Source code for univention.s4connector.s4.dns

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Univention S4 Connector
#  dns helper functions
# Copyright 2004-2022 Univention GmbH
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
# (GNU AGPL V3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# Binary versions of this program provided by Univention to you as
# well as other copyrighted, protected or trademarked materials like
# Logos, graphics, fonts, specific documentations and configurations,
# cryptographic keys etc. are subject to a license agreement between
# you and Univention and not subject to the GNU AGPL V3.
# In the case you use this program under the terms of the GNU AGPL V3,
# the program is provided in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
# License with the Debian GNU/Linux or Univention distribution in file
# /usr/share/common-licenses/AGPL-3; if not, see
# <>.

from __future__ import absolute_import
import ldap
import univention.debug2 as ud
import univention.s4connector.s4
import univention.admin.uldap
from univention.s4connector.s4.dc import _unixTimeInverval2seconds
from univention.s4connector.s4 import format_escaped, str2dn
from univention.admin.mapping import unmapUNIX_TimeInterval

from samba.dcerpc import dnsp
from samba.ndr import ndr_pack, ndr_unpack
import copy
import time

from dns.rdtypes.ANY.TXT import TXT
from dns import rdatatype
from dns import rdataclass
from dns.tokenizer import Tokenizer

from samba.provision.sambadns import ARecord
# def __init__(self, ip_addr, serial=1, ttl=900, rank=dnsp.DNS_RANK_ZONE):

from samba.provision.sambadns import AAAARecord
# def __init__(self, ip6_addr, serial=1, ttl=900, rank=dnsp.DNS_RANK_ZONE):

from samba.provision.sambadns import NSRecord
# def __init__(self, dns_server, serial=1, ttl=900, rank=dnsp.DNS_RANK_ZONE):

from samba.provision.sambadns import SOARecord
# def __init__(self, mname, rname, serial=1, refresh=900, retry=600, expire=86400, minimum=3600, ttl=3600, rank=dnsp.DNS_RANK_ZONE):

from samba.provision.sambadns import SRVRecord
# def __init__(self, target, port, priority=0, weight=100, serial=1, ttl=900, rank=dnsp.DNS_RANK_ZONE):

from samba.provision.sambadns import CNameRecord
# def __init__(self, cname, serial=1, ttl=900, rank=dnsp.DNS_RANK_ZONE):

from samba.provision.sambadns import TXTRecord
# def __init__(self, slist, serial=1, ttl=900, rank=dnsp.DNS_RANK_ZONE):

import univention.admin.handlers
import univention.admin.handlers.dns.forward_zone
import univention.admin.handlers.dns.alias
import univention.admin.handlers.dns.host_record
import univention.admin.handlers.dns.srv_record
import univention.admin.handlers.dns.reverse_zone
import univention.admin.handlers.dns.ptr_record

[docs]class PTRRecord(dnsp.DnssrvRpcRecord): def __init__(self, ptr, serial=1, ttl=900, rank=dnsp.DNS_RANK_ZONE): super(PTRRecord, self).__init__() self.wType = dnsp.DNS_TYPE_PTR self.rank = rank self.dwSerial = serial self.dwTtlSeconds = ttl = ptr
[docs]class MXRecord(dnsp.DnssrvRpcRecord): def __init__(self, name, priority, serial=1, ttl=900, rank=dnsp.DNS_RANK_ZONE): super(MXRecord, self).__init__() self.wType = dnsp.DNS_TYPE_MX self.rank = rank self.dwSerial = serial self.dwTtlSeconds = ttl = priority = name
# mapping functions
[docs]def dns_dn_mapping(s4connector, given_object, dn_mapping_stored, isUCSobject): ''' map dn of given object (which must have an s4_RR_attr in S4) ol_oc_filter and s4_RR_filter are objectclass filters in UCS and S4 Code is based on univention.s4connector.s4.samaccountname_dn_mapping ''' obj = copy.deepcopy(given_object) propertyname = 'dns' propertyattrib = u'relativeDomainName' # using LDAP name here, for simplicity ol_oc_filter = '(objectClass=dNSZone)' # all OpenLDAP DNS records match ol_RR_attr = 'relativeDomainName' s4_RR_filter = u'(objectClass=dnsNode)' # This also matches the DC=@ SOA object s4_RR_attr = 'dc' # Note: the S4 attribute itself is lowercase if obj['dn'] is not None: try: s4_RR_val = [_value for _key, _value in obj['attributes'].items() if s4_RR_attr.lower() == _key.lower()][0][0].decode('UTf-8') except (KeyError, IndexError): s4_RR_val = u'' def dn_premapped(given_object, dn_key, dn_mapping_stored): if (dn_key not in dn_mapping_stored) or (not given_object[dn_key]): ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "dns_dn_mapping: not premapped (in first instance)") return False else: # check if DN exists if isUCSobject: premapped_dn = s4connector.get_object_dn(given_object[dn_key]) if premapped_dn is not None: # ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "dns_dn_mapping: premapped S4 object found") ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "dns_dn_mapping: premapped S4 object: %s" % premapped_dn) return True else: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "dns_dn_mapping: premapped S4 object not found") return False else: premapped_dn = s4connector.get_ucs_ldap_object_dn(given_object[dn_key]) if premapped_dn is not None: # ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "dns_dn_mapping: premapped UCS object found") ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "dns_dn_mapping: premapped UCS object: %s" % premapped_dn) return True else: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "dns_dn_mapping: premapped UCS object not found") return False for dn_key in ['dn', 'olddn']: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "dns_dn_mapping: check newdn for key '%s'" % dn_key) if dn_key in obj and not dn_premapped(obj, dn_key, dn_mapping_stored): dn = obj[dn_key] ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "dns_dn_mapping: dn: %s" % dn) # Skip Configuration objects with empty DNs if dn is None: break exploded_dn = str2dn(dn) (fst_rdn_attribute_utf8, fst_rdn_value_utf8, _flags) = exploded_dn[0][0] if isUCSobject: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "dns_dn_mapping: got an UCS-Object") # lookup the relativeDomainName as DC/dnsNode in S4 to get corresponding DN, if not found create new # Case move with rename if dn_key == 'olddn' and fst_rdn_attribute_utf8 == 'relativeDomainName': relativeDomainName = fst_rdn_value_utf8 else: try: relativeDomainName = obj['attributes'][ol_RR_attr][0].decode('UTF-8') except (KeyError, IndexError): # Safety fallback for the unexpected case, where relativeDomainName would not be set if 'zoneName' == fst_rdn_attribute_utf8: relativeDomainName = '@' else: raise # can't determine relativeDomainName for ucsval, conval in[propertyname].mapping_table.get(propertyattrib, []): if relativeDomainName.lower() == ucsval.lower(): relativeDomainName = conval ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "dns_dn_mapping: map relativeDomainName according to mapping-table") continue try: ol_zone_name = obj['attributes']['zoneName'][0].decode('UTF-8') except (KeyError, IndexError): # Safety fallback for the unexpected case, where zoneName would not be set if ol_RR_attr == fst_rdn_attribute_utf8: (snd_rdn_attribute_utf8, snd_rdn_value_utf8, _flags) = exploded_dn[1][0] if 'zoneName' == snd_rdn_attribute_utf8: ol_zone_name = snd_rdn_value_utf8 else: raise # can't determine zoneName for this relativeDomainName target_RR_val = relativeDomainName target_zone_name = ol_zone_name s4dn_utf16_le = None s4_zone_dn = None if '@' == relativeDomainName: # or dn starts with 'zoneName=' s4_filter = format_escaped('(&(objectClass=dnsZone)({0}={1!e}))', s4_RR_attr, ol_zone_name) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "dns_dn_mapping: search in S4") for base in s4connector.s4_ldap_partitions: result = s4connector._s4__search_s4( base, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, s4_filter, attrlist=(s4_RR_attr,), show_deleted=False) if result: # We only need the SOA dn here s4dn_utf16_le = ldap.dn.dn2str([[('DC', '@', ldap.AVA_STRING)]] + str2dn(result[0][0])) break else: # identify position by parent zone name target_zone_dn = s4connector.lo.parentDn(dn) if s4connector.configRegistry.get('connector/s4/mapping/dns/position') != 'legacy': if relativeDomainName.endswith('._msdcs'): target_zone_name = '_msdcs.' + ol_zone_name target_RR_val = relativeDomainName[:-7] target_zone_dn = ldap.dn.dn2str([[(s4_RR_attr.upper(), target_zone_name, ldap.AVA_STRING)]] + exploded_dn[2:]) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "dns_dn_mapping: get dns_dn_mapping for target zone %s" % target_zone_dn) fake_ol_zone_object = { 'dn': target_zone_dn, 'attributes': { 'objectClass': [b'top', b'dNSZone'], 'relativeDomainName': [b'@'], 'zoneName': [target_zone_name.encode('UTF-8')], }, } s4_soa_object = dns_dn_mapping(s4connector, fake_ol_zone_object, dn_mapping_stored, isUCSobject) # and use its parent as the search base if s4_soa_object['dn'].startswith('DC=@,'): s4_zone_dn = s4connector.lo_s4.parentDn(s4_soa_object['dn']) else: # There is the corner case, where con2ucsc # syncs the objectClass=dnsZone container and # stores it's DN in the premapping. # After that, we don't get the DC=@ dnsNode # object DN here, but directly the parent. # So, actually it's not the SOA object DN: s4_zone_dn = s4_soa_object['dn'] ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "dns_dn_mapping: search in S4 base %s" % (s4_zone_dn,)) s4_filter = format_escaped('(&{0}({1}={2!e}))', s4_RR_filter, s4_RR_attr, target_RR_val) result = s4connector._s4__search_s4( s4_zone_dn, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, s4_filter, attrlist=('dn',), show_deleted=False) if result: s4dn_utf16_le = result[0][0] if s4dn_utf16_le: # no referral, so we've got a valid result s4dn = s4dn_utf16_le ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "dns_dn_mapping: got s4dn %s" % (s4dn,)) if dn_key == 'olddn' or (dn_key == 'dn' and 'olddn' not in obj): # Cases: ("delete") or ("add" but exists already) newdn = s4dn else: # Case: "moved" (?) raw_new_dn = ldap.dn.dn2str([str2dn(s4dn)[0]] + exploded_dn[1:]) # The next line looks wrong to me: the source DN is a UCS dn here.. # But this is just like samaccountname_dn_mapping does it: newdn = raw_new_dn.lower().replace(s4connector.lo_s4.base.lower(), s4connector.lo.base.lower()) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "dns_dn_mapping: move case newdn=%s" % newdn) else: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "dns_dn_mapping: target object not found") if s4_zone_dn: # At least we found the zone zone_dn = s4_zone_dn relativeDomainName = target_RR_val else: # Ok, it's a new object without existing parent zone in S4 (probably this object itself is a soa/zone), so propose an S4 DN for it: default_dn =['dns'].con_default_dn zone_dn = ldap.dn.dn2str([[('DC', ol_zone_name, ldap.AVA_STRING)]] + str2dn(default_dn)) newdn = ldap.dn.dn2str([[('DC', relativeDomainName, ldap.AVA_STRING)]] + str2dn(zone_dn)) else: # get the object to read the s4_RR_attr in S4 and use it as name # we have no fallback here, the given dn must be found in S4 or we've got an error ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "dns_dn_mapping: got an S4-Object") i = 0 while not s4_RR_val: # in case of olddn this is already set i = i + 1 search_base_dn = obj.get('deleted_dn', dn) try: search_result =, base=search_base_dn, scope='base', attr=[s4_RR_attr], required=True) except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT: # S4 may need time if i > 5: raise time.sleep(1) # S4 may need some time... else: (_search_result_dn, search_result_attributes) = search_result[0] search_result_attributes = dict((k.lower(), v) for k, v in search_result_attributes) s4_RR_val = search_result_attributes[s4_RR_attr.lower()][0].decode('UTF-8') ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "dns_dn_mapping: got %s from S4" % s4_RR_attr) for ucsval, conval in[propertyname].mapping_table.get(propertyattrib, []): if s4_RR_val.lower() == conval.lower(): s4_RR_val = ucsval ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "dns_dn_mapping: map %s according to mapping-table" % s4_RR_attr) continue # search for object with this dn in ucs, needed if it is located in a different container try: s4_ocs = obj['attributes']['objectClass'] except (KeyError, TypeError): s4_ocs = [] target_RR_val = s4_RR_val ol_zone_dn = None if b'dnsZone' in s4_ocs: if s4connector.configRegistry.get('connector/s4/mapping/dns/position') != 'legacy': if s4_RR_val.startswith('_msdcs.'): target_RR_val = s4_RR_val[7:] target_zone_name = target_RR_val base = s4connector.lo.base ol_search_attr = 'zoneName' # could use a specific LDAP filter here, but not necessary: # ol_oc_filter = '(&(objectClass=dNSZone)(|(univentionObjectType=dns/forward_zone)(univentionObjectType=dns/reverse_zone)))' elif b'dnsNode' in s4_ocs: # identify position of the parent zone (snd_rdn_attribute_utf8, snd_rdn_value_utf8, _flags) = exploded_dn[1][0] target_zone_name = snd_rdn_value_utf8 target_zone_dn = s4connector.lo_s4.parentDn(dn) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "dns_dn_mapping: get dns_dn_mapping for %s" % target_zone_dn) if s4connector.configRegistry.get('connector/s4/mapping/dns/position') != 'legacy': if target_zone_name.startswith('_msdcs.'): target_zone_name = target_zone_name[7:] target_RR_val += '._msdcs' target_zone_dn = ldap.dn.dn2str([[(snd_rdn_attribute_utf8, target_zone_name, ldap.AVA_STRING)]] + exploded_dn[2:]) fake_s4_zone_object = { 'dn': target_zone_dn, 'attributes': { 'objectClass': [b'top', b'dnsZone'], 'dc': [target_zone_name.encode('UTF-8')], }, } ol_zone_object = dns_dn_mapping(s4connector, fake_s4_zone_object, dn_mapping_stored, isUCSobject) # and use that as the search base ol_zone_dn = ol_zone_object['dn'] base = ol_zone_dn ol_search_attr = ol_RR_attr # could use a specific LDAP filter here, but not necessary: # ol_oc_filter = '(&(objectClass=dNSZone)(!(|(univentionObjectType=dns/forward_zone)(univentionObjectType=dns/reverse_zone))))' s4_filter = format_escaped('(&{0}({1}={2!e}))', ol_oc_filter, ol_search_attr, target_RR_val) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "dns_dn_mapping: UCS filter: %s" % s4_filter) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "dns_dn_mapping: UCS base: %s" % (base,)) try: ucsdn_result = s4connector.search_ucs(filter=s4_filter, base=base, scope='sub', attr=('1.1',)) except univention.admin.uexceptions.noObject: ucsdn_result = None try: ucsdn = ucsdn_result[0][0] except (IndexError, TypeError): ucsdn = None ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.ALL, "dns_dn_mapping: Found ucsdn: %s" % ucsdn) if ucsdn and (dn_key == 'olddn' or (dn_key == 'dn' and 'olddn' not in obj)): # Cases: ("delete") or ("add" but exists already) newdn = ucsdn ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "dns_dn_mapping: newdn is ucsdn") else: # Cases: (Target not found) or/and ("moved" (?)) # Ok, it's a new object, so propose a S4 DN for it: if ol_zone_dn: # At least we found the zone zone_dn = ol_zone_dn s4_RR_val = target_RR_val else: # Fallback, e.g. for new zones zone_dn = __get_zone_dn(s4connector, target_zone_name) if '@' == s4_RR_val: newdn = zone_dn elif b'dnsZone' in s4_ocs: # Hmm, is it ok to map it to the same as '@'? newdn = zone_dn else: newdn = ldap.dn.dn2str([[('relativeDomainName', s4_RR_val, ldap.AVA_STRING)]] + str2dn(zone_dn)) if not (dn_key == 'olddn' or (dn_key == 'dn' and 'olddn' not in obj)): # Case: "moved" (?) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "dns_dn_mapping: move case newdn=%s" % newdn) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "dns_dn_mapping: mapping for key %r:" % (dn_key,)) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "dns_dn_mapping: source DN: %r" % (dn,)) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "dns_dn_mapping: mapped DN: %r" % (newdn,)) obj[dn_key] = newdn return obj
