# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Univention S4 Connector
# control the password sync communication with the s4 password service
# Copyright 2004-2022 Univention GmbH
# https://www.univention.de/
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
# (GNU AGPL V3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# Binary versions of this program provided by Univention to you as
# well as other copyrighted, protected or trademarked materials like
# Logos, graphics, fonts, specific documentations and configurations,
# cryptographic keys etc. are subject to a license agreement between
# you and Univention and not subject to the GNU AGPL V3.
# In the case you use this program under the terms of the GNU AGPL V3,
# the program is provided in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
# License with the Debian GNU/Linux or Univention distribution in file
# /usr/share/common-licenses/AGPL-3; if not, see
# <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import time
import ldap
import univention.debug2 as ud
import univention.s4connector.s4
from univention.s4connector.s4 import format_escaped
import binascii
from samba.ndr import ndr_unpack, ndr_pack, ndr_print
from samba.dcerpc import drsblobs
import heimdal
from ldap.controls import LDAPControl
import traceback
[docs]class Krb5Context(object):
def __init__(self):
self.ctx = heimdal.context()
self.etypes = self.ctx.get_permitted_enctypes()
self.etype_ids = [et.toint() for et in self.etypes]
krb5_context = Krb5Context()
[docs]def calculate_krb5key(unicodePwd, supplementalCredentials, kvno=0):
up_blob = unicodePwd
sc_blob = supplementalCredentials
keys = []
keytypes = []
context = heimdal.context()
if up_blob:
# ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "calculate_krb5key: up_blob: %s" % binascii.b2a_base64(up_blob))
assert len(up_blob) == 16
key = heimdal.keyblock_raw(context, 23, up_blob)
keys.append(heimdal.asn1_encode_key(key, None, kvno))
if sc_blob:
# ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "calculate_krb5key: sc_blob: %s" % binascii.b2a_base64(sc_blob))
sc = ndr_unpack(drsblobs.supplementalCredentialsBlob, sc_blob)
for p in sc.sub.packages:
krb = None
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "calculate_krb5key: parsing %s blob" % p.name)
if p.name == "Primary:Kerberos":
krb_blob = binascii.unhexlify(p.data)
krb = ndr_unpack(drsblobs.package_PrimaryKerberosBlob, krb_blob)
assert krb.version == 3
for k in krb.ctr.keys:
if k.keytype not in keytypes:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "calculate_krb5key: ctr3.key.keytype: %s" % k.keytype)
key = heimdal.keyblock_raw(context, k.keytype, k.value)
krb5SaltObject = heimdal.salt_raw(context, krb.ctr.salt.string)
keys.append(heimdal.asn1_encode_key(key, krb5SaltObject, kvno))
except Exception: # FIXME: which exception?
if k.keytype == 4294967156: # in all known cases W2k8 AD uses keytype 4294967156 (=-140L) for this
if k.value == up_blob: # the known case
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "calculate_krb5key: ignoring arc4 NThash with special keytype %s in %s" % (k.keytype, p.name))
else: # unknown special case
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "calculate_krb5key: ignoring unknown key with special keytype %s in %s" % (k.keytype, p.name))
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.ERROR, "calculate_krb5key: krb5Key with keytype %s could not be parsed in %s. Ignoring this keytype.\n%s" % (k.keytype, p.name, traceback.format_exc()))
elif p.name == "Primary:Kerberos-Newer-Keys":
krb_blob = binascii.unhexlify(p.data)
krb = ndr_unpack(drsblobs.package_PrimaryKerberosBlob, krb_blob)
assert krb.version == 4
for k in krb.ctr.keys:
if k.keytype not in keytypes:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "calculate_krb5key: ctr4.key.keytype: %s" % k.keytype)
key = heimdal.keyblock_raw(context, k.keytype, k.value)
krb5SaltObject = heimdal.salt_raw(context, krb.ctr.salt.string)
keys.append(heimdal.asn1_encode_key(key, krb5SaltObject, kvno))
except Exception: # FIXME: which exception?
if k.keytype == 4294967156: # in all known cases W2k8 AD uses keytype 4294967156 (=-140L) for this
if k.value == up_blob: # the known case
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "calculate_krb5key: ignoring arc4 NThash with special keytype %s in %s" % (k.keytype, p.name))
else: # unknown special case
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "calculate_krb5key: ignoring unknown key with special keytype %s in %s" % (k.keytype, p.name))
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.ERROR, "calculate_krb5key: krb5Key with keytype %s could not be parsed in %s. Ignoring this keytype.\n%s" % (k.keytype, p.name, traceback.format_exc()))
except Exception as exc:
if isinstance(exc, RuntimeError) and len(exc.args) == 2 and exc.args[1] == 'Buffer Size Error' or exc.args[0] == 11:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "calculate_krb5key: '%s' while unpacking supplementalCredentials:: %s" % (exc, binascii.b2a_base64(sc_blob)))
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "calculate_krb5key: the krb5Keys from the PrimaryKerberosBlob could not be parsed. Continuing anyway.")
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.ERROR, "calculate_krb5key: the krb5Keys from the PrimaryKerberosBlob could not be parsed. Continuing anyway.\n%s" % (traceback.format_exc(),))
return keys
[docs]def calculate_supplementalCredentials(ucs_krb5key, old_supplementalCredentials, nt_hash):
old_krb = {}
if old_supplementalCredentials:
sc = ndr_unpack(drsblobs.supplementalCredentialsBlob, old_supplementalCredentials)
for p in sc.sub.packages:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "calculate_supplementalCredentials: parsing %s blob" % p.name)
if p.name == "Primary:Kerberos":
krb_blob = binascii.unhexlify(p.data)
krb = ndr_unpack(drsblobs.package_PrimaryKerberosBlob, krb_blob)
assert krb.version == 3
old_krb['ctr3'] = krb.ctr
for k in krb.ctr.keys:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "calculate_supplementalCredentials: ctr3.key.keytype: %s" % k.keytype)
except Exception: # FIXME: which exception?
