# Univention Portal
# Copyright 2020-2022 Univention GmbH
# https://www.univention.de/
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
# (GNU AGPL V3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# Binary versions of this program provided by Univention to you as
# well as other copyrighted, protected or trademarked materials like
# Logos, graphics, fonts, specific documentations and configurations,
# cryptographic keys etc. are subject to a license agreement between
# you and Univention and not subject to the GNU AGPL V3.
# In the case you use this program under the terms of the GNU AGPL V3,
# the program is provided in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
# License with the Debian GNU/Linux or Univention distribution in file
# /usr/share/common-licenses/AGPL-3; if not, see
# <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import importlib
import json
import os.path
import shutil
import tempfile
from imghdr import what
import ldap
from ldap.dn import str2dn
from six import BytesIO, with_metaclass
from six.moves.urllib.parse import quote
from univention.portal import Plugin
from univention.portal.log import get_logger
[docs]class Reloader(with_metaclass(Plugin)):
Our base class for reloading
The idea is that this class handles the reloading
for caches.
`refresh`: In fact the only method. Gets a "reason" so that it can
decide that a refresh is not necessary. If it was necessary, it
should return True
A reason "force" should be treated as very important.
If the reloader refreshed the content, the overlying cache will reload
[docs] def refresh(self, reason=None): # pragma: no cover
[docs]class MtimeBasedLazyFileReloader(Reloader):
Specialized class that reloads if a certain (cache) file was updated.
So if a seconds process updated the file and this class is asked to
reload, it just returns True. If the reason fits, it actually refreshes
the content and writes it into the file.
Filename this object is responsible for
def __init__(self, cache_file):
self._cache_file = cache_file
self._mtime = self._get_mtime()
def _get_mtime(self):
return os.stat(self._cache_file).st_mtime
except (EnvironmentError, AttributeError) as exc:
get_logger("cache").warning("Unable to get mtime for {}".format(exc))
return 0
def _file_was_updated(self):
mtime = self._get_mtime()
if mtime > self._mtime:
self._mtime = mtime
return True
def _check_reason(self, reason, content=None):
if reason is None:
return False
if reason == "force":
return True
[docs] def refresh(self, reason=None, content=None):
if self._check_reason(reason, content=content):
get_logger("cache").info("refreshing cache")
fd = None
fd = self._refresh()
except Exception:
get_logger("cache").exception("Error during refresh")
# hopefully, we can still work with an older cache?
if fd:
except EnvironmentError:
shutil.move(fd.name, self._cache_file)
self._mtime = self._get_mtime()
return True
return self._file_was_updated()
def _refresh(self): # pragma: no cover
[docs]class PortalReloaderUDM(MtimeBasedLazyFileReloader):
Specialized class that reloads a cache file with the content of a certain
portal object using UDM. Reacts on reasons like "ldap:portal:<correct_dn>".
DN of the portals/portal object
Filename this object is responsible for
def __init__(self, portal_dn, cache_file):
super(PortalReloaderUDM, self).__init__(cache_file)
self._portal_dn = portal_dn
def _check_reason(self, reason, content=None):
if super(PortalReloaderUDM, self)._check_reason(reason, content):
return True
if reason is None:
return False
reason_args = reason.split(":", 2)
if len(reason_args) < 2:
return False
if reason_args[0] != "ldap":
return False
return reason_args[1] in ["portal", "category", "entry", "folder"]
def _refresh(self):
udm_lib = importlib.import_module("univention.udm")
udm = udm_lib.UDM.machine().version(2)
portal = udm.get("portals/portal").get(self._portal_dn)
except udm_lib.ConnectionError:
get_logger("cache").warning("Could not establish UDM connection. Is the LDAP server accessible?")
return None
except udm_lib.UnknownModuleType:
get_logger("cache").warning("UDM not up to date? Portal module not found.")