''' HELPER functions ''' def __get_zone_dn(s4connector, zone_name): default_dn =['dns'].ucs_default_dn return ldap.dn.dn2str([[('zoneName', zone_name, ldap.AVA_STRING)]] + str2dn(default_dn)) def __append_dot(string): if not string.endswith('.'): string += '.' return string def __remove_dot(string): if string.endswith(b'.'): string = string[:-1] return string def __split_s4_dnsNode_dn(dn): exploded_dn = str2dn(dn) # TODO: fix encoding # split the DC= from the zoneName (_, zoneName, _) = exploded_dn[1][0] (_, relativeDomainName, _) = exploded_dn[0][0] return (zoneName, relativeDomainName) def __split_ol_dNSZone_dn(dn, objectclasses): exploded_dn = str2dn(dn) (fst_rdn_attribute_utf8, fst_rdn_value_utf8, _flags) = exploded_dn[0][0] (snd_rdn_attribute_utf8, snd_rdn_value_utf8, _flags) = exploded_dn[1][0] if fst_rdn_attribute_utf8.lower() == 'zonename': zoneName = fst_rdn_value_utf8 if b'dnsNode' in objectclasses: relativeDomainName = '@' elif b'dnsZone' in objectclasses: # make S4 dnsZone containers distinguishable from SOA records relativeDomainName = zoneName else: relativeDomainName = None elif snd_rdn_attribute_utf8.lower() == 'zonename': zoneName = snd_rdn_value_utf8 relativeDomainName = fst_rdn_value_utf8 else: zoneName = None relativeDomainName = None ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, 'Failed to get zone name for object %r' % (dn,)) return (zoneName, relativeDomainName) def __create_s4_forward_zone(s4connector, zone_dn): al = [] al.append(('objectClass', [b'top', b'dnsZone'])) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, '_dns_zone_forward_con_create: dn: %s' % zone_dn) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, '_dns_zone_forward_con_create: al: %s' % al) s4connector.lo_s4.lo.add_s(zone_dn, al) def __create_s4_forward_zone_soa(s4connector, soa_dn): al = [] al.append(('objectClass', [b'top', b'dnsNode'])) al.append(('dc', [b'@'])) s4connector.lo_s4.lo.add_s(soa_dn, al) def __create_s4_dns_node(s4connector, dnsNodeDn, relativeDomainNames, dnsRecords): al = [] al.append(('objectClass', [b'top', b'dnsNode'])) al.append(('dc', relativeDomainNames)) if dnsRecords: al.append(('dnsRecord', dnsRecords)) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, '__create_s4_dns_node: dn: %s' % dnsNodeDn) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, '__create_s4_dns_node: al: %s' % al) s4connector.lo_s4.lo.add_s(dnsNodeDn, al) ''' Pack and unpack DNS records by using the Samba NDR functions ''' def __pack_aRecord(object, dnsRecords): # add aRecords # IPv4 for a in object['attributes'].get('aRecord', []): a_record = ARecord(a) dnsRecords.append(ndr_pack(a_record)) # IPv6 for a in object['attributes'].get('aAAARecord', []): a_record = AAAARecord(a) dnsRecords.append(ndr_pack(a_record)) def __unpack_aRecord(object): a = [] dnsRecords = object['attributes'].get('dnsRecord', []) for dnsRecord in dnsRecords: ndrRecord = ndr_unpack(dnsp.DnssrvRpcRecord, dnsRecord) if ndrRecord.wType == dnsp.DNS_TYPE_A or ndrRecord.wType == dnsp.DNS_TYPE_AAAA: a.append( return a def __pack_soaRecord(object, dnsRecords): soaRecord = object['attributes'].get('sOARecord', [None])[0] if soaRecord: soa = soaRecord.split(b' ') mname = soa[0] rname = soa[1] serial = int(soa[2]) refresh = int(soa[3]) retry = int(soa[4]) expire = int(soa[5]) ttl = int(soa[6]) soa_record = SOARecord(mname=mname, rname=rname, serial=serial, refresh=refresh, retry=retry, expire=expire, minimum=3600, ttl=ttl) dnsRecords.append(ndr_pack(soa_record)) def __unpack_soaRecord(object): soa = {} dnsRecords = object['attributes'].get('dnsRecord', []) for dnsRecord in dnsRecords: ndrRecord = ndr_unpack(dnsp.DnssrvRpcRecord, dnsRecord) if ndrRecord.wType == dnsp.DNS_TYPE_SOA: soa['mname'] = soa['rname'] = soa['serial'] = str( soa['refresh'] = str( soa['retry'] = str( soa['expire'] = str( soa['minimum'] = str( soa['ttl'] = str(ndrRecord.dwTtlSeconds) return soa def __pack_nsRecord(object, dnsRecords): for nSRecord in object['attributes'].get('nSRecord', []): a_record = NSRecord(nSRecord) dnsRecords.append(ndr_pack(a_record)) def __unpack_nsRecord(object): ns = [] dnsRecords = object['attributes'].get('dnsRecord', []) for dnsRecord in dnsRecords: ndrRecord = ndr_unpack(dnsp.DnssrvRpcRecord, dnsRecord) if ndrRecord.wType == dnsp.DNS_TYPE_NS: ns.append(__append_dot( return ns def __pack_mxRecord(object, dnsRecords): for mXRecord in object['attributes'].get('mXRecord', []): if mXRecord: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, '__pack_mxRecord: %s' % mXRecord) mx = mXRecord.split(b' ') priority = mx[0] name = mx[1] mx_record = MXRecord(name, int(priority)) dnsRecords.append(ndr_pack(mx_record)) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, '__pack_mxRecord: %s' % ndr_pack(mx_record)) def __unpack_mxRecord(object): mx = [] dnsRecords = object['attributes'].get('dnsRecord', []) for dnsRecord in dnsRecords: ndrRecord = ndr_unpack(dnsp.DnssrvRpcRecord, dnsRecord) if ndrRecord.wType == dnsp.DNS_TYPE_MX: mx.append([str(, __append_dot(]) return mx def __pack_txtRecord(object, dnsRecords): for txtRecord in object['attributes'].get('tXTRecord', []): if txtRecord: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, '__pack_txtRecord: %s' % txtRecord) token_list = TXT.from_text(rdataclass.IN, rdatatype.TXT, Tokenizer(txtRecord)).strings ndr_txt_record = ndr_pack(TXTRecord(token_list)) dnsRecords.append(ndr_txt_record) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, '__pack_txtRecord: %s' % ndr_txt_record) def __unpack_txtRecord(object): txt = [] dnsRecords = object['attributes'].get('dnsRecord', []) for dnsRecord in dnsRecords: ndrRecord = ndr_unpack(dnsp.DnssrvRpcRecord, dnsRecord) if ndrRecord.wType == dnsp.DNS_TYPE_TXT: txt.append(str(TXT(rdataclass.IN, rdatatype.TXT, # or: txt.append(' '.join(['"%s"' % token for token in])) return txt def __pack_cName(object, dnsRecords): for c in object['attributes'].get('cNAMERecord', []): c = __remove_dot(c) c_record = CNameRecord(c) dnsRecords.append(ndr_pack(c_record)) def __unpack_cName(object): c = [] dnsRecords = object['attributes'].get('dnsRecord', []) for dnsRecord in dnsRecords: ndrRecord = ndr_unpack(dnsp.DnssrvRpcRecord, dnsRecord) if ndrRecord.wType == dnsp.DNS_TYPE_CNAME: if "." in c.append(__append_dot( else: c.append( return c def __pack_sRVrecord(object, dnsRecords): for srvRecord in object['attributes'].get('sRVRecord', []): srv = srvRecord.split(b' ') priority = int(srv[0]) weight = int(srv[1]) port = int(srv[2]) target = __remove_dot(srv[3]) s = SRVRecord(target, port, priority, weight) dnsRecords.append(ndr_pack(s)) def __unpack_sRVrecord(object): srv = [] dnsRecords = object['attributes'].get('dnsRecord', []) for dnsRecord in dnsRecords: ndrRecord = ndr_unpack(dnsp.DnssrvRpcRecord, dnsRecord) if ndrRecord.wType == dnsp.DNS_TYPE_SRV: srv.append([str(, str(, str(, __append_dot(]) return srv def __pack_ptrRecord(object, dnsRecords): for ptr in object['attributes'].get('pTRRecord', []): ptr = __remove_dot(ptr) ptr_record = PTRRecord(ptr) dnsRecords.append(ndr_pack(ptr_record)) def __unpack_ptrRecord(object): ptr = [] dnsRecords = object['attributes'].get('dnsRecord', []) for dnsRecord in dnsRecords: ndrRecord = ndr_unpack(dnsp.DnssrvRpcRecord, dnsRecord) if ndrRecord.wType == dnsp.DNS_TYPE_PTR: ptr.append(__append_dot( return ptr def __get_s4_msdcs_soa(s4connector, zoneName): ''' Required to keep the SOA serial numbers in sync ''' msdcs_obj = {} msdcs_zonename = '_msdcs.