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.ERROR, "calculate_supplementalCredentials: ndr_unpack of S4 Primary:Kerberos blob failed.\n%s" % (traceback.format_exc(),))
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.ERROR, "calculate_supplementalCredentials: Continuing anyway, Primary:Kerberos (DES keys) blob will be missing in supplementalCredentials ctr3.old_keys.")
elif p.name == "Primary:Kerberos-Newer-Keys":
krb_blob = binascii.unhexlify(p.data)
krb = ndr_unpack(drsblobs.package_PrimaryKerberosBlob, krb_blob)
assert krb.version == 4
old_krb['ctr4'] = krb.ctr
for k in krb.ctr.keys:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "calculate_supplementalCredentials: ctr4.key.keytype: %s" % k.keytype)
except Exception: # FIXME: which exception?
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.ERROR, "calculate_supplementalCredentials: ndr_unpack of S4 Primary:Kerberos-Newer-Keys blob failed.\n%s" % (traceback.format_exc(),))
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.ERROR, "calculate_supplementalCredentials: Continuing anyway, Primary:Kerberos-Newer-Keys (AES and DES keys) blob will be missing in supplementalCredentials ctr4.old_keys.")
krb5_aes256 = ''
krb5_aes128 = ''
krb5_des_md5 = ''
krb5_des_crc = ''
krb_ctr3_salt = ''
krb_ctr4_salt = ''
for k in ucs_krb5key:
(keyblock, salt, kvno) = heimdal.asn1_decode_key(k)
key_data = keyblock.keyvalue()
saltstring = salt.saltvalue()
enctype = keyblock.keytype()
enctype_id = enctype.toint()
if enctype_id not in krb5_context.etype_ids:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "calculate_supplementalCredentials: ignoring unsupported krb5_keytype: (%d)" % (enctype_id,))
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.ALL, "calculate_supplementalCredentials: krb5_keytype: %s (%d)" % (enctype, enctype_id))
if enctype_id == 18:
krb5_aes256 = key_data
if not krb_ctr4_salt:
krb_ctr4_salt = saltstring
elif enctype_id == 17:
krb5_aes128 = key_data
if not krb_ctr4_salt:
krb_ctr4_salt = saltstring
elif enctype_id == 3:
krb5_des_md5 = key_data
if not krb_ctr3_salt:
krb_ctr3_salt = saltstring
elif enctype_id == 1:
krb5_des_crc = key_data
if not krb_ctr3_salt:
krb_ctr3_salt = saltstring
if not krb_ctr3_salt:
krb_ctr3_salt = saltstring
# build new drsblobs.supplementalCredentialsBlob
sc_blob = None
cred_List = []
package_names = []
# Primary:Kerberos-Newer-Keys : AES keys
if krb5_aes256 or krb5_aes128:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "calculate_supplementalCredentials: building Primary:Kerberos-Newer-Keys blob")
kerberosKey4list = []
if krb5_aes256:
assert len(krb5_aes256) == 32
next_key = drsblobs.package_PrimaryKerberosKey4()
next_key.keytype = 18
next_key.value = krb5_aes256
next_key.value_len = len(krb5_aes256)
if krb5_aes128:
assert len(krb5_aes128) == 16
next_key = drsblobs.package_PrimaryKerberosKey4()
next_key.keytype = 17
next_key.value = krb5_aes128
next_key.value_len = len(krb5_aes128)
if krb5_des_md5:
assert len(krb5_des_md5) == 8
next_key = drsblobs.package_PrimaryKerberosKey4()
next_key.keytype = 3
next_key.value = krb5_des_md5
next_key.value_len = len(krb5_des_md5)
if not krb5_des_md5:
next_key = drsblobs.package_PrimaryKerberosKey4()
next_key.keytype = 4294967156
next_key.value = nt_hash
if nt_hash:
next_key.value_len = len(nt_hash)
next_key.value_len = 0
if krb5_des_crc:
assert len(krb5_des_crc) == 8
next_key = drsblobs.package_PrimaryKerberosKey4()
next_key.keytype = 1
next_key.value = krb5_des_crc
next_key.value_len = len(krb5_des_crc)
# Windows Server 2012 does not always send the des encryption types.
# Samba does not allow a key number != 4, which is why we add a "dummy" hash.
if not krb5_des_crc:
next_key = drsblobs.package_PrimaryKerberosKey4()
next_key.keytype = 4294967156
next_key.value = nt_hash
if nt_hash:
next_key.value_len = len(nt_hash)
next_key.value_len = 0
salt4 = drsblobs.package_PrimaryKerberosString()
salt4.string = krb_ctr4_salt
ctr4 = drsblobs.package_PrimaryKerberosCtr4()
ctr4.salt = salt4
ctr4.num_keys = len(kerberosKey4list)
ctr4.keys = kerberosKey4list
if old_krb.get('ctr4'):
# Backup old_keys to s4_old_keys
s4_num_old_keys = old_krb['ctr4'].num_old_keys
s4_old_keys = []
for key in old_krb['ctr4'].old_keys:
# keys -> old_keys
if len(old_krb['ctr4'].keys) > ctr4.num_keys:
cleaned_old_keys = []
for key in old_krb['ctr4'].keys:
if key.keytype == 4294967156: # in all known cases W2k8 AD uses keytype 4294967156 (=-140L) to include the arc4 hash
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "calculate_supplementalCredentials: Primary:Kerberos-Newer-Keys filtering keytype %s from old_keys" % key.keytype)
else: # TODO: can we do something better at this point to make old_keys == num_keys ?
