Source code for univention.testing.conftest

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"""conftest plugin for pytest runner in ucs-test"""

from __future__ import absolute_import

import pytest
from _pytest.config import Config  # noqa: F401
from _pytest.config.argparsing import Parser  # noqa: F401

[docs]def pytest_addoption(parser): # type: (Parser) -> None parser.addoption( "--ucs-test-tags-prohibited", action="append", metavar="TAG", default=[], help="Skip tests with this tag", ) parser.addoption( "--ucs-test-tags-required", action="append", metavar="TAG", default=[], help="Only run tests with this tag", ) parser.addoption( "--ucs-test-tags-ignore", action="append", metavar="TAG", default=[], help="Neither require nor prohibit this tag", ) parser.addoption( "--ucs-test-default-tags", action="append", metavar="TAG", default=[], help="The tags for the entire test case, if the test function does not specify any", ) parser.addoption( "--ucs-test-exposure", choices=('safe', 'careful', 'dangerous'), help="Run more dangerous tests", ) parser.addoption( "--ucs-test-default-exposure", choices=('safe', 'careful', 'dangerous'), help="The exposure of the test", )
[docs]def pytest_configure(config): # type: (Config) -> None config.addinivalue_line("markers", "slow: test case is slow") config.addinivalue_line("markers", "tags(name): tag a test case") config.addinivalue_line("markers", "roles(names): specify roles") config.addinivalue_line("markers", "exposure(exposure): run dangerous tests?")
[docs]def pytest_runtest_setup(item): # type: (pytest.Item) -> None check_tags(item) check_roles(item) check_exposure(item)
[docs]def check_tags(item): # type: (pytest.Item) -> None tags_required = set(item.config.getoption("--ucs-test-tags-required") or []) tags_prohibited = set(item.config.getoption("--ucs-test-tags-prohibited") or []) tags = { tag for mark in item.iter_markers(name="tags") for tag in mark.args } or set(item.config.getoption("--ucs-test-default-tags", [])) prohibited = tags & tags_prohibited if prohibited: pytest.skip('De-selected by tag: %s' % (' '.join(prohibited),)) elif tags_required: required = tags & tags_required if not required: pytest.skip('De-selected by tag: %s' % (' '.join(tags_required),))
[docs]def check_roles(item): # type: (pytest.Item) -> None from univention.config_registry import ucr from import CheckRoles roles_required = { role for mark in item.iter_markers(name="roles") for role in mark.args } roles_prohibited = { role for mark in item.iter_markers(name="roles_not") for role in mark.args } overlap = roles_required & roles_prohibited if overlap: roles = roles_required - roles_prohibited elif roles_required: roles = roles_required else: roles = set(CheckRoles.ROLES) - roles_prohibited if ucr['server/role'] not in roles: pytest.skip('Wrong role: %s not in (%s)' % (ucr['server/role'], ','.join(roles)))
[docs]def check_exposure(item): # type: (pytest.Item) -> None from import CheckExposure required_exposure = item.config.getoption("--ucs-test-exposure") if not required_exposure: return try: exposure = next(mark.args[0] for mark in item.iter_markers(name="exposure")) except StopIteration: exposure = item.config.getoption("--ucs-test-default-exposure", "safe") if CheckExposure.STATES.index(exposure) > CheckExposure.STATES.index(required_exposure): pytest.skip('Too dangerous: %s > %s' % (exposure, required_exposure))