%s' % (zoneName,) s4_filter = format_escaped('(&(objectClass=dnsZone)(DC={0!e}))', msdcs_zonename) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "__get_s4_msdcs_soa: search _msdcs in S4") msdcs_obj = {} for base in s4connector.s4_ldap_partitions: resultlist = s4connector._s4__search_s4( base, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, s4_filter, show_deleted=False) if resultlist: break else: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "__get_s4_msdcs_soa: _msdcs sub-zone for %s not found in S4" % (zoneName,)) return # We need the SOA here msdcs_soa_dn = ldap.dn.dn2str([[('DC', '@', ldap.AVA_STRING)]] + str2dn(resultlist[0][0])) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "__get_s4_msdcs_soa: search DC=@ for _msdcs in S4") resultlist = s4connector._s4__search_s4( msdcs_soa_dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE, '(objectClass=dnsNode)', show_deleted=False) if resultlist: # __object_from_element not required here msdcs_obj = s4connector._s4__object_from_element(resultlist[0]) return msdcs_obj ''' Create/modify a DNS zone in Samba 4 '''
[docs]def s4_zone_create(s4connector, object): soa_dn = object['dn'] zone_dn = s4connector.lo.parentDn(soa_dn) zoneName = object['attributes']['zoneName'][0].decode('UTF-8') # Create the forward zone in S4 if it does not exist try: s4connector.lo_s4.get(zone_dn, attr=[''], required=True) except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT: __create_s4_forward_zone(s4connector, zone_dn) # Create SOA DC=@ object old_dnsRecords = [] try: old_dnsRecords = s4connector.lo_s4.get(soa_dn, attr=['dnsRecord'], required=True).get('dnsRecord') except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT: __create_s4_forward_zone_soa(s4connector, soa_dn) dnsRecords = [] __pack_nsRecord(object, dnsRecords) __pack_soaRecord(object, dnsRecords) # The IP address of the DNS forward zone will be used to determine the # sysvol share. On a selective replicated DC only a short list of DCs # should be returned aRecords = s4connector.configRegistry.get('connector/s4/mapping/dns/forward_zone/%s/static/ipv4' % zoneName.lower()) aAAARecords = s4connector.configRegistry.get('connector/s4/mapping/dns/forward_zone/%s/static/ipv6' % zoneName.lower()) if aRecords or aAAARecords: # IPv4 if aRecords: for a in aRecords.split(' '): a_record = ARecord(a) dnsRecords.append(ndr_pack(a_record)) # IPv6 if aAAARecords: for a in aAAARecords.split(' '): a_record = AAAARecord(a) dnsRecords.append(ndr_pack(a_record)) else: __pack_aRecord(object, dnsRecords) __pack_mxRecord(object, dnsRecords) __pack_txtRecord(object, dnsRecords) s4connector.lo_s4.modify(soa_dn, [('dnsRecord', old_dnsRecords, dnsRecords)]) return True
[docs]def s4_zone_msdcs_sync(s4connector, object): # Get the current serial number of the OpenLDAP domainname zone domainZoneName = object['attributes']['zoneName'][0].decode('UTF-8') soaRecord = object['attributes'].get('sOARecord', [None])[0] if not soaRecord: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, 's4_zone_msdcs_sync: OL zone %s has no SOA info' % domainZoneName) return soa = soaRecord.split(b' ') serial = int(soa[2]) # lookup the SOA record of the _msdcs sub-zone for the domainname zone msdcs_soa_obj = __get_s4_msdcs_soa(s4connector, domainZoneName) if not msdcs_soa_obj: return msdcs_soa_dn = msdcs_soa_obj['dn'] dnsRecords = [] old_dnsRecords = msdcs_soa_obj['attributes'].get('dnsRecord', []) found = False for dnsRecord in old_dnsRecords: ndrRecord = ndr_unpack(dnsp.DnssrvRpcRecord, dnsRecord) if ndrRecord.wType == dnsp.DNS_TYPE_SOA: if >= serial: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, 's4_zone_msdcs_sync: SOA serial OpenLDAP zone %s is higher than corresponding value of %s' % (domainZoneName, msdcs_soa_dn)) return = serial dnsRecords.append(ndr_pack(ndrRecord)) found = True else: dnsRecords.append(dnsRecord) if not found: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, 's4_zone_msdcs_sync: object %s has no SOA info' % msdcs_soa_dn) return s4connector.lo_s4.modify(msdcs_soa_dn, [('dnsRecord', old_dnsRecords, dnsRecords)]) return True
''' Create/modify a DNS zone and possibly _msdcs in Samba 4 '''
[docs]def s4_zone_create_wrapper(s4connector, object): ''' Handle s4_zone_create to additionally sync to _msdcs.$domainname Required to keep the SOA serial numbers in sync ''' result = s4_zone_create(s4connector, object) zoneName = object['attributes']['zoneName'][0].decode('UTF-8') if zoneName == s4connector.configRegistry.get('domainname') and s4connector.configRegistry.get('connector/s4/mapping/dns/position') != 'legacy' and object['modtype'] == 'modify': # Additionally sync serialNumber to _msdcs zone result = result and s4_zone_msdcs_sync(s4connector, object) return result
''' Delete a forward zone in Samaba 4 '''
[docs]def s4_zone_delete(s4connector, object): soa_dn = object['dn'] zone_dn = s4connector.lo.parentDn(soa_dn) try: s4connector.lo_s4.lo.delete_s(soa_dn) except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT: pass # the object was already removed try: s4connector.lo_s4.lo.delete_s(zone_dn) except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT: pass # the object was already removed return True
[docs]def s4_dns_node_base_create(s4connector, object, dnsRecords): relativeDomainNames = object['attributes'].get('relativeDomainName') old_dnsRecords = [] # Create dnsNode object dnsNodeDn = object['dn'] try: old_dnsRecords = s4connector.lo_s4.get(dnsNodeDn, attr=['dnsRecord'], required=True).get('dnsRecord') except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT: __create_s4_dns_node(s4connector, dnsNodeDn, relativeDomainNames, dnsRecords) else: s4connector.lo_s4.modify(dnsNodeDn, [('dnsRecord', old_dnsRecords, dnsRecords)]) return dnsNodeDn
[docs]def s4_dns_node_base_delete(s4connector, object): dnsNodeDn = object['dn'] try: s4connector.lo_s4.lo.delete_s(dnsNodeDn) except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT: pass # the object was already removed return True
''' Create a host record in Samaba 4 '''
[docs]def s4_host_record_create(s4connector, object): dnsRecords = [] zoneName = object['attributes']['zoneName'][0].decode('UTF-8') relativeDomainName = object['attributes']['relativeDomainName'][0].decode('UTF-8') aRecords = s4connector.configRegistry.get('connector/s4/mapping/dns/host_record/%s.%s/static/ipv4' % (relativeDomainName.lower(), zoneName.lower())) aAAARecords = s4connector.configRegistry.get('connector/s4/mapping/dns/host_record/%s.%s/static/ipv6' % (relativeDomainName.lower(), zoneName.lower())) if aRecords or aAAARecords: # IPv4 if aRecords: for a in aRecords.split(' '): a_record = ARecord(a) dnsRecords.append(ndr_pack(a_record)) # IPv6 if aAAARecords: for a in aAAARecords.split(' '): a_record = AAAARecord(a) dnsRecords.append(ndr_pack(a_record)) else: __pack_aRecord(object, dnsRecords) __pack_mxRecord(object, dnsRecords) __pack_txtRecord(object, dnsRecords) s4_dns_node_base_create(s4connector, object, dnsRecords) return True