ctr4.old_keys = cleaned_old_keys
ctr4.num_old_keys = len(cleaned_old_keys)
ctr4.old_keys = old_krb['ctr4'].keys
ctr4.num_old_keys = old_krb['ctr4'].num_keys
# s4_old_keys -> older_keys
if ctr4.num_old_keys > ctr4.num_older_keys:
cleaned_older_keys = []
for key in s4_old_keys:
if key.keytype == 4294967156: # in all known cases W2k8 AD uses keytype 4294967156 (=-140L) to include the arc4 hash
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "calculate_supplementalCredentials: Primary:Kerberos-Newer-Keys filtering keytype %s from older_keys" % key.keytype)
else: # TODO: can we do something better at this point to make old_keys == num_keys ?
ctr4.older_keys = cleaned_older_keys
ctr4.num_older_keys = len(cleaned_older_keys)
ctr4.older_keys = s4_old_keys
ctr4.num_older_keys = s4_num_old_keys
if ctr4.num_old_keys != 0 and ctr4.num_old_keys != ctr4.num_keys:
# TODO: Recommended policy is to fill up old_keys to match num_keys, this will result in a traceback, can we do something better?
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "calculate_supplementalCredentials: Primary:Kerberos-Newer-Keys num_keys = %s" % ctr4.num_keys)
for k in ctr4.keys:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "calculate_supplementalCredentials: ctr4.key.keytype: %s" % k.keytype)
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "calculate_supplementalCredentials: Primary:Kerberos-Newer-Keys num_old_keys = %s" % ctr4.num_old_keys)
for k in ctr4.old_keys:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "calculate_supplementalCredentials: ctr4.old_key.keytype: %s" % k.keytype)
if ctr4.num_older_keys != 0 and ctr4.num_older_keys != ctr4.num_old_keys:
# TODO: Recommended policy is to fill up old_keys to match num_keys, this will result in a traceback, can we do something better?
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "calculate_supplementalCredentials: Primary:Kerberos-Newer-Keys num_old_keys = %s" % ctr4.num_old_keys)
for k in ctr4.old_keys:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "calculate_supplementalCredentials: ctr4.old_key.keytype: %s" % k.keytype)
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "calculate_supplementalCredentials: Primary:Kerberos-Newer-Keys num_older_keys = %s" % ctr4.num_older_keys)
for k in ctr4.older_keys:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "calculate_supplementalCredentials: ctr4.older_key.keytype: %s" % k.keytype)
krb_Primary_Kerberos_Newer = drsblobs.package_PrimaryKerberosBlob()
krb_Primary_Kerberos_Newer.version = 4
krb_Primary_Kerberos_Newer.ctr = ctr4
krb_blob_Primary_Kerberos_Newer = ndr_pack(krb_Primary_Kerberos_Newer)
creddata_Primary_Kerberos_Newer = binascii.hexlify(krb_blob_Primary_Kerberos_Newer)
credname_Primary_Kerberos_Newer = "Primary:Kerberos-Newer-Keys"
cred_Primary_Kerberos_Newer = drsblobs.supplementalCredentialsPackage()
cred_Primary_Kerberos_Newer.name = credname_Primary_Kerberos_Newer
cred_Primary_Kerberos_Newer.name_len = len(credname_Primary_Kerberos_Newer)
cred_Primary_Kerberos_Newer.data = creddata_Primary_Kerberos_Newer
cred_Primary_Kerberos_Newer.data_len = len(creddata_Primary_Kerberos_Newer)
cred_Primary_Kerberos_Newer.reserved = 1
# Primary:Kerberos : MD5 and CRC keys
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "calculate_supplementalCredentials: building Primary:Kerberos blob")
kerberosKey3list = []
if krb5_aes256 or krb5_aes128 or krb5_des_md5 or krb5_des_crc:
if krb5_des_md5:
next_key = drsblobs.package_PrimaryKerberosKey3()
next_key.keytype = 3
next_key.value = krb5_des_md5
next_key.value_len = len(krb5_des_md5)
if not krb5_des_md5:
next_key = drsblobs.package_PrimaryKerberosKey3()
next_key.keytype = 4294967156
next_key.value = nt_hash
if nt_hash:
next_key.value_len = len(nt_hash)
next_key.value_len = 0
if krb5_des_crc:
next_key = drsblobs.package_PrimaryKerberosKey3()
next_key.keytype = 1
next_key.value = krb5_des_crc
next_key.value_len = len(krb5_des_crc)
# Windows Server 2012 does not always send the des encryption types.
# Samba does not allow a key number != 2, which is why we add a "dummy" hash.
if not krb5_des_crc:
next_key = drsblobs.package_PrimaryKerberosKey3()
next_key.keytype = 4294967156
next_key.value = nt_hash
if nt_hash:
next_key.value_len = len(nt_hash)
next_key.value_len = 0
salt = drsblobs.package_PrimaryKerberosString()
salt.string = krb_ctr3_salt
ctr3 = drsblobs.package_PrimaryKerberosCtr3()
ctr3.salt = salt
ctr3.num_keys = len(kerberosKey3list)
ctr3.keys = kerberosKey3list
if old_krb.get('ctr3'):
# keys -> old_keys
if len(old_krb['ctr3'].keys) > ctr3.num_keys:
cleaned_ctr3_old_keys = []
for key in old_krb['ctr3'].keys:
if key.keytype == 4294967156: # in all known cases W2k8 AD uses keytype 4294967156 (=-140L) to include the arc4 hash
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "calculate_supplementalCredentials: Primary:Kerberos filtering keytype %s from old_keys" % key.keytype)
else: # TODO: can we do something better at this point to make old_keys == num_keys ?
ctr3.old_keys = cleaned_ctr3_old_keys
ctr3.num_old_keys = len(cleaned_ctr3_old_keys)
ctr3.old_keys = old_krb['ctr3'].keys
ctr3.num_old_keys = old_krb['ctr3'].num_keys
if ctr3.num_old_keys != 0 and ctr3.num_old_keys != ctr3.num_keys:
# TODO: Recommended policy is to fill up old_keys to match num_keys, this will result in a traceback, can we do something better?
