Source code for univention.testing.ucr

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Wrapper around Univention Configuration Registry that is able to revert
the UCR status after usage. For usage examples look at the end of this

.. warning::
	changes to the ConfigRegistry object will also trigger the evaluation of templates
	and therefore changes in configuration files created by UCR!

.. warning:: The API is currently under development and may change before next UCS release!

from __future__ import print_function

import copy
from types import TracebackType  # noqa: F401
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Type  # noqa: F401

import univention.config_registry
from univention.config_registry import ConfigRegistry

[docs]class UCSTestConfigRegistry(ConfigRegistry): """ Extension to ConfigRegistry to be able to clean up after several changes to UCR variables have been done. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # type: (*Any, **Any) -> None """ initialise object """ ConfigRegistry.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.__original_registry = None # type: Optional[Dict[int, Dict[str, str]]]
[docs] def ucr_update(self, *args): return univention.config_registry.frontend.ucr_update(*args)
[docs] def handler_set(self, *args): return univention.config_registry.handler_set(*args)
[docs] def handler_unset(self, *args): return univention.config_registry.handler_unset(*args)
[docs] def load(self): # type: () -> None """ call load() of superclass and save original registry values """ ConfigRegistry.load(self) if self.__original_registry is None: self.__original_registry = { regtype: copy.deepcopy(dict(reg)) for (regtype, reg) in self._walk() }
[docs] def revert_to_original_registry(self): # type: () -> None """ revert UCR values back to original state """ # load current values again to perform correct comparison self.load() assert self.__original_registry is not None for regtype, option in ( (ConfigRegistry.NORMAL, ''), (ConfigRegistry.LDAP, 'ldap-policy'), (ConfigRegistry.FORCED, 'force'), (ConfigRegistry.SCHEDULE, 'schedule') ): # remove new variables keylist = set(self._registry[regtype]) - set(self.__original_registry[regtype]) if keylist: self.handler_unset(list(keylist), {option: True}) # add/revert existing variables changes = [ '%s=%s' % (key, origval) for key, origval in self.__original_registry[regtype].items() if origval != self._registry[regtype].get(key) ] if changes: self.handler_set(changes, {option: True}) # load new/original values self.load()
def __enter__(self): # type: () -> UCSTestConfigRegistry self.load() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): # type: (Optional[Type[BaseException]], Optional[BaseException], Optional[TracebackType]) -> None self.revert_to_original_registry()
if __name__ == '__main__': import time # Usage variant 1 "the manual way" print('Loading UCR...') ucr = UCSTestConfigRegistry() ucr.load() print('Setting some variables...') ucr.handler_set(['foo/bar=ding/dong']) ucr.handler_set(['repository/online/']) ucr.handler_unset(['server/role']) print('Waiting for 3 seconds...') time.sleep(3) print('Cleanup...') ucr.revert_to_original_registry() # Usage variant 2 "with statement" with UCSTestConfigRegistry() as ucr2: print('Old values...') print(ucr2.get('foo/bar', '<unset>')) print(ucr2.get('repository/online/server', '<unset>')) print(ucr2.get('server/role', '<unset>')) print('Setting some variables...') ucr2.handler_set(['foo/bar=ding/dong']) ucr2.handler_set(['repository/online/']) ucr2.handler_unset(['server/role']) print('Waiting for 3 seconds...') time.sleep(3) print('Cleanup...')