[docs]def ucs_host_record_create(s4connector, object): ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'ucs_host_record_create: object: %s' % object) zoneName = object['attributes']['zoneName'][0].decode('UTF-8') relativeDomainName = object['attributes']['relativeDomainName'][0].decode('UTF-8') aRecords = s4connector.configRegistry.get('connector/s4/mapping/dns/host_record/%s.%s/static/ipv4' % (relativeDomainName.lower(), zoneName.lower())) if aRecords: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'ucs_host_record_create: do not write host record back from S4 to UCS because location of A record has been overwritten by UCR') return aAAARecords = s4connector.configRegistry.get('connector/s4/mapping/dns/host_record/%s.%s/static/ipv6' % (relativeDomainName.lower(), zoneName.lower())) if aAAARecords: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'ucs_host_record_create: do not write host record back from S4 to UCS because location of AAAA record has been overwritten by UCR') return # unpack the host record a = __unpack_aRecord(object) # Does a host record for this zone already exist? ol_filter = format_escaped('(&(relativeDomainName={0!e})(zoneName={1!e}))', relativeDomainName, zoneName) searchResult =, unique=True) if len(searchResult) > 0: newRecord = univention.admin.handlers.dns.host_record.object(None, s4connector.lo, position=None, dn=searchResult[0][0], update_zone=False) if set(newRecord['a']) != set(a): newRecord['a'] = a newRecord.modify() else: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'ucs_host_record_create: do not modify host record') else: zoneDN = __get_zone_dn(s4connector, zoneName) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'ucs_host_record_create: zoneDN: %s' % zoneDN) position = univention.admin.uldap.position(zoneDN) newRecord = univention.admin.handlers.dns.host_record.object(None, s4connector.lo, position, dn=None, update_zone=False) newRecord['name'] = relativeDomainName newRecord['a'] = a newRecord.create()
[docs]def ucs_host_record_delete(s4connector, object): ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'ucs_host_record_delete: object: %s' % object) zoneName = object['attributes']['zoneName'][0].decode('UTF-8') relativeDomainName = object['attributes']['relativeDomainName'][0].decode('UTF-8') ol_filter = format_escaped('(&(relativeDomainName={0!e})(zoneName={1!e}))', relativeDomainName, zoneName) searchResult =, unique=True) if len(searchResult) > 0: newRecord = univention.admin.handlers.dns.host_record.object(None, s4connector.lo, position=None, dn=searchResult[0][0], update_zone=False) newRecord.delete() else: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'ucs_host_record_delete: Object was not found, filter was: %s' % ol_filter) return True
[docs]def s4_ptr_record_create(s4connector, object): dnsRecords = [] __pack_ptrRecord(object, dnsRecords) s4_dns_node_base_create(s4connector, object, dnsRecords) return True
[docs]def ucs_ptr_record_create(s4connector, object): ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'ucs_ptr_record_create: object: %s' % object) zoneName = object['attributes']['zoneName'][0].decode('UTF-8') relativeDomainName = object['attributes']['relativeDomainName'][0].decode('UTF-8') # unpack the host record ptr = __unpack_ptrRecord(object) # Does a host record for this zone already exist? ol_filter = format_escaped('(&(relativeDomainName={0!e})(zoneName={1!e}))', relativeDomainName, zoneName) searchResult =, unique=True) if len(searchResult) > 0: newRecord = univention.admin.handlers.dns.ptr_record.object(None, s4connector.lo, position=None, dn=searchResult[0][0], update_zone=False) if set(newRecord['ptr_record']) != set(ptr): newRecord['ptr_record'] = ptr[0] newRecord.modify() else: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'ucs_ptr_record_create: do not modify ptr record') else: zoneDN = __get_zone_dn(s4connector, zoneName) position = univention.admin.uldap.position(zoneDN) newRecord = univention.admin.handlers.dns.ptr_record.object(None, s4connector.lo, position, dn=None, update_zone=False) newRecord['address'] = relativeDomainName newRecord['ptr_record'] = ptr[0] newRecord.create()
[docs]def ucs_ptr_record_delete(s4connector, object): ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'ucs_ptr_record_delete: object: %s' % object) zoneName = object['attributes']['zoneName'][0].decode('UTF-8') relativeDomainName = object['attributes']['relativeDomainName'][0].decode('UTF-8') ol_filter = format_escaped('(&(relativeDomainName={0!e})(zoneName={1!e}))', relativeDomainName, zoneName) searchResult =, unique=True) if len(searchResult) > 0: newRecord = univention.admin.handlers.dns.ptr_record.object(None, s4connector.lo, position=None, dn=searchResult[0][0], update_zone=False) newRecord.delete() else: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'ucs_ptr_record_delete: Object was not found, filter was: %s' % ol_filter) return True
[docs]def ucs_cname_create(s4connector, object): ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'ucs_cname_create: object: %s' % object) zoneName = object['attributes']['zoneName'][0].decode('UTF-8') relativeDomainName = object['attributes']['relativeDomainName'][0].decode('UTF-8') # unpack the host record c = __unpack_cName(object) # Does a host record for this zone already exist? ol_filter = format_escaped('(&(relativeDomainName={0!e})(zoneName={1!e}))', relativeDomainName, zoneName) searchResult =, unique=True) if len(searchResult) > 0: newRecord = univention.admin.handlers.dns.alias.object(None, s4connector.lo, position=None, dn=searchResult[0][0], update_zone=False) if set(newRecord['cname']) != set(c): newRecord['cname'] = c[0] newRecord.modify() else: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'ucs_cname_create: do not modify cname record') else: zoneDN = __get_zone_dn(s4connector, zoneName) position = univention.admin.uldap.position(zoneDN) newRecord = univention.admin.handlers.dns.alias.object(None, s4connector.lo, position, dn=None, update_zone=False) newRecord['name'] = relativeDomainName newRecord['cname'] = c[0] newRecord.create()
[docs]def ucs_cname_delete(s4connector, object): ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'ucs_cname_delete: object: %s' % object) zoneName = object['attributes']['zoneName'][0].decode('UTF-8') relativeDomainName = object['attributes']['relativeDomainName'][0].decode('UTF-8') ol_filter = format_escaped('(&(relativeDomainName={0!e})(zoneName={1!e}))', relativeDomainName, zoneName) searchResult =, unique=True) if len(searchResult) > 0: newRecord = univention.admin.handlers.dns.alias.object(None, s4connector.lo, position=None, dn=searchResult[0][0], update_zone=False) newRecord.delete() else: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'ucs_cname_delete: Object was not found, filter was: %s' % ol_filter) return True
[docs]def s4_cname_create(s4connector, object): dnsRecords = [] __pack_cName(object, dnsRecords) s4_dns_node_base_create(s4connector, object, dnsRecords)