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "calculate_supplementalCredentials: Primary:Kerberos num_keys = %s" % ctr3.num_keys)
for k in ctr3.keys:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "calculate_supplementalCredentials: ctr3.key.keytype: %s" % k.keytype)
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "calculate_supplementalCredentials: Primary:Kerberos num_old_keys = %s" % ctr3.num_old_keys)
for k in ctr3.old_keys:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "calculate_supplementalCredentials: ctr3.old_key.keytype: %s" % k.keytype)
krb = drsblobs.package_PrimaryKerberosBlob()
krb.version = 3
krb.ctr = ctr3
krb3_blob = ndr_pack(krb)
creddata_Primary_Kerberos = binascii.hexlify(krb3_blob)
credname_Primary_Kerberos = "Primary:Kerberos"
cred_Primary_Kerberos = drsblobs.supplementalCredentialsPackage()
cred_Primary_Kerberos.name = credname_Primary_Kerberos
cred_Primary_Kerberos.name_len = len(credname_Primary_Kerberos)
cred_Primary_Kerberos.data = creddata_Primary_Kerberos
cred_Primary_Kerberos.data_len = len(creddata_Primary_Kerberos)
cred_Primary_Kerberos.reserved = 1
if package_names:
krb_blob_Packages = u'\0'.join(package_names).encode('utf-16le')
cred_PackagesBlob_data = binascii.hexlify(krb_blob_Packages).upper()
cred_PackagesBlob_name = "Packages"
cred_PackagesBlob = drsblobs.supplementalCredentialsPackage()
cred_PackagesBlob.name = cred_PackagesBlob_name
cred_PackagesBlob.name_len = len(cred_PackagesBlob_name)
cred_PackagesBlob.data = cred_PackagesBlob_data
cred_PackagesBlob.data_len = len(cred_PackagesBlob_data)
cred_PackagesBlob.reserved = 2
cred_List.insert(-1, cred_PackagesBlob)
sub = drsblobs.supplementalCredentialsSubBlob()
sub.num_packages = len(cred_List)
sub.packages = cred_List
sc = drsblobs.supplementalCredentialsBlob()
sc.sub = sub
sc_blob = ndr_pack(sc)
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.ALL, "calculate_supplementalCredentials: sc:\n%s" % ndr_print(sc))
return sc_blob
[docs]def password_sync_ucs_to_s4(s4connector, key, object):
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_ucs_to_s4 called")
modify = False
old_ucs_object = object.get('old_ucs_object', {})
new_ucs_object = object.get('new_ucs_object', {})
if old_ucs_object or new_ucs_object:
for attr in ['sambaLMPassword', 'sambaNTPassword', 'sambaPwdLastSet', 'sambaPwdMustChange', 'krb5PrincipalName', 'krb5Key', 'shadowLastChange', 'shadowMax', 'krb5PasswordEnd', 'univentionService']:
old_values = set(old_ucs_object.get(attr, []))
new_values = set(new_ucs_object.get(attr, []))
if old_values != new_values:
modify = True
# add mode
modify = True
if not modify:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'password_sync_ucs_to_s4: the password for %s has not been changed. Skipping password sync.' % (object['dn']))
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "Object DN=%r" % (object['dn'],))
ucs_object = s4connector._object_mapping(key, object, 'con')
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, " UCS DN = %r" % (ucs_object['dn'],))
ucs_object_attributes = s4connector.lo.get(ucs_object['dn'], ['sambaLMPassword', 'sambaNTPassword', 'sambaPwdLastSet', 'sambaPwdMustChange', 'krb5PrincipalName', 'krb5Key', 'shadowLastChange', 'shadowMax', 'krb5PasswordEnd', 'univentionService'], required=True)
except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.PROCESS, "password_sync_ucs_to_s4: The UCS object (%s) was not found. The object was removed." % ucs_object['dn'])
services = ucs_object_attributes.get('univentionService', [])
if b'Samba 4' in services:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_ucs_to_s4: %s is a S4 server, skip password sync" % ucs_object['dn'])
sambaPwdLastSet = None
if 'sambaPwdLastSet' in ucs_object_attributes:
sambaPwdLastSet = int(ucs_object_attributes['sambaPwdLastSet'][0])
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_ucs_to_s4: sambaPwdLastSet: %s" % sambaPwdLastSet)
if 'sambaPwdMustChange' in ucs_object_attributes:
sambaPwdMustChange = int(ucs_object_attributes['sambaPwdMustChange'][0])
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "password_sync_ucs_to_s4: Ignoring sambaPwdMustChange: %s" % sambaPwdMustChange)
ucsLMhash = ucs_object_attributes.get('sambaLMPassword', [None])[0]
ucsNThash = ucs_object_attributes.get('sambaNTPassword', [None])[0]
krb5Principal = ucs_object_attributes.get('krb5PrincipalName', [None])[0]
krb5Key = ucs_object_attributes.get('krb5Key', [])
if not ucsNThash:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_ucs_to_s4: sambaNTPassword missing in UCS LDAP, trying krb5Key")
ucsNThash = extract_NThash_from_krb5key(krb5Key)
if not ucsNThash:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_ucs_to_s4: Failed to get NT Password-Hash from UCS LDAP")
# ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_ucs_to_s4: Password-Hash from UCS: %s" % ucsNThash)
s4_object_attributes = s4connector.lo_s4.get(object['dn'], ['pwdLastSet', 'objectSid'])
pwdLastSet = None
if 'pwdLastSet' in s4_object_attributes:
pwdLastSet = int(s4_object_attributes['pwdLastSet'][0])
objectSid = univention.s4connector.s4.decode_sid(s4_object_attributes['objectSid'][0])
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_ucs_to_s4: pwdLastSet from S4 : %s" % pwdLastSet)
pwd_set = False
filter_expr = format_escaped('(objectSid={0!e})', objectSid)
res = s4connector.lo_s4.search(filter=filter_expr, attr=['unicodePwd', 'userPrincipalName', 'supplementalCredentials', 'msDS-KeyVersionNumber', 'dBCSPwd'])
s4_search_attributes = res[0][1]
unicodePwd_attr = s4_search_attributes.get('unicodePwd', [None])[0]
dBCSPwd_attr = s4_search_attributes.get('dBCSPwd', [None])[0]
userPrincipalName_attr = s4_search_attributes.get('userPrincipalName', [None])[0]
supplementalCredentials = s4_search_attributes.get('supplementalCredentials', [None])[0]
