Source code for univention.portal.extensions.portal

# Univention Portal
# Copyright 2020-2022 Univention GmbH
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
# (GNU AGPL V3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# Binary versions of this program provided by Univention to you as
# well as other copyrighted, protected or trademarked materials like
# Logos, graphics, fonts, specific documentations and configurations,
# cryptographic keys etc. are subject to a license agreement between
# you and Univention and not subject to the GNU AGPL V3.
# In the case you use this program under the terms of the GNU AGPL V3,
# the program is provided in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
# License with the Debian GNU/Linux or Univention distribution in file
# /usr/share/common-licenses/AGPL-3; if not, see
# <>.

import os.path
import time

import requests
import requests.exceptions
from six import with_metaclass

import univention.portal.config as config
from univention.portal import Plugin
from univention.portal.log import get_logger

[docs]class Portal(with_metaclass(Plugin)): """ Base (and maybe only) class for a Portal. It is the only interface exposed to the portal tools, so you could replace it entirely. But these methods need to be implemented: `get_user`: Get the user for the current request `login_user`: New login for a user `login_request`: An anonymous user wants to login `get_visible_content`: The content that the frontend shall present. Should be filtered by the "user". Also gets "admin_mode", a boolean indicating whether the user requested all the content (and is authorized to do so) `get_user_links`: Get the user links in the portal, filtered by "user" and "admin_mode" `get_menu_links`: Get the menu links in the portal, filtered by "user" and "admin_mode" `get_entries`: Get all entries of "content", which in turn was the return value of `get_visible_content` `get_folders`: Get all folders of "content", which in turn was the return value of `get_visible_content` `get_categories`: Get all categories of "content", which in turn was the return value of `get_visible_content` `auth_mode`: Mode for auth based on given "request" `may_be_edited`: Whether a "user" may edit this portal `get_meta`: Get some information about the portal itself, given "content" and "categories". Those were return values of `get_visible_content` and `get_categories`. `refresh`: Refresh the portal data if needed ("reason" acts as a hint). Thereby allows the object to cache its content. `score`: If multiple portals are configured, use the one with the highest score for a given "request". scorer: Object that does the actual scoring. Meant to get a `Scorer` object portal_cache: Object that holds the cache. Meant to get a `Cache` object authenticator: Object that does the whole auth thing. Meant to the a `Authenticator` object """ def __init__(self, scorer, portal_cache, authenticator): self.scorer = scorer self.portal_cache = portal_cache self.authenticator = authenticator
[docs] def get_cache_id(self): return self.portal_cache.get_id()
[docs] async def get_user(self, request): return await self.authenticator.get_user(request)
[docs] async def login_user(self, request): return await self.authenticator.login_user(request)
[docs] async def login_request(self, request): return await self.authenticator.login_request(request)
[docs] async def logout_user(self, request): return await self.authenticator.logout_user(request)
[docs] def get_visible_content(self, user, admin_mode): entries = self.portal_cache.get_entries() folders = self.portal_cache.get_folders() categories = self.portal_cache.get_categories() visible_entry_dns = self._filter_entry_dns(entries.keys(), entries, user, admin_mode) visible_folder_dns = [ folder_dn for folder_dn in folders.keys() if admin_mode or len( [ entry_dn for entry_dn in self._get_all_entries_of_folder(folder_dn, folders, entries) if entry_dn in visible_entry_dns ] ) > 0 ] visible_category_dns = [ category_dn for category_dn in categories.keys() if admin_mode or len( [ entry_dn for entry_dn in categories[category_dn]["entries"] if entry_dn in visible_entry_dns or entry_dn in visible_folder_dns ] ) > 0 ] return { "entry_dns": visible_entry_dns, "folder_dns": visible_folder_dns, "category_dns": visible_category_dns, }
[docs] def get_entries(self, content): entries = self.portal_cache.get_entries() return [entries[entry_dn] for entry_dn in content["entry_dns"]]
[docs] def get_folders(self, content): folders = self.portal_cache.get_folders() folders = [folders[folder_dn] for folder_dn in content["folder_dns"]] for folder in folders: folder["entries"] = [ entry_dn for entry_dn in folder["entries"] if entry_dn in content["entry_dns"] or entry_dn in content["folder_dns"] ] return folders
[docs] def get_categories(self, content): categories = self.portal_cache.get_categories() categories = [categories[category_dn] for category_dn in content["category_dns"]] for category in categories: category["entries"] = [ entry_dn for entry_dn in category["entries"] if entry_dn in content["entry_dns"] or entry_dn in content["folder_dns"] ] return categories
[docs] def auth_mode(self, request): return self.authenticator.get_auth_mode(request)
[docs] def may_be_edited(self, user): return config.fetch('editable') and user.is_admin()
