Source code for univention.s4connector.s4.user

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Univention S4 Connector
#  sid sync
# Copyright 2004-2022 Univention GmbH
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
# (GNU AGPL V3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# Binary versions of this program provided by Univention to you as
# well as other copyrighted, protected or trademarked materials like
# Logos, graphics, fonts, specific documentations and configurations,
# cryptographic keys etc. are subject to a license agreement between
# you and Univention and not subject to the GNU AGPL V3.
# In the case you use this program under the terms of the GNU AGPL V3,
# the program is provided in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
# License with the Debian GNU/Linux or Univention distribution in file
# /usr/share/common-licenses/AGPL-3; if not, see
# <>.

from __future__ import print_function
import base64
import univention.debug2 as ud

map_prefdev = [b'any', b'mhs', b'physical', b'telex', b'teletex', b'g3fax', b'g4fax', b'ia5', b'videotex', b'telephone']

[docs]def prefdev_sync_s4_to_ucs(s4connector, key, s4_object): attr = 'preferredDeliveryMethod' s4_prefdev = s4_object['attributes'].get(attr) if s4_prefdev is None: return ucs_pref = '' for pref in s4_prefdev: try: ucs_pref += map_prefdev[int(pref)].decode('ASCII') + ' $ ' except (IndexError, ValueError): ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "Ignoring invalid value %r of attribute preferredDeliveryMethod. Value must be a number between 0 and 10." % (pref,)) ucs_pref = ucs_pref[:-3] return [ucs_pref.encode('ASCII')]
[docs]def prefdev_sync_ucs_to_s4(s4connector, key, ucs_object): attr = 'preferredDeliveryMethod' ucs_prefdev = ucs_object['attributes'].get(attr) if ucs_prefdev is None: return s4_prefdev = [] try: for pref in ucs_prefdev: int(pref.decode('ASCII')) except ValueError: # map values for pref in ucs_prefdev[0].replace(b' ', b'').split(b'$'): if pref in map_prefdev: s4_prefdev.append(str(map_prefdev.index(pref)).encode('ASCII')) else: # just return the already mapped value return ucs_prefdev return s4_prefdev
[docs]def userCertificate_sync_s4_to_ucs(s4connector, key, s4_object): attr = 'userCertificate' s4_cert = s4_object['attributes'].get(attr) if s4_cert is None: return ucs_cert = base64.b64encode(s4_cert[0]) return [ucs_cert]
[docs]def userCertificate_sync_ucs_to_s4(s4connector, key, ucs_object): attr = 'userCertificate;binary' try: ucs_cert = ucs_object['attributes'][attr][0] except (KeyError, IndexError): return return [ucs_cert]
[docs]def jpegPhoto_sync_s4_to_ucs(s4connector, key, s4_object): attr = 'jpegPhoto' s4_photo = s4_object['attributes'].get(attr) if s4_photo is None: return ucs_photo = [] for photo in s4_photo: ucs_photo.append(base64.b64encode(photo)) return ucs_photo
[docs]def jpegPhoto_sync_ucs_to_s4(s4connector, key, ucs_object): attr = 'jpegPhoto' ucs_photo = ucs_object['attributes'].get(attr) if ucs_photo is None: return return ucs_photo[:]
[docs]def secretary_sync_s4_to_ucs(s4connector, key, s4_object): attr = 'secretary' s4_secretary = s4_object['attributes'].get(attr) if s4_secretary is None: return else: ucs_secretary = [] for s4_dn in s4_secretary: s4_dn = s4_dn.decode('UTF-8') dn_mapped = s4_dn if s4connector._get_dn_by_con(dn_mapped): dn_mapped = s4connector._get_dn_by_con(dn_mapped) dn_mapped = s4connector.dn_mapped_to_base(dn_mapped, s4connector.lo.base) if hasattr(['user'], 'position_mapping'): for mapping in['user'].position_mapping: dn_mapped = s4connector._subtree_replace(dn_mapped, mapping[1], mapping[0]) if dn_mapped == s4_dn: if not (s4connector.lo.base.lower() == dn_mapped[-len(s4connector.lo.base):].lower() and len(s4connector.lo.base) > len(s4connector.lo_s4.base)): dn_mapped = s4connector._subtree_replace(dn_mapped, s4connector.lo_s4.base, s4connector.lo.base) ucs_secretary.append(dn_mapped) # remove multiples ucs_secretary = list(dict.fromkeys(ucs_secretary)) return ucs_secretary
[docs]def secretary_sync_ucs_to_s4(s4connector, key, ucs_object): attr = 'secretary' ucs_secretary = ucs_object['attributes'][attr] if ucs_secretary is None: return else: s4_secretary = [] for ucs_dn in ucs_secretary: ucs_dn = ucs_dn.decode('UTF-8') dn_mapped = ucs_dn if s4connector._get_dn_by_ucs(ucs_dn): dn_mapped = s4connector._get_dn_by_ucs(ucs_dn) dn_mapped = s4connector.dn_mapped_to_base(dn_mapped, s4connector.lo_s4.base) if hasattr(['user'], 'position_mapping'): for mapping in['user'].position_mapping: dn_mapped = s4connector._subtree_replace(dn_mapped, mapping[0], mapping[1]) if dn_mapped == ucs_dn: if not (s4connector.lo_s4.base.lower() == dn_mapped[-len(s4connector.lo_s4.base):].lower() and len(s4connector.lo_s4.base) > len(s4connector.lo.base)): dn_mapped = s4connector._subtree_replace(dn_mapped, s4connector.lo.base, s4connector.lo_s4.base) s4_secretary.append(dn_mapped.encode('UTF-8')) return list(set(s4_secretary))