#msDS_KeyVersionNumber = s4_search_attributes.get('msDS-KeyVersionNumber', [0])[0]
# ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_ucs_to_s4: Password-Hash from S4: %s" % unicodePwd_attr)
s4NThash = None
if unicodePwd_attr:
s4NThash = binascii.b2a_hex(unicodePwd_attr).upper()
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_ucs_to_s4: Failed to get NT Password-Hash from S4")
s4LMhash = None
if dBCSPwd_attr:
s4LMhash = binascii.b2a_hex(dBCSPwd_attr).upper()
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_ucs_to_s4: Failed to get LM Password-Hash from S4")
modlist = []
if krb5Principal != userPrincipalName_attr:
if krb5Principal:
if not userPrincipalName_attr: # new and not old
modlist.append((ldap.MOD_ADD, 'userPrincipalName', krb5Principal))
else: # new and old differ
if krb5Principal.lower() != userPrincipalName_attr.lower():
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "password_sync_ucs_to_s4: userPrincipalName != krb5Principal: %r != %r" % (userPrincipalName_attr, krb5Principal))
modlist.append((ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'userPrincipalName', krb5Principal))
if userPrincipalName_attr: # old and not new
modlist.append((ldap.MOD_DELETE, 'userPrincipalName', userPrincipalName_attr))
unicodePwd_new = None
if not ucsNThash == s4NThash:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_ucs_to_s4: NT Hash S4: %r NT Hash UCS: %r" % (s4NThash, ucsNThash))
# Now if ucsNThash is empty there should at least some timestamp in UCS,
# otherwise it's probably not a good idea to remove the unicodePwd.
# Usecase: LDB module on ucs_3.0-0-ucsschool slaves creates XP computers/windows in UDM without password
if ucsNThash or sambaPwdLastSet:
pwd_set = True
if ucsNThash:
unicodePwd_new = binascii.a2b_hex(ucsNThash)
except TypeError:
if ucsNThash.startswith(b"NO PASSWORD"):
pwd_set = False
if pwd_set and unicodePwd_new:
modlist.append((ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'unicodePwd', unicodePwd_new))
if ucsLMhash != s4LMhash:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_ucs_to_s4: LM Hash S4: %r LM Hash UCS: %r" % (s4LMhash, ucsLMhash))
pwd_set = True
if ucsLMhash:
dBCSPwd_new = binascii.a2b_hex(ucsLMhash)
modlist.append((ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'dBCSPwd', dBCSPwd_new))
modlist.append((ldap.MOD_DELETE, 'dBCSPwd', None))
if pwd_set or not supplementalCredentials:
if krb5Principal:
# encoding of Samba4 supplementalCredentials
if krb5Key:
supplementalCredentials_new = calculate_supplementalCredentials(krb5Key, supplementalCredentials, unicodePwd_new)
if supplementalCredentials_new:
modlist.append((ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'supplementalCredentials', supplementalCredentials_new))
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_ucs_to_s4: no supplementalCredentials_new")
# if supplementalCredentials:
# modlist.append((ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'msDS-KeyVersionNumber', krb5KeyVersionNumber))
# else:
# modlist.append((ldap.MOD_ADD, 'msDS-KeyVersionNumber', krb5KeyVersionNumber))
if sambaPwdLastSet is None:
sambaPwdLastSet = int(time.time())
newpwdlastset = str(univention.s4connector.s4.samba2s4_time(sambaPwdLastSet))
elif sambaPwdLastSet in [0, 1]:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_ucs_to_s4: samba pwd expired, set newpwdLastSet to 0")
newpwdlastset = 0
newpwdlastset = univention.s4connector.s4.samba2s4_time(sambaPwdLastSet)
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_ucs_to_s4: pwdLastSet in modlist: %r" % newpwdlastset)
modlist.append((ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'pwdLastSet', str(newpwdlastset).encode('ASCII')))
modlist.append((ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'badPwdCount', b'0'))
modlist.append((ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'badPasswordTime', b'0'))
modlist.append((ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'lockoutTime', b'0'))
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_ucs_to_s4: No password change to sync to S4 ")
# check pwdLastSet
if sambaPwdLastSet is not None:
if sambaPwdLastSet in [0, 1]:
newpwdlastset = 0
newpwdlastset = univention.s4connector.s4.samba2s4_time(sambaPwdLastSet)
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_ucs_to_s4: sambaPwdLastSet: %d" % sambaPwdLastSet)
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_ucs_to_s4: newpwdlastset : %r" % newpwdlastset)
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_ucs_to_s4: pwdLastSet (AD): %r" % pwdLastSet)
if newpwdlastset != pwdLastSet and abs(newpwdlastset - pwdLastSet) >= 10000000:
modlist.append((ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'pwdLastSet', str(newpwdlastset).encode('ASCII')))
# TODO: Password History
ctrl_bypass_password_hash = LDAPControl('', criticality=0)
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.ALL, "password_sync_ucs_to_s4: modlist: %r" % (modlist,))
if modlist:
s4connector.lo_s4.lo.modify_ext_s(object['dn'], modlist, serverctrls=[ctrl_bypass_password_hash])
[docs]def password_sync_s4_to_ucs(s4connector, key, ucs_object, modifyUserPassword=True):
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_s4_to_ucs called")
if ucs_object['modtype'] == 'modify':
if 'pwdLastSet' not in ucs_object.get('changed_attributes', []):
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'password_sync_s4_to_ucs: the password for %s has not been changed. Skipping password sync.' % (ucs_object['dn']))
object = s4connector._object_mapping(key, ucs_object, 'ucs')
s4_object_attributes = s4connector.lo_s4.get(object['dn'], ['objectSid', 'pwdLastSet'])
if s4connector.isInCreationList(object['dn']):
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_s4_to_ucs: Synchronisation of password has been canceled. Object was just created.")
