo.lo.bind_saml(self._password) if not lo.lo.compare_dn(lo.binddn, self._user_dn): CORE.warn('SAML binddn does not match: %r != %r' % (lo.binddn, self._user_dn)) self._user_dn = lo.binddn else: try: lo.lo.bind(self._user_dn, self._password) except ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS: # workaround for Bug #44382: the password might be a SAML message, try to authenticate via SAML etype, exc, etraceback = sys.exc_info() CORE.error('LDAP authentication for %r failed: %s' % (self._user_dn, exc)) if len(self._password) < 25: raise CORE.warn('Trying to authenticate via SAML.') try: lo.lo.bind_saml(self._password) except ldap.OTHER: CORE.error('SAML authentication failed.') six.reraise(etype, exc, etraceback) CORE.error('Wrong authentication type. Resetting.') self.auth_type = 'SAML' except ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS: etype, exc, etraceback = sys.exc_info() exc = etype('An error during LDAP authentication happened. Auth type: %s; SAML message length: %s; DN length: %s; Original Error: %s' % (self.auth_type, len(self._password or '') if len(self._password or '') > 25 else False, len(self._user_dn or ''), exc)) six.reraise(etype, exc, etraceback)
[docs] def require_password(self): if self.auth_type is not None: raise PasswordRequired()
[docs] def permitted(self, command, options, flavor=None): if not self.__acls: return False return self.__acls.is_command_allowed(command, options=options, flavor=flavor)
[docs] def finished(self, id, response, message=None, success=True, status=None, mimetype=None, headers=None, error=None, reason=None): """Should be invoked by module to finish the processing of a request. 'id' is the request command identifier""" if id not in self.__requests: return request, method = self.__requests[id] if not isinstance(response, Response): res = Response(request) if mimetype and mimetype != MIMETYPE_JSON: res.mimetype = mimetype res.body = response else: res.result = response res.message = message res.headers = dict(self.default_response_headers(), **headers or {}) res.error = error res.reason = reason else: res = response if not res.status: if status is not None: res.status = status elif success: res.status = SUCCESS else: res.status = MODULE_ERR self.result(res)
[docs] def result(self, response): if in self.__requests: self.signal_emit('success', response) del self.__requests[]