[docs]def ucs_srv_record_create(s4connector, object): ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'ucs_srv_record_create: object: %s' % object) zoneName = object['attributes']['zoneName'][0].decode('UTF-8') relativeDomainName = object['attributes']['relativeDomainName'][0].decode('UTF-8') # unpack the host record srv = __unpack_sRVrecord(object) # ucr set connector/s4/mapping/dns/srv_record/_ldap._tcp.test.local/location='100 0 389 foobar.test.local. 100 0 389 foobar2.test.local.' ucr_locations = s4connector.configRegistry.get('connector/s4/mapping/dns/srv_record/%s.%s/location' % (relativeDomainName.lower(), zoneName.lower())) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'ucs_srv_record_create: ucr_locations for connector/s4/mapping/dns/srv_record/%s.%s/location: %s' % (relativeDomainName.lower(), zoneName.lower(), ucr_locations)) if ucr_locations and ucr_locations.lower() == 'ignore': return # Does a host record for this zone already exist? ol_filter = format_escaped('(&(relativeDomainName={0!e})(zoneName={1!e}))', relativeDomainName, zoneName) searchResult =, unique=True) if len(searchResult) > 0: newRecord = univention.admin.handlers.dns.srv_record.object(None, s4connector.lo, position=None, dn=searchResult[0][0], update_zone=False) if ucr_locations: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'ucs_srv_record_create: do not write SRV record back from S4 to UCS because location of SRV record have been overwritten by UCR') else: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'ucs_srv_record_create: location: %s' % newRecord['location']) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'ucs_srv_record_create: srv : %s' % srv) srv.sort() newRecord['location'].sort() if srv != newRecord['location']: newRecord['location'] = srv newRecord.modify() else: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'ucs_srv_record_create: do not modify srv record') else: zoneDN = __get_zone_dn(s4connector, zoneName) position = univention.admin.uldap.position(zoneDN) newRecord = univention.admin.handlers.dns.srv_record.object(None, s4connector.lo, position, dn=None, update_zone=False) # Make syntax UDM compatible parts = univention.admin.handlers.dns.srv_record.unmapName([relativeDomainName.encode('UTF-8')]) if len(parts) == 3 and parts[2]: msg = 'SRV create: service="%s" protocol="%s" extension="%s"' % (parts[0], parts[1], parts[2]) if len(parts) == 2: msg = 'SRV create: service="%s" protocol="%s"' % (parts[0], parts[1]) else: msg = 'SRV create: unexpected format, parts: %s' % (parts,) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, msg) newRecord['name'] = parts newRecord['location'] = srv newRecord.create()
[docs]def ucs_srv_record_delete(s4connector, object): ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'ucs_srv_record_delete: object: %s' % object) zoneName = object['attributes']['zoneName'][0].decode('UTF-8') relativeDomainName = object['attributes']['relativeDomainName'][0].decode('UTF-8') ol_filter = format_escaped('(&(relativeDomainName={0!e})(zoneName={1!e}))', relativeDomainName, zoneName) searchResult =, unique=True) if len(searchResult) > 0: newRecord = univention.admin.handlers.dns.srv_record.object(None, s4connector.lo, position=None, dn=searchResult[0][0], update_zone=False) newRecord.delete() else: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'ucs_srv_record_delete: Object was not found, filter was: %s' % ol_filter) return True
[docs]def s4_srv_record_create(s4connector, object): dnsRecords = [] zoneName = object['attributes']['zoneName'][0].decode('UTF-8') relativeDomainName = object['attributes']['relativeDomainName'][0].decode('UTF-8') # ucr set connector/s4/mapping/dns/srv_record/_ldap._tcp.test.local/location='100 0 389 foobar.test.local.' # ucr set connector/s4/mapping/dns/srv_record/_ldap._tcp.test.local/location='100 0 389 foobar.test.local. 100 0 389 foobar2.test.local.' ucr_locations = s4connector.configRegistry.get('connector/s4/mapping/dns/srv_record/%s.%s/location' % (relativeDomainName.lower(), zoneName.lower())) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 's4_srv_record_create: ucr_locations for connector/s4/mapping/dns/srv_record/%s.%s/location: %s' % (relativeDomainName.lower(), zoneName.lower(), ucr_locations)) if ucr_locations: if ucr_locations.lower() == 'ignore': return # Convert ucr variable priority = None weight = None port = None target = None for v in ucr_locations.split(' '): # Check explicit for None, because the int values may be 0 if priority is None: priority = int(v) elif weight is None: weight = int(v) elif port is None: port = int(v) elif not target: target = __remove_dot(v.encode('UTF-8')).decode('UTF-8') if priority is not None and weight is not None and port is not None and target: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'priority=%d weight=%d port=%d target=%s' % (priority, weight, port, target)) s = SRVRecord(target, port, priority, weight) dnsRecords.append(ndr_pack(s)) priority = None weight = None port = None target = None else: __pack_sRVrecord(object, dnsRecords) s4_dns_node_base_create(s4connector, object, dnsRecords)
[docs]def ucs_txt_record_create(s4connector, object): ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'ucs_txt_record_create: object: %s' % object) udm_property = 'txt' zoneName = object['attributes']['zoneName'][0].decode('UTF-8') relativeDomainName = object['attributes']['relativeDomainName'][0].decode('UTF-8') # unpack the record c = __unpack_txtRecord(object) # Does a host record for this zone already exist? ol_filter = format_escaped('(&(relativeDomainName={0!e})(zoneName={1!e}))', relativeDomainName, zoneName) searchResult =, unique=True) if len(searchResult) > 0: foundRecord = univention.admin.handlers.dns.txt_record.object(None, s4connector.lo, position=None, dn=searchResult[0][0], update_zone=False) # use normalized TXT records for comparison normalized_txtRecord_list = [] for txtRecord in foundRecord['txt']: normalized_txtRecord = str(TXT.from_text(rdataclass.IN, rdatatype.TXT, Tokenizer(txtRecord))) normalized_txtRecord_list.append(normalized_txtRecord) if set(normalized_txtRecord_list) != set(c): foundRecord[udm_property] = c foundRecord.modify() else: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'ucs_txt_record_create: do not modify txt record') else: zoneDN = __get_zone_dn(s4connector, zoneName) position = univention.admin.uldap.position(zoneDN) newRecord = univention.admin.handlers.dns.txt_record.object(None, s4connector.lo, position, dn=None, update_zone=False) newRecord['name'] = relativeDomainName newRecord[udm_property] = c newRecord.create()
[docs]def ucs_txt_record_delete(s4connector, object): ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'ucs_txt_record_delete: object: %s' % object) zoneName = object['attributes']['zoneName'][0].decode('UTF-8') relativeDomainName = object['attributes']['relativeDomainName'][0].decode('UTF-8') ol_filter = format_escaped('(&(relativeDomainName={0!e})(zoneName={1!e}))', relativeDomainName, zoneName) searchResult =, unique=True) if len(searchResult) > 0: newRecord = univention.admin.handlers.dns.txt_record.object(None, s4connector.lo, position=None, dn=searchResult[0][0], update_zone=False) newRecord.delete() else: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'ucs_txt_record_delete: Object was not found, filter was: %s' % ol_filter) return True