pwdLastSet = None
if 'pwdLastSet' in s4_object_attributes:
pwdLastSet = int(s4_object_attributes['pwdLastSet'][0])
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_s4_to_ucs: pwdLastSet from S4: %s (%s)" % (pwdLastSet, s4_object_attributes))
objectSid = univention.s4connector.s4.decode_sid(s4_object_attributes['objectSid'][0])
filter_expr = format_escaped('(objectSid={0!e})', objectSid)
res = s4connector.lo_s4.search(filter=filter_expr, attr=['unicodePwd', 'supplementalCredentials', 'msDS-KeyVersionNumber', 'dBCSPwd'])
s4_search_attributes = res[0][1]
unicodePwd_attr = s4_search_attributes.get('unicodePwd', [None])[0]
if unicodePwd_attr:
ntPwd = binascii.b2a_hex(unicodePwd_attr).upper()
lmPwd = b''
dBCSPwd = s4_search_attributes.get('dBCSPwd', [None])[0]
if dBCSPwd:
lmPwd = binascii.b2a_hex(dBCSPwd).upper()
supplementalCredentials = s4_search_attributes.get('supplementalCredentials', [None])[0]
msDS_KeyVersionNumber = s4_search_attributes.get('msDS-KeyVersionNumber', [0])[0]
ntPwd_ucs = b''
lmPwd_ucs = b''
krb5Principal = b''
#userPassword = b''
modlist = []
ucs_object_attributes = s4connector.lo.get(ucs_object['dn'], ['sambaPwdMustChange', 'sambaPwdLastSet', 'sambaNTPassword', 'sambaLMPassword', 'krb5PrincipalName', 'krb5Key', 'krb5KeyVersionNumber', 'userPassword', 'shadowLastChange', 'shadowMax', 'krb5PasswordEnd', 'univentionService'])
services = ucs_object_attributes.get('univentionService', [])
if 'S4 SlavePDC' in services:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_s4_to_ucs: %s is a S4 SlavePDC server, skip password sync" % ucs_object['dn'])
if 'sambaNTPassword' in ucs_object_attributes:
ntPwd_ucs = ucs_object_attributes['sambaNTPassword'][0]
if 'sambaLMPassword' in ucs_object_attributes:
lmPwd_ucs = ucs_object_attributes['sambaLMPassword'][0]
if 'krb5PrincipalName' in ucs_object_attributes:
krb5Principal = ucs_object_attributes['krb5PrincipalName'][0]
#if 'userPassword' in ucs_object_attributes:
# userPassword = ucs_object_attributes['userPassword'][0]
sambaPwdLastSet = None
if 'sambaPwdLastSet' in ucs_object_attributes:
sambaPwdLastSet = ucs_object_attributes['sambaPwdLastSet'][0]
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_s4_to_ucs: sambaPwdLastSet: %r" % sambaPwdLastSet)
sambaPwdMustChange = ''
if 'sambaPwdMustChange' in ucs_object_attributes:
sambaPwdMustChange = ucs_object_attributes['sambaPwdMustChange'][0]
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_s4_to_ucs: Found sambaPwdMustChange: %r" % sambaPwdMustChange)
krb5Key_ucs = ucs_object_attributes.get('krb5Key', [])
userPassword_ucs = ucs_object_attributes.get('userPassword', [None])[0]
krb5KeyVersionNumber = ucs_object_attributes.get('krb5KeyVersionNumber', [None])[0]
pwd_changed = False
if ntPwd != ntPwd_ucs:
pwd_changed = True
modlist.append(('sambaNTPassword', ntPwd_ucs, ntPwd))
if lmPwd != lmPwd_ucs:
pwd_changed = True
modlist.append(('sambaLMPassword', lmPwd_ucs, lmPwd))
if pwd_changed:
if krb5Principal:
# decoding of Samba4 supplementalCredentials
krb5Key_new = calculate_krb5key(unicodePwd_attr, supplementalCredentials, int(msDS_KeyVersionNumber))
modlist.append(('krb5Key', krb5Key_ucs, krb5Key_new))
if int(msDS_KeyVersionNumber) != int(krb5KeyVersionNumber):
modlist.append(('krb5KeyVersionNumber', krb5KeyVersionNumber, msDS_KeyVersionNumber))
# Append modification as well to modlist, to apply in one transaction
if modifyUserPassword:
modlist.append(('userPassword', userPassword_ucs, b'{K5KEY}'))
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_s4_to_ucs: No password change to sync to UCS")
old_pwdLastSet = object['old_s4_object']['pwdLastSet'][0]
except (KeyError, IndexError):
old_pwdLastSet = None
if pwdLastSet != old_pwdLastSet:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.ALL, "password_sync_s4_to_ucs: updating shadowLastChange")
old_shadowLastChange = ucs_object_attributes.get('shadowLastChange', [None])[0]
new_shadowLastChange = old_shadowLastChange
# shadowMax (set to value of univentionPWExpiryInterval, otherwise delete)
# krb5PasswordEnd (set to today + univentionPWExpiryInterval, otherwise delete)
old_shadowMax = ucs_object_attributes.get('shadowMax', [None])[0]
new_shadowMax = old_shadowMax
old_krb5end = ucs_object_attributes.get('krb5PasswordEnd', [None])[0]
new_krb5end = old_krb5end
pwdLastSet_unix = univention.s4connector.s4.s42samba_time(pwdLastSet)
newSambaPwdLastSet = str(pwdLastSet_unix).encode('ASCII')
if pwdLastSet == 0: # pwd change on next login
new_shadowMax = b'1'
expiry = int(time.time())
new_krb5end = time.strftime("%Y%m%d000000Z", time.gmtime(expiry)).encode('ASCII')
# we need to expire the password. Since shadowMax=1 is its minimum value, we need to set shadowLastChange = today-2days
two_days_ago = int(time.time()) - 86400 * 2
new_shadowLastChange = str(two_days_ago // 3600 // 24).encode('ASCII')
else: # not pwd change on next login
new_shadowLastChange = str(pwdLastSet_unix // 3600 // 24).encode('ASCII')
userobject = s4connector.get_ucs_object(key, ucs_object['dn'])
