Source code for univention.s4connector.lockingdb

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Univention S4 Connector
#  LockingDB
# Copyright 2014-2022 Univention GmbH
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
# (GNU AGPL V3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# Binary versions of this program provided by Univention to you as
# well as other copyrighted, protected or trademarked materials like
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# you and Univention and not subject to the GNU AGPL V3.
# In the case you use this program under the terms of the GNU AGPL V3,
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# <>.

from __future__ import print_function
import univention.debug2 as ud
import sqlite3

[docs]class LockingDB(object): """ A local database which includes the list of objects which are currently locked. That means the synchronisation of these objects has not been finished. """ def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename self._dbcon = sqlite3.connect(self.filename) self.s4cache = {} self.__create_tables()
[docs] def lock_ucs(self, uuid): if not uuid: return None # The SQLite python module should do the escaping, that's # the reason why we use the tuple ? syntax. # I've chosen the str call because I want to make sure # that we use the same SQL value as before switching # to the tuple ? syntax sql_commands = [ ("INSERT INTO UCS_LOCK(uuid) VALUES(?);", (str(uuid),)) ] self.__execute_sql_commands(sql_commands, fetch_result=False)
[docs] def unlock_ucs(self, uuid): if not uuid: return None sql_commands = [ ("DELETE FROM UCS_LOCK WHERE uuid = ?;", (str(uuid),)) ] self.__execute_sql_commands(sql_commands, fetch_result=False)
[docs] def lock_s4(self, guid): if not guid: return None sql_commands = [ ("INSERT INTO S4_LOCK(guid) VALUES(?);", (str(guid),)) ] self.__execute_sql_commands(sql_commands, fetch_result=False)
[docs] def unlock_s4(self, guid): if not guid: return None sql_commands = [ ("DELETE FROM S4_LOCK WHERE guid = ?;", (str(guid),)) ] self.__execute_sql_commands(sql_commands, fetch_result=False)
[docs] def is_ucs_locked(self, uuid): if not uuid: return False sql_commands = [ ("SELECT id FROM UCS_LOCK WHERE uuid=?;", (str(uuid),)) ] rows = self.__execute_sql_commands(sql_commands, fetch_result=True) if rows: return True return False
[docs] def is_s4_locked(self, guid): if not guid: return False sql_commands = [ ("SELECT id FROM S4_LOCK WHERE guid=?;", (str(guid),)) ] rows = self.__execute_sql_commands(sql_commands, fetch_result=True) if rows: return True return False
def __create_tables(self): sql_commands = [ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS S4_LOCK (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, guid TEXT);", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS UCS_LOCK (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, uuid TEXT);", "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS s4_lock_guid ON s4_lock(guid);", "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ucs_lock_uuid ON ucs_lock(uuid);", ] self.__execute_sql_commands(sql_commands, fetch_result=False) def __execute_sql_commands(self, sql_commands, fetch_result=False): for i in [1, 2]: try: cur = self._dbcon.cursor() for sql_command in sql_commands: if isinstance(sql_command, tuple): ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.ALL, "LockingDB: Execute SQL command: %r, %r" % (sql_command[0], sql_command[1])) cur.execute(sql_command[0], sql_command[1]) else: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.ALL, "LockingDB: Execute SQL command: %r" % (sql_command,)) cur.execute(sql_command) self._dbcon.commit() if fetch_result: rows = cur.fetchall() cur.close() if fetch_result: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.ALL, "LockingDB: Return SQL result: %r" % (rows,)) return rows return None except sqlite3.Error as exp: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "LockingDB: sqlite: %r. SQL command was: %r" % (exp, sql_commands)) if self._dbcon: self._dbcon.close() self._dbcon = sqlite3.connect(self.filename)
if __name__ == '__main__': import random print('Starting LockingDB test example ') lock = LockingDB('lock.sqlite') uuid1 = random.random() guid1 = random.random() if lock.is_s4_locked(guid1): print('E: guid1 is locked for S4') if lock.is_s4_locked(uuid1): print('E: uuid1 is locked for S4') if lock.is_ucs_locked(guid1): print('E: guid1 is locked for UCS') if lock.is_ucs_locked(uuid1): print('E: uuid1 is locked for UCS') lock.lock_s4(guid1) if not lock.is_s4_locked(guid1): print('E: guid1 is not locked for S4') if lock.is_s4_locked(uuid1): print('E: uuid1 is locked for S4') if lock.is_ucs_locked(guid1): print('E: guid1 is locked for UCS') if lock.is_ucs_locked(uuid1): print('E: uuid1 is locked for UCS') lock.unlock_s4(guid1) if lock.is_s4_locked(guid1): print('E: guid1 is locked for S4') if lock.is_s4_locked(uuid1): print('E: uuid1 is locked for S4') if lock.is_ucs_locked(guid1): print('E: guid1 is locked for UCS') if lock.is_ucs_locked(uuid1): print('E: uuid1 is locked for UCS') lock.lock_ucs(uuid1) lock.lock_ucs(uuid1) lock.lock_ucs(uuid1) lock.lock_ucs(uuid1) lock.lock_ucs(uuid1) if lock.is_s4_locked(guid1): print('E: guid1 is locked for S4') if lock.is_s4_locked(uuid1): print('E: uuid1 is locked for S4') if lock.is_ucs_locked(guid1): print('E: guid1 is locked for UCS') if not lock.is_ucs_locked(uuid1): print('E: uuid1 is not locked for UCS') lock.unlock_ucs(uuid1) if lock.is_s4_locked(guid1): print('E: guid1 is locked for S4') if lock.is_s4_locked(uuid1): print('E: uuid1 is locked for S4') if lock.is_ucs_locked(guid1): print('E: guid1 is locked for UCS') if lock.is_ucs_locked(uuid1): print('E: uuid1 is locked for UCS') print('done')