[docs] def get_meta(self, content, categories): portal = self.portal_cache.get_portal() portal["categories"] = [ category_dn for category_dn in portal["categories"] if category_dn in content["category_dns"] ] portal["content"] = [ [category_dn, next(category for category in categories if category["dn"] == category_dn)["entries"]] for category_dn in portal["categories"] ] return portal
def _filter_entry_dns(self, entry_dns, entries, user, admin_mode): filtered_dns = [] for entry_dn in entry_dns: entry = entries.get(entry_dn) if entry is None: continue if not admin_mode: if not entry["in_portal"]: continue if not entry["activated"]: continue if entry["anonymous"] and not user.is_anonymous(): continue if entry["allowedGroups"]: for group in entry["allowedGroups"]: if user.is_member_of(group): break else: continue filtered_dns.append(entry_dn) return filtered_dns def _get_all_entries_of_folder(self, folder_dn, folders, entries): def _flatten(folder_dn, folders, entries, ret, already_unpacked_folder_dns): for entry_dn in folders[folder_dn]["entries"]: if entry_dn in entries: if entry_dn not in ret: ret.append(entry_dn) elif entry_dn in folders: if entry_dn not in already_unpacked_folder_dns: already_unpacked_folder_dns.append(entry_dn) _flatten(entry_dn, folders, entries, ret, already_unpacked_folder_dns) ret = [] _flatten(folder_dn, folders, entries, ret, []) return ret
[docs] def refresh(self, reason=None): touched = self.portal_cache.refresh(reason=reason) touched = self.authenticator.refresh(reason=reason) or touched return touched
def _get_umc_portal(self): return UMCPortal(self.scorer, self.authenticator)
[docs] def score(self, request): return self.scorer.score(request)
[docs]class UMCPortal(Portal): def __init__(self, scorer, authenticator): self.scorer = scorer self.authenticator = authenticator
[docs] def auth_mode(self, request): return "ucs"
[docs] def may_be_edited(self, user): return False
def _request_umc_get(self, get_path, headers): uri = "{}".format(get_path) body = {"options": {}} try: response =, json=body, headers=headers) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as exc: get_logger("umc").warning("Exception while getting %s: %s", get_path, exc) return [] else: if response.status_code != 200: get_logger("umc").debug("Status %r while getting %s", response.status_code, get_path) return [] return response.json()[get_path]
[docs] def get_visible_content(self, user, admin_mode): headers = user.headers categories = self._request_umc_get("categories", headers) modules = self._request_umc_get("modules", headers) return { "umc_categories": categories, "umc_modules": modules, }
[docs] def get_entries(self, content): entries = [] colors = {cat["id"]: cat["color"] for cat in content["umc_categories"] if cat["id"] != "_favorites_"} for module in content["umc_modules"]: if "apps" in module["categories"]: continue logo_name = "/univention/management/js/dijit/themes/umc/icons/scalable/{}.svg".format(module["icon"]) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join("/usr/share/univention-management-console-frontend/", logo_name[23:])): logo_name = None color = None for cat in module["categories"]: if cat in colors: color = colors[cat] break entries.append({ "dn": self._entry_id(module), "name": { "en_US": module["name"], }, "description": { "en_US": module["description"], }, "linkTarget": "embedded", "logo_name": logo_name, "backgroundColor": color, "links": [{ "locale": "en_US", "value": "/univention/management/?header=try-hide&overview=false&menu=false#module={}:{}".format(module["id"], module.get("flavor", "")) }], }) return entries
def _entry_id(self, module): return "umc:module:{}:{}".format(module["id"], module.get("flavor", ""))
[docs] def get_folders(self, content): folders = [] for category in content["umc_categories"]: if category["id"] == "apps": continue if category["id"] == "_favorites_": continue entries = [[-module["priority"], module["name"], self._entry_id(module)] for module in content["umc_modules"] if category["id"] in module["categories"]] entries = sorted(entries) folders.append({ "name": { "en_US": category["name"], "de_DE": category["name"], }, "dn": category["id"], "entries": [entry[2] for entry in entries], }) return folders
[docs] def get_categories(self, content): ret = [] categories = content["umc_categories"] categories = sorted(categories, key=lambda entry: entry["priority"], reverse=True) modules = content["umc_modules"] modules = sorted(modules, key=lambda entry: entry["priority"], reverse=True) fav_cat = [cat for cat in categories if cat["id"] == "_favorites_"] if fav_cat: fav_cat = fav_cat[0] ret.append({ "display_name": { "en_US": fav_cat["name"], }, "dn": "umc:category:favorites", "entries": [self._entry_id(mod) for mod in modules if "_favorites_" in mod.get("categories", [])] }) else: ret.append({ "display_name": { "en_US": "Favorites", }, "dn": "umc:category:favorites", "entries": [], }) ret.append({ "display_name": { "en_US": "Univention Management Console", }, "dn": "umc:category:umc", "entries": [cat["id"] for cat in categories if cat["id"] not in ["_favorites_", "apps"]] }) return ret
[docs] def get_meta(self, content, categories): category_dns = ["umc:category:favorites", "umc:category:umc"] content = [] for category_dn in category_dns: category = next(cat for cat in categories if cat["dn"] == category_dn) content.append([category_dn, category["entries"]]) return { "name": { "en_US": "Univention Management Console", }, "defaultLinkTarget": "embedded", "ensureLogin": True, "categories": category_dns, "content": content }
[docs] def refresh(self, reason=None): pass
[docs] def get_cache_id(self): return str(time.time())