if not userobject:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.ERROR, "password_sync_s4_to_ucs: couldn't get user-object from UCS")
return False
pwhistoryPolicy = userobject.loadPolicyObject('policies/pwhistory')
expiryInterval = int(pwhistoryPolicy['expiryInterval'])
except (TypeError, ValueError):
# expiryInterval is empty or no legal int-string
pwhistoryPolicy['expiryInterval'] = u''
expiryInterval = -1
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_s4_to_ucs: password expiryInterval for %s is %s" % (ucs_object['dn'], expiryInterval))
if expiryInterval in (-1, 0):
new_shadowMax = b''
new_krb5end = b''
new_shadowMax = str(expiryInterval).encode('ASCII')
new_krb5end = time.strftime("%Y%m%d000000Z", time.gmtime((pwdLastSet_unix + (int(expiryInterval) * 3600 * 24)))).encode('ASCII')
if new_shadowLastChange != old_shadowLastChange:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_s4_to_ucs: update shadowLastChange to %s for %s" % (new_shadowLastChange, ucs_object['dn']))
modlist.append(('shadowLastChange', old_shadowLastChange, new_shadowLastChange))
if new_shadowMax != old_shadowMax:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_s4_to_ucs: update shadowMax to %s for %s" % (new_shadowMax, ucs_object['dn']))
modlist.append(('shadowMax', old_shadowMax, new_shadowMax))
if new_krb5end != old_krb5end:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_s4_to_ucs: update krb5PasswordEnd to %s for %s" % (new_krb5end, ucs_object['dn']))
modlist.append(('krb5PasswordEnd', old_krb5end, new_krb5end))
if sambaPwdLastSet:
if sambaPwdLastSet != newSambaPwdLastSet:
modlist.append(('sambaPwdLastSet', sambaPwdLastSet, newSambaPwdLastSet))
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_s4_to_ucs: sambaPwdLastSet in modlist (replace): %s" % newSambaPwdLastSet)
modlist.append(('sambaPwdLastSet', b'', newSambaPwdLastSet))
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_s4_to_ucs: sambaPwdLastSet in modlist (set): %s" % newSambaPwdLastSet)
if sambaPwdMustChange:
modlist.append(('sambaPwdMustChange', sambaPwdMustChange, b''))
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_s4_to_ucs: Removing sambaPwdMustChange")
if len(modlist) > 0:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "password_sync_s4_to_ucs: modlist: %s" % modlist)
s4connector.lo.lo.modify(ucs_object['dn'], modlist)
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "password_sync_ucs_s4_to_ucs: Failed to get Password-Hash from S4")
[docs]def password_sync_s4_to_ucs_no_userpassword(s4connector, key, ucs_object):
# The userPassword should not synchronized for computer accounts
password_sync_s4_to_ucs(s4connector, key, ucs_object, modifyUserPassword=False)
[docs]def lockout_sync_s4_to_ucs(s4connector, key, ucs_object):
Sync account locking *state* from Samba/AD to OpenLDAP:
sync Samba/AD (lockoutTime != 0) -> OpenLDAP sambaAcctFlags ("L")
and Samba/AD badPasswordTime -> OpenLDAP sambaBadPasswordTime
function_name = 'lockout_sync_s4_to_ucs'
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "%s called" % function_name)
if ucs_object['modtype'] not in ('modify', 'add'):
modlist = []
ucs_object_attributes = s4connector.lo.get(ucs_object['dn'], ['sambaAcctFlags', 'sambaBadPasswordTime'], required=True)
except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "%s: The UCS object (%s) was not found. The object was removed." % (function_name, ucs_object['dn']))
sambaAcctFlags = ucs_object_attributes.get('sambaAcctFlags', [b''])[0]
sambaBadPasswordTime = ucs_object_attributes.get('sambaBadPasswordTime', [b"0"])[0]
lockoutTime = ucs_object['attributes'].get('lockoutTime', [b'0'])[0]
if lockoutTime != b"0":
if b"L" not in sambaAcctFlags:
acctFlags = univention.admin.samba.acctFlags(sambaAcctFlags)
new_sambaAcctFlags = acctFlags.set('L').encode('ASCII')
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.PROCESS, "%s: Marking Samba account as locked in OpenLDAP" % (function_name,))
modlist.append(('sambaAcctFlags', sambaAcctFlags, new_sambaAcctFlags))
badPasswordTime = ucs_object['attributes'].get('badPasswordTime', [b"0"])[0]
if badPasswordTime != sambaBadPasswordTime:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.PROCESS, "%s: Copying badPasswordTime from S4: %s" % (function_name, badPasswordTime))
if sambaBadPasswordTime:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "%s: Old sambaBadPasswordTime: %s" % (function_name, sambaBadPasswordTime))
modlist.append(('sambaBadPasswordTime', sambaBadPasswordTime, badPasswordTime))
if b"L" in sambaAcctFlags:
acctFlags = univention.admin.samba.acctFlags(sambaAcctFlags)
new_sambaAcctFlags = acctFlags.unset('L').encode('ASCII')
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.PROCESS, "%s: Marking Samba account as unlocked in OpenLDAP" % (function_name,))
modlist.append(('sambaAcctFlags', sambaAcctFlags, new_sambaAcctFlags))
if sambaBadPasswordTime and sambaBadPasswordTime != b"0":
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.PROCESS, "%s: Unsetting sambaBadPasswordTime: %s" % (function_name, sambaBadPasswordTime))