[docs]def s4_txt_record_create(s4connector, object): dnsRecords = [] __pack_txtRecord(object, dnsRecords) s4_dns_node_base_create(s4connector, object, dnsRecords)
[docs]def ucs_ns_record_create(s4connector, object): ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'ucs_ns_record_create: object: %s' % object) udm_property = 'nameserver' zoneName = object['attributes']['zoneName'][0].decode('UTF-8') relativeDomainName = object['attributes']['relativeDomainName'][0].decode('UTF-8') # unpack the record c = __unpack_nsRecord(object) # Does a host record for this zone already exist? ol_filter = format_escaped('(&(relativeDomainName={0!e})(zoneName={1!e}))', relativeDomainName, zoneName) searchResult =, unique=True) if len(searchResult) > 0: foundRecord = univention.admin.handlers.dns.ns_record.object(None, s4connector.lo, position=None, dn=searchResult[0][0], update_zone=False) if set(foundRecord[udm_property]) != set(c): foundRecord[udm_property] = c foundRecord.modify() else: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'ucs_ns_record_create: do not modify ns record') else: zoneDN = __get_zone_dn(s4connector, zoneName) position = univention.admin.uldap.position(zoneDN) newRecord = univention.admin.handlers.dns.ns_record.object(None, s4connector.lo, position, dn=None, update_zone=False) newRecord['zone'] = relativeDomainName newRecord[udm_property] = c newRecord.create()
[docs]def ucs_ns_record_delete(s4connector, object): ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'ucs_ns_record_delete: object: %s' % object) zoneName = object['attributes']['zoneName'][0].decode('UTF-8') relativeDomainName = object['attributes']['relativeDomainName'][0].decode('UTF-8') ol_filter = format_escaped('(&(relativeDomainName={0!e})(zoneName={1!e}))', relativeDomainName, zoneName) searchResult =, unique=True) if len(searchResult) > 0: newRecord = univention.admin.handlers.dns.ns_record.object(None, s4connector.lo, position=None, dn=searchResult[0][0], update_zone=False) newRecord.delete() else: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'ucs_ns_record_delete: Object was not found, filter was: %s' % ol_filter) return True
[docs]def s4_ns_record_create(s4connector, object): dnsRecords = [] __pack_nsRecord(object, dnsRecords) s4_dns_node_base_create(s4connector, object, dnsRecords)
[docs]def ucs_zone_create(s4connector, object, dns_type): zoneName = object['attributes']['zoneName'][0].decode('UTF-8') relativeDomainName = object['attributes']['relativeDomainName'][0].decode('UTF-8') # create the zone when the dc=@ object has been created if relativeDomainName != '@': ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "ucs_zone_create: ignoring DC=%s object" % (relativeDomainName,)) return ns = __unpack_nsRecord(object) soa = __unpack_soaRecord(object) a = __unpack_aRecord(object) mx = __unpack_mxRecord(object) if zoneName == s4connector.configRegistry.get('domainname') and s4connector.configRegistry.get('connector/s4/mapping/dns/position') != 'legacy' and object['modtype'] == 'modify': # Determine max of serialNumber from _msdcs zone msdcs_soa_obj = __get_s4_msdcs_soa(s4connector, zoneName) if msdcs_soa_obj: msdcs_soa = __unpack_soaRecord(msdcs_soa_obj) soa['serial'] = str(max(int(soa['serial']), int(msdcs_soa['serial']))) mname = soa['mname'] if mname and not mname.endswith("."): mname = "%s." % mname ns_lower = [x.lower() for x in ns] mname_lower = mname.lower() if mname_lower not in ns_lower: ns.insert(0, mname) ns_lower.insert(0, mname_lower) # Does a zone already exist? modify = False ol_filter = format_escaped('(&(relativeDomainName={0!e})(zoneName={1!e}))', relativeDomainName, zoneName) searchResult =, unique=True) if len(searchResult) > 0: if dns_type == 'forward_zone': zone = univention.admin.handlers.dns.forward_zone.object(None, s4connector.lo, position=None, dn=searchResult[0][0]) elif dns_type == 'reverse_zone': zone = univention.admin.handlers.dns.reverse_zone.object(None, s4connector.lo, position=None, dn=searchResult[0][0]) udm_zone_nameservers_lower = [x.lower() for x in zone['nameserver']] if set(ns_lower) != set(udm_zone_nameservers_lower): zone['nameserver'] = ns modify = True if soa['rname'].replace('.', '@', 1) != zone['contact'].rstrip('.'): zone['contact'] = soa['rname'].replace('.', '@', 1) modify = True if int(soa['serial']) != int(zone['serial']): zone['serial'] = soa['serial'] modify = True for k in ['refresh', 'retry', 'expire', 'ttl']: if int(soa[k]) != _unixTimeInverval2seconds(zone[k]): zone[k] = unmapUNIX_TimeInterval(soa[k]) modify = True if dns_type == 'forward_zone': # The IP address of the DNS forward zone will be used to determine the # sysvol share. On a selective replicated DC only a short list of DCs # should be returned aRecords = s4connector.configRegistry.get('connector/s4/mapping/dns/forward_zone/%s/static/ipv4' % zoneName.lower()) aAAARecords = s4connector.configRegistry.get('connector/s4/mapping/dns/forward_zone/%s/static/ipv6' % zoneName.lower()) if not aRecords and not aAAARecords: if set(a) != set(zone['a']): zone['a'] = a modify = True if mx: def mapMX(m): return '%s %s' % (m[0], m[1]) if set(map(mapMX, mx)) != set(map(mapMX, zone['mx'])): zone['mx'] = mx modify = True if modify: zone.modify() else: position = univention.admin.uldap.position(['dns'].ucs_default_dn) if dns_type == 'forward_zone': zone = univention.admin.handlers.dns.forward_zone.object(None, s4connector.lo, position, dn=None) name_key = 'zone' elif dns_type == 'reverse_zone': zone = univention.admin.handlers.dns.reverse_zone.object(None, s4connector.lo, position, dn=None) name_key = 'subnet' zoneName = univention.admin.handlers.dns.reverse_zone.unmapSubnet(zoneName.encode('ASCII')) zone[name_key] = zoneName zone['nameserver'] = ns zone['contact'] = soa['rname'].replace('.', '@', 1) zone['serial'] = soa['serial'] zone['refresh'] = [soa['refresh']] # complex UDM syntax zone['retry'] = [soa['retry']] # complex UDM syntax zone['expire'] = [soa['expire']] # complex UDM syntax zone['ttl'] = [soa['ttl']] # complex UDM syntax if dns_type == 'forward_zone': zone['a'] = a zone['mx'] = mx zone.create()
[docs]def ucs_zone_delete(s4connector, object, dns_type): zoneName = object['attributes']['zoneName'][0].decode('UTF-8') relativeDomainName = object['attributes']['relativeDomainName'][0].decode('UTF-8') if relativeDomainName != '@': ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "ucs_zone_delete: ignoring DC=%s object" % (relativeDomainName,)) return ol_filter = format_escaped('(&(relativeDomainName={0!e})(zoneName={1!e}))', relativeDomainName, zoneName) searchResult =, unique=True) if len(searchResult) > 0: if dns_type == 'forward_zone': zone = univention.admin.handlers.dns.forward_zone.object(None, s4connector.lo, position=None, dn=searchResult[0][0], update_zone=False) elif dns_type == 'reverse_zone': zone = univention.admin.handlers.dns.reverse_zone.object(None, s4connector.lo, position=None, dn=searchResult[0][0], update_zone=False) zone.delete()
