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Base classes for (simplified) UDM modules and objects.
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
import copy
import pprint
from collections import namedtuple
from ldap.filter import filter_format
from six import with_metaclass
from .plugins import Plugin
from .exceptions import NoObject, MultipleObjects
LdapMapping = namedtuple('LdapMapping', ('ldap2udm', 'udm2ldap'))
[docs]class BaseObjectProperties(object):
"""Container for |UDM| properties."""
def __init__(self, udm_obj):
self._udm_obj = udm_obj
def __repr__(self):
return '{}({})'.format(
pprint.pformat({k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if not str(k).startswith('_')}, indent=2)
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
id_self = id(self)
if not memo.get(id_self):
memo[id_self] = {}
for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
if k == '_udm_obj':
memo[id_self][k] = copy.deepcopy(v)
return memo[id_self]
[docs]class BaseObject(object):
Base class for |UDM| object classes.
* Creation of instances is always done through
:py:meth:`BaseModule.new`, :py:meth:`BaseModule.get` or :py:meth:`BaseModule.search`.
* Modify an object::
user.props.firstname = 'Peter'
user.props.lastname = 'Pan'
* Move an object::
user.position = 'cn=users,ou=Company,dc=example,dc=com'
* Delete an object::
After saving a :py:class:`BaseObject`, it is :py:meth:`.reload`\ ed
automatically because UDM hooks and listener modules often add, modify or
remove properties when saving to LDAP. As this involves LDAP, it can be
disabled if the object is not used afterwards and performance is an issue::
user_mod.meta.auto_reload = False
""" # noqa: E101
udm_prop_class = BaseObjectProperties
def __init__(self):
Don't instantiate a :py:class:`BaseObject` directly. Use
:py:meth:`BaseModule.get()`, :py:meth:`BaseModule.new()` or
self.dn = ''
self.props = None
self.options = []
self.policies = []
self.position = ''
self.superordinate = None
self._udm_module = None
def __repr__(self):
return '{}({!r}, {!r})'.format(
self._udm_module.name if self._udm_module else '<not initialized>',
[docs] def reload(self):
Refresh object from LDAP.
:return: self
:rtype: BaseObject
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def save(self):
Save object to LDAP.
:return: self
:rtype: BaseObject
:raises univention.udm.exceptions.MoveError: when a move operation fails
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def delete(self, remove_childs=False):
Remove the object (and optionally its child nodes) from the LDAP database.
:param bool remove_childs: if there are UDM objects below this objects DN, recursively remove
them before removing this object
:return: None
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class BaseModule(with_metaclass(ModuleMeta)):
Base class for UDM module classes. UDM modules are basically UDM object
0. Get module using::
user_mod = UDM.admin/machine/credentials().version(2).get('users/user')
1. Create fresh, not yet saved BaseObject::
new_user = user_mod.new()
2. Load an existing object::
group = group_mod.get('cn=test,cn=groups,dc=example,dc=com')
group = group_mod.get_by_id('Domain Users')
3. Search and load existing objects::
dc_slaves = dc_slave_mod.search(filter_s='cn=s10*')
campus_groups = group_mod.search(base='ou=campus,dc=example,dc=com')
4. Load existing object(s) without ``open()``\ ing them::
user_mod.meta.auto_open = False
user = user_mod.get(dn)
user.props.groups == []
""" # noqa: E101
_udm_object_class = BaseObject
_udm_module_meta_class = BaseModuleMetadata
class Meta:
supported_api_versions = ()
suitable_for = []
def __init__(self, name, connection, api_version):
self.connection = connection
self.name = name
self.meta = self.meta.instance(self, api_version)
def __repr__(self):
return '{}({!r})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.name)
[docs] def new(self, superordinate=None):
Create a new, unsaved :py:class:`BaseObject` object.
:param superordinate: DN or UDM object this one references as its
superordinate (required by some modules)
:type superordinate: str or GenericObject
:return: a new, unsaved BaseObject object
:rtype: BaseObject
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get(self, dn):
Load |UDM| object from |LDAP|.
:param str dn: |DN| of the object to load.
:return: an existing :py:class:`BaseObject` instance.
:rtype: BaseObject
:raises univention.udm.exceptions.NoObject: if no object is found at `dn`
:raises univention.udm.exceptions.WrongObjectType: if the object found at `dn` is not of type :py:attr:`self.name`
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_by_id(self, id):
Load |UDM| object from |LDAP| by searching for its ID.
This is a convenience function around :py:meth:`search()`.
:param str id: ID of the object to load (e.g. username (uid) for users/user,
name (cn) for groups/group etc.)
:return: an existing :py:class:`BaseObject` object.
:rtype: BaseObject
:raises univention.udm.exceptions.NoObject: if no object is found with ID `id`
:raises univention.udm.exceptions.MultipleObjects: if more than one object is found with ID `id`
filter_s = filter_format('{}=%s'.format(self.meta.identifying_property), (id,))
res = list(self.search(filter_s))
if not res:
raise NoObject('No object found for {!r}.'.format(filter_s), module_name=self.name)
elif len(res) > 1:
raise MultipleObjects(
'Searching in module {!r} with identifying_property {!r} (filter: {!r}) returned {} objects.'.format(
self.name, self.meta.identifying_property, filter_s, len(res)), module_name=self.name)
return res[0]
[docs] def search(self, filter_s='', base='', scope='sub', sizelimit=0):
Get all |UDM| objects from |LDAP| that match the given filter.
:param str filter_s: LDAP filter (only object selector like `uid=foo`
required, `objectClasses` will be set by the |UDM| module)
:param str base: |LDAP| search base.
:param str scope: |LDAP| search scope, e.g. `base` or `sub` or `one`.
:param int sizelimit: |LDAP| size limit for searched results.
:return: iterator of :py:class:`BaseObject` objects
:rtype: Iterator(BaseObject)
raise NotImplementedError()