modlist.append(('sambaBadPasswordTime', sambaBadPasswordTime, b"0"))
if modlist:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.ALL, "%s: modlist: %s" % (function_name, modlist))
s4connector.lo.lo.modify(ucs_object['dn'], modlist)
[docs]def lockout_sync_ucs_to_s4(s4connector, key, object):
Sync unlock *modification* from OpenLDAP to Samba/AD:
sync OpenLDAP ("L" not in sambaAcctFlags) -> Samba/AD lockoutTime = 0
sync OpenLDAP ("L" in sambaAcctFlags) -> Samba/AD lockoutTime = sambaBadPasswordTime
and OpenLDAP sambaBadPasswordTime -> Samba/AD badPasswordTime
function_name = 'lockout_sync_ucs_to_s4'
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "%s called" % function_name)
if object['modtype'] not in ('modify', 'add'):
new_ucs_object = object.get('new_ucs_object', {})
if not new_ucs_object:
# only set by sync_from_ucs in MODIFY case
old_ucs_object = object.get('old_ucs_object', {})
if not old_ucs_object:
# only set by sync_from_ucs in MODIFY case
new_sambaAcctFlags = new_ucs_object.get('sambaAcctFlags', [b''])[0]
is_locked = b"L" in new_sambaAcctFlags
old_sambaAcctFlags = old_ucs_object.get('sambaAcctFlags', [b''])[0]
was_locked = b"L" in old_sambaAcctFlags
if is_locked == was_locked:
# Require a change in the pickled state
modlist = []
if not is_locked:
s4_object_attributes = s4connector.lo_s4.get(object['dn'], ['lockoutTime', 'badPasswordTime'])
if 'lockoutTime' not in s4_object_attributes:
lockoutTime = s4_object_attributes['lockoutTime'][0]
if lockoutTime == b"0":
# Now object.get('new_ucs_object') may be a stale pickled state, so let's lookup the current OpenLDAP object state
# Unfortunately "object" doesn't hold the current OpenLDAP DN, so we need to map back first
ucs_object = s4connector._object_mapping(key, object)
ucs_object_attributes = s4connector.lo.get(ucs_object['dn'], ['sambaAcctFlags', 'sambaBadPasswordTime'], required=True)
except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "%s: The UCS object (%s) was not found. The object was removed." % (function_name, ucs_object['dn']))
sambaAcctFlags = ucs_object_attributes.get('sambaAcctFlags', [b''])[0]
if b"L" in sambaAcctFlags:
# currently locked again
sambaBadPasswordTime = ucs_object_attributes.get('sambaBadPasswordTime', [b''])[0]
if sambaBadPasswordTime and sambaBadPasswordTime != b"0":
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.ERROR, "%s: The UCS object (%s) is unlocked, but sambaBadPasswordTime is set." % (function_name, ucs_object['dn']))
# Ok here we have:
# 1. Account currently not locked in OpenLDAP but in Samba/AD
# 2. Lockout state has changed to unlocked at some pickled point in the past
modlist.append((ldap.MOD_REPLACE, "lockoutTime", b"0"))
modlist.append((ldap.MOD_REPLACE, "badPasswordTime", b"0"))
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.PROCESS, "%s: Marking account as unlocked in Samba/AD" % (function_name,))
s4_object_attributes = s4connector.lo_s4.get(object['dn'], ['lockoutTime', 'badPasswordTime'])
lockoutTime = s4_object_attributes.get('lockoutTime', [b'0'])[0]
# Now object.get('new_ucs_object') may be a stale pickled state, so let's lookup the current OpenLDAP object state
# Unfortunately "object" doesn't hold the current OpenLDAP DN, so we need to map back first
ucs_object = s4connector._object_mapping(key, object)
ucs_object_attributes = s4connector.lo.get(ucs_object['dn'], ['sambaAcctFlags', 'sambaBadPasswordTime'], required=True)
except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "%s: The UCS object (%s) was not found. The object was removed." % (function_name, ucs_object['dn']))
sambaAcctFlags = ucs_object_attributes.get('sambaAcctFlags', [b''])[0]
if b"L" not in sambaAcctFlags:
# currently not locked any longer
sambaBadPasswordTime = ucs_object_attributes.get('sambaBadPasswordTime', [b''])[0]
if not sambaBadPasswordTime:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.ERROR, "%s: The UCS object (%s) is locked, but sambaBadPasswordTime is missing." % (function_name, ucs_object['dn']))
if sambaBadPasswordTime == b"0":
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.ERROR, "%s: The UCS object (%s) is locked, but sambaBadPasswordTime is 0." % (function_name, ucs_object['dn']))
if sambaBadPasswordTime == lockoutTime:
# already locked
# Ok here we have:
# 1. Account currently locked in OpenLDAP but not in Samba/AD
# 2. Lockout state has changed to locked at some pickled point in the past
modlist.append((ldap.MOD_REPLACE, "lockoutTime", sambaBadPasswordTime))
modlist.append((ldap.MOD_REPLACE, "badPasswordTime", sambaBadPasswordTime))
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.PROCESS, "%s: Marking account as locked in Samba/AD" % (function_name,))
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "%s: Setting lockoutTime to the value of sambaBadPasswordTime: %s" % (function_name, sambaBadPasswordTime))
if modlist:
ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.ALL, "%s: modlist: %s" % (function_name, modlist))
s4connector.lo_s4.lo.modify_ext_s(object['dn'], modlist)