Source code for univention.testing.pytest

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"""pytest runner for ucs-test"""

from __future__ import absolute_import

import os
import argparse

[docs]class PytestRunner(object): options = argparse.Namespace(inside=True)
[docs] @classmethod def extend_command(cls, testcase, cmd): """Add junit and other arguments to pytest""" if getattr(cls.options, 'inside', False): return cmd args = [] if cls.options.dry: args.append('--collect-only') if cls.options.hold: args.append('--exitfirst') if cls.options.format == 'junit': from univention.testing.format.junit import Junit section = os.path.dirname(testcase.uid) args.append('--junit-xml=%s' % (os.path.join(os.getcwd(), Junit().outdir, '%s.xml' % (testcase.uid,)),)) args.append('--junit-prefix=%s' % (section,)) if cls.options.verbose: args.append('-' + 'v' * cls.options.verbose) args.append('--continue-on-collection-errors') # args.append('--strict') # args.append('--showlocals') # args.append('--full-trace') args.append('--tb=native') args.append('--color=auto') args.append('--confcutdir=/usr/share/ucs-test/') args.extend(('-%s' if len(arg) == 1 else '--%s') % (arg,) for arg in cls.options.pytest_arg) try: cmd.remove('--capture=no') except ValueError: pass try: cmd.remove('-s') except ValueError: pass cmd.extend(args) return cmd
[docs] @classmethod def set_arguments(cls, options): """store singleton CLI arguments globally""" cls.options = options
[docs] @classmethod def is_pytest(self, test_case): """indicates that the test case is a pytest test""" return test_case.exe.filename in ('/usr/bin/py.test-3', '/usr/bin/py.test', '/usr/bin/pytest-3', '/usr/bin/pytest', 'pytest', 'pytest-3', 'py.test', 'py.test-3')
[docs] @classmethod def get_argument_group(cls, parser): """The option group for ucs-test-framework""" group = parser.add_argument_group('Additional pytest arguments') group.add_argument('--pytest-arg', action='append', default=[], help='Additional arguments passed to pytest. Skip leading dashs (-).') return group