def _identify_dns_ucs_object(s4connector, object): # At this point dn_mapping_function already has converted object['dn'] from ucs to con # But since there is no attribute mapping defined for DNS, the object attributes still # are the ones from UCS. Passing the Samba4 object['dn'] is irrelevant here: if object.get('attributes'): if univention.admin.handlers.dns.forward_zone.identify(object['dn'], object['attributes']): return 'forward_zone' if univention.admin.handlers.dns.reverse_zone.identify(object['dn'], object['attributes']): return 'reverse_zone' if univention.admin.handlers.dns.alias.identify(object['dn'], object['attributes']): return 'alias' if univention.admin.handlers.dns.host_record.identify(object['dn'], object['attributes']): return 'host_record' if univention.admin.handlers.dns.srv_record.identify(object['dn'], object['attributes']): return 'srv_record' if univention.admin.handlers.dns.ptr_record.identify(object['dn'], object['attributes']): return 'ptr_record' if univention.admin.handlers.dns.txt_record.identify(object['dn'], object['attributes']): return 'txt_record' if univention.admin.handlers.dns.ns_record.identify(object['dn'], object['attributes']): return 'ns_record' return None def _identify_dns_con_object(s4connector, object): # At this point dn_mapping_function already has converted object['dn'] from con to ucs # But since there is no attribute mapping defined for DNS, the object attributes still # are the ones from Samba. if object.get('attributes'): oc = object['attributes'].get('objectClass') dc = object['attributes'].get('dc') or object['attributes'].get('DC') if oc and b'dnsZone' in oc: # forward or reverse zone if dc and (dc[0].lower().endswith(b'') or dc[0].lower().endswith(b'')): return 'reverse_zone' else: return 'forward_zone' if oc and b'dnsNode' in oc: if dc and dc[0] == b'@': zone_type = 'forward_zone' exploded_dn = str2dn(object['dn']) for multi_rdn in exploded_dn: (attribute, value, _flags) = multi_rdn[0] if attribute.lower() == 'zonename' and (value.lower().endswith('') or value.lower().endswith('')): zone_type = 'reverse_zone' break return zone_type else: dnsRecords = object['attributes'].get('dnsRecord') if not dnsRecords: return None dns_types = set() for dnsRecord in dnsRecords: dnsRecord_DnssrvRpcRecord = ndr_unpack(dnsp.DnssrvRpcRecord, dnsRecord) dns_types.add(dnsRecord_DnssrvRpcRecord.wType) if dnsp.DNS_TYPE_PTR in dns_types: return 'ptr_record' elif dnsp.DNS_TYPE_CNAME in dns_types: return 'alias' elif dnsp.DNS_TYPE_SRV in dns_types: return 'srv_record' elif set((dnsp.DNS_TYPE_A, dnsp.DNS_TYPE_AAAA)) & dns_types: return 'host_record' elif dnsp.DNS_TYPE_TXT in dns_types: return 'txt_record' elif dnsp.DNS_TYPE_NS in dns_types: return 'ns_record' return None
[docs]def ucs2con(s4connector, key, object): # At this point dn_mapping_function already has converted object['dn'] from ucs to con # But since there is no attribute mapping defined for DNS, the object attributes still # are the ones from UCS. dns_type = _identify_dns_ucs_object(s4connector, object) if not dns_type: # unknown object -> ignore ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'dns ucs2con: Ignore unknown dns object: %s' % object['dn']) return True ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'dns ucs2con: Object (%s) is of type %s' % (object['dn'], dns_type)) # We can only get the mapped zone_name from the DN here (see comment above): # (In the case of _msdcs the zoneName would be wrong here otherwise) (zoneName, relativeDomainName) = __split_s4_dnsNode_dn(object['dn']) object['attributes']['zoneName'] = [zoneName.encode('UTF-8')] object['attributes']['relativeDomainName'] = [relativeDomainName.encode('UTF-8')] if dns_type == 'forward_zone' or dns_type == 'reverse_zone': if object['modtype'] in ['add', 'modify']: s4_zone_create_wrapper(s4connector, object) elif object['modtype'] in ['delete']: s4_zone_delete(s4connector, object) # ignore move elif dns_type == 'host_record': if object['modtype'] in ['add', 'modify']: s4_host_record_create(s4connector, object) elif object['modtype'] in ['delete']: s4_dns_node_base_delete(s4connector, object) # ignore move elif dns_type == 'alias': if object['modtype'] in ['add', 'modify']: s4_cname_create(s4connector, object) elif object['modtype'] in ['delete']: s4_dns_node_base_delete(s4connector, object) # ignore move elif dns_type == 'srv_record': if object['modtype'] in ['add', 'modify']: s4_srv_record_create(s4connector, object) elif object['modtype'] in ['delete']: s4_dns_node_base_delete(s4connector, object) # ignore move elif dns_type == 'ptr_record': if object['modtype'] in ['add', 'modify']: s4_ptr_record_create(s4connector, object) elif object['modtype'] in ['delete']: s4_dns_node_base_delete(s4connector, object) # ignore move elif dns_type == 'txt_record': if object['modtype'] in ['add', 'modify']: s4_txt_record_create(s4connector, object) elif object['modtype'] in ['delete']: s4_dns_node_base_delete(s4connector, object) # ignore move elif dns_type == 'ns_record': if object['modtype'] in ['add', 'modify']: s4_ns_record_create(s4connector, object) elif object['modtype'] in ['delete']: s4_dns_node_base_delete(s4connector, object) # ignore move return True
[docs]def con2ucs(s4connector, key, object): ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'dns con2ucs: Object (%s): %s' % (object['dn'], object)) # At this point dn_mapping_function already has converted object['dn'] from con to ucs # But since there is no attribute mapping defined for DNS, the object attributes still # are the ones from Samba. dns_type = _identify_dns_con_object(s4connector, object) if not dns_type: # unknown object -> ignore ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'dns con2ucs: Ignore unknown dns object: %s' % object['dn']) return True ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'dns con2ucs: Object (%s) is of type %s' % (object['dn'], dns_type)) # We can only get the mapped zone_name from the DN here (see comment above): (zoneName, relativeDomainName) = __split_ol_dNSZone_dn(object['dn'], object['attributes']['objectClass']) # Inject the zoneName and relativeDomainName to simplify things below object['attributes']['zoneName'] = [zoneName.encode('UTF-8')] object['attributes']['relativeDomainName'] = [relativeDomainName.encode('UTF-8')] if dns_type == 'host_record': if object['modtype'] in ['add', 'modify']: ucs_host_record_create(s4connector, object) elif object['modtype'] in ['delete']: ucs_host_record_delete(s4connector, object) # ignore move elif dns_type == 'ptr_record': if object['modtype'] in ['add', 'modify']: ucs_ptr_record_create(s4connector, object) elif object['modtype'] in ['delete']: ucs_ptr_record_delete(s4connector, object) # ignore move elif dns_type == 'alias': if object['modtype'] in ['add', 'modify']: ucs_cname_create(s4connector, object) elif object['modtype'] in ['delete']: ucs_cname_delete(s4connector, object) # ignore move elif dns_type == 'srv_record': if object['modtype'] in ['add', 'modify']: ucs_srv_record_create(s4connector, object) elif object['modtype'] in ['delete']: ucs_srv_record_delete(s4connector, object) # ignore move elif dns_type == 'txt_record': if object['modtype'] in ['add', 'modify']: ucs_txt_record_create(s4connector, object) elif object['modtype'] in ['delete']: ucs_txt_record_delete(s4connector, object) # ignore move elif dns_type == 'ns_record': if object['modtype'] in ['add', 'modify']: ucs_ns_record_create(s4connector, object) elif object['modtype'] in ['delete']: ucs_ns_record_delete(s4connector, object) # ignore move if dns_type in ['forward_zone', 'reverse_zone']: if object['modtype'] in ['add', 'modify']: ucs_zone_create(s4connector, object, dns_type) elif object['modtype'] in ['delete']: ucs_zone_delete(s4connector, object, dns_type) # ignore move return True