return None
except udm_lib.NoObject:
get_logger("cache").warning("Portal %s not found", self._portal_dn)
return None
content = {}
content["portal"] = self._extract_portal(portal)
content["categories"] = categories = self._extract_categories(udm, portal)
content["folders"] = folders = self._extract_folders(udm, portal, list(categories.values()))
content["entries"] = self._extract_entries(udm, portal, list(categories.values()), list(folders.values()))
content["user_links"] = self._extract_user_links(portal)
content["menu_links"] = self._extract_menu_links(portal)
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", delete=False) as fd:
json.dump(content, fd, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
return fd
def _extract_portal(self, portal):
ret = {}
ret["dn"] = portal.dn
ret["showUmc"] = portal.props.showUmc
if portal.props.logo:
ret["logo"] = self._write_image(portal.props.name, portal.props.logo.raw, "logos")
ret["logo"] = None
if portal.props.background:
ret["background"] = self._write_image(
portal.props.name, portal.props.background.raw, "backgrounds"
ret["background"] = None
ret["name"] = portal.props.displayName
ret["defaultLinkTarget"] = portal.props.defaultLinkTarget
ret["ensureLogin"] = portal.props.ensureLogin
ret["categories"] = portal.props.categories
return ret
def _extract_user_links(self, portal):
return portal.props.userLinks
def _extract_menu_links(self, portal):
return portal.props.menuLinks
def _extract_categories(self, udm, portal):
ret = {}
for category in udm.get("portals/category").search():
in_portal = category.dn in portal.props.categories
ret[category.dn] = {
"dn": category.dn,
"in_portal": in_portal,
"display_name": category.props.displayName,
"entries": category.props.entries,
return ret
def _extract_entries(self, udm, portal, categories, folders):
ret = {}
def add(entry, ret, in_portal):
if entry.dn not in ret:
ret[entry.dn] = {
"dn": entry.dn,
"in_portal": in_portal,
"name": entry.props.displayName,
"description": entry.props.description,
"logo_name": self._save_image(portal, entry),
"activated": entry.props.activated,
"anonymous": entry.props.anonymous,
"allowedGroups": entry.props.allowedGroups,
"links": entry.props.link,
"linkTarget": entry.props.linkTarget,
"backgroundColor": entry.props.backgroundColor,
for obj in udm.get("portals/entry").search():
if obj.dn in portal.props.menuLinks:
add(obj, ret, True)
if obj.dn in portal.props.userLinks:
add(obj, ret, True)
if any(obj.dn in category["entries"] for category in categories if category["in_portal"]):
add(obj, ret, True)
if any(obj.dn in folder["entries"] for folder in folders if folder["in_portal"]):
add(obj, ret, True)
add(obj, ret, False)
return ret
def _extract_folders(self, udm, portal, categories):
ret = {}
def add(folder, ret, in_portal):
ret[folder.dn] = {
"dn": folder.dn,
"in_portal": in_portal,
"name": folder.props.displayName,
"entries": folder.props.entries,
for obj in udm.get("portals/folder").search():
if obj.dn in portal.props.menuLinks:
add(obj, ret, True)
if obj.dn in portal.props.userLinks:
add(obj, ret, True)
if any(obj.dn in category["entries"] for category in categories if category["in_portal"]):
add(obj, ret, True)
add(obj, ret, False)
return ret
def _write_image(self, name, img, dirname):
name = name.replace(
"/", "-"
) # name must not contain / and must be a path which can be accessed via the web!
string_buffer = BytesIO(img)
suffix = what(string_buffer) or "svg"
fname = "/usr/share/univention-portal/icons/%s/%s.%s" % (dirname, name, suffix)
with open(fname, "wb") as fd:
except (EnvironmentError, TypeError, IOError):
get_logger("img").exception("Error saving image for %s" % name)
return "./icons/%s/%s.%s" % (
def _save_image(self, portal, entry):
img = entry.props.icon
if img:
return self._write_image(entry.props.name, img.raw, "entries")
[docs]class GroupsReloaderLDAP(MtimeBasedLazyFileReloader):
Specialized class that reloads a cache file with the content of group object
in LDAP. Reacts on the reason "ldap:group"
URI for the LDAP connection, e.g. "ldap://ucs:7369"
The bind dn for the connection, e.g. "cn=ucs,cn=computers,..."
Filename that holds the password for the binddn, e.g. "/etc/machine.secret"
Base in which the groups are searched in. E.g., "dc=base,dc=com" or "cn=groups,ou=OU1,dc=base,dc=com"
Filename this object is responsible for
def __init__(self, ldap_uri, binddn, password_file, ldap_base, cache_file):
super(GroupsReloaderLDAP, self).__init__(cache_file)
self._ldap_uri = ldap_uri
self._bind_dn = binddn
self._password_file = password_file
self._ldap_base = ldap_base
def _check_reason(self, reason, content=None):
if super(GroupsReloaderLDAP, self)._check_reason(reason, content):
return True
if reason is None:
return False
if reason.startswith("ldap:group"):
return True
def _refresh(self):
with open(self._password_file) as fd:
password = fd.read().rstrip("\n")
except EnvironmentError:
get_logger("cache").warning("Unable to read {}".format(self._password_file))
return None
con = ldap.initialize(self._ldap_uri)
con.simple_bind_s(self._bind_dn, password)
ldap_content = {}
users = {}
groups = con.search_s(self._ldap_base, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, u"(objectClass=posixGroup)")
for dn, attrs in groups:
usernames = []
groups = []
member_uids = [member.decode("utf-8").lower() for member in attrs.get("memberUid", [])]
unique_members = [
member.decode("utf-8").lower() for member in attrs.get("uniqueMember", [])
for member in member_uids:
if not member.endswith("$"):
for member in unique_members:
if member.startswith("cn="):
member_uid = str2dn(member)[0][0][1]
if "{}$".format(member_uid) not in member_uids:
ldap_content[dn.lower()] = {"usernames": usernames, "groups": groups}
groups_with_nested_groups = {}
for group_dn in ldap_content:
self._nested_groups(group_dn, ldap_content, groups_with_nested_groups)
for group_dn, attrs in ldap_content.items():
for user in attrs["usernames"]:
groups = users.setdefault(user, set())
users = dict((user, list(groups)) for user, groups in users.items())
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", delete=False) as fd:
json.dump(users, fd, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
return fd
def _nested_groups(self, dn, ldap_content, nested_groups_cache):
if dn in nested_groups_cache:
return nested_groups_cache[dn]
ret = set([dn])
for group_dn in ldap_content.get(dn, {}).get("groups", []):
ret.update(self._nested_groups(group_dn, ldap_content, nested_groups_cache))
nested_groups_cache[dn] = ret
return ret